Transcript for:
Overview of Key Data Structures

In these first few videos, I want to lay the foundation of some core concepts you will need throughout these video tutorials. Let's get started with the basics. So what is a data structure? one definition that I really like is a data structure is a way of organizing data so that it can be used efficiently. And that's all data structure really is it is a way of organizing data in some fashion so that later on it can be accessed, queried, or perhaps even updated quickly and easily. So why data structures? Why are they important? Well, they are essential ingredients in creating fast and powerful algorithms. Another good reason might be that they help us manage and organize our data in a very natural way. And this last point, is more of my own making. And it's that it makes code cleaner and easier to understand. As a side note, one of the major distinctions that I have noticed from bad mediocre to excellent programmers is that the ones who really excel are the ones who fundamentally understand how and when to use the appropriate data structure for the task they're trying to finish. data structures can make the difference between having an okay product and an outstanding one. It's no wonder that every computer science undergraduate student is required to take a course in data structures. It is strange that before we even begin talking about data structures that we need to talk about the abstraction of data structures. What I'm talking about is the concept of an abstract data type. What is an abstracted type and how does it differ from a data structure? Well, the answer is that an abstract data type is an abstraction of a data structure, which provides only the interface to which that data structure must adhere to. The interface does not give any specific details on how a specific data structure should be implemented, or in what programming language. One particular example I like to give is to suppose that your abstract data type is for a mode of transportation to get from point A to point B. Well, as we both know, there are many modes of transportation to get from one place to another. So which one do you choose? some specific modes of transportation might be walking or biking, perhaps even taking a train and so on, these specific modes of transportation would be analogous to the data structures themselves. We want to get from one place to another through some mode of transportation, that was our abstract data type. How did we do that? Exactly? Well, that is the data structure. Here are some examples of abstract data types on the left, and some possible underlying implementation on the right hand side. As you can see, a list can be implemented in two ways. You can have a dynamic array or a linked list. They both provide ways of adding, removing and indexing elements in the list. Next, we have a queue and the map abstract data types, which themselves can be implemented in a variety of ways. Notice that under the implementation for a queue, I put a stack based queue because yes, you can have a queue, which is implemented using only stacks. This may not be the most efficient way of implementing a queue. But it does work and it is possible. The point here is that the abstract data type only defines how a data structure should behave, and what methods it should have, but not the details surrounding how those methods are implemented. Alright, now that we were done with abstract data types, we need to have a quick look at the wild world of computational complexity, to understand the performance that our data structures are providing. So as programmers, we often find ourselves asking the same two questions over and over and over again. That is, how much time does this algorithm need to finish and also how much space Does this algorithm need for my computation. So, if your program takes a lifetime of the universe to finish, then it's no good. Similarly, if your program runs in constant time, but requires a space equal to the sum of all the bytes of all the files on the internet, internet, your algorithm is also useless. So just standardize a way of talking about how much time and how much space is required for an algorithm to run. theoretical computer scientists have invented big O notation, amongst other things like big theta, big omega, and so on. But we're interested in Big O because it tells us about the worst case. Big O notation only cares about the worst case. So if your algorithm sorts numbers, imagine the input is the worst possible arrangement of numbers for your particular sorting algorithm. Or, as a concrete example, suppose you have an unordered list of unique numbers, and you're searching for the number seven, or the position where seven occurs in your list. And the worst case isn't one seven, that is at the beginning. Or in the middle of the list, it's one seven is the very last element of the list. for that particular example, the time complexity would be linear with respect to the number of elements in the size view list. Because you have to traverse every single element until you find seven. The same concept applies to space, you can just consider the worst possible amount of space your algorithm is going to need for that particular input. There's also the fact that big O really only cares about what happens when your input becomes arbitrarily large. We're not interested in what happens when the input is small. For this reason, you'll see that we ignore things like constants and multiplicative factors. So in our big O notation, you'll often see these coming up. Again, again, again. So to clarify one thing, when I say n, n is usually always want to be the input size coming into your algorithm, there's always going to be some limitation of size n. So constant time referred to as a one wrapped around a big O. If your algorithm case in logarithmic amount of time to finish, we say that's big O of a log event. If it's linear, then we just say n, if it takes like quadratic time or cubic time, then we say that's n raised to that power, it's exponential. Usually, this is going to be something like two to the n three, the N, N number be greater than one to the n. And then we also have n factorial. But we also have things in between these like square root of n log log of n, n to the fifth and so on. Actually, almost any mathematical expression containing n can be wrapped around a big O. And is big O notation valid. Now, we want to talk about some properties of Big O. So to reiterate what we just saw in the last two slides, Big O only really cares about what happens when input becomes really big. So we're not interested when n is small, only what happens when n goes to infinity. So this is how and why we get the first two properties. The first that we can simply remove constant values added to our big O notation. Because if you're adding a constant to infinity, well, let's just infinity, or if you're multiplying a constant by infinity, yeah, that's still infinity. So we can ignore constants. But of course, this is all theoretical. In the real world. If your constant is of size, 2 billion, probably, that's going to have a substantial impact on the running time of your algorithm. However, let us look at a function f, which I've defined over some input size. And if f of n is seven log of n cubed plus 15 n squared plus two n q plus eight. Well, big O of f of n is just n cubed, because n cubed is the biggest, most dominant term in This function. All right, now let's look at some concrete examples of how big O is used. So both of the following run in constant time with respect to the input size, and because they don't depend on n at all. So on the left, when we're just adding or doing some mathematical formula, yes, that's constant time. And on the right, okay, we're doing a loop, but the loop itself doesn't depend on n. So it runs also in a constant amount of time. So as our input size gets arbitrarily large, well, that loop is still going to run in the same amount of time regardless. Now let's look at a linear example. So both the following actually run in linear time with respect to the input size, and because we do a constant amount of work, and times. So on the left, we're incrementing, the counter AI by one each time. So f of n is and, and clearly, when we wrap this in a big go get a big O of n. On the right, a little bit more complicated, we're not incrementing by one, we're incrementing by three, so we're going to finish that loop three times faster. So f of n is n over three. So our second example is two algorithms that run in quadratic time. So the first one seems obvious, we do n work at times. So n times as big O of n squared. But observe the second one, I changed the zero with an eye. So pause the video and try to figure out maybe why that's big O of n squared. Okay, let's go over the solution. So first, just focus on the second loop. The first loop isn't as important. So since I go from zero to n, the amount of looping done is going to be directly related to what AI is, and remember is changing from the outer loop. So if we fix AI to be zero, we do n work. We fix it one, we do n minus one work. If we fix it, too, we do n minus two work and excetera. So the question then becomes what is n plus n minus one plus n minus two plus n minus three and so on? Well, this is a well known identity, and turns out to be n times n plus one divided by two. So if we wrap this in a big O, we split our equation, we can see that this is big O of n squared. Now let's look at perhaps a more complicated example. Earlier, you may have wondering, how do we ever get these log Eurythmics or linear rhythmic time complexities? So here's a classic algorithm of doing a binary search, which yields actually a logarithmic time complexity. So what this algorithm does is it starts by making two pointers, one at the very start in one at the very end of the array, then it selects a midpoint between two and checks if the value we're looking for was found at the midpoint, and then has either found it or not, if it has found it, it stops. Otherwise, it discards one half of the array, and adjusts either the high or the low pointer. remark that even in the worst case, we're still discarding half of the array, each iteration. So very, very quickly, we're going to run out of a range check. So if you do the math, the worst case is you will do exactly log base two of N iterations, meaning that the binary search will runs in logarithmic time. Very cool algorithm, a very powerful algorithm. Here's a slightly different example worth going over. So first, notice that there is an outer loop with a counter I that does and work, then notice that there are two inner loops, one that does three n work another one that does, too, one work. So the rule we use to determine the complexity of this algorithm is to multiply loops on different levels and add those that aren't the same, generally speaking. So, so using the rule above, we can see that it takes n work to do the outer loop, multiply by three n plus two n for both inner loop Which gives us five n squared, which is big O of n squared. All right, so this next one looks very similar, but it's actually quite different. So on the outer loop with AI, we have AI going from zero to three n. So there's three n work done on the outside. But we have to multiply that but what's going on on the inside, so the inside j goes from 10, to 50. So that does 40 loops exactly every loop. So that's a constant for the amount of work. Plus however, the second loop, so j is less than and cubed, but j is J equals j plus two, so it's accelerated a little, so we're going to finish that loop a little faster. So we're gonna get on the inside 14, plus n cubed divided by two, but we have to multiply that by three n. So we wrap that in a big O. So big O of f of n, is going to give us big of enter the force, because And the fourth is the dominant term in our function, f of n. For some other classic examples of Big O. So if we have to find all the subsets of a set, that takes an exponential amount of time, because there are two the N subsets, finding all permutations of a string takes big O of n factorial. Another classic one is merge sort. So we have n times log in for your merge sort. And if we have to iterate over all the cells of an array of size n by n, we have big O of n m. Time. All right, let's talk about arrays, probably the most used data structure. This is part one of two in the array videos. The reason the array is used so much is because it forms a fundamental building block for all other data structures. So we end up seeing everywhere. with arrays and pointers alone, I'm pretty sure we can construct just about any data structure. So an outline for today's video. First, we're going to begin by having a discussion about arrays and answer some fundamental questions such as what where and how are arrays used? Next, I will explain the basic structure of an array and the common operations we are able to perform on them. Lastly, we will go over some complexity complexity analysis and look at some source code on how to construct a dynamic array using only static arrays, discussion and examples. So what is a static array? So static array is a fixed length container containing elements, which are indexable, usually on the range of zero, inclusive to n minus one also inclusive. So a follow up question is what is meant by being indexable? So answer this is this means that each slot or index in the array can be referenced with a number. Furthermore, I would like to add that static arrays are given as contiguous chunks of memory. Meaning that your chunk of memory doesn't look like a piece of Swiss cheese with a bunch of holes and gaps. It's continuous, all the addresses are adjacent in your static array. Okay, so when and where is a static array used? Well, they're used everywhere, absolutely everywhere. It's hard to make a program that doesn't use them. In fact, here are a few places you may or may not know that do use arrays. So of course, the first simple example is to temporarily store objects most common use of arrays that you're probably familiar with. Next is that we use arrays as buffers to store information from an input or an output stream. Suppose you have a really large file, for instance, that you need to process but that file is so big, it doesn't fit in all in memory. So we use a buffer to read small chunks of the file into The buffer or the array, one at a time. And so eventually we're able to read the entire file. I also like to use arrays as lookup tables because of their indexing property. So this is a really easy way to retrieve data from the lookup table if you know where everything is at supposed to be and at what offset. Next, we also use arrays as a workaround in a programming language that only allows one return value. So the hack we use then is to return a pointer or a reference to an array, which then contains all the return values that we want. This last example is a bit more advanced, but arrays are heavily used the programming technique called dynamic programming, with tabulation to cache already computed subproblems. So a classic example of this might be the knapsack problem, or the coin change problem. All right, I'm talking about some complexity. So the access time for static array and a dynamic array is constant because of a property that arrays are indexable. Searching, however, it can take up to the linear time because we potentially have to traverse all the elements in the array in the worst case, such as if the element you're looking for does not exist. Inserting appending. And deletion from a static array doesn't really make sense. The static array is a fixed size container, it cannot grow larger or smaller. When inserting with a dynamic array, this operation can cost up linear time, because you potentially have to shift all the elements to the right, and recopy all the elements into the new static array. This is assuming we're implementing a dynamic array using static arrays. However, appending though, is constant, Doesn't that seem a little strange? Well, when we append elements to a dynamic array, we have to resize the internal static array containing all those elements. But this happens so rarely, that appending becomes constant time. deletions are linear, for the same reasons that insertions are linear, you have to shift all of the elements over and re potentially recopy everything into your static array. Okay, so we have a static array A I've defined at the top. So a contains the values 4412 minus 517 6039 100. Currently, all the elements are distinct, but this is not a requirement of an array. Also remark that the very first element 44 has index position zero in the array, not one. This confuses many, many intro computer science students, you have no idea. The confusing part is that most, if not all, mathematics is one base to work computer science is one. Now, if we look at a you can see that it contains the values 4412 minus 517 6039, and 100. Currently, all the elements are distinct. However, this is not at all a requirement of the array. Also remark that the very first element 44 is indexed, or positioned at index of zero in the array, not one, zero. This confuses a lot of intro computer science students. The confusing part is that most if not all, mathematics is one based while computer science is zero based. This is what causes the confusion. But Worst of all, is quantum computing. I did research one summer in quantum computing during my undergrad, and the field is a mess. It tries to please mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists all at the same time. And indexing just doesn't work well. Anyways, back to arrays. I should also note that elements can be iterated over using a for each loop something that's offered in some programming languages. It doesn't require you to explicitly reference the indices of your array. Although the indexing is done internally, behind the scenes, the notation of the square brackets denotes indexing. So array A square bracket zero, close square bracket is equal to 44, meaning a at position zero is equal to the value 44. Similarly, a position one is 12, a, four, six and seven is nine. But a index nine is out of bounds. And our program will throw an exception. Unless you're in C, it doesn't always throw an exception, unfortunately, okay. Now if we assign positions zero to B minus one that happens if we assign index five B to and if we assign index x to be 25, let's look at operations on dynamic arrays. So dynamic arrays can grow and shrink in size as needed. So the dynamic array can do all similar get set operation static arrays can do but unlike the static array, it grows inside as dynamically as needed. So if we have a containing 34, and four, there, if we add minus seven, it gets appended to the end. If we add 34, again, then it will add it to the end. And we can also remove elements. So you see here, our dynamic array shrink in size. Pretty cool, right? Okay, so we already talked about this a little bit. But how do we formally implement a dynamic array? Well, the answer is typically this is done with a static array. But this is not the only way, of course. So first, we create a stack if you're a with some initial capacity, usually nine zero. So as we add elements, we add elements to the underlying static array, keeping track of the number of elements added. Once, we have to add an element with exceeds the capacity of our internal static array, what we can do it again, double the size, copy all the elements into this new static array, and add the new element we need to add, let's see an example. So suppose we create a dynamic array with an initial capacity of two, then we begin adding elements to it. So the little circle with the slash through it is a placeholder for an empty position. Okay, so we add seven, everything's fine, we are nine, everything's fine. But once we add three, it doesn't fit in our internal static array. So we doubled the size of the array, copy all the elements in, and now we can add three. Now, if we add 12, everything's still okay, we're doing good. And if we add five, okay, we have to do a resize again. So double the size of the container, copy all the LLM elements into this new, larger array, and then finish off by adding five. And similarly, we can add six without any issues. All right, time to look at the dynamic array source code. This is part two of two in the array series. So the source code for this video can be found at the following link, slash my username slash data dash structures. Also make sure you saw the last video so you know what's going on with this array implementation. Alright, here we are in the array class. So I've designed an array class to support generics of type T. So whatever type of data we want put in this array, that's fine. So here are three instance variables that we care about our, which is our internal static array. Len, which is the length the user thinks the array is. And capacity is the length of the actual array, because sometimes our array might have more free slots. And we don't want to tell the user that there's extra free slots that are available. That's just our internal knowledge. So there's two constructors. The first one will initialize the array to be of size 16. The other one you give it a capacity, the capacity of course, has to be greater than or equal to zero. And then we finish Why's our array and cast it to a type T also noticed I put this suppress warnings and unchecked just because of annoying generics in Java. So here are two simple methods size, get the size of the array and check if the array is empty, pretty self explanatory. Similarly forget inset, we just index into the array if we want the value or set it if we want to set the value, technically, I shouldn't be doing a bounds check for both of these, but I'm not apparently. Okay, clear. So here, we just remove all the data in our array and reset the length. Simple. This next one is the Add method where things actually get a little bit more complicated. So this condition says, Hey, if the length plus one is greater than or equal to the capacity, then it's time to resize my right. The way I'm resizing is I'm doubling the size of the static array. You don't have to double the size, but I've decided that doubling the size is convenient. So when I double the size, I have to create a new array with the new capacity. copy everything in this is what this line or these lines are doing, it's copying the old values back into this new array, and then it sets the old array to be the new array. And lastly, here, we just copy the new value into our right. So this remove AZ method will remove a particular value at a given index. First, we check if the index is valid. If it's not through index out of bounds exception, otherwise, grab the data at the Remove index. initialize a new array of size length minus one. Now copy everything into the new array, except for when it's at that remove index. Now I'm sure there's easier ways to do this. But I decided to do the following maintain two indices i and j. increment i and j as you go. But when i is equal to the Remove index, then we skip over the Remove index by fixing j temporarily and using j to lag behind, if you will while is still in the original array. So I guess pretty clever overall. And then set the array to be the new array we just generated. Reset the capacity and return the data we have just removed. So this next one remove, we scan through the array. If we find the object we're looking for, remove it at the index and return true otherwise return false. Index of is very similar. If you find it return I otherwise return minus one. Contains just checks if index of is not equal to minus one. All right, this next one, I return an iterator for the array. So an iterator allows us to iterate over the array providing an abstraction for it. So I need to override two methods. And this is has next. So there exists an x element in our array, if the index is less than the length of the array. I should also be checking for concurrent modification here, just in case someone decides to change the array for some reason why we're modifying it might add that later might not. Also, there's the next method, which just returns the next element in the array relative to the iterator. Okay, and lastly is the to string to get a string representation of this array. Nothing too complicated. Alright, so this is a very simple data structure. It's just a dynamic array. If you look at Java's ArrayList It looks very Very similar to this. Today we're going to talk about singly and doubly linked lists one of the most useful data structures out there. This is part one of two and the second part we will be looking at some source code on how to implement a doubly linked list. So for today's outline, in the first section, we're going to answer some basic questions concerning singly and doubly linked lists, namely, what are they and where are they used. Next, we'll cover some terminology concerning linked lists, so everyone knows what I mean when I say the head of linked lists versus the tail of the weight class. Then last in the discussion, we'll talk about the pros and cons of using singly and doubly linked lists, then how to insert and remove elements from both singly and doubly linked lists as well as some source code. So stay tuned. Alright, discussion. So what is the link list linked lists is a sequential list of nodes that hold data which point to other nodes also containing data. So below is an example of a singly linked list containing some arbitrary data. Notice that every node has a pointer to the next node. Also notice that the last node points to no meaning that there are no more nodes at this point. The last node always has a null reference to the next note, for simplicity, I will omit this in the following slides. Okay, so where are linked lists use. One of the places they get used the most is actually in the abstract data type implementation of lists, stacks and queues because of their great time complexity for adding and removing elements. You also see linked lists and things like circular lists, making the pointer of the last node points the first node. So circular linked lists are used to model repeating events cycles, maybe like having a round robin ordering on a bunch of elements or representing corners with polygon. So definitely allow use as they're linked lists can also be used to model real world objects such as a line of train carts that could be useful. And moving on some more advanced examples. We also heavily use linked lists and hash table separate chaining, and for adjacency, lists and graph so we'll get to those in a later video. Okay, a bit of terminology surrounding link lists. First thing you need to know when creating a linked list is that we always maintain a reference to the head of the link lists. This is because we need somewhere to start when traversing our list. We give a name to the last element of the linked list. Also this is called a tail of the list. Then there are also the nodes themselves, which contain pointers. pointers are also sometimes called references. And these pointers always point the next node. You should also know that the nodes themselves are usually represented as structs, or classes when actually implemented. We'll get to this when we look at the source code. Okay, singly versus doubly linked lists, sort of concerning the kinds of linked lists that there are there are two types, singly linked and doubly length. singly linked lists only contain a pointer to the next node, while doubly linked lists not only contain a pointer, the next node, but also to the previous node, which makes it quite useful sometimes. This is not to say we cannot have triple or quadruple the length lists, I just wouldn't know where to place additional pointers, pros and cons of doubly linked lists. So there are trade offs. Between picking a singly and a doubly linked list. What are they? If we look at the singly linked lists we observed that uses less memory. Why? Well, pointers to nose can actually take up a lot of memory. If you're running on a 64 bit machine references use eight bytes on a 32 bit machine four bytes each. So having a singly linked list means you only need one pointer for each node, hence, twice as much memory is saved. a downside however, is that you cannot access previous elements because you don't have access to them. You would need to traverse from the head of a linked lists all the way up to the previous node defined it. Now concerning doubly linked lists with a grid Pro is that having access to the tail we can easily traverse the list backwards, something we can't do with a singly linked list. Also having a reference to know Do you want to remove, you can remove it in constant time and patch the hole you just created. Because you have again access to both the previous and an ex notes, this is something you cannot do with a singly linked list, you would leave the list severed into a downside however, to the doubly linked list is it does use twice as much memory. Okay, let's go into some implementation details on how we can create linked lists and remove elements from linked lists. Starting with a singly linked list. So here is a singly linked list. I've outlined where the head and the tail is. Now we want to insert 11. At the third position where seven is currently, let's walk through an example. So the first thing we do is we create a new pointer which points to the head. This is almost always the first step in all linkless operations. Now what we're going to do is seek up to but not including the node we want to remove. So if we seek ahead, and we advanced our traverser pointers, setting it equal to fives next node, which is now 23. And now we're actually ready already where we need to be to insert the next node. So we create the next node, that's the green node 11. And we make 11 elevens. Next pointer, point to seven. And the next steps that change 23 is next pointer to be 11. Remember, we have access to 23 is next pointer, because we have a reference to it with the traverser. Okay, and now we flatten out the list, we can see that we've correctly inserted 11 at the right position. And we're done. Okay, all right time to insert with a doubly linked list. This is much trickier because of all the pointers flying around. But it's the exact same concept. Notice that the dump doubly linked list not only has pointers to the next node, but also to the previous node, we also have to change those in the insertion phase. Okay, create a traversal pointer, which points to where the head is, and advance it until you are just before the insertion position. So we advanced the traversal by one and now we're just before the node so we start traversing let's create the new node which is node 11. Point elevens, next pointer to equal seven. Also point leptons previous pointer to be 23. Which we have a handle on because of the traverser. How we make sevens previous pointer equal to 11. So we can go backwards from seven to 11. And the last step, make 20 threes next pointer equal to 11. This is so that we can go forwards from 23 to 11. So in total remarked that we changed exactly four pointers. So we've flattened out the list, you can see that 11 has been inserted in the correct position. All right now how to remove elements from a singly linked list. So suppose we want to remove the node with a value nine. How do we do this? Well, the trick we're going to use is not to use one pointer but two, you can use one but for visual effects, it's easier to show you how it is done by using two. So we create pointers, travel one and track two for traverser one in Traverse e two respectively. So traverser one points to the head, traverse or two points to the heads. next node. Now we're going to do is advanced traffic to until we find the node we want to remove while also advancing draft one. Okay, we have found node nine. So this is the stopping point. I'm going to create another pointer to the node we wish to remove so we can deallocate its memory later. Okay, so now I had to have advanced traffic to to the next node Note nine has turned red. I've done this to indicate that this will that at this point, node nine is ready to be removed. I'm just keeping it around for the visual effect. Okay, so now set trav once next pointer to be equal to trap two. And now is an appropriate time to remove the temporary pointer because doing nothing with it and their temp has been deallocated. Make sure you always clean up your memory to avoid memory leaks. This is especially important in C and c++ and other programming languages where you manage your memory. Now you can see that nine is gone, and our singly linked list is shorter. Okay, now for the last bit of implementation, let's look at how to remove nodes from a doubly linked list, which is actually easier in my opinion to removing from singly linked lists. The idea is the same, we seek up to the node we wish to remove. But this time, we only need one pointer. I mean one traverse or pointer. Because each node is singly linked list has a reference to the last node, so we don't need to manually maintain it like we did with the singly linked list. So let's start travel at the very beginning and seek until we hit nine. Okay, we have reached nine. And we want to remove it from the list. To do this set for us pointer to be equal to 15 with access to four and 15 because they are traves, previous and next pointer respectively. Similarly set 15 previous pointer to equal four. Notice that drive is now read, meaning it is ready to be removed. So we get rid of travel. And now if we flatten out the doubly linked lists, we see that it no longer contains nine. Let's do a bit of complexity analysis on linked lists how good actually are linked lists. On the left column, we have singly linked lists. And on the right doubly linked lists. The complexity for searching in a linked list is linear in the worst case, because if the element we're looking for is not there, we have to traverse all of the n elements. inserting it the head, though, is constant time, because we always maintain a pointer to the head for a length list, and hence we can add it in constant time. Similarly for the tail. To remove the head of a singly linked lists, and a doubly linked list is also constant time. Again, because we have a reference to it, so we can just move it at and advanced the head by one. However, removing from the tail is another story. It takes linear time to remove elements from a singly linked list. Can you think of Why? Well, even if we do have a reference to the tail in a singly linked lists, we can remove it but only once. Because we can't reset the value of what the tail is. So we had to seek to the end of the list and find out what the new tail is equal to. W linked list however, do not have this problem, since they have a pointer to the previous node. So we can continually remove nodes from the tail. And finally, removing somewhere in the middle is also linear time because in the worst case, we would need to seek through n minus one elements, which is linear. Alright, time to look at some double e linked list source code. This is part two of two in the linked list series. So the link for the source code can be found on GitHub and slash Williams he's a slash data dash structures. Please start this repository if you find the source code helpful so that others may also find it. And also make sure you watch the first part of the linkless series before continuing. Here we are in the source code. We're looking at the implementation of a doubly linked list in Java. So first, notice that I have declared a Few instance variables. So we are keeping track of the size of the link list, as well as what the head and the tail currently are. To begin with the head and the tail are no meaning link list is empty. Furthermore, we will be using this internal node class quite excessively, because it contains the data for our nodes. And it also contains the previous and next pointers for each node since this is a doubly linked list. So we have one constructor for the node, namely the data and the previous and the next pointers themselves, we need both otherwise, we can't do much. So his first method I have declared here is to clear the list, it does so in linear time by going through all the elements and deallocating them last time deallocates them by setting them equal to No. So we started to reverse or at the head, we loop while the traverser is likely to no meaning there are still elements less and then we do our deallocation business. And at the end, we set the size equal to zero and reset the head and