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Understanding Alkane Conformation and Stability
Sep 11, 2024
Lecture on Conformation of Alkanes
Introduction to Ethane Structure
Ethane: Two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.
2D structure bond angle appears as 90 degrees.
True 3D structure bond angle for sp3 carbons should be 109.5 degrees.
3D Structure and Conformation
Rotation about carbon-carbon single (sigma) bonds.
Formation of conformers through rotation.
Conformational isomers arise from different spatial arrangements.
Representations of Conformers
Sawhorse Projections
: A linear view of the molecule.
Newman Projections
: Viewed along the axis of the bond of interest.
Front carbon shown at the center of a circle.
Back carbon shown as the outer circle.
Stability of Newman Projections
Least Stable
: Eclipsed conformation.
Most Stable
: Staggered conformation.
Butane Conformers
Extreme Conformers
Staggered conformation
Eclipsed conformation
Dihedral angle influences stability (e.g., 0° for eclipsed).
Anti and Gauche conformations
: Different stability and angles.
Energy Considerations and Torsional Strain
Rotations are not free: electron repulsions prevent close proximity in eclipsed forms.
Torsional Strain
: Repulsion between bonding electrons.
Staggered conformers: free from torsional strain.
Eclipsed conformers: high torsional strain.
Energy Diagrams for Ethane and Butane
: Alternating energy levels between staggered (low energy) and eclipsed (high energy).
: Energy levels affected by eclipsing of methyl groups.
Calculating strain energy for conformers using torsional strain values.
Calculation Example
Strain Energy Calculation
Use given torsional strain values to calculate total strain energy.
Example conformations: methyl-methyl eclipsed (11 kJ/mol), methyl-hydrogen (6 kJ/mol).
Conformation plays a critical role in molecular stability.
Understanding conformational isomerism is essential for predicting molecular behavior and reactivity.
Energy diagrams illustrate stability variations and guide conformational analysis.
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