Class 12 Information Technology - Java Programming Fundamentals

Jul 17, 2024

Class 12 Information Technology - Java Programming Fundamentals


  • Java: A high-level programming language used to create various types of computer applications.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Bytecode
    • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    • Platform Independence
  • Important questions can be expected from these topics in board exams.


  • Java Compiler: Translates Java code into bytecode, not directly into machine language code.
  • Java Interpreter/JVM: Translates bytecode into machine code and executes it.
  • Benefits:
    • Bytecode can run on any platform supporting JVM.
    • Ensures platform independence and high portability.

Java Programming Tools

  • Text Editor and Java Compiler: Required to write and compile Java programs.
  • Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment): Combines text editor and compiler for ease; example: NetBeans.
  • NetBeans IDE: Open-source software, free to download; previous videos provide download instructions.

Comments in Java

  • Used to explain code; ignored during compilation.
  • Single-line comments: // comment
  • Multi-line comments: /* comments */


  • Package: A group of related classes sharing data and code.


  • Method: A group of statements to perform a specific task.
  • Main Method: Essential in every Java application; executes first when a program runs.
  • Java Statements: End with a semicolon (;).

System.out.println vs System.out.print

  • println(): Prints text followed by a new line.
  • print(): Prints text on the same line.


  • Variable: A placeholder for data, with value changeable during execution.
  • Declaration: Specify data type and variable name.
  • Primitive Data Types: Eight types (byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean).

Data Types and Their Sizes

  • Integers: byte (1 byte), short (2 bytes), int (4 bytes), long (8 bytes)
  • Floating points: float (4 bytes), double (8 bytes)
  • Character: char (2 bytes)
  • Boolean: boolean (1 bit)

Variable Naming Rules

  • Start with a letter (not a digit).
  • Use alphabets, digits, or underscores (no special characters other than underscore).
  • Variable names should be meaningful.
  • Reserved words and case-sensitive.


  • Arithmetic Operators: + - * / %.
  • Increment/Decrement: ++/--.
  • Relational Operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=.
  • Assignment Operator: =.
  • Logical Operators: && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT).

Conditional Statements

  • if-else statements: Executes code based on a condition; syntax-sensitive.
  • switch statement: Tests a variable against multiple values (cases).
  • while loop: Repeats code as long as a condition is true.
  • do-while loop: Executes code first, then tests the condition.
  • for loop: Iterates a segment of code with initial value, condition, and increment/decrement.


  • Store multiple values of the same type.
  • Defined by specifying the data type, array name, and size.
  • Index starts from 0.

User-Defined Methods

  • Methods with return type, method name, optional parameters, and body.
  • void: Indicates no return value.

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Class: A template for creating objects (instances).
  • Constructor: Special method for initializing objects; shares the name of the class.
  • Access Modifiers: Private, public, default.
  • Package Import: Use import keyword for importing classes from packages.

Wrapper Classes

  • Enclose primitive data types in objects.
  • Example: Integer, Double, etc.
  • Provide methods like parseInt, toString.

Exception Handling

  • Exception: Unexpected events disrupting the normal flow of execution.
  • try-catch block: Handles exceptions; try contains code that might throw an exception, catch handles the exception.
  • Specific use-case: Division by zero.


  • Used for performing multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Created by extending Thread class or implementing Runnable interface.

Important Methods and Examples

  • String Class Methods: charAt, concat, contains, endsWith, length, replace, etc.
  • Arrays Methods: sort, binarySearch (requires sorted array).
  • Assertion: Debugging tool to test assumptions in the code.

Lab Exercises

  • Practice writing different programs; refer to sample papers for additional questions.