tail. Perfect. These size and empty methods are pretty self explanatory, get the size and check if the size of our linked list is empty. Okay, so here I have a public method to add an element by default, we're going to append to the end of the linked list or at the tail. But I also support adding to the beginning of the linked list. So how do we do this, if this is the first element, make a list is empty, then we set the head and the tail to be equal to the new node, which has, you can see here both previous and next pointers set to No. Otherwise, if the list is not empty, then we say the heads previous pointer is equal to this new node. And then we set the head, the head pointer to be whatever hands previous is. So we backup the pointer in a sense. And we also don't forget to increment the size. A very similar thing is done when we want to add to the tail length list, except we're moving the tail pointer around. OK, let's move to peak. So peaking is just looking at either the element at the beginning of the linked list or at the end of the linked list. And we throw a runtime exception if the list is empty, because doesn't make sense to peek an empty list. Okay, now we get to the first more complex method, which is remove first. So this is if we want to remove the head of the linked list. So we can't do much if the list is empty. Otherwise, we'd get the data, we extract the data at the head, and then move the head pointer forward, we decrease the size by one. So if the list is empty, we set the tail to be known as well. So both the head and the tail are now No. Otherwise, we deallocate the memory of the previous node that we just removed. This is especially important if you're in C or c++, make sure to free or delete pointers, then at the end, we return the data. Very similar thing is done for last except we're using the tail this time to remove from the tail the linked list and not the head. Okay, and here's a generic method to remove an arbitrary node remark that I set this to private because the node class itself is private so the user shouldn't have access to the node. That's just something we're using internally inside the linked list data structure to manage the list. So if the node that we're removing is either at the head or the tail, detect that and call our methods either remove first or remove last. Otherwise, we know we're somewhere in the middle of linked list. And if we are we make the pointers adjacent to the to our current node equal to each other. So we're effectively skipping over the current node and And of course, don't forget to clean up your memory and return the data. So we have to temporarily store the data. Of course, before we delete the node, otherwise, we've deleted the node and the data is already gone. Now, suppose we want to remove a node of a particular index and our linked list. Yes, we can do this. Even though our nodes are not explicitly indexed, we can pretend that they are. So first check that the index is valid, otherwise throw an illegal argument exception. So here, we are trying to be a bit smarter than just naively going through a linked list either when we start searching from the front of the linked list to find our index or from the back depending on if the index is closer to the front or to the back, although this method remains linear. So for the Remove method, we want to be able to remove an arbitrary value from my linked list, which is object. So we're going to also support searching for null values in case someone decided that the value of the node should be no, that's fine. So we checked that special case. Otherwise, we traverse through the length list until we find a null element and then remove that node and return true we return true if we actually found the element we want to remove. Otherwise, we return false down here. In this else statement, we search for the element we want to remove, we use the dot equals method to check if we found the element. If so, remove that node and return true. Okay, here we have a related method which is index of. So this is not remove at an index, or remove value, but get whatever index this object is at. Again, sports searching for null. So even if our values No, we'll just return the first place we find no element. So again, first link list. Otherwise, search for a non null element and also increment the index as we go. We can use the index of four our method contains to check if an element is contained within a linked list because we return minus one if the element is not found. Something that's useful sometimes is to have an iterator for the link list. This is also trivial to implement, just start a pointer, traverse at the head and traverse until you reach the end. Notice I'm not checking for concurrent modification error, but if you want to, it's pretty easy to do that. And lastly, at the very bottom, we have to the to string method to print a string or to get rather a string representation of our linked list. May I begin by saying that the stack is a remarkable, absolutely remarkable data structure, one of my favorites. In fact, this is part one of three in the stack videos. Part Two will consist of looking at a stack implementation, and part three will be some source code for how a stack is implemented using a linked list. So here are the topics that we'll be covering in this video as well as the others. First we will answer the question about what is a stack and where is it used? Then we will see some really really cool examples of how to solve problems using stacks. Afterwards, we will briefly look at how stacks are implemented internally and the time complexity associated the stacks operation. And lastly, of course, some source code. Moving on to the discussion about stacks. So what is a stack? A stack is a one ended linear data structure which models the real world stack by having two primary operations, namely, push and pop. Below you can see an image of a stack I have constructed. There is one data member again popped off the top of the stack and another data member getting added to the stack. Notice that there is a top pointer pointing to the block at the top The stack. This is because elements in a stack always get removed and added to the top of the pile. This behavior is commonly known as LIF o, or last in first out. Let's look at a more detailed example on how a stack works and how things are added and removed from a stack. So let's walk through an example on the left side, I have some instructions on what we need to add and remove to the stack. So the first operation is a pop. So we remove the top element from the stack, which is Apple. So boom, Apple is gone. Now we push onion onto the stack. So we add onion to the top of the stack. Next x instruction says to push celery onto the stack. Next is watermelon, which we put on top of the stack. Next operation says to pop so we remove the element at the top of the stack. This is the watermelon we just added. The next operation also a pop. So we removed from the top of the stack. This is celery. And last operation push lettuce onto the stack. So we add lettuce on the very top of the stack. So as you can see, everything operates on the top of the stack, we don't have access to anything else but the top of the stack. This is critical in our understanding of how a stack works. So when in Where is a stack used, stacks are surprisingly used absolutely everywhere. They're using text editors to enter tags you've written in browsers to navigate backwards or forwards. They use some compilers to make sure you have the correct number of matching braces, and in the right order. stacks are used to model real world stacks such as books, plates, and even games like the Tower of Hanoi, which we'll get to shortly. stacks are also used behind the scenes to support recursion by keeping track of previous function calls. When a function returns it pops the current stack frame off the stack and rewinds to the next function that is on stack. It's rather remarkable that we use stacks all the time in programming and never even notice it. Something else you can use stacks for us to perform a depth first search on a graph. A depth first search can be done manually by maintaining your own stack, or by using recursion. Well guess what both use stacks as we have just discussed complexity analysis. So the following complexity table assumes that you implemented a stack using a linked list. Pushing takes constant time because we have a reference at the top of the stack at all times. Well the same argument goes for popping and peeking. Searching however, still takes linear time, the element we're searching for isn't necessarily at the top of the stack. So we may need to scan all the elements in the stack, hence require a linear amount of work. Now here's the cool example of a problem using stacks problem. So given a string made up of the following brackets, round brackets square brackets curly brackets determine whether the brackets properly match. So analyzing examples below to understand what type of bracket sequences valid and which ones are invalid. So before I show you the solution, try and come up with a solution yourself. Hint use a stack Okay, in this first example, consider the following bracket sequence. As we are processing the string from left to right, I will be displaying the current bracket and the associated reversed bracket. So let's begin. For every left bracket we encounter we simply push those on the stack. So this is the left square bracket that I have highlighted in light blue. So we push this one on the stack. Same goes for the next left square bracket and for this left curly bracket Okay, this is a right square bracket. So we encountered a right square bracket. We need to do two checks. First we check if the stack is empty. If so the bracket sequence is invalid. But if there are still things in the stack that we pop the top element and check if its value is equal to the reversed current bracket. Right now the top element is equal to the reversed bracket. So we are good. Next is a right square bracket again. So is the stack empty. No, it isn't. So we're good. Is the top element of the stack equal to the reversed bracket? Yes, it is. So let's keep going around a left bracket. Let's push it onto the stack. A right bracket. Is the stack empty? No. Okay, so we're good. Is the top element of the stack equal to the reverse bracket? Yes. Okay. So we're good. And other right bracket? Is the stack empty? No. Okay, good. And there's the top element of the stack equal to the reverse bracket. Yes. Okay, good. And now we're done processing the string, we need to make sure the stack is empty. Now. Why is that? Well, in case the last few characters and the bracket sequence were left brackets, they would still be in the stack, right? But our stack is empty. So we can conclude that this bracket sequence is indeed valid. All right, let's do another example with another bracket sequence. So trying to work this one out. So the first bracket is a left bracket, so we push onto the stack. The second bracket is also a left bracket. So we push onto the stack. This next bracket is a right bracket. So let's check if the stack is empty. No, it's good. And is the top element of the stack equal to the reverse bracket? Yes, it is. This next bracket is a right bracket. Is the stack empty? No. So we're good. And is the reverse bracket equal to the bracket at the top of the stack? No, it isn't. So this bracket sequence is invalid. So here's the pseudocode of the algorithm we just ran through. So if we let us be a stack, and for every bracket in our bracket string, we can get the reverse bracket for that current bracket easily. So if our bracket is a left bracket, push it on to the stack. Otherwise, we check if the stack is empty. And if the element at the top of the stack is not equal to the reversed. If either of those conditions are true, then we return false otherwise, we return whether the stack is empty or not. And if it is empty, then we have a valid bracket sequence otherwise we do not. I want to take a moment and look at the Tower of Hanoi, a very popular game amongst mathematicians and computer scientists. To see how it relates with stacks. The game is played as follows. You start with a pile of discs on the first peg on the left. And the objective of the game is to move all the disks to the right most this pile, and each move, you can move the top desk of a pile to any other pile with a restriction that no disk be placed on top of a smaller desk. So we can think of each peg as a stack, because we're always moving the top element in a peg and placing it on another peg. So shall we play, I will let the animation run. And you will see how each peg acts like a stack. It's pretty cool. So you just saw how transferring elements from one page to another is exactly the same as popping a disk from one stack and pushing that same disk onto another stack, given that the disk you're placing on top is smaller. So that's really cool. Welcome to part two of three in the stack series. This is going to be a short video on one way to implement a stack. So those stacks are often implemented as either arrays singly linked lists or even sometimes double linked lists here We'll cover how to push nodes onto a stack with a singly linked list. Later on, and we will look at the source code, which is actually written using a doubly linked list. Okay, to begin with, we need somewhere to start to be in our link place, so we're going to point the head to a null note. This means that the stack is initially empty. Then the trick to creating a stack using a singly linked list is to insert the new elements before the head and not at the tail of the list. This way, we have pointers pointing in the correct direction when we need to pop elements off of the stack. As we will soon see, the next element however, we need to push onto the stack is a two. So let's do that. To create a new node, adjust the head pointer to be the newest node and then hook on the nodes next pointer to where the head was before. And we use the same idea for five and also 13. Now let's have a look at popping elements. This isn't too hard either, just move the head pointer to the next node and deallocate the last note. So here we pop the first node off the stack and set the nodes reference to be null. So they will be picked up by the garbage collector if you're coding in Java. And it will since there are no other references pointing to it. If you're in another programming language that requires you to explicitly deallocate free memory yourself like C or c++, now is the time to do that. Or you will get memory leaks. Getting a memory leak in a data structure is one of the worst kinds of memory leaks, especially if it's a custom data structure that you intend on reusing. So keep watching out for that not only in this video, but in all the data structures that we will be covering. If you see in an implementation and not correctly cleaning up my memory, please please point out to me, or send a pull request to the GitHub repository so we can patch that. Okay, so we keep proceeding by removing the head and bouncing the head pointer down to the next node. Pop again, and pop again. There we go. We've stopped popping we've reached last note and the stack is now empty. Welcome to part three of three in the stack series videos. Today we'll be looking at some source code for a very simple stack. So the source code can be found on slash William fiza slash data dash structures. Make sure you understood part one and two of the stack series before continuing. So you actually know how we implement a stack using a linked list. Also, if you like this video series, and the implementation of the stack data structure I'm about to present to you then please start this repository on GitHub so that others can have an easier time finding it as well. Here we are in the stack source code the senate implementation in the Java programming language. So the first thing you may notice is here I have an instance variable of a length list. This is the linked list provided by Java. In fact, it's a doubly linked list provided by Java. This is a little lengthy list they provide in their package Java dot util that I will be using today, instead of the one that I created, and the link list videos, this is just for portability, in case you want to use this stack for whatever reason. So we have two constructors, we can create an empty stack, or we can create a stack with one initial element. This is occasionally useful. First method we can get the size of the stack. So to get to do that, we return the size of the internal links list with all the elements of our stack easy. We also check if the stack is empty by checking if the size is zero. So this next one is just push so to push an element onto the stack, we just append that element as the last element in our internal linked list. Easy enough we can also pull element of the stack. So to do this, we check if the stack is empty. If it is, then we throw an empty stack exception because we can't pop an element off of an empty stack. That doesn't make sense. Similarly, the same thing with peak, we can't observe what the top element of the stack is, if the stack is empty. And if it's not there, we can pick the last element of our list. And lastly, we can return an iterator to allow the user to iterate through our stack. This iterator returns an iterator for our linked list, which supports concurrent modification errors. So this was a really, really quick implementation that was static. It's only like 50 lines of code. Let's talk about queues are probably one of the most useful data structures in computer science. So this is going to be part one of three in the Q series. So the outline of things we'll be looking at. First, we're going to begin by talking about queues and what they are. Then we're going to go into some complexity analysis concerning queues. Then we'll discuss the implementation details of n queuing and D queuing elements from a queue followed by some source code at the very end in the last video. So a discussion about queues. So what exactly is a queue? So below you can see an image of a queue. But a queue is just a linear data structure that models a real world queue. Having two primary operations we can do which are enqueuing, and D queuing. So ever queue has a front and a back end, we insert elements through the back and remove through the front. Adding elements to the back of the queue is called n queuing. and removing elements from the front of the queue is called D queuing. However, there's a bit of terminology surrounding queues because there's not really any consistency or when we refer to as queuing D queuing, many people will use multiple different terms. So and queuing is also called adding but also offering a similar type of thing happens when we're talking about D queuing. So this is when we remove things from the front of the queue. This is also called polling elements. However, some people will also refer to this as removing an element from the queue. But the problem with saying that is that can cause some ambiguity, did they mean removing from the front of the queue specifically, or from the entire queue? Make note that if I say removing I'm going to be referring to removing from the front of the queue unless I say otherwise. So let's look at an example of how queue works in detail. However, first, notice I have labeled the queues front and back ends, so you know where I'm going to be in queueing and D queuing from respectively to avoid confusion. first instruction says in queue 12, so we add 12 to the end of the queue, then dq, so we remove the first element from the front of the queue, which is 55. Another dq operation, this time we removed minus one from the front of the queue. Next, and Q seven, so add seven to the back of the queue. dq, so remove the front element being 33. And lastly, and Q minus six, so at the back of the queue, just like that. So now that we know where a queue is, where does this data structure actually get used? Well, a classic example of where cuneus gets us is to model a real world queue where you're waiting in line at a movie theater or in the line at a restaurant. For instance, have you ever been to say McDonald's, where all the caches are full. As soon as one of them gets fried, the next person in line gets to order food? Well, that's a cue. So queues are can also be really useful if you have a sequence of elements coming in, but you only keep track of say, the x most recent elements, while you can add those elements to queue, and once your queue gets larger than x elements, just dq essentially queues are also often used in server management. So, suppose for a moment that you have a web server, that's idly waiting for requests from people to use your website, that at any given moment, you can simultaneously serve up to five people. But no more. If 12 requests come in, in a short amount of time, you're not going to be able to process all of them as new ones come in. So what you do is you process the five that you're able to, and the remaining seven gets a chill and a queue waiting to be served. And whenever you finish processing a request, you dq and the next request, and then you start processing it, and you do this until the queue is empty. While you're doing this, more requests come in to access your web page, while you just add them to the end of the cube. queues are also using graph theory. To perform a breadth first search traversal on a graph, which is actually really useful. We're going to see this example in the next video. All right now concerning complexity analysis of a queue. So as we're seeing, it's pretty obvious that n queuing and D queuing operations are constant time. There's also another operation on a queue I have not mentioned yet, and this is peaking. peaking means that we're looking at the value at the front of the queue without removing it, the source or cost and time. However, checky if an element is contained within the queue, is linear time since we would potentially need to scan through all the elements. There's also element removal In this sense, not in the sense of D queuing or polling, but in actually removing an element from the queue internally. This also requires linear time, since we would have to scan through all unknown elements in the worst case. In this video, we're going to have a look at how queues are used to do a breadth first search. And then we're going to look at the actual implementation details of how n queuing and D queuing elements works. Okay, onto the breadth first search example. So breadth first search is an operation we can do on the graph to do a graph traversal. If you don't know what I mean, when I say graph, I mean a network not a bar graph or a line graph or anything like that. But first, I should explain the breadth first search in the breadth first search. The objective is to start a node and traverse the entire graph, first by visiting all the neighbors of the starting node, and then visiting all the neighbors of the first node you visited and then all the neighbors of the second node you visited and so on, so forth, expanding through all the neighbors as you go. So you can think of each iteration of the breadth first search as expanding the frontier from one node outwards at each iteration as you go on. So let's begin our breadth first search at node zero. So I'm going to label node zero as yellow and put it in the frontier or the visiting group. And now I'm going to visit all the neighbors of zero being one and nine and add those to the frontier. And then we resolve the neighbors of one and nine being only eight. Similarly, for eight, so seven, and visit all the neighbors of seven. So I added a bunch of elements, my friend here, and now visit all the neighbors of the yellow nodes. And now we're done our breadth first search because we no longer have any elements on frontier. Notice that there's 12 that is the unvisited because 12 is a lunar node on an island all by itself. So we are not able to reach it for the breadth first search, which is fine. Suppose you want to actually code a breadth first search, how would that be done? Well, the idea is to use a cube. So first, we add the starting node to our queue. And then we mark the starting node as visited. And while our queue is not empty, we pull an element from our queue or D queuing. And then for every neighbor of this node, we just D queued if the neighbor has not been visited yet mark the neighbor is visited and added to the queue. So now we have a way of processing all the nodes in our graph in a breadth first search order. Really, really useful, very, very popular graph traversal algorithm. So now let's look at implementation of queues. So let's begin with an queueing. So it turns out that you can implement the queue abstract data type in multiple different ways. But the most popular methods are to either use arrays, singly linked lists, or doubly linked lists. If you're using an array, you have to make sure your arrays are going to be big enough. If it's a static array, if it's a dynamic array, then you'll be fine. Right here, I'm going to show you how to do it with a singly linked list and the source code, we're using a doubly linked list. So stay tuned for that. In a singly linked list, we're going to have a head pointer and a tail pointer. So initially, they're both No. But as we n q, we add, well, we just add the first note, so nothing really interesting is going on right now. But as we add more elements, you can see that we're pushing the tail pointer forward. So we're adding a node and then getting the tail pointer point to the next node. Now dq is a bit of the opposite. And so pushing the tail forward, we're going to be pushing the head forward. So push the head forward one, and then the element that was left over was the one we want to dq and return to the user. So why don't we push the head pointer forward, we said in the last note to know so that it can be picked up by the garbage collector if you're in Java. And if you're in another programming language, which requires you to explicitly deallocate or free memory, yourself like C or c++, now's the time to do that. So you see, as we keep D queuing, we're just pushing the head forward and forward again. And at the very end, if we add a bunch of elements, then remove them all then the head and the tail again, point to know which is where we started. All right, now it's time to have a look at some source code for Q. So I implemented a queue and you can find the source code at the following link on slash my user name slash data dash structures. Also make sure you have watched and understood parts one and two from the Q series before continuing. Alright, here we are looking at some source code for a queue. So this source code is in the Java programming language, although you can probably translate it into any programming language that you need. So the first thing to remark is I have an instance variable here of a linked list. So this is a Java's implementation of a doubly linked list. We also use this in the stack implementation, as you'll see the queue and the stack implementations are very, very similar. So here I have two constructors, one create just an empty queue. And another optional one, which will create a queue but with a first element. In fact, I should probably check if this is no, but we we might want to allow no elements. So let's just leave it like that. So the next method is the size, it just gets the size of the link list. And similarly, this checks if the length list is empty. Those are both pretty self explanatory. Okay, next interesting method is the peak method, the peak method returns the element that's at the front of the queue, but it will throw an error if your queue is empty because you can't peek anything when your queue is empty. Similarly, for poll, this will pull the element to the front of the queue, but unlike peak will actually remove the element from the queue. So next, we scroll down a little bit, I have offer which adds an element to the back of the queue. I guess I am allowing for no elements. So if you don't want elements, just put an if statement and throw an error or something. So the poll removed from the front. And you can see offer ads to the back. So remove first and add last. And the last method. And here is an iterator in case you want to be able to iterate through all the elements in your queue. Very short and very simple implementation just under 50 lines of code, you can create a queue. Although there are faster ways of creating queues, especially with arrays. The idea with arrays, especially static arrays, if you know the maximum amount of elements that will be in your queue at any given time, then you can create an array of that maximum size and have pointers to the front and the back positions in your queue. And add and remove elements based on the relative position of those pointers. If you ever get to a position where you're running off the edge of your array, then you can loop around to the front of the array and keep processing elements like that this a lot faster than having to maintain references to the next node, such as in a linked list. So I guess I'll say that's your homework is to create a static array based queue. Today, we're going to talk about everything to do with priority queues from where they're used to how they're implemented. And towards the end, we'll also have a look at some source code. Along with all the priority queue stuff. We're also going to talk about heaps since both topics are closely related, although not the same. So the outline for the priority queue series is we're going to start with the basics talking about what are priority queues and why they're useful. And then we'll move on to some common operations we do on priority queues and also discuss how we can turn min priority queues into max priority queues followed by some complexity analysis. And we'll talk about common ways we have implemented priority queues. Most people think heaps are the only way we can implement a priority queue, or that priority queues somehow are heaps, I want to dispel that confusion. Next, we're going to go into some great detail about how to implement the priority queue using a binary heap. there we'll look at methods of sinking and swimming nodes up and down our heap. These terms are used to get and shuffle around elements in a binary heap. As part of the implementation explanation, I also go over how to pull and add elements. So there's a lot to cover. So let's get started. discussion and examples. This is going to be part one of five in the priority queue series. So what is a priority queue? a priority queue is an abstract data type that operates similar to a normal queue except for the fact that every element has a certain priority. So elements with a higher priority come out of the priority queue first. As a side note, I'd like to remark that priority queues only support elements that are comparable, meaning that the data we insert into the priority queue must be ordered in some way, either from least to greatest or raised lease. This is so we can assign relative priorities between elements. Okay, let's go into an example. So suppose we have all these values that we inserted into a priority queue on the right, and that we impose an ordering on the numbers such that we want to order them from least to greatest. So the smaller numbers have a higher priority than the bigger ones. So they will be removed from the priority queue first. Suppose we have now a list of instructions. So what the poll operation means is remove the element that has the highest priority in our priority queue. So let's see how this works. So if I say Paul, then I remove the element with the highest priority, which happened to be one. Now I say add two, so we add two to our priority queue. And Paul, so next report of smallest elements in our priority queue, and that happened to be the two we just added. Next, we add for all this smallest, this is three, add five, oh, also add nine and then pull the rest. So as I pull the rest, I'm continuously grabbing the smallest element in the priority queue. So it turns out that as we added, and Paul numbers, we got an ordered sequence. This is a coincidence. Actually, as we added the pull numbers from the priority queue, we do not necessarily end up getting an ordered sequence, we are only guaranteed that the next number that is removed from the priority queue is the smallest number that was currently in the priority queue. So how does the priority queue know, which is the next smallest number to remove? As humans, we could see the numbers visually inside the priority queue and look and know what one was the smallest the whole operation was going to return. But fundamentally, how does the machine know this? Does it resort all the elements inside a priority queue before each pull operation? No, in fact, that would be highly ineffective. Instead, it uses what is called a heap. So the next big question then is what is a heap? Usually I make up my own definitions, but I really liked this one from wiki. A heap is a tree based data structure that satisfies the heap invariant also called the heap property. If a is a parent node of B, then A is ordered with respect to B for all nodes A and B in the heap. What this means is the value of the parent node is always greater than or equal to the value of the child node for all nodes. Or the other way around that the value of the parent node is less than or equal to the value of the child node for all nodes. This means we end up getting two types of heaps, Max heaps, and min heaps. So max heaps are the one with where the parent node is always greater than its children. And the min heap is the opposite. So both of the following are actually binary heaps binary because every node has exactly two children. And the children cannot see or no values I have not drawn in. So why are we interested in heaps? heaps form the canonical underlying data structure for priority queues? So much so that priority queues are sometimes called heaps, although this isn't technically correct, since the priority queue, again, is an abstract data type, meaning it can be implemented with other data structures also. Okay, we're going to play a little game, I'm going to give you some structures. And you need to tell me whether it is a heap or not. So inspect the following structure and try to determine whether it's a heap or not, you can pause the video if you'd like. But I'm just going to give you a short moment here. No, we have a violation of the heap invariant and this tree. So it's not a heap. Is this structure a heap? Yes, it is a heap because it satisfies a heap invariant, and it is a tree. So we often see heaps like these and why we're called binomial heaps. Note that heaps aren't necessarily binary heaps. They can have any number of branches. On to our next one. So is this a valid heap? Yeah, it's a valid heap. Because even though this one is strangely, strangely structured, we're free to move around the visual representation of the nodes as we please. So yeah, it's a valid heap. How about this one? No, this structure is actually not even a tree because it contains the cycles. All heaps must be trees. What about this one? Yeah, so heap. What about this one? Also heap because it satisfies the heap invariant that all all nodes are less than or equal to or greater than or equal to its parent. How about this one? No, it's not onto the heap and because it does not satisfy that heap invariant. However, if we do change the root to be 10, then we can satisfy the heap invariant via a min heap. Or rather sorry, a max heap. So when and where is a priority queue and he used probably one of the most popular places we see priority queues is in Dykstra shortest path algorithm to fetch the next nodes we explore. priority queues are really handy anytime you also need a behavior in which you need to dynamically fetch the next best or the next worst element. They're also used in Huffman encoding, which is often use for lossless data compression. Many best first search algorithms use priority queues in their implementation to continuously gain grab the next most promising node in the graph as it's being traversed. And finally, we also see priority queues in prims minimum spanning tree algorithm on directed graphs. So it seems priority queues are really important, especially for graph theory algorithms, which is where we see them often. Okay, on to some complexity with priority queues implemented as a binary heap. To begin with, there exists a method to construct a binary heap from an unordered array in linear