Introduction to Pivot Tables
Series by John from Excel Campus
- John introduces Andy, who needs to create a dashboard for a presentation.
- Andy has a large data set and a list of required reports.
- Aim: Use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to create an interactive dashboard.
- Pivot Tables: Easy to use, no complex formulas or VBA macros required.
- Introduction to an add-in called Pivot Pal.
Video 1: Basics of Building a Pivot Table
Steps to Create a Pivot Table
- Familiarize with Source Data: Exported data from general ledger software containing order details for December (order date, customer info, salesperson, region, shipping info, product info, price, revenue, quantity).
- Ensure Data is in Tabular Format: Headers at the top, no blank columns/rows, no merged cells.
- Insert Pivot Table:
- Go to Insert tab -> Pivot Table
- Excel auto-detects the range if a cell inside the data set is selected.
- Choose to place the pivot table on a new worksheet.
- Pivot Table Fields List: Appears on the right; contains all fields of the data set and areas to drag fields into.
- Drag Salesperson Field to Rows Area: Lists sales reps in rows.
- Add Revenue to Values Area: Calculates sum of revenue for each sales rep.
- Understanding Pivot Table Calculations: Auto-calculates summary (e.g., sum of revenue for each sales rep).
- Sample Standard Report Structure: Sales reps in rows, quarters on top, sum of revenue in the middle, year filter.
Enhancing the Pivot Table
- Format Numbers:
- Right-click any cell in the values area -> Value Field Settings -> Number Format -> Choose Currency -> OK.
- Sort Data:
- Right-click any cell in values area -> Sort -> Largest to Smallest.
- Create Pivot Chart:
- Select any cell in the pivot table -> Analyze/Options tab -> PivotChart -> Choose Bar Chart -> OK.
Cleaning Up Pivot Chart
- Hide Field Buttons: Unnecessary for the dashboard.
- Reverse Order of Sales Reps: Format Axis -> Categories in reverse order.
- Remove Unnecessary Labels and Lines: Delete unnecessary elements (horizontal labels, legends, vertical lines).
- Add Data Labels: Click Plus button -> Data Labels.
- Adjust Bar Width: Right-click a bar -> Format Data Series -> Adjust Gap Width.
- Add Title to Chart: E.g., Sales by Rep for December 2014.
Recap Pivot Table and Chart Features
- Easy summarization and visualization of data.
- Not as intimidating as they may seem.
Additional Tools: Pivot Pal
- Pivot Pal Features:
- Built-in search for fields.
- Quick addition of fields to Pivot Table Areas using buttons or shortcuts.
- Auto-formats values based on source formatting.
- Allows custom formatting options.
Next Video Preview
- Learning more advanced features of pivot tables.
- Exploring different calculation types, adding data, applying filters, and more.
- Encouraging feedback and comments.
- John’s excitement about sharing Pivot Table functionalities with the audience.