school doesn't teach us how to learn it only gives us things to learn and that's incredibly frustrating because you and I are the ones that experience the ramification of this serious problem you see I bet all of you up to this point have just resorted to doing what everyone else around you has done in terms of your coursework and that's go to class half asleep come out of it barely understanding what the teacher just said and definitely not remembering anything that the teacher has just said and then when it comes down to your exams you find yourself cramming for all the days leading up to them growing in frustration in anguish in stress in turmoil feeling this immense pressure on your shoulders and the Pinnacle of these negative emotions is reached the moment you come to the realization that oh my goodness this isn't even revision anymore it's me literally learning the information for the very first time you can see how that's a serious problem right because then what was the point of everything that you've just done up to this point what was the point of even going to class if if you're going to have to teach yourself now anyways you put in all this effort this time this energy throughout that cramming period and none of that even showcases itself in your grades none of it because yeah you might be able to answer the simple definition questions but if you haven't learned the information to the depth necessary to notice the linkages to notice the intricacies the complexities and you get to your inferential questions on your exams those ones that require application of knowledge and synthesis of knowledge you're definitely not going to be able to answer those properly I guarantee it unless you're able to somehow guess on those which is highly unlikely you're not going to be able to do well on those exams so I guess that actually makes sense you're going to get ordinary grades by doing ordinary things but it's not your fault because you haven't been taught how to be extraordinary you haven't been taught how to do it properly and so yay of course you can resort to everything that everyone else is doing but you shouldn't be doing that cuz then you're going to get your grades back you're going to see all that red ink you're going to feel so moralized and you're going to start limiting yourself you're going to start thinking yeah you know what first of all I'm not going to go to class anymore or attendance is required I'm just not going to listen I'm going to do other work in it and then I'm just going to have to teach myself all this material again but it is what it is but obviously I can't do that well in it so I'm just going to decrease my expectations and so then you get stuck in this loophole you start to limit yourself you start to be in this negative cycle and then it becomes even harder when you get into later years in University when you have more harder classes simultaneously and so good luck trying to cram for all of those while learning the information for the very first time without that seriously affecting your mental health and your physical health it's a serious problem and it's not something that you have to go through and I'm sorry I'm so sorry that you've had to do that so far in your life but it can be different it should be different you are powerful beyond measure you have so much potential as a student as someone that wants to go into whatever profession that you want to do you you can do it and you can be amazing at it and you can still have time for a social life you can have time for your passions your hobbies you can do it all I promise you what you need right now is a system a learning system what you need right now is a series of steps ones that have been highly researched to be able to help you perform better so that all you have to do you don't need motivation you don't need inspiration you don't need to have that immense pressure on you that crastination brings about for you to start doing work no you just follow the steps so the purpose is you make use you optimize you extract you are able to make the most out of every learning experience before an exam so when you comes down to those exams you're able to answer all of those questions no matter how difficult it is because you process the information properly my most recent video was about my own Learning System it's done tremendously well and it seems to have helped many of you guys cuz I've gone on countless lives in just the last few days and have answered so many of you guys' DMS asking questions about it as you apply it to your own coursework because the stages themselves are pretty straightforward and simple there's four of them there's your priming there's your inclass notes there's your post class immediate review and there's your revision but each of them have their own layers to it and the more you apply yourself to it you're just naturally going to have questions if it's your first time doing it so actually let me give you a little bit of a recap for those that haven't watched the video again I highly recommend you do because that example that we go through is going to help you tremendously in terms of understanding it not just hearing it but actually visualizing and seeing how this works but in general the priming stage is where we first understand the big picture of the topic before ever having going into our classes why well it's because our brain's ability to deeply understand information and then remember it is greatly enhanced when there are more relevant connections to it so by going into our classes already having this established Foundation all the new details that we learn in class will be able to serve a function in that big picture it will immediately have meaning it will have those linkages to those big picture pieces and it's incredibly helpful for you in terms of again quickly processing it and deeply processing it and then being able to retain it all so in the priming stage there was your diagram number one where your chunk the information into groups and then you're relating them together in a way that's