time, we're not going to cover this algorithm, but it's pretty cool. And it forms the basis for the sorting algorithm heapsort. Next is pulling and, or rather removing pulling or removing an element from the root of the heap. This takes logarithmic time, because you need to restore the heap invariant, which can take up to logarithmic time. So peaking or seeing the value at the top of our heap can take constant time, which is really nice. Adding an element to our heap takes logarithmic time, again part because we possibly have to reshuffled heap by bubbling up the value as we will see in a later video. Then there are a few more operations we can do on priority queues. So removing a an element, which is not the root element. So the naive way of removing an element in a heap is to do a linear scan to find the items position and then remove it. The problem with this is it can be extremely slow in some situations, especially if you're removing a lot. But generally don't do this. And it's not a problem, which is why most implementations are just Yes, lazy and do the linear scan solution. However, there does exist a way to reduce the removing time complexity, which I will go over later in a later video in great detail in this video series. So stay tuned for that this method uses a hash table to reduce the removing time complexity to be logarithmic, which is super critical, actually, if you're removing as much as you are adding. Now the naive method to check containment within a heap. binary heap is linear. Again, you just scan through all the elements. But with the help of a hash table, we can reduce this to be a constant time, which is super neat. Especially if we use the hash table implementation for the removing speed up we get as a free bonus. The downside however, to using hash table implementation is that it does require an extra linear space factor. And it does add some constant overhead because you're accessing your table a lot during swaps. Today, we're going to talk about turning min priority queues into max priority queues. This is part two, a five in the priority queue series. So you may already be asking yourself, why is it important that I know how to convert a main priority queue into a max priority queue? Well, here's the problem. Often in the standard library, most programming languages, they will only provide you with either a max priority queue or a min priority queue. Usually it's a main priority queue, which sorts elements by the smallest element first, but sometimes we need the max priority queue depending on what we're programming. So how do we do this? How do we convert one part one type of priority queue To another type. Well, a hack we can use is to abuse the fact that all elements in a priority queue must implement some sort of comparable interface, which we can simply negate, or invert. To get the other type of heap. Let's look at some examples. Suppose for a moment that we have a priority queue consisting of elements that are on the right side of this screen, and that these are in that min priority queue. So if x and y are numbers in the priority queue, and x is less than or equal to y, then x will come out of the priority queue before y. the negation of this is x is greater than or equal to y. And so y then comes out before x, because all these elements are still in the priority queue. Wait a moment you say, isn't the negation of x is less than or equal to y, just x greater than y, and not x is greater than or equal to y? Well, not for competitors. You see if x is equal to y, whether or not the competitor is negated, x should still equal y. So now let's see what happens when we pull all these elements out of priority queue with our negated comparateur. So first, we will get 13 because it's the greatest. Next comes 11 753. And two. An alternative method for numbers is to negate the number before you insert it and negate it. Again, when it comes out. This is a hack specific to numbers, but it's pretty nice. So let's see how that works. So let's negate all the numbers inside a priority queue. And now we can see that definitely minus 13 is the smallest so should come out first. So minus 13, and indeed comes up first. But now we have to remake the data and we 13. Everything is good so far. Next is minus 11. So really positive 11. And so on my seven, seven, and so I'm just so keep polling and then arena, get the value to get it out of the priority queue. It's a pretty neat hack. Okay, now let's look at my other examples using strings. So suppose Lex is a competitor for strings, which sorts strings in lexicographic. Order, this is the default for most programming languages, then, let's call n Lex be the negation of Lex. And also let's assign s one and s two to be some non null strings. So below, you can see that our comparateur assigns minus one if s one is less than s two Lexa graphically zero. So equal x so graphically, and plus one if s one is greater than s two lexicographically. And then n lacks is just the negation of that. So just to break it down, ALEKS sorts strings, like so graphically, but we're interested in gaining legs so that longer strings appear before sort of shorter strings and also that strings with letters at the end of the alphabet appear before those containing letters. At the beginning of the alphabet, I think I said that right. This was in effect turn a man he into a maxi beep. Let's look at a concrete example. So by adding all the numbers on the right to a prayer queue with the lexicographic comparateur, here's the ordering we should expect. First we get a because it's the shortest string that has characters appearing closer closest to the start of the alphabet, then it comes at B, then f Zed, then x then x R and x x. So now let's do the same thing with n Lex. And we should hopefully obtain the opposite sequence in reverse order. And then we get x x x r x f, Zed mi N A. So it did exactly what we intended to do. Today we're going to talk about adding elements to a binary heap. This is part three of five The priority queue series, we'll get to adding elements to our binary heap shortly. But first, there are some important terminology and concepts leading to that, which we need to go over prior to add elements effectively to our priority queue. Okay, so a very popular way to implement a priority queue is to use some kind of heap. This is because heaps are the data structure, which give us the best possible time complexity for the operations we need to perform with a priority queue. However, I want to make this clear, a priority queue is not a heap. A priority queue is an abstract data type that defines the behavior a priority queue should have. The heap just lets us actually implement that behavior. As an example, we could use an unordered list to achieve the same behavior we want for a priority queue. But this would not give us the best possible time complexity. So concerning heaps, there are many different types of heaps including binary heaps, Fibonacci heaps, binomial heap, pairing heaps, and so on, so on. But for simplicity, we're just going to use the binary heap. binary heap is a binary tree that supports the heap invariant. In a binary tree, every node has exactly two children. So the following structure is a binary heap, which satisfies the heap property that every parent's value is greater than or equal to the child that every node has exactly two children. Well, no, you may be thinking the bottom nodes, also known as leafs don't have children. Well, actually, Yes, they do. Here they are. They're the knowledge children in gray. But for simplicity, I won't draw those because they're annoying to draw. Okay. The next important bit of terminology, we need to understand is the complete binary tree property. The complete binary tree property means that at every level, except possibly the last is completely filled, and that all the nodes are as far left as possible in the binary tree. As you will see, when we insert nodes, we always insert them at the bottom row. As far left to meet this complete binary tree property. Maintaining the complete binary tree property is very, very important, because it gives us an insertion point, no matter what the heap looks like, or what values are in it. The next note, we insert will go into the hollow circle that and the next one will go to the right of it, and so on until eventually we fill up the row, at which point we need to start a new row. So the insertion point is a very important. One last thing before we actually get into how to add values into a binary heap, is we need to understand how to represent one of these binary heaps. And there is a canonical way of doing this, which is to use an array actually. So using an array is a very convenient actually, because when we're maintaining this complete tree property, the insertion position is just the last position in our array. However, this isn't the only way we can represent the heap, we can also represent the heap using objects and pointers and recursively add and remove nodes as needed. But the array construction is very elegant, and also very, very fast. So on the left is the index tree just to help you visualize the position of each node in the array. And on the right is the actual tree remark that as you read elements in the array from left to right, it's as though you're pacing through the heap, one layer at a time. So if we're at no nine, which is index zero, we're at the top for node eight. We're at position one. And as I keep moving along, you can see that we're just pacing through the array going from left to right. So it's very convenient, that way When not also another interesting property of story, I'm binary heap in array is that you can easily access all the children and parent nodes. So suppose I is the index of a parent node, then the left child is going to be at index two times i plus one, and the right child of that node is going to be at two i plus two, this is zero base. If it's one base, then you would just subtract one. So suppose we have a node seven, which is highlighted in purple. Well, its index is two. So by our formula, the left child of seven should be located at two times two, plus one, or, or five. If we look at index five, we expect to get one and if we look at the right child, we should expect to get two times two plus two or six. If we look in our array, this gives us the value of two. So using this technique, we have all we need to manipulate the knowns now array in the source code I will be presenting in Part Five for the series, we will see that I use this representation for simplicity. All right. So now we want to know, how do I add nodes to a binary heap and to maintain the heap invariant, because if we I noticed our binary tree and we don't maintain the heap property? Well, the binary heap is useless. We'll do some examples. On the left, I have some instructions, which tell us what values we need to insert into the heap. The first value is a one, which we can see, which should actually appear at the root, since we're dealing with a min heap. But instead of inserting wire the route directly, what we do is we put one at the bottom left of the tree in the insertion position I was talking about and performance call bubbling up as my undergrad prof loves to say, this is sometimes called swimming or even sifting up all really cool names for a really neat operation. So we answered one and the insertion position. But now we're in violation of the heap invariant since one is less than seven, but one is found below seven. So what do we do, what we do is we swap one and seven, like so. But now we're still in violation of the heap property, since one is a child of six, but one is less than six. So what do we do we swap them, but yet again, violation the property. So we swap, and now one is at the root where it should be. And now the heap invariant to satisfy and we can stop swimming or bubbling up or whatever you want to call it. So the next one is 13. So as usual, begin by putting it in the insertion position. And now, we need to satisfy the heap invariant, so bubble up 13. Notice that we're no longer in violation of the heap property since 14 is less than 13, and 13 is less than 12. So 13 is actually in its correct position. Sometimes we don't have to bubble up our elements that much. The next values we need to insert are for zero and 10. Try seeing where these end up, pause the video if you need. It's a good little exercise. But I will keep going for now. So forgoes in the insertion spot left of all the nodes, it's there, and we bubble it up until we can't anymore. And we start with the property is satisfied. Next zero, my favorite number. Of course, I've arranged that zero be at the top of the tree as you will see right now in violation of the heap invariant. So let us bubble up and like magic zeros at the top of the tree. Next is insert 10. Next numbers 10. So we put out an insertion position. And however this does not violate the heap invariant, so we do nothing. Today we're going to look at how to remove elements from a binary heap. This is Part Four or five in the priority queue series. Make sure you watch the last video so we understand the underlying structure of the binary heap. So let's get started. In general, with heaps we always want to remove the root value because it's the node of interest. It's the one of the highest priority is the smallest or the largest value when we remove Route, we call it polling, a special thing about removing the route that we don't need to search for its index. Because in an array implementation, it has position, or index zero. So when I say pull in red, we have the node we want to remove, and in purple is the one we're going to swap it with. So the note in purple is always going to be the one at the end of our array, which we also have its index. So we swapped them, we get rid of the one. And now, since 10 is at the top, well, we're not satisfying the heap invariant. So we need to make sure that the heap invariant is satisfied. So we need to do what's called bubbling down now instead of bubbling up. So what we do is we look at 10s, children, five and one, and we select the smallest, and we swap with the smallest. So 10 would go to one. So make sure you default, selecting the left node in case there was a tie. So as you can see, 1010s children are two and two, they're both equal. So we're going to select the left node to break tight. And now we bubble down 10 again. And now the heap invariant is satisfied. Now we want to remove the value 12. So pulling was removing the element at the root. But 12 is not at the root. However, we still want to be able to remove 12. So what we do is we have to search for 12 in our tree, even though we don't know its position yet. So we start at one, and we do a linear scan through all our elements until we find 12. So five is not 12, two is not 12, and so on until find 12. And now we found 12. And now we know where its position is. So we can mark it as the node we want to remove, and also swap it with the purple node being the last node in our tree, swap them remove the 12. And now we're in violation of the heap invariant. So now we want to bubble up three, until the heap invariant is satisfied. And now we've satisfied the heap invariant so we can start. Now we want to remove three, same thing as last time search for three in the tree. Three wasn't far it was just two nodes away. So now to remove an element, again, swap it with the last node in the tree. Drop it. But now the question is, do we bubble up or bubble down the value because you don't really know what the value of the node and last position is when you're swapping it in. So this is we bubble up a bubble down Well, we already satisfy that heap invariant from above. So we need to bubble down 15. So So five was smaller, so we swapped it with five, now eight are smaller, so we swap it with eight. And again, the heap invariants are satisfied. Now we want to pull So Mark, the root node, red swap it, remove the one. And now we want to buckle down. And the heap invariant is satisfied. Now we want to remove six. So search for six in our tree. Okay, we have found six and do the swap. Remove six. Now do we bubble up a bubble down? The answer is neither the heap invariant is already satisfied. So we don't need to touch our node. We got lucky. So from all this polling and removing we can conclude the following that polling takes logarithmic time since we're removing the root and we already know where to find it. And also that removing a random node can take up to linear time. So We have to actually find the index of that node we want to remove before removing it. However, if you're as dissatisfied with this linear removal as I am, you'd figure out that there has to be a better way. And indeed there is. And I'm about to show you a hack to improve this complexity to be logarithmic in the general case. So stay tuned. Okay, so now we're looking at how to remove nodes on my heap with the improved time complexity. To do this, we'll need to make use of a hash table, a data structure I have not yet covered. So buckle up, things are about to get a little wild. I promise I'll cover the hash table thoroughly in a later video. But right now, it's going to look like magic. Back to the central issue, we have a bunch of nodes scatter across our heap at some positions, and instead of doing a linear scan to find out where the node we want to remove is, we just want to be able to do a lookup and figure that out. The way we're going to do this is that every node is going to be mapped to the indexes found that. So when we want to remove a particular node, just look up its index and started doing it. Linear scan. Sounds good, right? That sounds great, except for one caveat. What about if the heap has multiple nodes with the same value? What problems will that cause? Well, just a few but nothing we can't handle. To begin with, let's talk about how we can deal with the multiple value problem. Instead of mapping one value to one position, we will map one value to multiple positions. And we can do this by maintaining a set or tree set of indices for which a particular node value or key if you want maps to. So can I example. Okay, so observe the blue heap remark that has repeated values. Namely, we can see that the two is there, three times seven is there twice, 11 and 13. Once the low I have drawn the index tree, a tree, which can help us determine the index position of a node in the tree 11, for example, is that index 313 at index five, and the first to index zero. On the left is the hash table. With the key value pairs. Notice that two is found in three positions 02, and six, while seven is found two positions, one and four, and so on. So this is how we're going to keep track of the positions of the values in the tree. If notes start moving in the tree, we also need to keep track of that. For example, if a bubble up or a bubble down cursory to track all those movements, and where the swabs go to so we can update the index position in our map, we swap 13. And the last seven, for example, the following should happen. So we look at where seven and 13 are in our table. And then I've mapped those respective positions as red for the seven and yellow for the 13. And this is what happens when we do a swap, we do a swap in the tree but also in the table. And that's it. Okay, so this all sounds great. We keep track of repeated values by maintaining a set of indices apart to the node, the particular value was found out. But now let's ask a further question. If we want to remove a repeated node in our heap, which node do we remove and doesn't matter? Because if we look in our heap right here, there's three possible two values we can remove doesn't matter which one we remove. The answer is no, it does not matter. As long as in the end, we satisfy the heap invariant and that's the most important thing. So let's look at an example. Not just for removing but also of adding and pulling elements with this new scheme I just proposed. It's not that hard, trust me. So first one, we want to insert three. Sweet place three at the bottom of the heap in the insertion position. We also need To track where the new node is, so we add three to our table long with its position, which happens to be at index seven. Look at the index, tree and grade confirm this. Now that three is has been inserted, we need to make sure the heap invariant satisfied, currently it is not. So what we do is we bubble up three, the parent of three is 11, which is greater than three, so we need to swap those two notes, I have highlighted the seven and the index three because it maps to three in the heap and three in the index three, because it maps to the value 11. Now swap those both in the tree and in the table. Awesome. Now the heap variants still not satisfied. So do a similar thing. For the note above, we grab the parent and do a swap in the tree on the table. And now the bat invariants are satisfied. So three has been inserted successfully. The next instruction is to remove to from the heap. So which tool should we remove? Well, as I said, it doesn't matter as long as we satisfy the heap invariant in the end. If we remove the last two, we can immediately satisfy the heap invariant with one swamp. But for learning purposes, I will simply remove the first one found in our set, which happens to be located at index zero. So we want to remove the two at position zero. So how do we remove a note again, so we did a look up. So we didn't have to do that linear scan, which was nice. And now we swap it with the end, the last node, which happens to be 11, we remove the last node. Now we need to satisfy the heap invariant. So we need to bubble down 11. So we look at 11 children, which happens to be three and two, two is smaller. So it's the one we're going to swap with. So swap it in the table and, and the tree. Now, we are still not in satisfaction of the human variant. So look at 11th children being 13 into two smaller, so swap it with two. And that's it, we're done. The last instruction says the poll, so we get the value of the route, just two and swap it with 11. Get rid of the two and bubble down 11. So as you can see, we're constantly updating our table and but still doing the same operations. This is part five of five and the priority queue series. And we're going to have a look at some source code for the priority queue today. So if you want the source code, here's the GitHub link. With all the data structures in the series, the priority queue is one of them. Also make sure you've watched parts 124, so you can actually understand what's going on. Alright, let's dive into the code. Alright, here we are inside the source code. So notice that inside my priority queue, the types of elements I'm allowing inside my priority queue have to be comparable elements as we talked about. So if they implement the comparable interface, then we are going to allow them inside our queue. So this is anything like strings, integers, anything with a comparable interface. So let's have a look at some of the instance variables. So I have the heap size. So this is the number of elements currently inside the heap. But then I also have another instance variable, which is the heat capacity. So this is going to be the size of the list. That we have four elements which may be larger than the heap size is. And this is the actual heap. And we're going to be maintaining it as a dynamic list of elements using Java's list. Next, for our logging of and removals, I'm also going to keep track of this map as you want to map an element to a tree set of integers. So these won't be all the positions inside our heap, which we can find this element T. All right. Next, I've got a few different constructors for our priority queue. We can just Create a brighter queue. And by default, I'm creating and initially empty priority queue with a capacity of one. But I also allow you to create a priority queue with a defined initial capacity, which actually is more useful, because then we don't have to keep expanding our dynamic list every time. So I would recommend this. But also, even better, is if you know all the elements that are going to be inside your heap, you can actually construct the priority queue in linear time, using an operation called heapify, which I didn't talk about in the slides. But both can be very, very useful. So So this just has all the usual setup stuff. Here, I'm adding all the elements to the math and but also to the heap. And then here's the heapify process. So we start at halfway through the heap size, and then we start decreasing, and then we sync all the elements. And you're like, Wait a second, isn't the seek sink? a logarithmic removal? Well, yes, it is in the general case, but not if we're doing it in this fashion. I put a link to this paper appear just because the heapify operation isn't quite intuitive why it has this linear complexity. And if you look at the analysis in the paper, you will end up seeing that the complexity boils down to a convergent series. And that's why we constantly say it's linear time. But in general, this isn't what you might be tempted to do. If you're given a collection of elements, you would initialize the heap, and then you would just use our add method to add the elements one at a time. And this will give you an N log N bound. But definitely use the heapify whenever possible. Okay, now some pretty simple methods we have is empty, just returns true or false if the heap is empty or not, then clear. So when we clear the heap, we remove all the elements inside our heap array, but also inside our map. So that's why he called map dotclear. Size returns a size, it's pretty simple. peek, the first really useful method just looks at the top of our primary priority queue. And if it's empty returns No. Otherwise, we do a look up at the first index inside our heap and return it because it's the root node poll. Similar to pique, except that we're going to remove, remove the very first element. And we're also going to return it because you want that information. x contains. So because we have a map with our elements, we can do a map lookup to see if our elements inside heap. And this reduces our complexity from linear, in which case, we have to scan through a linear scan through all elements to check containment to constant time, which is remarkable. But you have a job in case people don't usually maintain this map. I just wanted to do it. Just to show you guys that is possible. Although the map does add a lot of constant overhead and you may or may not want. I personally find that the overhead is quite a lot. And I usually don't really remove things very frequently for maps. So it might not be entirely worth it. But it's up to you. If you're doing as many additions as you are removals then definitely worth it. Alright, now let's have a look at the Add method. So, so this element, sorry, this method adds an element to the prayer queue. And that element cannot be no. So what we do is, first we check if our heap size is less than capacity. Otherwise we have to expand our capacity of the heap. Next, we make sure we add it to the map. So we keep track of it. And then we swim it up. Remember that we have to swim. I know Rob because we add it to the very end of our list. And so we had to, like adjust where it goes inside our heap by swimming upwards. This next method called less is is a helper method, which helps me check if node i is less than or equal to node j. And this uses the fact that both elements node one and node two are comparable. So we can invoke the Compare to method. If we go back up that comes from this interface, the comparable interface, which we needed. So, let's go back down. Alright, so returns true if i is less than or equal to J. Awesome. So next, this is the bottom up notes. So we are going to try to swim node k. So first, who grabbed the parent of node k, we can do that by solving for the parent. So remember that I'm working in. I'm starting at zero, some people like to start the heaps index, that one, I like everything's zero based. So I get the parent, which is that this position k minus one divided by two, because we're going upwards. And while K is still greater than zero, so we're not at the root, and we're less than our parent, then we want to swim upwards. So we're going to swap the nodes parent and K. And then K is when we can become the new parent. And then we have to get the parent of K once more. And then we'll keep doing this going up our heap and swapping notes. So that's how you do the swim. So the sink is similar, but a little different. So top down node sink. And here, we want to sync node k. And what we do is I grab the left node, but I also grab the right node. Remember, we're working zero based, so plus one plus two instead of a plus zero plus one. And then I need to figure out, which is less either is going to be the left one or the right one. And I assumed to start with that the left one is going to be smaller than the right one. And here I correct that hypothesis, in case it was false. So I checked that the right notice within the size of the heap. And if the right node is less than the left node, then the smallest ones are going to be the right node. And our stopping condition is that we are outside the bounds of the tree, or we can't sink any more. And we can do a similar thing, we swap and then case the next smallest here like like we did in the last method also. So the swap method, I made a an explicit method to swap because I also have to swap things inside the map and then set the values also. And this is really what adds a lot of overhead for the math is the fact that every time we call the swap method, we also have to swap things inside the map, which, which can be a lot of overhead really, it technically maps our constant lookup times but the fact that you're doing all this internal hashing and collisions and whatnot, it can get costly. So remove. So if the element is now returned false, we know we don't have any no elements inside our heap. So this is how you would do a linear removal and linear time, I commented out in case you want to revert back and remove the map and whatnot, is with scan through all the elements. And once you find the element you were looking for, just remove it at that index and return true. Otherwise, we're going to use our map. So get the index so wherever the element one of the elements are. And if it exists, then remove it at that index. Okay, now let's have a look at the Remove add method. So this is what I covered in the last video. So if our heap is empty, well, can't really remove anything. Otherwise, we're going to swap the index Why remove with the last element, which is going to be at heap size. And then we're going to kill off that node and also remove it from our map. So if it so happened that I was equal to the heap size, meaning we just removed the very last element in our heap, just remove, return the removed data. Otherwise, when we did the swap, we have to either sink that node up or down. And I'm caring too lazy to check whether I need to sink or swim. So I just tried both. So first I try sinking and then if nothing happened, then I try swimming downwards. And in either case, return the Remove data. Perfect. So this just readjusts where, where the swap node position goes, either bubble up or bubble down. This method is just a method I use in my testing framework to make sure everything is good. So it checks essentially the integrity of the minimum heap. So initially, you call this method with K equals zero, and that starts at the root as you want to recursively go down the tree and check are we maintaining the heap invariant property which we need. So our basis, you want to be that k is outside the heap size. And if so, we're just going to return true. Otherwise, get our children left and right. And now, we're going to make sure that k is less than both our children. And if that's not the case, return false. And if we ever returned false, because we have an and statement when we're recursing, right here, that that gets propagated throughout the recursion, and this whole method will return false. Otherwise, if everything returns true and hits the base case, then we know for sure it's in the minimum heap. Okay, these last few methods are just map helper methods. So things to add things into the map, things, how to remove elements from the map, and so on. And what I'm doing here, as I'm using a tree set to add and remove elements, because I know the tree set implementation, Java has a Balanced Binary Search Tree. So all operations on tree sets are logarithmic, which is really nice. So you guys can have a look at those in more detail. It just gets values removes values. And lastly, do a map swap. So yeah, it swaps values in the heap, or in the map rather. So yes, have a look at those in more detail. But I pretty much covered everything about the priority queue. All right, time to talk about the union find also sometimes called the disjoint set, this is my favorite data structure. So let's get started. So an outline of things we'll be covering about the union fight. First, I'll be going over a motivating example, magnets. Just to illustrate how useful the union find be. Then we'll go over a classic example of an algorithm which uses the union find specifically crucibles a minimum spanning tree algorithm, which is very elegant, and you'll see why it needs the union find to get the complexity it has. Then we're going to go into some detail concerning the find in the Union operations, the two core operations, the union find users. And finally, we'll have a look at path compression. What gives us the really nice amortized constant time the unifying provides? Ok, let's dive into some discussion examples concerning the union find. So what what is the union fine. So, the unifier is a data structure that tracks elements which are split into one or more disjoint sets. And the union find has two primary operations. Find an union. A word find does is given an element, the union find will tell you what group that element belongs to and you Onion merges two groups together. So if we have this example with magnets, suppose all these gray rectangles you see on the screen are magnets. And also suppose that the magnets have a very high attraction to each other, meaning they want to merge together to form some sort of configuration. So, if I label all the magnets and give them numbers, and we start merging, the magnets have the highest attraction, first, we're going to merge six and eight together since the closest. So in our union find, we would say union six, and eight. And when we do a lookup on to find out which groups six and eight belong to, they will belong to the blue group. Now, perhaps two, three, and three and four are highly attracted to each other, so they would form a group. So they would form the yellow group. And perhaps 10 1314, would also form a group. And this keeps on going, and we unify magnets into groups. And perhaps we merge some magnets onto already existing groups. So we unify grey magnets, which is just a magnet in its own group, and add to an already existing group. But also we can unify groups of Magnus, which are different colors, and we assign it an arbitrary color. So blue, so suddenly, everything in the yellow group went into the blue group. And now when we would do a lookup in our union find to determine which group say two, three or four. Now we'd say you're in the blue group, and the union fine, does all this merging and finding in a very efficient manner, which is why it's so handy to have around. Now explaining currently how that works. We'll get into that in the later video. This is just a motivating example. So where are other places that the union find is used? Well, we will. Well, we see the unifying again in carousels, minimum spanning tree algorithm. In another problem called grid percolation, where there's a bunch of dots on a grid, and we're trying to see if there's a path from the bottom of the grid to the top of the grid, or vice versa, then the union find lets us do that efficiently by merging together paths. Also, similar kind of problem in network activity are two vertices in the graph connected to each other through a series of edges. And also perhaps in some more advanced examples, like the least common ancestor in a tree, and also image processing. So what kind of complexity can we attribute to the union fight? The complexity is excellent. So it's construction is linear time, which isn't actually bad at all, then the union find getcomponent. And check if connected operations all happened in what's called amortized constant time. So almost constant