Lecture Notes Related to Liquid
Introduction to Liquid
- This lecture was given at Sapna College.
- The lesson in the Liquid series; the previous lesson covered the Collection Framework.
- Three main topics of Liquid:
- Creating a record
- Shopping related to algorithms
- Concept of balance
Coding and Career
- There will be various career options in the future that we haven't imagined yet.
- Technology will have a significant impact.
- Practice in coding is necessary.
Linked List
- The linked list is an important data structure.
- It is a list of elements connected to each other.
Operations and Time Complexity
- Insert Operation: Takes O(n) time as elements need to be shifted.
- Search Operation: Takes O(1) time as access can be direct through the index.
Features of Linked List
- Uses non-contiguous memory.
- Links different data.
Internal Structure of Linked List
- Constructs notes.
- Each note contains data and a reference to the next.
- Singly Linked List: Has only the next reference.
- Doubly Linked List: Has both next and previous references.
- Circular Linked List: The last note is connected to the first note.
Writing Code for Linked List
- Four main operations in a linked list:
- Add
- Print
- Delete
- Size Check
Key Points in Coding
- Construction of note class
- Add first and add last operations
- Delete first and delete last operations
- Keeping track of size
Use of Collection Framework
- Simplifying the linked list using Java collection.
- Format of linked list:
- Using add, print, and remove functions.
- Various operations of linked list and their usage are important.
- Solving practice questions is essential for a better understanding of linked lists.
By using these notes, you can gain detailed information about linked lists and improve your coding skills.