relevant to you and the second part of your primary stage is to do your pre-test questions and this again is to further analyze how the different concepts come together to solve problems and you're not expected to get these questions right you'll get some of them right if you deeply understood previous Concepts and previous topics but here even if you get it wrong you're able to leverage the hypercorrection effect in class and you're more aware of the things that you got wrong and you're able to be more focused focused in your attention and so then you go into your class and so that's stage number two you're in class notes and there's three parts to that there's diagram number two so you're just basically annotating on top of your first diagram you're going and making key observations and you're also creating active recall questions for your review after class and So within those three components of your in-class notes you'll be able to encapsulate all the information in a way that's effective and in a way that will allow you to create those linkages right so that you're able to remember the information and process it and then in the third stage it's that immediate review it's it's for you to go ahead and clean up your inclass notes but majority of that time is spent doing your active recall questions with the main objective here to of course consolidate the information that you do remember and that you're able to get right on your active recall questions but also to identify your weaknesses here right so you can better Target your extensive Revision in stage four better so when you get into your revision which is your final stage you're not going to be utilizing those passive techniques and you're not going to be learning the information for the first time because you've made use of those first three stages to really understand the topic to a really good depth but yeah of course there's going to be certain things that you're weak at at this point and so that's where you're understanding your gaps of knowledge so the first part of this last stage is to optimize your diagram it's to create diagram number three and this is where you're really simplifying and reorganizing the information on the diagram so that you can be a resource for for you where you're able to look at it and immediately understand the logic it portrays and then part two of the final stage is to do your active recall applications now this is the best way to revise right no more passive techniques this is the best way to accurately identify your weaknesses and to consolidate the information in a way that's meaningful right so what you're going to do is first your blurting method and then your fan technique and then the use of practice test so as you've gone through those four stages you'll have found that you've actually learned the information properly and made use of each of the stages in the way that the class has been structured right you've made use of the time before class you've made use of the time during class you've made use for the time after class and you've made use of your revision in a way that's efficient and effective and I really do believe that you should be adopting those four stages and it's actually been such a cool experience in just the last week seeing how much it's helped you guys already I've been getting all these DMS of people taking images of all their four stages in their notebooks and asking me questions about it and it's incredible and people have even taken their first quizzes after and they're like yeah this is working for me like I understand why you're saying all this stuff and I can't wait to apply it for my future classes and my future topics and I'm like phenomenal that's exactly what I wanted you see I'm a biomedical engineering major and when I first got into college I felt all those ramifications that we were just talking about early in this video I didn't know how to learn properly I had some idea from high school research search and my high school mentors but I didn't really have a true understanding of it and it wasn't just that my grades weren't up to my own expectations but it was what I was sacrificing to get those grades I didn't have a social life I didn't have time for my own passions or my own Hobbies I definitely didn't have any time to think about outside projects or businesses that I wanted to start it was just school it was just school it was just school on a daily basis I I wasn't able to do anything on the weekends and I wasn't even getting the grades I wanted to get it was only when I was just sick and tired of this I was just so genuinely upset at the fact that I didn't know how to do it properly that I had done a lot of research during that summer of my freshman year and after having done the research and having spent the 2 three years afterwards really practicing everything that I've learned so it's not enough for you to learn the concepts right it's not enough for you to learn the strategies but you need to tone it you need to further develop it so that it works well for you and I and I did that and as a biomedical engineer you have so many different types of classes right so in the beginning I was having all these General classes that included even English classes right a lot of math classes a whole ton of science classes and so there's a mix of practical there's a mix of procedural there's a mix of conceptual classes that I was taking and as I was developing this Learning System I wanted it to be able to do well in all those types of classes and I found that it did just that after a lot of trial and error and it's because of that learning system that now I find myself about to graduate here in a few months as a Deans student with not just my bachelor's but I've also decided to pursue my Master's at the same time so I'll be graduating with both degrees and I've also concentrated in neuroengineering which I've always wanted to do but I thought it was way too hard for me but I've done exceptionally well in those classes as well and not to mention that I've still had time for