time, although not quite constant time. And finally, count components where we can determine how many components are in our magnetic examples, how many different groups of nine that's we have. And we can do that in constant time, which is really, really great. Okay, let's talk about a really neat application of the Union find, which is crew skills, minimum spanning tree algorithm. So you might be asking yourself, what is a minimum spanning tree? So if we're given some graph with some vertices and some edges, the minimum spanning tree is a subset of the edges which connects to all the vertices and does so at a minimal cost. So, if this is our graph, with some edges and vertices, then a possible minimum spanning tree is the following and has edge weight 14 or total edge weight 14. Note that the minimum spanning tree is not necessarily unique. So if there is another minimum spanning tree, it will also have a total weight of 14. So how does it work? So we can break it up into three steps essentially. So the Step is easy. Just take our edges and sort them by ascending edge edge weight. Next thing we want to do is we want to walk through the sorted edges and compare the two nodes that the edge belongs to. And if the nodes already belong to the same group, then we want to ignore it because it will create a cycle in our minimum spanning tree, which we don't want. Otherwise, we want to unify the, the two groups those nodes belong to. And keep going. I will keep doing this process until either we run out of edges, or all the vertices have been unified into one big group. And you'll soon see what I mean by a group, which is when our union find the structure is going to come into play. So if this is our graph, then to run crystals algorithm on it, first, let's scale the edges and sort them. So on the left side, you see I have all the edges and their edge weights sort in ascending order. So next, we're gonna start processing the edges one at a time, started starting with the top, so I two J. So I've highlighted the edge, it Jane, orange. And you can see that a connects nodes, i and j, i and j currently don't belong to any group. So I'm going to unify them together into group, orange. Next is edge eight, he, so he don't belong to any group. So I'm going to unify them together into group purple. Next is CGI. So I belongs to group, orange. But see doesn't have a group yet. So see can go into group orange. All right, E to F, F doesn't belong to a group. So F can go to group purple. Next, H and G, knee, neither age nor g belong to a group. So I'm going to say you guys belong to the red group. And next we have the Ruby. They also don't belong to a group. So give them their own group, let's say group green. Alright, and now, I believe this is when things get interesting. Now, we're trying to connect C to J. But notice that C and j are a both belong to group orange. So we don't want to include that edge, because it's going to create a cycle, so ignore it. And to check that they belong to the same group, we would use the find operation in our union fine to check what group they belong to. So this one, the unifying really comes into play. Next is edge did he So know that he belongs to purple, and D belongs to group green. So now we want to merge them together because they don't belong to the same group. So either the purple groups wanted to become the green group, the green groups and the purple group. And it doesn't really matter, so that we would merge them. And this is when the union operation in our union find becomes useful. It allows us to merge groups of colors together very efficiently. And that's the important note. Next edge would be d, h, h belongs to group red, and the purple. So merge the groups together, let's say they both become group purple. Next up, we want to add edge, add, but add already belong to the same group. So that would create a cycle. So we don't want to include that edge. So skip. next rounds include edge BTC BTC belong to different groups. So merge the two groups into one larger group. So we have found the minimum spanning tree using crystals minimum spanning tree algorithm. Pretty neat, right? So the underlying data structure, which allows us to do this is the union find it allows us to merge groups of colors together efficiently, but also to find out which groups nodes belong to so that we don't create a cycle. So so that's crystals algorithm. It's super simple. Given that you know how the union find works. So I'm going to go into some detail in next video, explaining how the Find and the union operations work internally, and how We can actually implement it in some useful way. Okay, so now we're going to talk about the union and find operations we can do on the union find, or the disjoint. Set. This is the video where I demystify how those actually work internally. So to create our union find, the first thing we're going to do is we're going to construct a by ejection, or simply a mapping between our objects and the integers in the range zero inclusive to N non inclusive, assuming we have n elements. So this step in general is actually not necessary. But it's going to allow us to create an array based unit find, which is very efficient, and also very easy to work with. So if we have some random objects, and we want to assign a mapping to them, then we can do so arbitrarily, as long as each element maps to exactly one number. So that is my random by ejection. And we want to store these mappings perhaps in the hash table, so we can do a lookup on them and determine what everything is mapped to. Next, we're going to construct an array. And each index is going to have an associated object. And this is possible through our mapping. So for instance, in the last slide, a was mapped to five, so slot five, or index five is going to be a slot. So what you see in this picture is at the top is that array we just created, which contains our mapping. And in the center is just a visual representation of what's going on. The value in the array for each position is currently the index, which it is at. This is because originally, every node is a root node, meaning it maps to itself. But as we perform the instructions on the left of unifying groups together, or objects together into groups, we're going to find that we're going to change the values in our array to map to other letters. And specifically, the way we're going to do it is first some index i, in our array, index eyes parent is going to be whatever index is at position I. So for instance, if we want to unify C and K, we look at C and K. And we discover that C has a root node of four, and K as of nine. So either C's won't come case parent, or K is going to see its parent. And I chose that case parent is going to be seat. So now at index nine, which is case position, I'm going to put a four, because I know that C is a four. So next, F and E are going to do a similar type of thing. And I'm going to say that f is going to F parent is going to be E. So at F position, which is one I'm going to put a zero because he is zero. Similar thing for a and J. But here's where things get a bit more interesting. So now we want to unify A and B. So if I look ay ay has a six in itself, but six is J. So I know that A's root node for group greens j and B is a single node because it's a self loop. And in general, I'm going to merge smaller components into the larger ones. So now, bees are point to J, because the green groups root node was J. So I write mode C and D. So I find the root node of D which is the and find the root note of C which is C and I'm going to merge the smartcompany into the into the larger component, which is the orange group. Now these want to be part of the orange group. Now I want to merge D and I. So similar thing happens. And I now points that C. Now, I want to merge L and F. So F's parent is E. So I'm going to merge L and B into the red group. Now I want to merge C and A. So this is an interesting example. So I find a C's root node, which happens to be C, I find a root node which is J. Now, component, orange has four elements, big component, green only has three. So I'm going to merge the green component into the orange component. So now j is going to point to C. So I want to unify A and B. So I do. So if I go up and follow the parent nodes until I reach a root node, as parents as Jay Jays, parents see, so I know that a belongs to the orange group. And if I do a similar thing with B, I also discovered that B's parent is also C, which is the orange group. So I don't need to unify them, they're already unified together. So H and J, G, they currently don't have a group, so I'm going to arbitrarily merge them into a new group. So it'd be the blue group. So H and F. So if I look, h is parent ID, G, and s parent is he the right component is larger, so I'm going to merge the blue group into it. And now since g was the root node, I make it point to E, which was also the root node. Now I want to merge H and B. So H is root node is E, if we follow up the chain from H to G, D, and B's root node is C, because we go from B to J to C. So now since the orange component is larger than the red component, we're going to point the root of the red component to the root of the orange component. So he now points to see. Okay, and note that in this example, I'm not using a technique called path compression. This is something we're going to look at in the next video, which is an optimization on the union find. To summarize, if we want to find out which component a particular element maps to, what we have to do is find the root of that component by following all the parent nodes until we reach self loop or a node whose parent is itself and that will uniquely determine which component that element belongs to. And to unify two components together, what we do is we find the root nodes of each component. And then if the root nodes are different, because if they're the same, then they belong to the same component already. So if they're different, make one of the root nodes point to the become the parent of the other room. So just some remarks about this union find data structure. So in general, we don't really aren't union elements. Just because this would be inefficient as we'd have to update other children which point to that note, we don't have access to those. But we could probably in theory, keep track of that. I just don't see any application currently. But there there might be also remarked that the number of components in our union find is going to be equal to the number of root nodes remaining. Because each root node is responsible for a component and also remark that the number of root nodes never increases, that always decreases because all we do is unify components, so components only get bigger and bigger and bigger. Now we want to talk about the complexity of the Union find. So I said in the first video that the US plane has an amortized time complexity. However, the implementation of this show you does not have an amortized time complexity. Not yet Not without the path compression, which is something we're going to look at in the next video, which is what makes the human fine an absolute beast of it. structure, you must watch the next video. But just as an example, if we need to check, if H and B belong to the same group or a different group, it's going to take five hops in the worst case, and while potentially much more, so H, we find the root node, which is C, and then we go from B, and then find the root node is also C. So this takes quite a few hops. Let's talk about path compression. Now, this operation is really what makes the union find one of the most remarkable data structures, because it's how the union find gets to boast in its efficiency. So let's dive right in. But before we get started, it's critical that you watch the last video so that you understand how the find in the Union operation work. Otherwise, you want to understand what's going on and what's up with path compression, and how we're going to get that really nice, amortized constant time. Alright, suppose we have this hypothetical union find, I say hypothetical, because with path compression, I'm almost certain it's impossible to achieve a data structure, or a structure that looks like this. Nonetheless, it's a good example. So now suppose we want to unify nodes, E and L. Or just unify groups, orange, and blue, but we have access to E and L. And that's what we're calling the unify operation on? Well, we would have two pointers that start on E and L. And where we would want to do is find the root node of e and find the root node of L, and then get one of them to point to the other. But with path compression, we do that, but we're also going to do something else. So let's start by finding the parent note of E. So E's parent is D, and D is C, C to B, and B, A, and then eight F. So we found the root node of E. But with path compression, here's what we're going to do. Now that we have a reference to the root node, we're going to make e point to the root node. And similarly DS are important to the root node and C and B, and a. So now everything along the path got compressed, and now points to that root node. And in doing so, at every time we do a lookup, on either A, B, C, D, or E in constant time, we will be able to find out what the parent or the root node is for that component. Because we immediately point to it, we don't have to traverse a sequence of other nodes. And we can do this because in a union find, we're always unifying things together and making them more and more compressed. We're never unusual unifying things, if you will. So if we do the same thing for L, we find LS parent. So we traverse up all the parents until we find the root. And then we compress the path. So j points to G, I points to G, H points to G. And so we compress that path. But we also have found the parents now. So make one point to the other. And we've unified both groups. So now the group that was once with E, and once with l have now been merged into one single group. But the only difference is we've compressed along the way as we've done this, and now it's so much more efficient. Now let's have a look at another example. And this one, I want to compare and contrast, the regular union find operations where we're doing the last video to the last compression version, we now know. So if I run all those union instructions, this is what happened. So it's the beginning all these pairs of components, and then executing the instructions on the right. And this is the final state of our union find and know that if I'm trying to determine what groups say a and j or n, then I have to traverse a whole bunch of different nodes. So j goes, I use h h goes to eat. But now if I include path compression, let's see what happens. So I still have all those components. But now I as I execute the instruction on the right hand side, this is what happens. So I get the green group. But then, because of path compression, that j merged into the H, so already that path is a little shorter. And then I keep executing more instructions. But as I'm doing it, the path gets compressed dynamically. So so I'm getting more and more compression. And even up to the very end. So on the last example, we haven't even finish all the instructions, and we have reached the final state. But with path compression, as long as there's something compressed along our path, we get to compress the path along the way, pointing it to the root. So right now, we only have one, root, B, E, and almost everything in constant time, points to E. So we do a lookup on any of our nodes. And we know that the route is easy. So we know the last component. And this structure becomes very stable eventually, because of this path compression. This is why the union find with path compression is so efficient. Let's have a look at some of the Union find source code. So here's the link to the source code. And you can find it on my GitHub repository slash William fees, slash data structures. I also have a bunch of other data structures from past videos. And before we dive into the code, and make sure you watch the other videos pertaining to the union find, as I will be making some references to them. Okay, let's dig in. Here we are inside the code. And I have a class called union find and see a few instance variables. So let's go over them. The first is size, just how many elements we have in our union find. There are at least two arrays, one called ID and one called size. So the interest, while the more interesting was ID, and idea eyes, that array I talked about which at index i points to the parent node of AI. And if Id add AI is equal to AI, then we know that AI is a root node. So we're essentially keeping track of all these like tree like structures right inside an array, which is practical. And also because we create a by ejection between our elements. And some numbers, this is how we're able to access them through this ID array. And just for convenience, I track the number of components, that's sometimes some useful information you might want. So if you create a union find, well, you need to know how many elements are going to be inside your union find. And I make sure that we have a positive number of elements, otherwise I throw an exception. Now go ahead and initialize some instance variables. And I initialize ID to equal i. So initially, everyone is a root node, and every component has a size of one. So find is pretty simple. It's given a a node, it finds which component it belongs to, and also does path compression along the way. So if we're at p and want to find the root node of P, what we're going to do is we're going to find the root node using this one while loop. So we initialize a new variable called root to P. And then we loop until the root is not equal to ID at root. So aka This is a root node or a self loop that we found and so we can stop and the root is stored in the variable called root. And then what we do is we do the path compression. This is what I talked about in the last video. So starting back at p, we assign everything from idmp to equal the root and this is what compresses the path gives us that nice amortized time complexity, you can also do this recursively. But I don't like having the overhead and doing things iteratively you can be slightly faster. Okay, so now, we have these simple methods, we can call. So if p and q are inside the same component, this will return true, because the root P and the root q will be equal. Otherwise, this will return false. And just calling find will do path compression. So even if we're just checking if two components are connected, and it calls the find method, and we're compressing the path, same thing here, if we decide to find the component size, relative to some index p, then when we index into the size and call find, we'll find Well, we'll find the root but at the same time, we'll also do path compression, which is nice. And I would just like to note that the the root nodes are the ones who will always contain the size because they're the ones that are found, well, she won't think about it like at the end of the chain. Size just returns a number of components and our you can find disjoint, set components number components is pretty self explanatory. And the unifying method is the last interesting method. So this is the one that will unifies two components together. So so first of all we do is we find what the root node for P is and what the root node for Q is. And if the root nodes are equal, then they're already in the same group, and we don't do anything. Otherwise, by convention, I just merge the smaller group into the larger group. Although I know some people like to keep the theoretical largest path in a component, and then merge according to not and that may be slightly more efficient, but it's more work. So I just like to merge the smaller group into the larger group. And also, since the roots are different, and we're emerging, we know that the number of components or sets must have decreased by one. So that's why at the bottom here, I, I say the number of components, subtract that by one, because we know we're gonna have one less component. So this whole time, inside this class, I've been treating being q as integers and not as elements, like letters that I that we saw in our in the slides. And this is because by ejection, I would do a lookup to find out what maps to the element P and that should give me an integer, and what maps to the element queue. And then I could use those with this union find data structure created, and turn everything into the realm of numbers instead of dealing with objects and having all this more complexity, it's much easier to have an array based union find. You could also have a pointer based union find with node objects. But this is really nice, and it's a really clean implementation. All right, I want to start talking about a very exciting topic, and that is trees. And you'll soon start to realize that there are tons and tons and tons of tree data structures. But today I want to focus on a very popular country and that is binary trees. And with binary trees, we must talk about binary search trees as well. So today's tutorial is going to focus on binary trees and binary search trees where they're used and what they are. And then later tutorials, we're going to cover how to insert nodes into binary search trees remove nodes, and also do some of the more popular tree traversals which can apply to other general trees. Also, not just binary trees. Okay. So I'm going to give you guys a quick crash course on trees before we get started. So we say a tree is an undirected graph, which can satisfy either of the following definitions, there are actually multiple definitions, but these are the most popular ones. So trees non directed graph, which is connected and a cyclic, a cyclic means there are no cycles. Another definition is we have n nodes, but we have n minus one edges. And lastly, for any two vertices, there's only one path between those two vertices, you can have two different paths, they would imply that we don't have a tree because there's another route to get to another node. And so we'd have a cycle. Okay, and context is trees, we can have something called a rooted tree, which is the topmost node of our tree, you can think of it that way. And if you're trying to route the tree, and you don't have a route yet, it doesn't matter which node you pick, to route the tree, because any node you pick can become the root node, think of it as picking up the tree by that node. And suddenly, it's the new root. We have something called are the concept of child and parent nodes. So child node is a node that extends from another node. Think of it as going down or it's an A parent node is the inverse of this. So you're going up towards the root. So we have an interesting question, and that is, what is the parent of the root node? The answer is that the root node has no parent, although sometimes it may be useful to say that the parent of the root node is itself. And we see this often when programming, for instance, a file system, tree has this property. So if I open up the command line, I'm in some directory, so I can say pwd at the current directory. So I'm somewhere in the file system tree. And if I want to go up to my parent, I can say CD dot dot slash, and now I'm up in another directory, or in to the parent directory. And I can keep doing this and going up and up in the file system tree directory system. But if I go directly to the root node, which is slash, I see that I'm in the folder slash, so the very top at the root of the directory, and I say CD dot, dot, then, if I check out where I am, I'm again at the root. So in this context, for a file system, the parent of the root is the root. Pretty cool. So just as an example, if we pick the node zero, and has two children, three and two and a parent four, we also have the concept of something called a leaf node, this a node which has no children, and these have been highlighted in orange. So they're just at the very bottom of your tree. Think of it that way. And there's also another term, which is sub tree, this is the tree entirely contained within an under tree. And we usually use triangles to denote sub trees. It's possible for a sub tree to consist of only a single node, so that's fine. So if this so tree with that circle node being the root, and we pick particular sub tree and look what's inside of it, then we get another tree, which contains nodes and more sub trees. Then we pick another sub tree, look with inside of it, and then we get another tree. And eventually, we're going to hit the bottom. So now we can pose the question, what is a binary tree? And this is this simple. This is a tree in which every node has at most, two children. So both those trees below are binary trees, because they have at most two children. You can see that the tree on the right, eight has one child, and that's fine, because the criteria is at most two. Now we're going to play a game. I'm going to give you some various structures, and you're going to have to guess whether it is a binary tree or not. So is this a binary tree? Yes. Yes, it is every node has at most two children. How about this one? No, you can see that seven has three children. So it's not a binary tree. How about this one? let you guys think about it a bit more. Yes, this is a binary tree. It may be a degenerate one, but it's still a binary tree. Alright, let's move on to binary search trees. So what is a binary search tree? Well, first of all, it's a binary tree. But Furthermore, it also satisfies what's called the binary search tree invariant. And that is that the less left subtree has smaller elements than the value of the current node. And the right subtree has larger elements than that of the current node. So below are a few binary search trees. We're going to play the same type of game, and I'm going to give you some trees, and you're going to have to guess whether they're binary search trees or not. What about this structure? And this one, we could say it depends on whether you want to allow duplicate values inside your tree. It so happens that binary search tree operations allow for duplicate values. There's nothing wrong with that. But most of the time, we're only interested in having unique values inside our tree. So this particular tree depends on what your definition of a binary search tree is. How about this? tree? Yes, this is a binary search tree. How about this tree? Notice I've only changed the elements within the tree. Yes, this is also a binary search tree. We're not limited to only having numbers within our binary search tree, we can place any type of data which is comparable and can be ordered. How about this tree? No, this is not a binary search tree. And the reason is the the node nine is in the wrong position. When we would be inserting nine, we would have to place it in the right subtree of eight because nine is larger than eight so belongs in its right subtree. How about this structure? This structure isn't even a tree actually, because it contains a cycle. And the requirement to be a binary search tree is that you must be a tree. And this last one, I'm going to give you a bit more time to look at this one. Because it's not a regular type of structure you might think of as a binary search tree. And the answer is yes, this structure does satisfy the binary search tree invariant that every right subtree contains larger elements. You will you'll see that that is true. And also every left subtree that contains smaller elements. It doesn't look like a tree, but it satisfies our definitions of a tree and a binary search tree. Okay, so we've been talking about binary trees, binary search trees, where are they used? Why are they useful? So in particular, binary search trees are used in many implementations of abstract data types for sets, and maps and so on. They're also used to implement balanced binary search trees, which we'll probably get to in a later video. Can you see binary search, or sorry, binary trees in binary heaps? We've already seen this in priority queues when we're making a binary heap. But we also see binary trees and things like syntax trees, so you're parsing an arithmetic expression, then you place it in an abstract syntax tree. And then you can simplify expression. compilers and calculators use this to evaluate expressions. So wherever you punch in your calculator gets person to binary tree and evaluated. And lastly, I just threw in a trip, which is another type of probabilistic data structure. So now let's look at the complexity of these binary search trees because they looked very interesting and also very useful. And indeed they are. So in the average case, when you're just given some random data, the time complexity is growing. Be logarithmic, which is really good. So if you're inserting nodes, deleting nodes, removing nodes searching for a value tree, whatever, the average time complexity is going to be the logarithmic. And these binary trees, or binary search trees are very easy to implement. So this is really good. However, in the worst case, if your tree and D generates to being a line, then we can have some linear behavior going on, which is really bad. So there's some trade offs. If you want to use just a pure binary search tree, that it's going to be easy to implement. And on average, it's going to have this logarithmic behavior. But in the worst case, you might be looking at some linear stuff, which is not so good. Okay, let's have a look at how to insert some elements into a binary search tree. So let's dive right in. So first, to add elements to our binary search tree, we need to make sure that the elements we're adding are actually comparable, meaning that we can order them in some way inside the tree. Meaning at every step, we know whether we need to place the element in the left subtree or the right subtree. And we're going to encounter essentially four cases. So when inserting an element, we want to compare the value to the value of the current node we're considering to do one of the following things. Either, we're going to recurse down the left subtree, because our element is smaller than the current element, or we're going to recurse down the right subtree because our element is greater than the current element. Or it might be the case that the current element has the same value as the one we're considering. And so we need to handle duplicate values, if we're deciding to add duplicate values to a tree or just ignoring that. And lastly, we have the case that we've hit a null node, in which case it's time to create a new node and insert it in our tree. Let's look at some animation now. So on the left, I have a bunch of insert instructions. So we have all these values we want to insert into our binary search tree. And currently the search tree or the binary search tree is empty. So first, we want to insert seven. So seven becomes the root of the tree, because it's the first note. Next, we want to insert 20. So 20 is greater than seven, so insert it to the right. Next we want insert five. So we always start at the root when we're inserting, and that's an important point. So you start at the root, and then you move your way down the tree to figure out where you want to insert the node. So we start at the root, and then we're like, oh, five is less than seven. So we're going to insert it to the left. Now 15, so the route go to the right, because 15 is greater than seven, then to the left ps 15 is less than 20 at 10. Now four, so four is less than seven, move left, four is less than five, move left, create the new node. Now we have four again. So let's see what happens here. So seven moved to the left and moved to the left. Now we've encountered a value that already exists in our tree. So as I said before, if your tree supports duplicate values, now's the time to add another node. And you would either pick by convention if you want it on the left or on the right. Otherwise, you'd do nothing. And I'm going to choose to do nothing. Insert 33. So start at the root, go to the right, because 33 is greater, go to the right again. Now insert two, so two smaller than everything in our tree, so it would go all the way to the left. Now try and see where 25 would go. So 25 simply go to the right, then we're going to go to the right again, because it's greater than 20. But we're going to go left now because it's less than 33. And finally sex so once left, once right, and we've inserted everything into our binary search tree. So on average, the insertion time is going to be logarithmic. But in the worst case, this behavior could degrade to linear time. Let's have a look at that. So if our instructions are the following insert 12345, and six. So we start at one, then go and insert two sets to the right. Okay, now let's insert three, well, three is greater than everything. So I have to place the right again, how about four, okay, four is also greater than everything. Oh, looks like we're creating this line now. And now six, six is still greater than everything. So as you can see, this type of linear behavior is really bad. And we don't want to create lines like this. Because if we want to query where six is in the tree, or if we want to remove five, or do anything, are buying your surgery, first thing to find the node, that's going to take linear time. And this is this is bad. It's one of the reasons why people haven't invented things like balanced binary search trees, or self balancing trees, which balance themselves as you insert nodes will begin to that later. But that's it for insertion. It's really simple. Don't overcomplicate it. Alright, now that we know how to insert elements into a binary search tree, we might also want to remove elements from a binary search tree. And this is slightly more complicated, but I'm going to make it very simple for you guys. So when we're moving elements around binary or substrate, you can think of it as a two step process. First, we have to find the element we wish to remove within the binary search tree, if it exists at all. And in the second stage, we want to replace the node we're removing with its successor, if one exists, in order to maintain the binary search tree invariant, let me remind you with a binary search tree invariant is it's that the left subtree has smaller elements than the current node and the right subtree has larger elements than the current node. Okay, so let's dive into phase one the find phase. So if we're searching for an element inside our binary search tree, one of four things is going to happen. The first thing is we hit a null node, meaning we've went all the way down our binary search tree and have not found the value we want. So the value does not exist inside our binary search tree. Another thing that can happen is the competitor value is equal to zero. And what I mean by a competitor is, it's a function that will return minus one if it's less than zero if it's equal to or wine if it's greater than the current value. So it tells us essentially, which subtree we need to go down, or if we found value that we're looking for. So if it's equal to zero, then we found the value. If it's less than zero, the value might exist. And if it does seem to be the left subtree if I compared to returns value greater than zero, then if the value exists, it's going to be the right subtree. Okay, let's have an example with some information. So suppose we have four or five queries, find 1425 37, and 17. And that's our binary search tree there on the right. So if we're trying to find 14, as usual, we need to start at the root and 14 is less than so go left. 14 is greater than 10. So go right, 14 is less than 15. Go left. 14 is greater than 12. So go right again. And now we have found the value that we are looking for. Alright, and move on to 2525 is greater than 20. Go right, Wi Fi is less than 31. And now we found 25. See if you can do 37 on your own. Pause the video or something. Okay, here's her go, go right, go right, your left, go right. Alright, now let's have a look at 17. So 17 should be on the left. Now should go right. Maybe we should go right again. And, oh, we've hit a point where we know that 17 does not exist in our tree. So that's another possibility the value simply doesn't exist. Because we would go to the Left of 90, and the left of 19 is a null node. And null known means we haven't found the value we're looking for. So now that we found the value that we're looking for, we're at the Remove phase. And in the Remove phase, there are four cases, essentially. And the first case is that the node we want to remove is a leaf node, so it has no sub trees. Cases