hey everyone Joy up here the next couple of modules is all about introducing the PARTA astrology fundamentals to you now I'm going to assume that you're a complete novice like your your knowledge on P astrology is absolutely zero and I'm going to introduce to you all the uh important components into understanding what it is how to get the chart ready and how to recognize the components inside a now bear in mind that The Beginner's Fast Track it's not about making you into a practitioner okay that we have other programs such as the pza academy the core modules that trains you how to read and interpret and use the chart and then we have the design your destiny we have um other programs um like grow with part or part 10x programs that actually talks about application okay but prior to that because I've been doing this for more than two decades now and um I haven't addressed the the beginners for a long time because you know this subject has been around for a long time and I've written so many books sometimes I get carried away thinking that people actually know some of the fundamentals so um I decided to actually create this program this training program to actually get a complete novice uh assuming it is you right now to have a basic understanding of what the chart consists of which components understand the language when we are using this word part what it refers to which area to look at and when you're actually going through the other training programs it becomes more meaningful for you or even if not after this uh couple of modules that I'm going to talk about when you pick up a part book or when I say PARTA I mean Chinese astrology book you know exactly what it's what it's talking about okay so I want to give you that perspective so remember it's just a basic understanding it's about the fundamentals it's not for you to fully interpret everything in the charts okay now let's begin so there are six a areas that I want to cover in the um Coming sessions um the first one is a complete introduction to the system what it is a little bit about the history um who who made up this system who created the system was it based on you know what's the difference between this and Western astrology or other forms of asrology and so forth and then of course you got to learn how to plot the chart now these days especially in this era is very different than when I first started so many decades ago uh because those days everyone plotted by hand okay all the traditional teachers Force the students to okay you got to plot this by hand all right you got to calculate as's a table for you and you got to write every single word these days in the era of Technology with apps and all that people just want to click a button and have the chart ready okay but nevertheless it's good to know some of the fundamentals of having a chart ready let me tell you why because um you also want to know the reasoning behind how a twins chart is plotted CU I think there's a traditional parts that don't really address this um so I want to be able to address address that uh in the U module two in in this uh um fundamental program um and the reason why I can do that is because personally I'm a father of U twins so I know how they are the behavior is different and I can actually see the actual uh how the P actually relates to their characteristics and personality okay and then I want to introduce you the fundamentals of the five elements and the concept of um you know balance yin and yang okay so uh you got to understand five elements on a foundational fundamental level because the entire part it's about these five energy forms that we are born with and how they relate most people think it's just balance it's not about just balancing the elements it's about understanding what they mean and what you can do what are the action steps that are available so that when we come to the proper lessons or when you're reading a more advanced book on partel you know exactly what to do okay but fundamentally everything is just five elements our organs our body our Behavior our emotions our thoughts is all is this Five Element framework okay and then uh I want to introduce you to the stems and branches which are very important because the stems are a a manifestation of the five elements the branches are like the houses that contain those five elements so there are stems and and branches the stems sometimes known as the Stars hides or stays in the branch the branch is like a house okay so you have stems and branches some people call it Heaven and Earth okay so I want to explain to you what it means and the hidden stems are like the people who are inside inside the house so once you understand this the you know the composition of your entire part chart so it's not difficult at all you don't have to memorize any of this stuff you just need to know it in order to begin your journey in PARTA okay and I I deliberately will keep the lessons uh to the point short and I don't want to dwell on too many con behind the scenes Concepts or not that a lot of these can be found in your notes um you only read the notes after I introduce you to the concept okay and after you understand the step and branches and hidden stems then they I will introduce you the concept of seasons and strength of the elements basically I want to see intensity and uh once you understand the intensity of the elements you then can understand the impact each element makes to you in a luck cycle or time frame or period of time generally that allows us to understand what uh what part practitioners do when it comes to so-called predictions able to soal anticipate as a possible outcome or or So-Cal predict the future we can't really predict the future but we can anticipate you know based on the so-called strengths and seasonal elements okay so you want to understand that and of course the um lastly I want to introduce you to the the understanding uh of the branch relationships because you will be hearing terms like a clash or a combination or harm or a punishment and you go what is all this stuff well uh here I will introduce you to that terminology uh what it entails if you see one okay and um basically it it's to allow you so so that you won't be scared when you see one oh I have a clash or opposition in the CH what does it mean I'm going to die no it doesn't mean that I want you know what it what it how to recognize one and then when you come to the proper lesson the proper training uh in part Academy or Design Your Destiny or part 10x in those programs uh it doesn't sound foreign sound doesn't sound like a foreign language to you um uh and the interpretation has multiple levels it depends on perspective I'll tell you that later okay so generally these are this is what I want to cover uh in your fundamentals this is what we call uh the beginners Fast Track once you know all this you're ready to interpret the chart you can easily interpret a chart but you need to have these foundations right first okay so if you're ready read through the introduction uh chapter the the topic in your notes right now and after that then click on the next module I'm going to introduce you to part astrology