all of my fitness Hobbies I've had time for everything that I wanted to do in my social life I've had time to start businesses and be successful in them it's because I've learned that you can make the most out of all those learning experiences within those four stages you're able to optimize them so that you are able to perform well now although the YouTube video about my learning system came out a little over a week ago I've been talking about the learning system within my content on Instagram and on Tik Tok for over a year now and I've seen it have such tremendous impact on you guys but I've also realized that it's not as intuitive for you to apply I've gone through my own trial and error for such a long time and I've gone through the research for such a long time to the point that now it feels very natural to me and as I explain it to you that you understand it but of course there's going to be some difficulties when applying it to your own course load and so I did something about that and I've hinted at it and I've talked to many of you about it behind the scenes because it was such an important passion project for me I wanted to make it easy for you guys to go throughout this learning system having a resource that will become your everyday tool it's something that you can use in every stage that you'll have as this incredible resource for yourself because it consists of cues that you made and I know that some of you already aware of this passion project of mine because to be honest it's really hard to keep under wraps I'm usually transparent with you guys and it means so much to me so yeah might have slipped a few times on lives and I know team that you guys are watching this I apologize I I know that I wasn't supposed to do that but this took me over a year to perfect this took me over several months to adopt into my own course load and to actually use it to make sure that it's everything that I want it to be to make sure that it encapsulates and facilitates every part of the Learning System and that it could be usable by anybody of all knowledge backgrounds I wanted to make sure it was that good and I really do believe that my team and I got this one right I don't think it I know it ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you finally The Learning System this book will change your life this book is meant to be your everyday tool this book is meant to be carried to all of your classes to help you learn all of your topics in a way that's effective and it's efficient this book is meant to be your number one resource whenever you're reviewing past topics the way that it's structured is first introducing to you important learning strategies and then secondly going over how to use use the learning system and then three providing an example of me filling out the learning system and then four a ton of workbook pages for you to fill out your own Learning System so it has prompts it has space allocated for it it has a specific framework for you to follow for each of the four stages so it makes it really simple and that you'll have all of that in one book and then finally it supplements with additional resources for students it's available in three gorgeous colors with a beautiful design by the way that took me forever to do and it just feels amazing in hand it's not too heavy so it's not going to feel like a textbook where you're lugging it around but it's also doesn't feel cheap it it feels like good quality material so that it's not going to get messed up in your bag or anything of that sort trust me I'm very Reckless with my own backpack and it's withstood my own Reckless Behavior so I'm sure that it would be fine for you guys too if you want one and I cannot believe I could finally say this the pre-orders are now but it's only for a very limited time Tuesday November 28th is the final day that we're taking pre-orders and it's only with the pre-orders that you're able to do two things number one guarantee that you'll get one because it's a physical product and we have to have it in stock I have no idea how quickly they're going to sell out and I assume that's pretty fast but also I have no idea if we're ever going to be restocking them and doing this again so this may be a limited thing that we do so you'll guarantee that you get one with the pre-orders and then number two you'll guarantee the cheapest price for Black Friday we are discounting it so again the final day will be this upcoming Tuesday November 28th and for those that follow me on Instagram already know this but there was a lot of requests for me to extend the 40% sale that we had for the guide to academic success and my team was very kind enough to do that for me even at 1:00 a.m. when I requested it so that's continuing on and the guide to academic success is very different from the Learning System The Learning System is a much more scoped down much more narrowed version of the learning component so how to get good grades the guide to academic success is more of a comprehensive look at the whole academic career and then it goes into other pieces of information that will help you stand out outside of the classroom including Career Development stuff in terms of resume writing and interview tips if you're interested in that the 40% off discount code remains for it so now up to this point I hope that you understand what the Learning System is meant for you understand the value of each of the stages and you're able to start applying it to your own course load and if you want a way to facilitate it you can use my learning system book but if you want to just do it yourself and and get a crack at it that's entirely okay too I wish you guys all the very best of luck everything here is meant so that you can maximize your potential you can unlock your potential you can stop limiting yourself and actually be able to get out of life everything that you want from it I really do believe that you can do it and I've made it my life's mission to get you there so until next time please take care and of course I'll see you guys all at the top [Music]