two, and three, as I like to call them, is there's only one subtree meaning there's a right subtree, but no left subtree, or those the left subtree and no, right subtree. Or finally case for is that we have both a left and a right subtree. So I'm going to show you guys how to handle each of these cases, it's really, really not that hard. So case, one, we have a leaf node. So if you have a leaf node and you want to remove it, then you can do so with a side effect, which is really nice. So suppose we have the binary search tree on the right, and we want to remove eight. So we do phase one, we find out where eight is. Oh, and it is a case one, because it's a leaf node. So we know we can remove it without side effect. So we remove it. Perfect. That wasn't hard. Now let's look at cases, two and three. Meaning that either the left or the right child is a subject. In this case, the successor of the node we're trying to remove is going to be the root node of that left or right subtree. Let's look at an example. Suppose we want to remove nine. So first, let's find nine. Okay, we found nine. Now we encounter a case two with a left subtree is nine doesn't have a right subtree. So the successor is going to be the root node of that left subtree. So seven. So now I can remove nine, and seven becomes the successor of nine. Perfect. Now let's do another example where we want to remove four. So first, let's find four. So we find four. And this is our other case where we only have a left subtree. But no, right. subtree. So where do we do, the successor of four is going to be the root node of that left. subtree. So three, so we can remove four and our three becomes the successor. Alright, that wasn't so bad, was it? Alright, so now for case four? Yeah, we want to remove node which has both a left subtree and a right. subtree now the question is, in which subtree will the successor of the node we're trying to remove? b? And the answer is both the successor can either be the largest value in the left subtree or the smallest value in the right. subtree and here's perhaps some justification for why there can be two successors. So the largest value that we can find in that left subtree would satisfy the binary search tree invariant, if it becomes a successor, because it would be larger than everything in the left subtree and this is immediate from being the largest left subtree and also it would be smaller than everything in the right subtree because we had found it in the left. subtree similarly, if we find the smallest value in the right, subtree It would also satisfy the biosurgery invariant for the following reason it will be smaller than everything in the right subtree and this is immediate from being the smallest than the right subtree and also larger than everything in the left subtree because it was found in the right subtree and we know things in the right subtree are well greater than everything in the left subtree. So we come to this conclusion that well there must be two possible successors. So we can choose either or fantastic. So if we have this tree, and we want to remove seven, well seven is a case four, because it has both a left subtree and right subtree also seven, so find seven vireo found it. And now we get to either pick the successor in our left subtree or our right subtree, I'm going to find the smallest value in the right subtree what we do is we go into the right subtree and then we dig as far left as possible, go left and go left again. And now we don't have a left child, so we could stop. And this node is going to be the successor, it is the smallest node in the right subtree. And you can see that quite clearly 11 is smaller than everything in that right subtree. So now what we want to do is, we want to copy the value from the node we found in that right subtree 11 into the node we want to originally remove, which is seven. So now I replaced seven with 11. Now we have a problem, which is we have 11 twice in our subtree. And we want to now remove that element 11 which is highlighted because it is the successor it shouldn't no longer be inside the tree. And luckily for us, the successor node we want to remove is always going to be either a case one two or three removal. So in this case, it would be the case where there's a right subtree But no, left subtree. And you would just do this recursively. So so just call itself and it would hit one of those three cases. Okay, so it's right subtree. So I want to do is swap it with the root node of that right subtree and then remove it. So remove 1114 becomes a successor. And now just going to rebalance the tree like that. Alright, now let's have a look at another case. In this example, let's remove 14. So first, let's find 14, if it exists within our tree, go right. Alright, we found 14. Now we either want to find the smallest value in the right subtree like we did last time, or the largest value in the left subtree. Now let's do the ladder this time and find the largest value in the left subtree. To do this, what we do is we would go into the left subtree and dig as far right as possible this time going to the left subtree in digges far right 913. Now 13 is the largest value in the left subtree. And now what we want to do as before is we want to copy the value of the successor 13 into the node we want to remove which is 14. So now 14 becomes 13. And now we want to remove the remaining 13. So now just remove it and replace it with its successor. Perfect. Okay, I just want to go over some more examples. So just these two short examples, because removing is not quite so obvious. Alright, let's start with the one of the left. So let's see if we can remove 18 from this strange looking binary search tree. So start at the root find a teen so dig all the way down. Okay, we found 18. And now we want to literally be it's one of those case two or threes. It's the one where there's a left subtree. So the successor is just going to be the root node of that left subtree or 17. So remove 18 and replace it 17. So 17 is a new successor. Perfect. Now let's look at the other case where we want to remove minus two. So now first find minus two so go to the left. Okay, we find it found it. Now there's two subtrees pick one of the two to become to find that successor and we're going to go to the right. Alright, copies value in now remove one, remove minus one. And that's it. Okay, and that is removals in a nutshell. All right, I want to finish off binary trees and binary search trees with some tree traversals in particular, pre order in order post order and level order. You see these traversals come up now and again, so they're good to know. I want to focus on pre order in order and post order to begin with, because they're very similar. They're also naturally defined recursively. And you can sort of get a feel for why they have their certain names that they do. So pre order prints before the two recursive calls, in order will print between recursive calls, and post order will print after the recursive calls. So if you look at the three functions on the left, the only thing that's different between them is where the print statement is. So let's move on to some detail on how preorder works. So on the right, I'm going to maintain a call stack of what gets called. So when we're recursing backup, we know what caused us to know what node to go to. And what you need to know about pre order is that we print the value of the current node and then we traverse the left subtree followed by the right subtree. So for order where we're going to do is insert a, print A, and then we go left, or B, and we go down to D, go down to H. And now we recurse back up, so we push node h off the call stack and go to D and then we go to I and then we explore AI. Now we're at the bottom, so we recurse back up, so we push AI off the call stack. We've already processed D and go back to B we also are a process B but now we have to do B's right subtree. So we go and explore II. Now we've explored ease. So push frame off the stack explored B push that off the stack. And now a now we need to explore the right subtree of a. So we would print C then F then j and then right at the bottom, so recurse and then level K and our bottoms are recursive push node k off the stack, push node f off the stack, and now explore node C's right subtree. So g now l and now we're done. We curse all the way back up and we would exit our function. And at the bottom, you can see what the pre order traversal is. Okay, now let's cover inorder traversal. So, how inorder traversal works as we traverse the left subtree that we print the value. And then we traverse the right subtree. And for this example, I'm going to be using a binary search tree and not just a generic binary tree. And you'll see something interesting happens. We push node 11 on stack because it's our route. Then we go left, then we go left again and go left again. And notice as I was going left, I would push those on to the stack but I'm not printing the value yet because when I call in order, the very first instruction in the in order is to go left. I only print once I've traversed the entire left subtree if I'm a leaf node, like I am now one is a leaf node, then I've already explored the left subtree if you will, so I can print the current value. Then I recurse and then I print three because I've explored threes left subtree now we go right now and I've explored both sub trees I can print five recurse. Now I can print six because I've explored six is left subtree I can go to eight then recurse then print 11. Now we need to finish elevens are right subtree. So go Right, left, go left may explore 12 recurs and we're going to print 13, then go down to 14, print 14. Also, because 14 has no sub trees up. So push 14 out the stack, push 13 out of the stack, print 15, because we will explode 15th left subtree go Right. Right. And now, the last thing we need to do is finish our function by just pushing everything off the stack. So go back up. And now, did you notice something interesting happened when we did our inorder traversal? Well, what happened was we printed the values of the nodes in increasing order, which is why it's called an inorder traversal. If you do it on a binary search tree, it prints the values in increasing order, which is really neat. That's quite a nice property of the inorder traversal. Now, let's look at the post order traversal. And the post order traversal says, okay, traverse the left subtree, then traverse the right subtree. And after you're done doing both of those, only then print the value of the node. So this means if you look at our tree right now, the last value we're going to print should be 11. Because we need to process a lemon's entire left subtree elevens, entire right subtree. So let's start at 11 and explore its left subtree. So go all the way down, then print one, because we've explored both its left and right subtree. Don't print three because we haven't explored its right subtree yet, print five, because we've explored both sub trees which don't exist. Now we can print three because we've explored both of its sub trees. And then similarly, they go down to eight, print eight recurse. And print six, don't print 11, because we still need to do it's right subtree, go 15 1312, print 12. Go up to 13, print 14, go back up to 13. And now we can print it. Don't print 15 yet, because we haven't explored all of its right subtree and go to 1719 and then pop everything off the stack and print on the way back up. And you can see that Levin is indeed the last node we have visited. And that's pre order in order and post order a nutshell. Now want to look at level order traversal, which is special, it's quite a bit different from the other two, a level order traversal is we want to print the nodes one layer at a time. So start with 11. They want to print six and 15, then three 813 17 and one 512 14 and 19. And you're like oh, how am I going to do that. And the way we're going to obtain this ordering is by doing something called a breadth first search from the root node all the way down to the leaf node. So she knows what a breadth first search is, from graph theory. And this the same thing, a tree is a type of graph, it's no different. So what we're going to do to do our breadth first search is we're going to meet in a queue of the nodes we have left to explore. And how it's going to work is our queue is originally going to contain only the root node. And we're going to keep processing, I pulling out the first value in our queue until our queue is over. A bit more detail on that. So here you can see the queue. On the right, I've inserted node 11. And so I would pull out note 11. And I would add elevens left child and right child to the queue. So they would go at the end of the queue. And I've also removed 11. So so the next notes process would be six followed by 15. And then I would keep adding children to the queue so that I reach them eventually. So let's have a look. So I've pulled 11 from the queue. Now added six and 15 to the queue. Now the next thing on the top of the queue is six, so it removes six and add six as children three and eight the queue, then 15. Next up, add 15 children which are 13 and 17 to the queue, and next up in the queues three. So I would add threes children to the queue, and then move on, explore eight, eight has no children, so I can't add them. Next 13. As you can see that as I'm exploring nodes, I just add the children but keep pulling the most recent thing in the queue. And this gives us the level order traversal that we want. And this is how you do a breadth first search in general. So not too complicated, except we had to use that special trick of using a queue instead of using a stack. So we don't do level order traversals recursively, we need to do them iteratively with a queue. Okay, finally time to look at some source code for binary search tree. So the source code I'm about to show you can be found at the following link. The link should also be in the description at the bottom of this video, please like the repository so that other people can also find it more easily. And now let's dive in. All right, here we are inside the source code for the binary search tree. The source code is written in Java. Okay, so first thing you will notice is I have a class representing a binary search tree. And it takes as a type anything that is comparable, we need things that are comparable, so we know how to insert them accordingly within the binary search tree. So to start us off, I have a few instance variables, actually only two, in fact, one to keep track of the number of nodes in the binary search tree, and another one, which is the root of this binary search tree because this binary search tree is a rooted tree. Next, I have a private node class, which contains a left node and a right node, as well as some data of type T and that type T comes from here. So it's some comparable type T. Okay, next I have a method to check if our binary search tree is empty. It simply checks if the size is zero. And size simply returns the node count, which gets either incremented or decremented as we add or remove elements. Okay, here's the public method to add elements to this binary search tree. I also have a private method down here, as you will notice. And I use the private methods to do the recursive business and the public method to just check if the element is already contained within the binary search tree. This insertion method will return true if we successfully insert a new element into the binary search tree and it will return false if there's already something inside the binary search tree. So elements have to be unique inside this binary search tree, okay, so supposing this branch doesn't get executed, meaning the element does not already exist in the tree, then we're looking at this branch. And I'm saying okay, add this new element to the binary search tree recursively and also up the node count by one and return true because well, this element doesn't yet exists. So let's look at the recursive method now. So our base case is that we found the null leaf we want to insert our element at so we will create a new node object with two null children. But with the value of the element, we want insert Otherwise, we're in this branch. And we choose which sub tree we want to place our element inside. So either it's going to be the left subtree of the first branch, or the right subtree. The second branch. Okay, now let's look at removing. So here's the public method for removing. Now, I'm only going to remove the method if it exists within the tree. So I check if it's within the tree before, otherwise, it is going to return false, meaning we have not removed anything from this binary search string. And if it is contained, I'm also going to decrement the node count. Now let's look at this recursive method to remove the node. So this recursive method simply has a normal base case, it's now returned now. And in the first step to removing a node, we first have to find it. And we know it exists. Because of this check, we know that our element is within the tree so we can remove it. And that is these two cases. So this is like the find Phase I was talking about in the later video. So I get a comparative value, and I check if it's less than, so we're going in the left subtree, or we're going inside the right subtree. It's going to be one of these two cases, otherwise, we found the node we want to remove. So this finds the node. And here's where we do the actual removal. So I talked about four cases in my slides. But in fact, you can think of it more or less as three cases even two cases, because two the cases are very similar. So the singleton case, where there's only one node, it's really that that can also be thought of as a left subtree right subtree case, this case is the case where the left subtree is no but the right subtree is not. And this case, the right subtree is now but the left subtree isn't. And this case down here, which I'll get to later, we have both subsidiaries. So let's go to the very top. So if we only have a right subtree, then I'm going to say that the successor node is just going to be the root node of that right subtree. So node dot right. And then I return that, I also destroy the data within this node and the node itself. So similarly, for the other case, where I only have a left subtree. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to reach into that left subtree and grab the root node. And I'm going to return that note. And I'm also going to destroy this node because we know we don't want it anymore. So those two cases are fairly easy. Now let's look at the key. So we have a left, a sorry, a left subtree and a right subtree. So as I mentioned in my slides, we can either find the largest node in the left subtree, or the smallest node in the right subtree. And here, I find the smallest node in the right subtree. So I go down to the right subtree. And I dig left. And this is the node or the successor node if you will. So we copy the data in it. And then we recurse and call ourselves to remove the successor node. If you wanted to find the largest value in the left subtree then you can just uncomment this code and it would do just that. So that's removing a nutshell and they also had these two helper methods to do a dig left and a dig right. Moving on, I also have this method that checks contains an element. So given an element return true or false, depending on if that element is within this binary subtree. And this is very simple. This is equivalent to the fine phase, if we reach a null node, we would definitely know that that element doesn't exist, otherwise get our comparative value, which is either going to be less than if we need to go to the left subtree, meaning this case, or greater than zero, we need to go and right subtree. Or if we found the element, then that's zero case. And we're in this case. So pretty simple. Just as a bonus, I also threw in a height function. So this will calculate the height of the tree, it will do so in linear time, height, we'll call the private recursive height method. And all this does is it's fairly simple. So if we reach a leaf node, we're going to return zero. Otherwise, we're going to return the maximum height of the left subtree or the right subtree. Because one of our sub trees might be greater than the other, and that's going to be the one that we want the height from. When every time we recurse, we add plus one. So this corresponds to a depth. So the biggest depth is going to be whatever the height of the tree is, you want to go that way. And now for our traversals, I have created this method called traverse. And what it does is it takes a a tree traversal order, which is an enamel type, I'm going to show you in a minute. And and that's an order and then I pick whichever order you give me and I return an iterator for that particular order I want to traverse. So if you tell me I want to traverse this binary search tree in a pre order fashion that I'm going to return you this iterator which is this method. If you want to traverse the tree in order for it to return you this inorder traversal iterator. Let's have a look at what this tree traversal order is. Let me open that up right here. So that is simply an e&m type you can see right here. So it's either one of these four things, it's pre order in order post order. So nothing too crazy. And I decided to do these traversals iteratively. So that you don't have to do them recursively, which would be slightly slower, and perhaps less convenient, this is more flexible. Although I don't really want to dive into the code because it is fairly nasty. If I just open up, say the inorder traversal, then it does look pretty gross, I have to maintain a stack manually. And I have to check for concurrent modification errors, etc, etc, etc. These are actually great interview questions like how do i do an inorder traversal iteratively? Or how do I do a post order traversal, iteratively, and so on and so on. So, so those are definitely great to practice. If you want to actually see what's hidden inside these methods, just go on the GitHub repository and have a look. But I, I showed you guys how to do treat reversals in the last slides. So you should be good to do that. Most of the time we do it recursively. Anyways, I just want to be a bit more fancy and go all out intuitively. So this is about it for the binary search tree. Today we're going to be talking about hash tables, one of the most remarkable data structures of all times, if I had a subtitle, it would be one data structure to rule them all. So let's get started. There's going to be a lot of things to cover and the hash table series. We're gonna start off with with a hash table and what the heck is a hash function, and why do we need one. Then we're going to talk about some popular collision resolution methods. In particular, separate chaining, open addressing those are the two most popular ones, although there's a ton more, there, we're going to a separate chaining with linked lists. This is a really popular implementation. And there's a ton of stuff and open address in any state covered. So we're going to be talking about linear probing, and quadratic probing how that's done. I'm not even giving lots and lots of examples for those just because it's not super obvious how they work. And to finish off for me going over double hashing, and finally removing elements from the open addressing scheme, because that's not so obvious, either. All right. So to begin with, what is a hash table. So the hash table is a data structure that lets us construct a mapping from some keys to some values, via a technique called hashing, which we'll talk about shortly. So the key could be any value, as long as it's unique, which maps to a value. So for instance, keys could be names to people names, and the value could be someone's favorite color. So William's favorite color is green. Mike is this purple, Katherine's is yellow, and so on. And we call these key value pairs, so each key is associated with the value. So all the keys have to be unique, the values don't have to be unique. For example, Micah's favorite color is purple, but also Leah's favorite color is purple. We often use hash tables to track at frequencies. For example, Below is a frequency table of the number of times a certain word appeared in Shakespeare's Hamlet, which I Parson obtained this table. So you can see Hamlet appeared 114 times the word, Lord 223. But the word cabbage did not appear. So hash tables are often used as do track frequencies, which is really handy. But you can really construct a mapping between any key value pairs given that the keys are hashable. This is something we're talking about shortly. So to be able to understand how we construct the mapping within the hash table, we need to understand what a hash function is. So simply put a hash function, which I will denote from now on as h of x, for some key x is a function that map's X to a whole number in some fixed range. So that's pretty simple. Let's have a look at an arbitrary hash function. So if our hash function is h of x equals some polynomial, x squared minus 6x, plus nine modulo 10, well, all integer keys get mapped to the range zero to nine inclusive. No matter what integer number I plug into h of x. So below, I'm plugging in certain values, or keys fuel into the hash function and getting an output. So notice that the output is not unique. In that there could be two values that are plugged into the hash function which yield the same value, for instance, h four and H have to map to the same thing, and that's completely fine. So we can also define arbitrary hash functions, not just on integers, but on arbitrary objects, which makes this really powerful. For instance, suppose we have a string s, and we're gonna say H of s be the hash function that I ever defined below. So this hash function, all it does is it sums the ASCII values of the characters within the string, and then at the end, says, module 50. So that will for any given string just output a number. And that's a hash function. So, for example, some simple inputs, so h of BB gets 66, or 66. And then we mined that by 50. So we have 32. The empty string gets zero because we don't even execute the loop and so on. So we've effectively converted a string to a number. Great. Alright, here's a mini challenge for you. Suppose we have a database of people below. And each person has three fields. They have an age, a name and a sex. I want you to define a hash function h of a person We're going to be given a person object as an argument. And I want you to create a hash function that's going to map a person to the set of values, zero through five inclusive, you can pause the video, just create any hash function that does this given the three fields. Alright, so here's my attempt at creating such a hash function. Turns out, there's an infinite amount of possible hash functions we could define for the hash of the person. And here's a simple one. So I'm gonna say, Okay, first, let's start with the age. So whatever there is, that's the starting value hash, then I'm going to add on the length of the person's name, again, an arbitrary choice, I'm going to increment by one if they're males, and then mod by six. So as you can see, hash functions are a bit arbitrarily defined. At this point, we're going to get into some more sophisticated hash functions later. So this particular hash function yields those values. Alright, something very important, very, very important that we need to talk about our properties of hash functions. So if we have a hash function, and two objects, say x and y, and their hash values are equal, then those two objects might be equal. We don't know for sure. We have to explicitly check x against y. Yes, the hash function tells us that there was a collision right there. But if the hash functions are not equal, that x and y are certainly not equal. Here's a good question. How can we use this to our advantage to speed up object comparisons? The answer is that instead of comparing X and Y directly if we've already computed their hash values, and first let's compare the hash values of x and y, instead of comparing X and Y explicitly, and in this next example, you'll see why that's important. Consider the problem of trying to determine if two very large files have the same contents. This is something you want to do in an operating system context all the time. So if we've computed the hash values for file one and file two, first, we should compare the hash values together to see if they match or don't match, because this requires constant time work, which is super fast. So if possible, we don't want to open the files at all this would be comparing X and Y directly or file one against file two, but we will have to compare them byte per byte if their hash values are equal. So actually, hash functions for files are much more sophisticated than those that we use for hash tables. Instead, we use very sophisticated hashing algorithms called cryptographic hash functions and checksums. Alright, another property of hash functions is that they must absolutely be deterministic. This means that if h of x produces a y, then h of x must always, always always produce y and never another value. This is super critical, because this will screw up our hash table completely If this happens, we do not want this. So an example of a non deterministic hash function is something that introduces say, a global variable or some kind of randomness, you don't want that. So in this particular hash function, the first time I run it, the hash value for five is six. But then if I call it again, we've incremented the counter and now the hash values seven. Oh, not good. Something else but hash functions is we try very hard to make them uniform. To minimize the number of hash collisions, we'll get into why hash collisions are bad shortly. But a hash collision is when two objects X and Y hash to the same value that is h of x equals h of y. And the reason why to be uniform, so that all the values of our hash function are hit, so that we can fill the table uniformly. So for example, the Table Table we generated earlier, William and key they have a hash collision. Okay, so now we're able to answer a central question about the types of keys that we're allowed to put in our hash table. So what makes a key of type t hashable? Here's the answer. Since we're going to implement our hash table using these hash functions, we need those hash functions to be deterministic. And to enforce that behavior, you'll see a lot of programming languages in force that the keys you use, be immutable, meaning you can't change them. They're fixed. They're constants. So they're things like immutable strings, integers, but not things like sets or lists or things you can add or remove things from, they're immutable. And if we have that condition, and we have a hash function that is defined for all keys of type t, then we say that, that that type is hashable. Okay. Alright, so now let's get into the interesting details. How does the hash table work? Well, ideally, we want our hash function to have really quick insertion look up, and the removal times. And, remarkably, we can achieve all that using the hash function as a way to index into a hash table. And a hash table is just a fancy word for an array. Think of it like that every time I say hash table think array. So again, we use the hash function as a way to index into the hash table. So the hash function gives us an index to go look up inside a table. And yes, we can do this in constant time. Given that we have a uniform hash function, super essential. Okay, think of the hash table on the right as an indexable block of memory. So as I said, an array, we can access these entries with the hash function, h of x. So suppose we're going to be inserting integer string key value pairs into the table that are going to represent rankings of users to their usernames, say in an online programming competition. And this is the arbitrary hash function, I chose x squared plus three, Montana. Alright, let's get started. So if I want to insert the key value pair, three by eater, so in the contest, the user whose username is by eater got a rank of three, and we want to insert that into the hash table, then what we do is we hash the key, which is three, and we get h of three being three squared plus three montagner. Two, so in our hash table, or array, index two, we're going to put the key B three, and the value to be byte either. Alright? Now, this next user will say, which is usually what I call myself an online programming competitions, he is rank one. And if we hash one, then we get four. So at index four, then we're going to put the key in the value for William, or will that fees. Next, if we want to insert Lauren 425, we've got rank 32. Again, we hash 32, and we put her in the table where she goes, then we can do the same thing for ternary wizard has rank five. And insert orange Knight, again began by hashing the key finding out where it goes. So as we keep doing this, you keep filling the table, but eventually we're bound to have a collision. Now, in the event that we want to do a lookup, for a user that has a rank R, all we need to do is compute the hash value for R and then look inside your hash table see where this user is. So say I want to find the user with reign 10. And I hash 10. Figure out its index is three and then I get the value which is the orange Knight has rank 10. Great. However, how do we handle hash collisions? For examples, use Those who have ranks two and eight have the same value. This is problematic. Because we don't have another place to put them inside our table, they would index into the same position. Yeah. And the answer is we use one of many hash collision resolution techniques to handle this. There are many, but the two most popular ones are separate chaining and open addressing. The idea behind separate chaining is that we deal with hash collisions by maintaining a data structure, usually a link lists to hold all the different key value pairs, which hash to some particular value. Open addressing is slightly different. It deals with hash collisions by probing and finding other places in the hash table offset from the place where we originally hash to. So an open addressing, everything is kept inside one big array. And separate chaining, you have multiple auxiliary data structures. So the time complexity, the hash table is actually pretty remarkable. In fact, it's amazing. So on average, we can achieve constant time insertion, removal and search. But if you have a terrible hash function that's not uniform, then you can get linear time, which is really, really bad. Okay, let's talk about something super, super cool. And that is hash tables, and separate chaining. Alright, let's dive right in what is separate chaining. Separate chaining is just one of many, many hash collision resolution techniques. And how it works is when there's a hash collision, meaning two keys hash of the same value, we need to have some sort of way of handling that within our hash table. So it's still functional. Or what separate chaining does is it maintains an auxilary data structure to essentially hold all the collisions. And so we can go back and look up inside that bucket or that data structure of values for the item we're looking for. And usually, we use the length list for this. But it's not limited to only linked lists, we can use arrays, binary trees, self bouncing trees, or even a hybrid approach. Okay, so suppose we have the following hash table, it's just a fancy name for an array of key value pairs of age and names. And we associate an arbitrary hash value that has been computed with some hash function. So those are hash values, they don't really matter. For now, we're just going to see how we can use separate chaining to handle the collisions. Okay, so on the left is our hash table. So our array, and I'm going to be inserting all of these key value pairs into this hash table via separate chaining, and you'll see how easy it is. Okay, so our first person is will his ages 21 and he hashed to three. So we're going to put in, in that slot three, Leah, age 18, hash to four. Since she hash to four, we're going to put her at index four. So the hash is a way to index into the array. Okay, rig age 61 hash two and put them there. And re age 25 hash one. Okay, we're starting to get a little bit full in our hash table here. So you might get some collisions pretty soon. Okay. Lera, age 34, hash to four, but we say Oh, shoot, Leah is already there. What do we do? Well, in separate chaining, we just chain along. So essentially, each, each position in the array is actually a linked list data structure. So we're going to scan through the link list and see if alera exists and if Lera does not exist, then we're going to add lira at the very end of the chain. Okay, so Ryan also hash to one but then we look and Ryan is not equal to Ray so we need to add a new entry at position one. alera age 34 hash to four. So Nope, an O layer already exists. So in our hash table, so we're good. And she says the same age, so we don't need to update it. So fin age 21, hash to three. So easier hash collision with will who also hash to three. So what we're going to do is are going to append a fin to the end of the length list chain. So note that even though that will and fin both hashed to the same value, that is index three, and they have the same age, we tell them apart, because we store both the key and the value as an entry in our linked list block. So that's how we're able to tell them apart. Okay, now I want insert mark, whose age is 10. And who has to four. So scan through the linked list at index for for Mark, and is not found. So we have to append mark at the very end. All right, now let's have a look at how we can do lookups in this structure. So it's basically the same thing. So we're going to do is given a name, we want to find what the person's age is. So suppose we have Ryan and Ryan, when we hash him, we get one. So we suspect that Ryan should be in bucket one. When I say a bucket, I just mean, whatever data structure we're using, at index one, in our case, the link lists. So if you scan this linked list for Ryan, so sorry, Ray, no. So here, we're comparing the key. So we're comparing the key Ryan to the key array. And there's not a match. So keep going. Compare Ryan, Ryan, there's a match. Okay, we found Ryan and then inside in that entry, say, oh, his age is 56. So return 56. Let's do another one, find the age of Mark hash mark. And since our hash functions are deterministic, we know that if there's a mark, then it's going to be found in position four. Okay, so we look in the bucket for scan through, oh, last one is a mark. So returning age 10. So it might happen that the value or the key looking forward doesn't exist. And so it doesn't exist Your turn now. Okay, so here's a good question. How do we maintain a constant time insertion and lookup time complexity? If the hash table gets really full, and I have some long linked list chains? Good question. And the answer is that once there's a lot of elements within your hash table, you'll actually want to create a new hash table with a larger capacity and rehash all your items and re insert them into this new, larger table, because tables are fixed size. Okay, and another good question, how do I remove key value pairs from my hash table with separate chaining? Well, the answer is basically the same procedure, you hash your key. And instead of doing a lookup while you would remove a particular entry and the length list, that's another question. How do I use? Can I use another data structure to model the bucket behavior? Yes, of course. And common data structures are using several linked lists include arrays, binary tree, so by self balancing trees, Java uses a hybrid approach and our hash map. So once they get to a certain chain length, they switch to a binary tree, or maybe a cell balance spanning tree I'm not too sure. However, these alternative methods are a bit more memory intensive and complex to implement, which is why they may be less popular, but they might be a lot faster to hadn't actually implemented them myself. All right, it's time to have a look at some separate chaining source code for the hash table. So here I am on my GitHub repository with MCs slash data structures. And you can find the source code here under the hash table folder. I have multiple implementations of the hash table. Today, we're going to be looking at the hash table with separate chaining and in the later videos, probably one of these three, I haven't figured out which one yet. So let's dive into the code. I have it here on my computer. So let's get going. All right. So first things first, I have two classes, one called entry the other one just separate chaining hash table. So let's have a look at the entry class. First. These entries represent individual items or key value pairs, you would want to be inserting into the hash table. So in Java, we have generics, so a generic key, which has to be hashable, and some value. So when I create an entry, I give it the key value pairs. And I also compute the hash code. So there's a built in method in Java to compute the hash code for a particular object. And you can override it to specify the hash code for your particular object, which is really convenient. So compute the hash code and cache it, you absolutely want to cache it. So you don't have to re compute this thing multiple times, it should be cheap to compute. But for something like a string, hash code can take linear time to compute, which is not good. So here, I have an equals method, which doesn't override the object equals method because I don't want to have to do any casting. First, it checks if the hashes are not equal. If the hashes are not equal, we know from the first video that they are absolutely not equal, so we can return false. Otherwise, I compare the keys to each other. And that's about it for the entry class. Very simple, very basic. Now let's get into the meat of thing. So the hash table itself. Okay, so my default hash table capacities and v3, so holds three, three items, and the load factor by default if the user doesn't specify ones or be 0.75. So that's the maximum capacity I'm willing to tolerate, then I have a few important instance variables, we need to go over. So the maximum load factor, so once the load factor goes above this value, then I resize the table. So there's a capacity, so the actual maximum number of items that could or how big the table size is rather. So the threshold. So this is computed to be capacity times the max load factor, so tells us, hey, you're above the threshold to resize time to resize size, how many items are currently in the table. And this is the table itself. So it's an array of linked lists, which themselves have entries, pretty simple. So there's a few constructors, so you can construct a hash table, just using the default settings with initial capacity, or the capacity at a max load factor. So this is a designated constructor, let's have a look. So just save the max load factor is compute default capacity. And make sure you take the max of say the default capacity and capacity just so that I know you don't want the capacity be too low. There may be weird things happening if the capacity is set to one or something like that. Then calculate threshold and then finally initialize the table. Really simple. All right, let's have a look at all these methods right here. So size returns number of elements side hash table empty, is the hash table empty. So this is the first really interesting method. So normalized index. And it's used when you want to convert a hash value into an index. And it says in the comments here, essentially, this strips the negative sign and place the hash value in a domain, zero to capacity. Because the hash values are integers, they can be anywhere in the domain of an integer, which is about minus 32. To the 31, sorry, to positive to the 31. around that. So what this does is a mask, it strips off the negative sign from the hash value, and then modified by the capacity. So bring it into this domain, so we can actually use it as a lookup index. Next up is clear. So we just weren't clear how the table that's straightforward. Contains key and has here the same thing. So we're going to do is compute given a key. So we want to find out does this key exist within the hash table. Right? So we're going to do is compute the keys, hash, normalize it. And then now give us the bucket index. So which bucket should this key appear? Should it be in a hash table? I'm just going to seek to see if I'm going to seek the fire In the entry, if the entry is not equal to no exists, if it's equal to Now it doesn't exist simple for add an insert are all common names for just putting something into the hash table, or updating a value inside of the hash table two. So we don't want to allow no keys, that's something we absolutely don't want. So just throw an exception there. Otherwise, we're going to create a new entry, find the bucket it belongs to, and then insert it using this method we'll get to. Okay, get. So given a key, I want to find the value associated with that key. Again, though, allow no keys. And this will be pretty routine all the time always don't want to find which bucket this particular key belongs to get the bucket index. Okay, find the entry. assuming it's not no, then this is the entry you want every time its value. If it is no, well, the key doesn't exist. So return null. Okay, suppose we remove the key now from the hash table. So he's not no find the bucket index, and we're gonna call his private remove entry method, which is just down here. So given the bucket index, so which, which bucket does this keyboard to, what we're going to do is we're going to seek for the entry inside the link list structure. And if the entry is not now, then we're going to extract the actual link list and remove it. So this is a built in a datatype in Java. So this removed from that link this data structure decrement the size and return the actual value, that's all we have to do. Otherwise, it's not there. So return null. So insert bucket insert entry is a given a particular bucket, we want to place this entry inside of it. Okay. So first, since we know the bucket index, we can go in our table and automatically get the linked list structure. Check out bucket. So bucket is now well, we have to create a new linked list. So we're essentially lazy only allocating these linked list data structures, which is good, because we don't want to use more memory than we need to. So next up, I find the entry that already exists. So this is in case you want to do an update, for instance. So if the existence entry is now this means that we need to add a new entry to the end of the blank last. So add it to the end of the link list, increment the size, and check if we're above the threshold, and if so, resize the table. And yeah, use now to indicate that there was no previous entry otherwise need to update that entry. So then just update the value in the existing entry and return the value. All right. So seek entry this method we've been using pretty much everywhere, it finds the returns particular entry at a given bucket index, if it exists, otherwise, just return now. They probably know what's going on by now. So extract the length list at the particular bucket index. Otherwise return now if it doesn't exist yet, otherwise, seek through each of the entries in the linked list and compare the keys to the key we're after. And if there was a match, return that entry otherwise return no date. Here's the last really complicated method called resize table. So this resizes the initial table doubling the capacity of the table. First we double the capacity. We recompute the new threshold because now we have a higher threshold because we have increasing capacity. Now create a new table with this new capacity. So this new table is bigger than the current table. Then go through the current table. Look for linkless data structures which are not know if you find one. We'll loop through all these entries, calculate the bucket index. Find the bucket and essentially insert it into this new table and after that completely remove the old data that was in the old table at the end, set the table to be equal to the new table. Okay. And then these last two methods, so just return all the keys and the values within a hash table. fairly simple. And these last two methods are iterators. And to string which we don't need to go over. So that's essentially, separate chaining and nutshell, fairly simple to implement with the link lists much more difficult to implement with, say, a balanced binary tree or something like that. I'm pretty excited, we're going to be talking about the open addressing collision resolution technique for hash tables. So let's get going. First, let's just do a quick recap on hash tables so that everyone's on the same page. So the goal of the hash table is to construct a mapping from a set of keys to a set of values, and the keys need to be hashable. Now, what we do is we define a hash function on the keys to convert them into numbers, then we use the number obtained through the hash function as a way to index into the array or the hash table. However, this isn't a foolproof method, because from time to time, we're going to have hash collisions, that is two keys that hash to the same value. So we need a way to resolve this and open addressing is a solution for that. Alright, so what we're going to be using the open addressing collision resolution technique, the one thing to keep in mind is the actual key value pairs themselves are going to be stored in the table itself. So as opposed to say, an auxilary data structure like in the separate chaining method we saw in the last video. So this means that we care a great deal about the size of the hash tables, and how many elements are currently in the hash table. Because once there are too many elements inside of the hash table, we're also going to be really hard to find an open slot or a position to place our elements. So just an important piece of terminology, we say that the load factor is the ratio between number of items in the table and the size of the table. So this means we need to keep tabs on the load factor. Here's a neat chart from Wikipedia. So on the chart, what you can see are two different methods. One of them is chaining, that is separate chaining, and linear probing and open addressing technique. And we can see from the linear probing, one is that once it gets to a certain threshold, it gets exponentially bad. So you don't want it to go anywhere near that say point eight mark. In fact, we're going to be keeping it a lot lower than that usually. And what this says is, we always need to keep the load factor which we denote by the Greek letter alpha, below a certain threshold. And we need to grow the size of our table once that threshold is met. Right, so when we want to insert a key value pair into our hash table, here's what we do, we take the key, we use our hash function defined on our key and we hash the value and this gives us an original position inside the hash table for where the key should go. But suppose there's a hash collision, and there's already a key in that slot, well, we can't have two keys in the same slot. That's not how arrays work. So what we do is we use a probing sequence, which I will define as p of x. So now on to tell us where to go next. So we hashed to the value, H of K, the original position. And now we're going to probe along using this probing function in such a way that we're going to eventually find an open spots along the way. So as it turns out, there are actually an infinite amount of probing sequences to choose from. So here are a few of them. We have linear probing, which probes via a linear function. So given an input parameter x, so when we're probing we start, usually x at zero or one and as When unable to find free slot, then we just increment x by one. And it works the same for all of these probing functions. for linear probing, we use a linear function for quadratic probing, we use a quadratic function. And then there's double hashing, which is super neat, actually, what we do is we define a secondary hash function on our key, find its value, and then use that inside the probing function. And the last one is the pseudo random number generator probing function that we can use. So given a random number generator, we're going to seed it using the hash value of our key, which we know is deterministic. So it's always going to be the same thing. And then we can use that inside our probing function, which is pretty neat, and increment by x each time and we know x increments by one, so we're just getting the next number in the random number generator, and then the next one after that. Alright, so here's a general insertion method for open addressing, suppose we have a table of size n. And here's how the algorithm goes, first, we initialize x to be one. So x is a constant, or sorry, a variable that we're going to use for the probing, and we're going to increment x each time we fail to hit a free position, then we get the key hash just by hashing our key. And that is actually going to be the index where we're going to look in a table first. So while the table index is occupied, meaning it's not equal to No, we're going to say our new index is the key hash, or the original position, we hash to plus the probing function, mod n, so that we always land back inside the table, and then we're going to increment x, so that the next time we run this loop, well, we probe at a different position. And then eventually, we're going to find a free position, we always set up our probing function in such a way that we will always find a probe, a sorry, we will always find a free slot, because we know that the load factor is being kept below a certain amount. Alright, so here's the big issue with open addressing. And it's that most probing sequences that we choose modulo n, are going to end up producing some sort of cycle shorter than the table size itself. So imagine your probing sequence just hops between three different values and cycles. And your table is of size 10. But you're only ever able to hit three slots, because it's stuck in a cycle. And all of those three slots are full. Well, you're stuck in an infinite loop. So this is very problematic, and something we absolutely absolutely need to handle. Right, so let's have a look at an example. So right here, I have a hash table. And using open addressing, it's got some key value pairs already inserted. And assume that the circle with a bar through it is the no token. Further assume that we're using the probing sequence p of x equals 4x. And suppose we insert a new key value pair into the table and that the key hashes to eight. So that means we want to insert that key value pair at position eight, but Oh, it's already occupied, because there's key five value five already there. So what we do well, we probe, so we compute P of one, which is 4x. At one, so we get eight plus for my 12. Well, that's zero. So then we go slot zero, and we see Oh, that is also occupied, because the key one and value one is already there. So now we compute P of two, and then they gives us 16 moto just for and then, oh, that cell is already occupied, and then we keep probing. And as you see right now we've entered a cycle. So we'll keep probing and probing and probing, and we always be getting back to the same position. So although we have a proving function, it does not work. In this particular situation. The probing function is flawed. So that's good. Quite concerning, because not all probing functions are viable. They produce cycles are shorter than the table size. How do we handle this? And in general, the consensus is that we don't handle this issue. Instead, we try to avoid it all together by restricting the domain of probing functions that we choose to be those which produce a cycle of exactly like n. And those probing functions do exist. I have a little Asterix here and says there are a few exceptions. And this is true. There are some probing functions we can use, which don't produce a full cycle, but still work. And we're going to have a look at I think, one of those in the quadratic probing video. Alright, so just to recap, techniques such as linear probing, and quadratic probing, and double hashing, they're all subject to this issue of the cycles. And what we need to do is redefine probing functions, which are very specific that produce a cycle of length and to avoid not being able to insert an element and being stuck in an infinite loop. So this is a bit of an issue with the open addressing scheme, but it's something we can handle. Although notice that this isn't something you have to worry about. If you're in the separate chaining world, just because we have that auxilary data structure that just captures all our collisions. Okay, this is going to be a fun one, we're going to be talking about hash tables, and the linear probing technique. To get started, let's recap how open addressing works. So in general, if we have a table of size n, here's how we do open addressing, no matter what your probing function is. So we start our constant, or sorry, variable x at one, the key hash is just going to be wherever our hash function gives us four key. And our first index we're going to check is going to be the original hash position. And while the table at the index now equal to null, meaning that position is already occupied, then we're going to offset the index by where the key hash is plus the probing function mode. And every time we do this, we increment the variable x so that our probing function pushes us along one extra position. And then once we found a position, then we can insert the key value pair into the table at that position. Alright, so what is linear probing? So linear probing is simply a probing method which probes according to some linear formula, specifically, the linear function, p of x equals mx plus b. And we have to make sure that a is not equal to zero, otherwise, we're just adding a constant which does nothing. Now have a small note right here, which says that the constant b is obsolete. And if you know why, post in the comments and have a discussion with the others. And as we saw in the last video, there's a slight problem with this currently, and it's that some linear functions are unable to produce a full cycle of order n. And we might end up getting stuck in a cycle. Here's an example of that. If we picked our linear function to be p of x equals 3x, and say our key k hashed to four, and for some reason our table size was nine, then we would end up with the following cycle occurring. Assuming that positions, four, seven and one are already taken by other key value pairs. So the fact that we're only probing at those three locations means we're unable to reach all the other buckets, which is really bad. And hence, we're again stuck in an infinite loop, we cannot get stuck in this situation ever. So how do we avoid it? So that's the question which values of the constant A and P of x equals x produce a full cycle modulo M. It turns out that this happens when the constant a and n the table size are relatively prime to each other. The two numbers are relatively prime, if their greatest common denominator is equal to one So that is a an N have a GCD of one. And when that happens, the probing function will always be able to generate a complete cycle. And we will always be able to find an empty bucket. Awesome. Alright, here's an example, with linear probing. So suppose we have an originally empty hash table, and we want to insert some key value pairs. And we selected our probing function to be p of x equals 6x. And our table size be n equals nine. And then we also selected a max load factor of alpha equals about two thirds, and the threshold will then be six. So we resize once we hit six elements. Okay, so based on the probing function we chose at a table size, are we likely to run into an infinite loop while inserting? Based on what I told you in the last few slides? And the answer is, yes, the greatest common denominator of nine and six is equal to three, which is not one. So let's go ahead and attempt to insert some elements regardless, we may or may not hit any problems. Okay. So first, let's insert. So I guess on the left, I have some key value pairs, I want to insert, and we're going to insert k one first. So suppose that the hash value for K one is equal to two, then we would say, Alright, the hash of K one plus the probing sequence, add zero, my nine is equal to two. So we're going to insert that key value pair at position two. Alright, next one. So now suppose k of two is equal to two again. So we're going to try to insert this key value pair at position two. But oh snap, we have a hash collision. So we're going to increment x, and now try to offset the probing function at one and so forming function at zero. So that is, instead of inserting it now at two, we're going to insert it at eight. All right, so that went in because that slot was free. Now, let's try inserting key three. So key three, suppose that hashes the three, then we can insert position three, and there's no issue. Now, notice that we're trying to re insert k two, which already exists within our hash table. So instead of inserting it, we're actually going to be updating its value because it exists in the hash table. Alright, so from before, we know that the hash value for K two is two. So So then we look at position two, and K two is not there, and it was hash collision. So we increment x offset by P of one. And now we're able to find k two and now we can update valuate there. Let's go to K five. Okay, so suppose k five has a hash value of eight. So eight is taken. So we're going to probe and that leads us to index five. So we're going to insert the key value pair there. Now sorry, insert case six. Suppose case, six hashes the five, then let's probe ones now that, so five plus 699 gives us two. Okay, a hash collision, let's keep probing. So now, five plus 12 mod nine is equal to eight. All right, another hash collision, so we have to increment x and keep probing, and now we're back to five. So we've hit a cycle. Alright, so we're trapped in a cycle. But we kind of expected this to happen because we knew that we picked two numbers whose GCD was equal to three and not one. So if we look at all the possible AE values we could have selected instead of six, we see that the ones that give a greatest common denominator of one with and the table size are 12457 and eight, while any multiple of three would give us something else. So this comes to the realization that for our choice of P of x, if we choose p of x to be one times x, then the greatest common denominator of n, and one is always going to be one no matter what our choice of the table sizes, which is why p of x equals one times x is a very popular probing function choice. All right, now suppose we have another hash table, and we wish in certain more key value pairs, but this time, we're actually going to pick a probing function that works, so that we don't ever have any issues. So I'm going to pick the table size to be 12 and our probing function to be 5x. So no cycle should occur. All right, so let's go with inserting the first guy. So suppose that k one has a hash value of 10, then at index 10, we'd put k one v one. Suppose k two has a hash value of eight, then slot eight is free. So let's pop those right in there. So now, suppose k three is equal to 10, hash collision with K, one in there, so we need to keep probing. Alright, so if we use our probing function, which is p of x equals 5x. So they'll give us three module and when we add it to the hash value, moving on insert k four. Now suppose the hash value for K four is 10, then we have to keep probing. So then we hit k three, which inserted last time. And then oh, we also hit k two. But we're able to pull out eventually when we hit the third probing value, however, now notice that we've actually reached the threshold of our table, if I go back a few slides, we can see that I picked alpha to be 0.35. So n, which is the table size times alpha gave us four. And we just finished inserting the fourth element. So it's time that we resize the table. So how we usually resize the table is VSM, exponential fashion, such as doubling or tripling, or so on. But we need to double in such a way that the GCD of N A still holds. So after a doubling, and is equal to 24, and the GCD properties is still good. Alpha is a constant, so it's still 3.5. So our new threshold is just going to be eight and we don't change the programming function. Alright, so let's allocate a new chunk of memory for this new table. And now we need to place all the old elements in our old table into this new table using the new table size for n, right. So we scan across all these elements, we start at zero and nothing there and move along. So from before we knew that hash value for K four was 10. So inside the new table is going to go at position 10. Scan along nothing here. from before, we know that k three was 10. So it should go in position 10 in this new table, but we have a hash collision, so we have to keep probing. So if we add our probing function at one, which is 5x, then we get 10 plus five, which is 15. So we're going to insert our position 15 and the new table, keep probing nothing here and nothing here, nothing here. So eventually, we hit k two. So we know from before k two is equal to eight. So we're going to insert position eight. Now we know k one is equal to 10. So we're going to try and insert position 10. that's taken so to probe so the next position is also taken. So at five again, that gives us 20. So insert k one v one at 20. Alright, so now we throw away the old table and we keep this new table and this the new hash table we're working with and we were at inserting k five. Now suppose K phi is equal to two. And that spot is free. So we are good. So here's a frequently asked question. Sweet I know how insertion works. Now how do I remove key value pairs from the hash table using open addressing? And my answer this is that this topic is going to merit its own video. And we're going to do it after we see all the other open addressing techniques, because it's actually non trivial. All right, let's talk about hash tables and how quadratic probing works. Let's dive right in. So let's recall how we insert key value pairs into a table of size and using the open addressing collision resolution schema. So first, we initialize a variable called x to be one, which we're going to increment every time we're unable to find a free slot, then we compute the key hash. And that's going to be our first index going to check and we're going to the loop. While we're unable to find a free slot, meaning the table at that index is not equal to null, so it's already occupied. Every time that happens, we're going to offset the key hash using our probing function, our probing function in our case is going to be a quadratic function. And then we also increment x and eventually we will find an open slot to insert our key value pair. So what is the idea behind quadratic probing? So quadratic probing is simply probing according to a quadratic formula, or specifically when our probing function looks something like p of x equals A x squared plus bx plus c, and a, b, and c are all constants. And we don't want a equal to zero, otherwise, we degrade to linear probing. But as we saw in the previous videos, not all quadratic functions are viable because they don't produce a cycle of order, and we might get stuck in an infinite loop. So as it turns out, most randomly selected quadratic probing functions will end up producing a cycle. Here's an example. Suppose that we chose our probing function to be p of x equals 2x squared plus two, the key we wanted to insert hash two, four, and the current table size was nine, then we would end up with a two cycle. So first time around, we would probe at position zero, we would get four probe at position one, get seven, suppose those two entries are full, and then we would end up in a cycle again. So our probing function is only ever able to hit the buckets, four and seven. So it makes it impossible to reach all the other buckets, 012356, and eight. So we're stuck in an infinite loop when four and seven are already occupied. This is really, really bad. So so the question then is, how do we pick a probing function, which always works? The answer is there are numerous ways. But here are the three most popular ways I have found. So the first way is to select the probing function to be p of x equals x squared. And to keep the table size a prime number greater than three, and make sure our load factors always kept below one half or less than or equal to one half. The other one is to say our probing function equals x squared plus x divided by two, and make sure the table size is a power of two. And the last and final one says that p of x should be the alternating sign of x squared, and keep the table size a prime number where n is congruent to three mod four. For example, we can say that I were table size was 23, because that's a prime number as congruent to three mod four. So any of these will work. But as you see, they're very specific and how they work and whether table size should be and that's a common theme in quadratic probing. So we're going to focus on the second one where p of x equals x squared plus x divided by two and the table size is a power of two. Alright, suppose we have an initially empty hash table, and we want to insert some key value pair and we're using the following quadratic probing function, p of x equals x squared plus x divided by two, and the table size is a power of two, so it's eight. And that's like the load factor to be point four, therefore, the table threshold is going to be three. So just to emphasize that the table size must absolutely be a power of two, otherwise, this will not work. Okay, so let's insert the first guy. So suppose that k one hashes six, then we're going to insert k one at position six. Right, next k two, suppose k two is equal to five, then we're going to insert it at five, no collision there. Suppose k threes equal to five, then we have a collision, so need to handle that. So we're going to try probing and offset one. So that brings us to six. So we probe again, and that brings us to index zero, which is free. So we're going cert, k three, and V three key value pairs there. Let's insert k four. Oh, but before we can do that, we've reached the table threshold, so we have to resize the table first. Okay, so let's allocate a new block of memory. And let's double the size of the table to keep it a power of two. So our new table size of 16 max load factor doesn't change. However, a new threshold is six, and the probing function doesn't change. So we need to place the entries in the old hash table into the new hash table. So from before, we know that k three hashed to five, so we're going to put it at index five, so we don't have a collision there. And no element at position 123 or four, then we could position five and find key two right there. So we know from before that key to also hash to five. So we're going to try a preposition five, there's a hash collision, so we probe one, and then we get five plus one equals six, position six, or insert k two. Now let's try insert k one. And we have them before k one hash two, six, but we can't put it there because we have a collision. So we're going to probe along. So we're going to put it in position seven. All right, and that does it for resizing the table. So let's keep going, we still have a few more elements to insert inside our table. So suppose that k four equals 35,410. So when we made that buy 16 years, this position to, so we're going to say k four, V four at position two. So we've already seen k three, and we know its hash value is equal to five. So since k three is already in our hash table, we're going to be performing an update. So k three person probing functions, zero gives us five. So let's update value to be V five instead of v3, which it was before. So suppose that the key k six hash to minus 6413, so that hashes to three mod 16. So that's why it's free. So just insert it. And the last one, case seven suppose hashes to well, we have a collision right there. So let's probe along. So when we probe, our probing function gives us an offset of one that's also taken, so probing can so now we are at position five, but that's also taken. So keep probing again. So we probe for a fourth time scan offset of six. So that gives us eight. That slot is free. We're going to answer that there. Alright, let's talk about hash tables and the double hashing, open addressing collision resolution technique. So just a quick recap, for those of you who don't know how we do insertions into hash tables are open addressing, we start with a variable x initialized to one, we compute the hash value of the key We set that to be the first index that we're going to check in our hash table to see if it's not now. So the goal is to find an empty slot. So we're going to loop while we are still hitting spots where there are already keys. And every time that happens, we're going to offset our key hash using a probing function. In our case, it's going to be the double hashing probing function. And we're also going to increment our value of x so that we keep probing along further and further. Once you find a free spot, then we can insert our key value pair into the hash table. Okay, so what's the deal with double hashing? So double hashing is just a probing method like any other. But what's special about it is that we probe according to a constant multiple of another hash function. So specifically, our probing function looks something like this, we give it as input, the key which is a constant, and the variable x, and we compute x times h sub two of k, where h 2k is a secondary hash function. So here's an important note, H 2k, must hash the same type of keys as h one, okay. So if your key is a string, well, h two of K must hash strings. If h one a K is hashes integers, the nature of K must also hash integers. So here's a note I put at the bottom that notice that double hashing actually reduces to linear probing, except that the constant is unknown until runtime, because we dynamically compute it with h two of K. So since double hashing reduces to linear probing at runtime, we may be stuck with the same issue we saw with linear probing, which is that we get stuck in an infinite cycle. So if p of x equals 3x, meaning our secondary hash function at runtime calculate a value of three for the constant and say, h1 of K was four, at the table size was nine, that we might end up with the following cycle occurring. So the cycle produces values of four, seven, and one, which makes it impossible to reach any of the buckets, 02356, and eight. So if four, seven and one are already occupied, that means we're stuck in an infinite loop inside our hash table. And we're not able to insert our key value pair because we're not able to go anywhere else. So this is an issue we have to deal with. So to fix the issue of cycles, with double hashing, here's one strategy, we're going to pick our table size to be a prime number, and we're going to compute a value called delta. So delta is just going to be h two of K, my dad. But occasionally Delta might be zero. And if that's the case, then we're going to be guaranteed to be stuck in a cycle because we're not going to go anywhere when we probe because we're going to be multiplying by zero. So when this happens, just set delta to be equal to one. All right. So here's the justification why this works. So notice that delta is always going to be between one inclusive and non inclusive. So the greatest common denominator between delta and n is going to be one, since n is a prime number. So therefore, with these conditions, we know that the probing sequence is guaranteed to have order and so we're going to able to hit every single slot in our hash table. So given that there's at least one free slot in the hash table, which there will be because we're keeping our load factor below a certain threshold, that we're going to be able to reach that slot. Okay, so here's a core question, how do we construct our secondary hash function? Suppose the keys we're using have type T, and whenever we use double hashing, and we need to construct h 2k, two hash keys that are also of type T. So it would be really nice if we had a systematic way of generating these new hash functions every time we need one, right? Here's we might be dealing with multiple different data types of type T. So luckily for us in computer science, Almost every object we ever create is constructed of the same fundamental building blocks, in particular integers, strings, real numbers, fixed length, vectors, and so on. So we can use this to our advantage. Luckily, there are many well known hash functions for these fundamental data types. And we can combine them when we want to construct our new hash function h two of K. Frequently, when we compose hash functions, we select them from cool hash functions called Universal hash functions, which generally operate on these fundamental data types, which is quite convenient. Alright, let's have a look at an example with double hashing. So suppose we have an originally empty hash table above, and we selected our probing function to be p of x equals x squared plus h sub 2k, which is what we needed to be in our table size v n equals seven. Notice that that's a prime number. And we set our max load factor to be alpha equals point seven, five. So our threshold to resize is five. So once we hit five elements, we need to grow the table size. All right, so let's insert all these key value pairs on the left into this hash table. So first key value pair is keyword and v one. Now suppose that the hash value for the first hash function of k one is 67, and H 2k. One is 34. And first thing we do is we compute delta. So we compute h two of K one modulo seven, which is the table size, and we obtain six. And then we compute where this key value pair should go and should go at position four. So now k two, suppose h one of K two is two, and H, two of K two is negative 79. So delta is five. But we're just going to insert a position two, because there's no collisions. So h one is k three is two, and H 2k. Three is 10. These are just arbitrary numbers I chose for these hash functions. So then delta would be three in this, in this case, because 10 mod seven is three. So we have a hash collision, because we're trying to insert our K three at index two, but k two is already there. So what we need to do is we need to probe, so we're going to compute the position to be our original hash function position. So h one of K three a position two plus one times our delta value, mod seven, that gives us five, so we're going to hop to position five right there. Now, right, now, let's insert k four. So suppose now that h one of K four is equal to two, and h two of K four is equal to seven. So let's compute delta. So h two of K four modulo seven is equal to zero, because seven months seven is zero. So when this happens, we know that we need to set delta equal to one so that we don't get stuck in an infinite loop. So now, each one of K four, plus zero times delta mod seven gives us two. So we have a hash collision at the backend for index two, so you keep probing. So now we probed by multiplying my delta, that gives us index three memory, we were able to insert. So now we're going to try insert k three, which is already in our hash table, actually, but with a new value. So we're going to be performing an update this time. So suppose h 1k three is equal to two. Actually, we should have known that from before. And HTF k three is 10. So compute delta. So we have a collision. And we find k three which was already in there and update its value. Now suppose the first hash function for K six is three, and the secondary hash function of k six is 23. Then that gives us a delta value of two. So when we try to insert it, it goes to position So we need to probe. So we compute one times delta mod seven, that gives us five. There's another collisions, and then we compute the offset at two times delta minus seven, which gives us zero. And we find a free slot. So we're able to insert our key value pair there. So notice that we actually inserted five elements, so it's time to resize and grow the table, because we've reached the maximum threshold. So one strategy when we're trying to resize the table with double hashing, because we need to keep our table size to be a prime number is to double the table size, and then find the next prime number above this value. So in our case, when we double, we get 14, and the next prime number 14 is 17. So 17 is going to be the new table size. So allocate a new table of size 17, and go through the elements in the old table and insert them into the new table. So from before, a 12k, six is three, and h two of K six is 23. We compute delta, and we know we're going to put it at position three, and there's no hash collision. Next up, and nothing in position one, position two, we have k two, so the hash value for K to two and the secondary hash value of k two is negative 79. from before, to compute delta to be six. So we're going to insert that at position two with no collision. Next 1k four. So we know h one of K four is two, h two of K four would be seven. So we compute our delta value. And notice that our delta value now is not zero, which it was before, but seven because our mod is a 17 Delta seven. So we have a hash collision here. But we need to keep probing. So compute the offset at one times delta, which gives us nine months 17. Next one, insert k one, suppose h one of K one is two and H 2k. One is 34, then compute delta. And that gives us zero. So when delta is zero set to be one. So now, h one of K one plus zero times delta gives us two. So there's a cushion ask need keep probing. now compute the offset at one times delta, there's still a collision, keep incrementing, the x value. So now two times delta t is four, and we find a free slot so and so that key value pair there. And the last 1k three. So from before HR k three is two and h two of K three is 10. Delta is then 10. And we have a hash collision. So one times delta now gives us 12. And that slot is free. And we reached the end of the new table. So get rid of the old table and replace it with a new table. And let's finish inserting our last key value pair from before which is k seven. Suppose k of seven is equal to 15 and h two of K seven is three, then our delta value is three. And we're able to insert it at position 15. All right, I know a lot of you have been anticipating the Remove video for how we remove elements from a hash table using the open addressing scheme. So let's have a look first at what issues there are when we remove elements, if we do it naively, I think this is valuable. Because suppose though we have an originally empty hash table, and we're using a linear probing function, so p of x is simply going to be equal to x. And we want to perform the following operations we want to insert three keys, k 1k, two and K three, and then remove k two and then get the value of k three after. And for the sake of argument, let's assume that we have a hash collision between K 1k two and K three, all equal to one. This is a possible scenario. So let's insert them. So key one hashes to one. So we're going to insert at position one. So let's insert k two. So it has a hash collision with K one which is already in the table. So we're going to linearly probe, so insert it in the next slot over, that's inserted k three, it also hashes to one. So let's probe Okay, another hash collision. So let's keep probing, and finally we insert it in position three. Now, we are going to remove k two, and we're going to use the naive removing method, where we're just going to clear the contents of the bucket to find k two, we hash K to get one. But k was equal to k two. So we haven't found the element yet. So then we probe and then we have found k two. So we're just going to remove it, like so. Alright, now let's query the table and obtain the value for K three. Let's see what happens. So when we hash k three, we get one and K one cycles here three. So let's continue the search. And then we have no element. So what does this mean? So since the value in the bucket at index two is now we're forced to conclude that he three does not exist within the hash table, otherwise, we would have encountered it before reaching the null position. That's how finding an element works inside a hash table. So this method is clearly flawed. The nave removing method doesn't work. Because k three clearly exists within hash table, we can see it there in index three. So here's a solution to the removing. When we remove an element, we're going to place a unique marker called a tombstone, instead of a no element to indicate that a specific key value pair has been deleted or removed. And when we're doing a search, we're just going to skip over the tombstones. So let's replace the deleted bucket with a tombstone like we should have done and see what happens when we now search for the key k three. Okay, so hash, three hashes to one. So k one style equal to k three. So keep probing. Alright, we hit a tombstone, so we know that that element was deleted. So keep probing. All right, we have found k three, and we can return its value v three as our answer for the search. Awesome. Okay. So a quick question about tombstones. I have a lot of tombstones cluttering my hash table, how do I get rid of them. So the thing with tombstones is that we're actually going to count them as filled slots in the hash table. So they're going to increase the load factor. And they'll all be removed when we resize the hash table. But there's also another way to get rid of them is that when we insert a new key value pair, then we can replace the buckets that have tombstones with a new key value pair. And I want to give you guys an example of how that is done. All right. Suppose this is our hash table of size eight, and we're using the quadratic probing function, p of x equals x squared plus x divided by two. And let's see how tombstones come into play doing this when we want to do a lookup. So suppose we want to insert the key k seven inside the hash table and the hash value for K seven is five. So we're trying to find the key k seven. So k seven, hash to five. So we check there first k seven cycle, the K four. So let's keep probing. So we probe quadratically. And we're just going to go the next slot over and that's position six. Now, position six is special because it's the first position we encounter which has a tombstone in it. So we were going to want to store this position for later to perform an optimization. Okay, keep probing because we haven't found a case seven yet. So when we probe at position two, we go to position one, still no case seven because we have a tombstone so we have keep going. Alright, hit and you Another tombstone. So let's keep probing, and Aha, we have found our key k seven. So we can return the value v seven. Now, however, we can do an optimization, because we don't want to probe an additional four times to find k seven, because we just hit a bunch of tombstones along the way. So an optimization we can do is to relocate the key value pair k seven v seven to the first position where there was a tombstone. So that next time we do a look up, it'll be much faster. We call this lazy deletion or lazy relocation. Alright, so we replaced the first tombstone there with K seven v seven. And now we have two copies of that key value pair. So we're going to want to replace the old one with an old token. Okay. All right, today, we're going to be having a look at some source code for a hash table that uses open two addresses as a collision resolution scheme. And you can find all the source code on GitHub at William fiza, slash data dash structures, and then just go to the hash table folder to find a whole bunch of hash table implementations. I have three different open addressing implementations here. In particular, we are quadratic probing, linear probing, and double hashing. They're all very similar to each other. So I will only be looking at one right now. But if you're curious, you can go on GitHub and check them out for yourself. The one that's really different, or slightly more different is the double hashing. But other than that, they are really essentially the same thing. But today, I've decided that we're going to have a look at the quadratic probing file. So let's dive into the code. Alright, here we are inside the code for the hash table that uses quadratic probing. So let's dive right in. So I have a class called hash table quadratic probing and notice that it takes in two generic types K and V. So this is the key type, and this is the value type. So you're gonna have to specify these when you instantiate an object, which is a hash table for quadratic probing. So I have a bunch of instance variables that we're going to need. The first is the load factor, this is going to be like the maximum load factor that we're willing to tolerate the current capacity of our hash table, the maximum threshold, we're willing to tolerate the modification count, this is for the iterator. Next, I have two instance variables that keep track of the total number of buckets being used. And the key count, which tracks the number of unique keys are currently inside the hash table. Now, since we're doing open addressing, we are storing these key value pairs directly inside an array. So instead of having one array with a wrapper class for an entry have decided just allocate two different arrays, one for keys, and one for values, it makes the code a lot easier. And shorter. Actually, this is just an instance variable we're going to be using, or rather setting when we call the get method. So this is the tombstone I was talking about in the last video. This is the marker we're going to be using for deletions. So every time we delete an entry, we're going to mark it with a tombstone. And we know this tombstone object is unique. Alright, so these are just some default constants. So whenever you want to initialize a hash table without any parameters, you can use these constants. So this is a default load factor, I set it pretty low, but you can change it up as you like. So you can initialize it with a default capacity. And this is the designated constructor. So let's have a look. So the capacity can't be negative or zero. And I check if the user pass in some sort of a weird load factor, because we don't want that. So then set the max value for the load factor, then calculate the capacity. And to ensure that the capacity is a power of two, I need to essentially round up the capacity. So that's going to be with this method next to power. Essentially it it finds the power of two. That is just Above this current number, or it'll also take the default capacity, which itself is a power of two, so we don't have to worry about that. So either way, it's going to be a power of two, then we compute the threshold, which is just load factor times the capacity and initialize our tables. Alright, so let's get rolling. So this is the quadratic probing function I chose. So P of x, so we give it the variable x, and then we compute x squared plus x divided by two. So this is a really important method, the normalize index. So given a hash value, it essentially strips the negative sign and mods by the capacity. So it dumps our hash value inside the domain, zero to the capacity non inclusive. This is a clear method. And this is pretty self explanatory. Just clear the contents of the cat of the hash table and start fresh. Some helper methods sighs get the key count and check if our hash tables empty. And put add an insert or essentially all the same method. So let's look at the insert method. This inserts a key value pair inside the hash table or updates a value if the key already exists. All right, we don't want to allow no keys. That happens, we throw an exception. If the number of buckets use is greater than or equal to the threshold we're tolerating, we're going to resize the table before doing anything else. Otherwise, we want to calculate the hash value from the key using the built in hash code method. And you can override this for your particular object. Okay, now I need to explain what I Jane xR. So I is going to be the current index or at in the hash table, because we're going to be bouncing around this I value is going to change a lot. And j is the position of the first tombstone we encounter if we encounter one, otherwise, it's minus one. And we're going to be using this for an optimization is an axis the probe offset, which I've set to one, initially. Okay, so this is a do while loop, it's a little long, but it's pretty easy to understand. Alright, so first, we check in the key table, have we hit a tombstone? If we have and j is equal to minus one, that means we haven't hit a tombstone yet. So save where we found this tombstone. Okay, so this next check checks F, the key table has an entry that's not null, meaning there's a key inside of it. So we have to check if the key our existing hash table. So that's what this does. It compares the current key at index i with a key we're trying to insert this key. And if j is equal to minus one, meaning we haven't hit a tombstone, then just update the value. If we've hit a tombstone, then we want to do a swap with the tombstone. And at the modification, count, and always return like the old value that was there before just just in case why use it. Alright, next up the current cells now so we can do an insertion. So j is equal to minus one means that we haven't seen a tombstone so far. So increment number of use buckets and a key count, and then store our key value pair. Otherwise, we have seen a tombstone and instead of inserting where I element AI, where the element is inserted where the deleted token was found, so we're inserting at j instead of AI. So here we're inserting an AI, but stay within sorry, J with tombstone is and we're gonna return null because there was nothing there before. Okay, and if if we do a loop, so we get through all these if statements and we haven't returned, that means that we need to keep probing we had a hash collision, and we saw we landed on or it had something in it. So we need to probe so we need to offset where we first originally hash to plus the probing index or the probe. Addition and increment x at the same time, so this will just hop to the next spot. And we'll do this while we haven't found an empty slot, and we will find an empty slot. Alright, so contains key and has key, just check if a key exists within the hash table. And to do this, I'm being pretty lazy. And I'm just calling the get method. And I'm setting an instance variable in there called contains flag, which gets set to true or false whether key is inside our hash table or not. Because the Husky in the get method would look would have essentially the same code. So that's the bad code smell. Alright, so let's look at the get method since it's getting used in the Husky method. So Sinclair set up, find the original hash index is equal to the hash set j and X to what they were before. So essentially do all the same stuff, or mostly except set the flag, so that's different, we set the flag to be true, when we identify that the key is indeed inside the hash table. And here, our else condition is just shorter, we return if we hit a null cell, instead of inserting a new element, and set the contains slide to be false. Okay, so pretty easy. And the Remove method is actually quite a bit shorter. Interestingly. So same setup, check, the key is now find the hash set x to be equal to one here, we don't really care about tombstones too much. So we don't have a j position. So we're going to start the hash index and quadratically probe until we find a spot. So for every loop, we're going to increment i or find a new offset position if this loop gets completed, so here's what we do, we ignore tombstones, so just skip over those. So if this happens, if the key was not found in the hash table, we can return now. Otherwise, the key we want to remove is in the hash table. And we can do this check, because we check if it's null before, so we're not going to get a null pointer. So decrement, the key, count up the modification count, extract the old value, and dump a tombstone here, and just wipe whatever value is in there. So this is where we set this tombstones in the Remove method, and then just return the old value for good measure. Alright, and, okay, these two methods are pretty self explanatory, they just return the keys and return the values that are contained within our hash table. So the next really interesting method is this resize table method. So this is this gets called when we are inserting new elements, I mean, to grow the table size. And remember that in this particular quadratic probing implementation, we always need the capacity to be a power of two. But since we know that the capacity is already a power of two, multiplying by two will keep it a power of two. So that's fine. So we compute the new threshold allocates new memory for a new table, I call that old table, but it's actually going to be the new table shortly. So here, I I perform any kind of interesting maneuver here, I swap the current table. That is a smaller table with this new table, which I call an old table. In order to be able to call the insert method down here, we'll get to that. So swap the key tables, swapped the value tables, or reset the key count and the bucket count. And the reason I call it old key table was because since the swap, well, the then the new table is actually the current pointer for what was the old table. That might sound confusing, but I'm using the table we had before to do insertions on or the pointer to it. Alright, so loop through the old table values. And if we encounter a token or a pointer that's not know and not a tombstone, then we will inserted. So because we're avoiding reinserting tombstones, we're getting rid of all the tombstones. So even though our table might have been cluttered with tombstones, we're just getting rid of all of them here. Alright, so that's that the iterator, you can probably have a look at this yourself. It's just looping through all the keys and returning them one at a time. That's a pretty standard to string method. So that's how you do quadratic probing with open addressing. Today, I want to talk about the Fenwick tree, also sometimes called the binary index tree, and you'll see why very soon. This is one of my personal favorites, because it's such a powerful data structure. And it boosts efficiency. And it's really, really simple to code. So let's dive right in. So things my covering the family tree, video series, and just some standard stuff. So go over some motivation, why this data structure exists, analyze the time complexity, and then go into some implementation details. So in this video, we'll get to the range query, and later videos, how to do point updates and how to construct the Fenwick tree in linear time. You can also do things like range updates, but I'm not going to be covering that in this series. At least not yet. Okay, so what is the motivation behind the Fenwick tree. So suppose we have an array of integer values, and we want to query a range and find the sum of that range? Well, one thing we can do would be to start at the position and scan up to where we want to stop, and then sum all the individual values between that range. And that's fine, we can do this. However, it'll soon get pretty slow, because we're doing linear queries, which is really bad. However, if we do something like compute all the prefix sums for the array, then we can do queries in constant time, which is really, really good. So if we set the array p, index zero to be zero, and then we go in our array and add that element to the current prefix sum, we get five and then five, plus or minus three, give us two, and then six plus two is eight, and so on. So this is an elementary form of dynamic programming right here, calculating out prefix sums. And then if we want to find the sum, from say, two to seven non inclusive, then we can get the difference between those two indices in the PRA. And that's a constant time thing to compute. The sum of the values between two and seven are inclusive. So that's really great. However, there's a slight flaw in this, which is what happens when we want to update a value in our original array A, say, we want to update index four, to be three. Well, now we have to recompute all the prefix sums. So this is really bad, because it can recalculate all those prefix sums. And to get to linear time. This is why the February Chu was essentially created. So what is the fennel trees, the family tree is a data structure that supports range queries on arrays and also point updates. Also range queries, but we won't be covering that in this video. So it's construction is linear time. Point out dates are logarithmic. range, some queries also logarithmic range updates logarithmic, but you can't say add elements to the array can't make the array bigger or entirely remove elements. Okay, so let's look at how we can do range queries on this thing. First thing you need to know is that unlike a regular array, a family tree, each cell is not responsible for itself but rather for a range of other cells as well. So we're going to say that a cell is responsible for other cells depending on what The value of its least significant bit is its binary representation. So on the left, I have a one based array. Fenwick trees are one base. That's very important. And I, on the side of that, I also put the binary representation of each of the numbers, you can clearly see what they look like in binary. So if we have, say, the index 12, its binary representation is 1100. So the least significant jet is that left most bit. So that is at position three, and the binary representation, so that index is responsible for we're going to say two to the power of the position minus one, so four cells below itself. Similarly, 10, has a binary representation of 1010. And the least the least significant bit is that position two. So it's responsible for two cells below itself. And 11 has this thing fit in there position one, so solely responsible for oneself, itself. So here, I've outlined the lease Sydney, leasing nificant bits, I think, really hard to say, for all the odd numbers, which are just responsible for themselves. So that's what the blue bar indicates, the blue bars don't represent value, they represent a range of responsibility. And that's really important for you to keep in mind. So now, all the cells which have arranged responsibility to now the cells have a range of sponsibility to four minutes that all these ranges of responsibilities or powers of 2/8, is responsible for eight cells, and 16 for 16 cells. So now, how do we do a range query on this now that we're not really working in this standard array, but rather this weird type of range of responsibilities? And the answer is, we're going to calculate the prefix sum up to a certain index. And that's what's eventually going to allow us to do a range queries. So let's figure out how to do prefix sums, just like we did for a regular array, but on this family tree. So the idea is we're going to start at some index and cascade downwards until we reach zero, you'll soon see what I mean. So for example, let's find the prefix sum up to index seven. So we're in calculating the prefix sound from index, one to seven, inclusive. Usually, everything in a Finnick tree is inclusive. So if we look at where we are at seven, so we can get the value in the array at position seven. And then we want to cascade downwards. So the next guy below us is six, and then four. Notice that we were like hopping down. So we start seven, and then we move down to six. And then from six, we go down to levels because six as arranges responsibility to, and then we're at four and four is a range responsibility of force, that brings us all the way down to zero. And we're always going to be able to go from where we are all the way down to zero. So the prefix sum for seven is the array at index seven plus the array index six plus the array index four. All right, now to find the prefix sum for index 11. So we always start at where we are. So that's 11. And then we're going to cascade down. So the cell directly below us, is 10. And 10, is arrangers responsible to so we're gonna go down to, so that's eight and an eight brings us all the way down directly to zero. Okay, cool. And one last one, let's find the prefix son of two index four. So four, we searched for four as arranger responsibility of exactly four sets already. We're back down to zero so we can stop. Okay, let's pull this all together and try to do an interval sum between i and j. So let's calculate the interval sun between say 11 and 15. So the idea is we're going to calculate the prefix sum of 15 and 11. So we're going to calculate prefix sum of 15. And then we're going to calculate the prefix sum up to 11. But notice that we're not going to calculate up to 11. inclusive, but exclusive because we want the value at a lot. Okay, so if we start at 15, then we cascade down until we hit zero. So 15 has arranger responsibility of one, subtract one from 15. Now we get to 14. And 14 has arranger responsibility if two, because the least significant there on 14 is two, okay, now we go to 12, and then keep cascading down. So the prefix sum to 15 is the array at index 15 plus 14 plus 12 plus eight. All right, now the prefix sum for up to 11 dot inclusive, so we're going to start at 10. Now we want to cascade down until we hit zero. So 10 is arranger responsible to subtract two from 10, we get to eight. Now from eight has arranger responsibility of eight, so cascade down, so eight minus eight is zero. So now, the range sum is the sum of all the indices of 15 minus those of 10, then that's how we would calculate the range sum. So notice that in the worst case, we're querying a cell which has a binary representation, which is all the ones and these are the numbers of the form like to the n minus one to a power of two, minus one. So a power of two has one bit set and all zeros, but when you subtract one, then your whole bunch of ones here. So if you look at 15, almost all of its bits are ones. And those are the worst cases. So in the worst case, we might be asked to query say 15, and seven, both of which have a lot of ones in them. So we're doing about to log base two of N operations. But in the average case, this actually pretty good. And we're going to implement this in such a way that it's just going to be bit manipulation. So this is like super fast. So the range query algorithm is pretty much this. You see, it's like literally no code, the range query from i to j, we have a Fenwick tree of size. And so I'm going to define a function called prefix sum, which does that cascade at cascading down operation. So we started I and while I is now equal to zero, we're going to sum up the values in our final tree. And we're going to remove the value of the least significant bit. And we're all we're going to keep doing this until our value is zero. And then we can return the sum. So the range query manages a difference between those prefix sums. So really neat little algorithm. I want to talk about Fenwick trees and point updates. So let's dive right in. But before we get to that, absolutely, make sure you checked out the Fenwick tree range query video. And I posted last, just to get the context of how the Fenwick tree is set up and how we're doing operations on it. Okay, so just to refresh your brain on how we actually did a prefix sum, and how we did those range queries. So what we did was, we started at a value at some index doesn't matter which and then we continuously removed the least significant bit until we hit zero. That's like cascading down effect that gave so let's say we started at 13 or 13, at least significant bit was one, so we removed one and we got 12. And then we found out that the least that nificant bit of 12 was four So we remove four and then at least thing, if you have eight was eight, now we reach zero. And once we reach zero, we know that we're done. So doing a point, date is very analogous to this, instead of removing, we're going to be adding the least significant bit, as you'll see. So for instance, if we want to add a value at index nine, then we have to find out all the cells which are responsible for nine, because remember, cells are responsible for a range of responsibility. So if we start with nine who find the least significant bit and add it to nine, and we get 10. So 10, finally significant bet, is has a value of two, then we add it to 10, then find the least significant bit 12 at 12. So it's four. Now it's 16. And then we would do the same thing, and then we're out of bounds. So we would know to stop. So if I draw a line outwards from nine, all the cells that I hit are the ones I have to update. So remember, those lines represent a range of responsibility. So the lines that I hit are the ones that I got when I added the least nificant bits. Okay. So 14, add some constant x, at position six in the Fenwick tree, which cells do I need to modify? So we start six, and we find the leasing of Gambit sex, and ad sex, so we get eight, find the least significant bit of eight and that 816. So if I draw a line out from sex, then indeed the cells that I do hit r six, eight, and 16. So the required updates for our Fenwick tree are that we need to add x to position six, eight, and 16. So the algorithm is really, really simple. So if we have a Fenwick tree, stored in their array of size n, then while I, so I supposition we originally want to update. So while i is less than n, we're going to add x to the tree acquisition I an add on the value of the least significant bit of AI. And that's it, where the function LSB is the significant bit of AI. And there are built in functions to do that, usually, and we're going to have a look at some source code. Alright, so that was point updates. And now we actually need to construct the Fenwick tree. Let's talk about Fenwick tree construction. We've already seen how to do range queries and point updates in the last two videos. But we haven't even seen how to construct the Fenwick tree yet. And the reason I've kept this for last is you can't understand the Fenwick tree construction without having previously understood how point updates work. Alright, so let's dive right in. So we could do the naive construction of a Fenwick tree. So if we're given an array of values, a, and we want to transform this into a Fenwick tree, what we could do is initialize our Fenwick tree to be an array containing all zeros and add the values into the Fenwick tree one at a time using point updates to get a total time complexity of order n log n. However, we can do better, we can actually do this in linear time. So why bother with n log n? Alright, so in the linear construction, we're going to be given an array of values we wish to convert into the Fenwick tree, a legitimate Fenwick tree, not just the array of values themselves. And the idea is we're going to propagate the values throughout our Fenwick tree in place. And we're going to do this by updating the immediate cell as responsible for us. Eventually, as we pass through the entire tree, everyone's going to be updated, and we're going to have a fully functional Fenwick tree at the end of the day. So it kind of relies on this cascading idea. So you You propagate some thing to the parent who's responsible for you, and then that parent propagate its value to its parent and so on. So it's just kind of like almost delegating the value. So let's see how this works. Oh, one more thing before that. So if the current position is position I, then the immediate cell above us, which is responsible for us, so our parent, let's say that is J, and j is given by I, plus the least significant bit of AI. Alright, so if we start at one, well, the least significant bit of one is one, so the parent is at position two. So notice that there was a for at position two, but we're going to add two for the value of i, which is three. So now position two as a value of seven. Now, we want a bit position two. So find out which is responsible for position two. So two, plus at least significant bit of two is four. So four is actually responsible for two are immediately responsible for two. So go to index four and add the seven. Then who is responsible for three? Well, that's four. So go to position four, and add the value at index three. Now, who's responsible for four? Well, eight is responsible for four. So go to position eight, and add the value four. So now in position eight, we have four. So in our five, and then you see how we keep doing this, updating our parent, the immediate cell responsible for us, now seven is updating eight. But now, nobody, oh, eight doesn't have a parent. Because our Fenwick tree is too small, it only has 12 cells, but the parent that would be responsible for eight is 16. And 16, is out of bounds. So we just ignore it. It's not irrelevant. So now, we keep going. So I is nine nines, least significant bit is one, so j is 10. That's where the parent is. So keep propagating that value 10s, parent 12, lemons parent also 12. And now we are the same sort of situation we had with eight where we have an out of band situation, so we ignore it. So the values that are there right now are the values of the Fenwick tree. And with these values, we can do range queries and point updates, not with the original array that we had. So let's look at the construction algorithm itself. In case you want to implement this, we will have a look at some source code in the next video. But if you're using another language that I'm not using, this can be helpful. So given an array of values, you want to turn into a Fenwick tree. Let's get it's about the length, which is n. And I recommend you actually clone or make a deep copy of the values, just so that you don't accidentally manipulate the values array while you're constructing your Fenwick tree. That could be problematic, because we're doing all this stuff in place. So clone the values array, and then start I at one and go up to n and then compute j so the parent. So we just i plus the least significant bit of I do an if statement to check if j is less than n, that might actually be less than or equal to and actually not thinking about it because everything is one based and in a Fenwick tree. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it should be less than or equal to. Alright, let's have a look at some Fenwick tree source code. I'm here in my GitHub repository. You can find it at this link which I'll put in the description below. William fees, slash data dash structures, and the Fenwick trees source code is right here under the Fenwick tree folder. So let's dive right in. I have it here local on my computer and my text editor. Alright, so this source code is provided to you in Java, but it's really easy to train layer two, any language you're working. So create a Fenwick tree class which has two constructors. One, they'll create an empty family tree for a given size and then you populate yourself. And another one, which you give it an array of values, like we saw in the last video, and constructs the Fenwick tree in a linear time. So this is probably the constructor you want to use, and not the other one. But I give you the option to use either or. So one thing that you guys should know is that the values array pass in this thing needs to be one based. In the last video, I was hesitant on whether or not to actually go less than or less than or equal to the length of the array. And that's going to depend on whether your array is one based or zero based. Usually everything a family tree is one based in which case, it would be less than if you're using this as the length. All right. But other than that, so this is just the construction algorithm we saw. So just propagate the value to the parent. So that's right here, and ignore it if it's out of bounds. So pretty simple stuff. So this is probably one of the most interesting methods is the least significant bit method. And it's going to return the value of the least significant bit for some integer i. So this bit magic right here, essentially isolates and returns the least significant bit value. Something that's a bit more readable, is this right here, which uses Java's built in method find the least significant bit. However, using a Rob manipulation, like this without an additional function call will be faster. Okay, so the prefix sums, this is something we covered in the first video, which allows you to compute the prefix sum from one to I both inclusive. And all this is being done one based. So this would do the cascading down, they were talking about. So start with a sum equal to zero, and add the values of the indices you hit along the way while you cascading down. And this line line 55 is equivalent to i minus equal the least significant bit of I, which is a lot more readable than this crazy manipulation, which essentially just clears that bit. But you want to use as much bit manipulation as you can keep your Fenwick tree fast, even though it's already really, really fast. But the More button manipulation you use, the less operation or machine level operations you're going to do. And so your program is going to be so much faster. Okay, if you want to find the sum between IMG inclusive, then we can call the prefix some methods right here, and just essentially get the differences. So that's easy. So adding, so this is from a point update, at position, I add K to it. So we k can be positive or negative, that doesn't really matter. So what are you going to do as for AI, you're going to update everyone who's responsible for you. So all the ranges that are responsible for you. And for each of those, you're going to add the constant K. And then you're going to propagate up to your parent, my thing i equals i plus the least significant bit, and you're going to do that, until you're still within the tree at some valent index. And this additional method added for fun is that you want to set the index is equal to k, this might sometimes be useful, so just get the value at I so II, and then call the Add method. So pretty simple stuff. As you see this is what 8080 ish lines and half of it is comments. So this is a really simple and yet extremely fast the structure. And interesting topic I want to talk about today is the suffix array. This is an incredibly powerful data structure to have in your toolbox when you're doing some string processing. Stuff like arrays are a relatively new data structure appearing around the early 90s. due to the heavy memory consumption needs of suffix trees. Let's start with the basics and talk about just what a suffix is. For our purposes, a suffix is a non empty substring at the end of a string. For example, if we ask ourselves, what all the possible suffixes of the string horse are, we are able to come up with five unique suffixes. And they are e, s, e, r, s, e, and so on. Now we can answer the question what is a suffix array? The answer is a suffix array is the array containing all the sorted suffixes of a string. Let's see an example of this. Suppose, you want to find the suffix array for the word camel. On the left, I constructed a table with all the suffixes of camel and the indices of where that particular suffix started in a string camel. Then, on the right hand side, I sorted all the suffixes in lexicographic order in a table. The actual suffix array is the array of sorted indices highlighted in orange, we do not need to actually store the suffixes themselves if we know where the suffix begins in the original string. This is an ingenious idea, and it provides us with a compressed representation of the sort of suffixes without actually needing to physically store the suffixes themselves. All we need is the original string and the array of associated indices. In summary, a suffix array is an array of indices which store the sorted suffixes of a string. Furthermore, for a bit of history on the suffix array, it is a data structure originally designed to be a space efficient alternative to a suffix tree, which in turn is itself meant to be a compressed version of another data structure called a try. As a side note, even though the suffix array is a very different from the suffix treat suffix arrays can do just about virtually anything, the suffix tree can with some additional auxiliary information such as a longest common prefix array, which will be the topic of our next video. In this video, we're going to talk about perhaps the most important piece of information associated with the suffix array. And that is the longest common prefix array, also known as the LCP array. The LCP array is an array where each index stores how many characters two sorted suffixes have in common with each other. Let's have a closer look. Perhaps the best way to show what the LCP array is, is to do an example. In the following example, we'll find what the LCP array is, for the string, A, B, A, B, B, A, B. The first thing we'll want to do is construct the suffix array for our string to find out what all the sorted suffixes are. Notice that the very first entry that we placed in our LCP array, that is the middle column is zero. This is because this index is undefined, so we'll ignore it now. To begin constructing our LCP array, let's begin by looking at the first two suffixes and seeing how many characters they have in common with each other. We noticed that this is two so we placed two in the first index of our LCP array. Now we move on to the next two suffixes. Notice that they also have an LCP value of two and the next two don't have anything in common. So we placed zero and the next to only have one character in common, then three characters in common and lastly, only one character in common. So the result is the following LCP array, highlighted in purple. In summary, the LCP array is an array which tracks how many characters To sort of suffixes have in common with each other. Although very simple, you'd be surprised how much information can be derived from such a simple construction. Another thing worth noting is that the very first index in our LCP array was undefined. Since we store the LCP array as an integer array, by convention, we usually set this first index to be zero. So that doesn't interfere with any operations we might want to perform on the LCP array. And this is fine for most purposes. Lastly, we saw what the LCP array was, but not how to construct it very efficiently. There are other algorithms than the one I showed you how to construct the LCP array, which run in a much better time complexity, that is in n log n time, and even in linear time. In this video, I want to discuss a new application of suffix arrays and LCP arrays, and that is finding and counting unique substrings. There are a variety of interesting problems in computer science, especially bioinformatics that require you to find all the unique substrings of a string. The naive algorithm has a terrible time complexity of n squared, which requires a lot of space. The idea is to generate all the substrings of the string and dump them inside a set. A superior approach is to use the information stored inside the LCP array. This provides not only a quick but also a space efficient solution. I'm not saying that this is the canonical way of finding all unique substrings because there exists Other notable algorithms such as Robin carp in combination with Bloom filters. Let's now look at an example of how to find unique substrings. Let's now look at an example of how to find all the unique substrings of the string, a z A z A, A for every string there are exactly n times n plus one over two substrings. The proof of this I will leave as an exercise so listener, but it's really not that hard to derive. Now notice that all the substrings here, there are a few duplicate ones. I have highlighted the repeated substrings there are exactly six of them, and nine unique ones. Now let's use the information inside the LCP array to figure out which of those substrings really were the duplicate once in the table on the right I generate the LCP array for the string AZ az a. Remember what the LCP array represents, it represents that two adjacent suffixes of the original string share a certain amount of characters with each other. So if the LCP value at a certain index is say five, and there are five characters in common between those two suffixes, in other words, there are five repeated substrings between those two suffixes, since they come from the same larger string. So if we inspect the first LCP position at index one, we see that has a value of one. We know that the repeated string is the first character in a so we know that A is a repeated substring the next LCP values three, so there are three repeated substring between ACA and AZ ACA, namely Ay, ay z, and ACA, the next interesting LCP values to for the last two suffixes, so there are two repeated substrings. Here we can eliminate z, and z A, we can then come up with an interesting way of counting all unique substrings. We know how many substrings there are, and that is n times n plus one over two. And we also know the number of duplicate strings that is the sum of all the LCP values. If this doesn't make immediate sense, try out a few examples and play around with it. If we go back to the example we just did with a string az, az a and we set n equal to five, which is the length of the string, then we can get the correct answer. have nine by punching n equals five and then removing all the repeated substring values summed up in the LCP array. Alright, so if you're looking for a programming challenge concerning counting substrings, like I mentioned here, check out the link to the Caris online judge for some practice. I also included some source code for suffix array and LCP array available on GitHub slash William fees slash dia dash structures. There is a really neat problem called longest common substring problem, or it's generalization, the K common substring problem, which is really what I want to focus on today. First, let's state the problem and then discuss multiple ways of solving it. Suppose we have n strings. How do we find the longest common substring shared between at least k of them, with K being anywhere from two to n, the number of strings. As an example, consider the three strings, s one, s two, and s three, with the value of k equal to two, meaning that we want a minimum of two strings from our pool of three strings to share the longest common substring between them. In this situation, the longest common substring is B, CA. But know that the longest common substring is not required to be unique, because there can be multiple. The traditional approach to solving this problem is to employ a technique called dynamic programming, which can solve the problem and a time complexity equal to the product of the string lengths. Obviously, this method can get unwieldy very quickly. And you should avoid using it whenever possible, a far superior approach. And the way to solve this problem is to use a suffix array, which can find the solution in linear time proportional to the sum of the string lines. So how do we do this? How do we use a suffix array to solve the longest common substring problem? Let's consider the three strings we saw earlier, s one, s two and s three. What we will first want to do is concatenate them all together into a larger string, which I will call t, which is short for text. However, when doing this, we must be careful and place unique Sentinel values between our strings. We need to do this for multiple reasons. But the main one being that we must avoid any intermingling of suffixes when we construct the suffix array. Additionally, I would like to know that these settle values need to be lexicographically less than any of the characters contained in any of our strings. So in the ASCII table, the pound sign, the dollar sign and the percent sign are all less than any alphabetic character contained within s one, s two and s three, so we're good in doing the concatenation. Once we have the string T, we are able to construct the suffix array for tea. This procedure can be accomplished in linear time with a linear suffix array construction algorithm. You will notice that on this slide, I am displaying both the LCP array values on the leftmost column and the sorted suffixes of t as they would appear in the suffix array on the right column. I also gave each suffix a certain color to match it with the original string it belongs to. In this slide, you can see that the suffixes starting with Sentinel values got sorted to the top because they were lexicographically less than all the characters in the string. And this is to be expected. For our purposes, we want to ignore them because we injected them into the string t ourselves. So back to the central problem. How do we find the longest common substring of K strings? Given that we now have the suffix array and the LCP array constructed? The answer is, we're going to look for K strings, each have different colors whom share the largest LCP value. Let's do an example with K equals three. Since k equals three We have three strings, this means that we need one string of each color, we can achieve a maximum of two, if we sell the following three adjacent suffixes. Notice that each of them is a different color, meaning that they came from different original strings. And that the minimum LCP value in the selected window is to note that we must ignore the first entry in the window. This means that the longest common substring solution is the string ca of length two, which is shared amongst all three of s one, s two and s three. Let's do another example. But this time, let's change the value of K to be equal to two. Since k equals two, we want to have two suffixes of different colors and the maximum longest common prefix value between them. In this case, there is a unique solution, which is the string B CA, with a length of three shared between s one and s two, but not s three. So far, we've covered only some trivial cases, things get much Messier. When not all the different colors you need are exactly adjacent with each other. A trick we will use to overcome this will be to use a sliding window technique to capture the correct amount suffix colors. Here's what we'll do at each step, we'll adjust the bottom or the top end point so that the window contains exactly k suffixes of different colors. Once we have a valid window with the correct amount of colors, we'll want to query the minimum LCP value for that window range. In the picture below, you can see that this value is two, here's the minimum value and the LCP array for that window is two, again, ignore the first entry which is five. Since the minimum value for that window is two, all the suffixes in that window, do share the prefix a G, which has length of two, as we would expect, here are some more details on how we are actually going to perform the query to obtain the minimum LCP value on the current window we are considering. Turns out that this is a really popular problem, and it can be solved in a variety of ways. Since we're dealing with a sliding window and not just any arbitrary range query, we can use a linear solution from the minimum sliding range query problem to obtain the value we want. Alternatively, I would recommend using a minimum range query data structure such as a segment tree to perform logarithmic range queries on the LCP array. This is theoretically a little slower, but it is much easier to implement in my opinion. So to implement the sliding window, we will also need an additional data structure to keep track of the colors in our window, I recommend using a hash table for this task. On the bottom left, I drew a table to indicate how much of each color we are capturing and the current window, a valid window will require at least K or more columns to have a value greater than zero. In the example that we'll follow, let's suppose that k equals three, meaning all three colors will need to be present in our window for a valid query to occur. By query I mean, querying the LCP array for the minimum value in the current window, and then possibly updating the best longest common substring value found so far. Right now you can see that our window is missing some blue. So our rule when we're missing a certain color is to expand the window down. And when we already meet the criteria, we shrink the window down. So let's expand our window downwards to capture some blue. Now we have enough blue and enough of each color to do a valid query. When we perform the query, we would see that the longest common substring for the window we're in will have length three representing the string a G. Now since we have enough features We can then reduce the window size, I removed one green suffix, and we still have at least one of each color. So we can again perform a query to find out that we get the same result as last time. Now I shrink the window even more. And now we don't have enough green. So we cannot perform a valid query here. What we need to do is expand the window downwards until we hit a green suffix. Luckily, there was a green suffix right there. And we can perform a query to attempt to update the best longest common substring value found so far. In this window, the longest common substring is only of length one. So the longest common substring for this window is the string a, which is not as long as the longest common substring we found before, which was a G of length three, so we can ignore this one and keep searching. Now we shrink the interval, and we're short one color, and that is red. Let's expand downwards until we reach a red suffix. So we expand and find a blue suffix. This is not what we wanted. So let's keep searching the expand Finally, green suffix, and keep doing this until a red suffix is reached. This video is getting a little long, so I'm going to break it up here. And in the next video, we'll look at a full example of this method being applied. However, in the meantime, if you're looking for a challenge regarding the longest common substring problem, make sure to check out the life forms problem on the cast website. And if you're looking for an implementation of longest common substring algorithm, as I just described, make sure to check out my algorithms slash William fiza slash algorithms, we're going to finish where we left off in the last video. In this video, I want to do a full example solving the longest common substring problem with a suffix array. For this example, we're going to have four strings, s one, s two s three and s four. I have also selected the value of K to be equal to two, meaning that we want a minimum of two strings of our pool of four to share the longest common substring. And between them. I have also provided you with a concatenated text we'll be working with as well as the solution at the bottom of the screen. In case you want to pause the video and figure it out for yourself. The first step in finding the longest common substring between a set of our four strings is to build the suffix array and the LCP array, which I have displayed on the right side and the left side, respectively. While I will be conducting the longest common substring algorithm, notice the variables on the left as they change. The window LCP and a window LCS values will track the longest common prefix and the longest common substring values for the current window. And the LCS length, and the LCS set will track the best values so far. So let's get started. Initially, our window starts at the top, and we want the window to contain two different colors. So our rule is to expand downwards when we do not meet this criteria. As I expand down, the suffix is green, so we still only have one color, I expand on again and still one more green suffix. I expand downwards again and now we arrive at a blue suffix. And here we are able to perform a range query for our window. However, our query isn't fruitful because the window longest common prefix value is zero. So there's no longest common substring here. When we satisfy the window color criteria like we do now, we decrease the window size and decrease the window size by one and still nothing interesting. Decrease the window size again. And this time, look what we found. The current window contains a longest common prefix length of two. So we obtained the longest common substring BC and added to our solution set. Now we keep shrinking the interval size because we meet the color requirement. Our window size is now too small All because K is two, so we need two different color strings. So we expand once more. Now something interesting has happened because we find an LCP value of three, which is larger than our current best value. So we update the solution set to have the string B, C, D, instead of just BC, which is one character longer. Now we get to shrink the window size, the window was now too small, so we expand the LCP value of zero here, so that is no good. So shrink the window size. Now expand to meet the color requirement, we get an LCP value of one, but that doesn't beat our current best, which is three. So shrink the window. Now we need to meet the core requirements, so expand, we have only blue strings, so keep expanding and LCP value of one for this window range. So that's no good, so shrink. Now we have an LCP value of two we're getting closer to our best, but still not good enough. So we have to shrink and like let go. Now expand. Now something interesting is going on here. We have a window RCP value of three which is equal to our best so far. So instead of saying that, the CDE our newfound, longest common substring value beats BCD, which is of the same length, we keep both in the solution set. Alright, so now, let's shrink our window interval because we meet the color requirement. Now expand it, we still need one more color expand again, our LCP window value is zero. So shrink and shrink again. Now expand LCP value of one here, that's not good enough. So smaller, expand, we'll see p value of two. Okay, we might be getting closer, but we meet color requirements. So shrink. Now expand to meet the color requirement. These two strings have Nelson p values, zero, shrink. Now expand, now shrink. Now we've reached the end and found our solution to the longest common substring problem with a four strings and a k value of two. As I was doing the window expanding and shrinking, I want you to notice that each time the window either expanded or shrank, I only ever moved one of the endpoints downwards. And they were always going downwards. So we know that the number of Windows has to be linear in proportion to the number of suffixes that we have. And the number of suffixes that we have is the length of our text, T. So we come to the conclusion that there must be a linear amount of windows that we must consider, which is really good. Because we want our time complexity. Be quick, today's topic is going to be on an efficient way to solve the longest repeated substring problem. The longest repeated substring problem is another one of these fairly common problems in computer science, lots of problems can actually be reduced to this problem, so it's important that we have an efficient way of solving it. The naive approach requires n squared time and lots of space. What we want to do instead is use the information stored inside the longest common prefix array to yield a faster and also space efficient solution. Let's do an example what is the longest repeated substring of the string abracadabra? Feel free to pause the video and figure it out yourself. The answer is the substring Abra, which is the longest substring that appears at least twice in the string. So we call it the longest repeated substring. Here you can see the first instance of Abra on the left. And now you can see the second repeated instance of Abra on the right, although these substrings are disjoint and do not overlap. In general, this is permitted for the longest repeated substring. Now let's solve the problem using a suffix array and an LCP array which I have generated on the right hand side. I'll give you a moment to pause the video and inspect the LCP array in case you notice anything special in relation to the longest repeated substring. Now that you already know what the answer is, effectively, what we're looking for in the LCP array is the maximum value. Intuitively we want to do this because we know that the suffixes are already sorted. So if two adjacent suffixes have a large, longest common prefix value, then they share a good amount of characters with each other. We also know that if the LCP value at a certain index is greater than zero, then the string shared between the two adjacent suffixes is guaranteed to be repeated, because it is common between two suffixes, each of which start at different locations in the string. So here, again, is Abracadabra. Since our LCP value was four, we know that the first four characters from the suffix abracadabra forms one part of the repeated substring. Next, we know that the suffix above it which shares the LCP value of four also shares four characters present in that longest repeated substring. Now, I want you to look at another interesting case, can you find the longest repeated substring of the string, a ba, ba, ba, ba? Well, if you did, you will find out that you not only got one longest repeated substring, but two longest repeated substrings. Since there can be ties. In a case like this, you're not looking for a single largest value, but all largest values that might exist. For the first maximum, you can see that we'll want the first three characters from the suffix, a ba, ba, ba, ba, and for the second maximum, we'll want the first three characters from the suffix ba, ba. Visually, for this first, longest repeated substring, we have a BA, which appears at the start, and then a BA again, closer to the end. The other repeated substring is found using the second largest common prefix value, and its first occurrence is found here, and the second one just next to it. That is all for repeated substrings pretty easy once the suffix array and the LCP array have already been constructed. Here is a practice problem on campus if you want to tackle a longest repeated substantive problem which requires you to have an efficient solution. Today, I'm going to introduce probably one of the most important types of trees in computer science, which are balanced binary search trees. Balanced Binary search trees are very different from the traditional binary search tree because they not only conform to the binary search tree in variant, but they are also balanced. What I mean by balanced is that they're self adjusting to maintain a logarithmic height in proportion to the number of nodes they hold. This is very important because it keeps operations such as insertion and deletion extremely fast, because the tree is much more squashed. In terms of complexity, a binary search tree has averaged logarithmic operations, which is quite good. However, the worst case still remains linear, because the tree could degrade into a chain for some inputs. One such input is a sequence of increasing numbers. To avoid this linear complexity, we've invented balanced binary search trees in which the worst case is logarithmic for all operations, which makes them very appealing. Central to how nearly all Balanced Binary Search Tree implementations keep themselves balanced is the concept of tree rotations, which is going to be the main topic of this video. Later, we'll actually look at some specific types of balanced binary search trees to see how these rotations come into play. So the secret ingredient to most advanced binary search tree implementations is the combination Have two things. One a clever tree invariant and tree rotations. A tree invariant is simply a property or a rule that you impose on your tree, such that it must be met at the end of every operation. To ensure that the invariant is always satisfied a series of tree rotations are normally applied. We'll get back to this concept and fitting variants in a later video. So don't worry about them so much for now. Right now we're going to look at how tree rotations work. Suppose our invariant is not satisfied. And to fix it, we need to do a right rotation about node A. Assuming node A has a left child B, we can perform a right rotation to put B where node A was and push node A down to become B's right child. When I first learned about this, in my undergrad, I was Mind blown. Literally, I thought it was absurd, or even to the point of being illegal that we should be allowed to do this and just move around nodes in a tree. But what I've realized since is that a transformation like this is totally legitimate. Since we're not breaking the binary search tree invariant in any way. If you inspect the left tree, you'll discover that in terms of ordering and placement, node D is less than node B is less than E is less than a is less than c, then you inspect the right tree and remark that well, this is also true. A bit more detail on why performing tree rotations is a valid operation. First, you have to remember that all balanced binary search trees are binary search trees, meaning that the binary search tree invariant holds. So for every node and the values in the left subtree are less than the value of n and the values in the right subtree are all greater than the value of n. So in this sense, it doesn't matter what the tree structure itself looks like. All that fundamentally matters is that the binary search tree invariant holds. This means we are free to shuffle, transform, or even rotate the values and nodes in our tree as we please as long as the binary search tree environment remains satisfied. Now let's look at how these rotations are done in great detail. For simplicity, since the rotations are symmetric, or will only do the right rotation, and you should be able to figure out the left rotation on your own. first have a look at the tree on the right. Notice that there are directed edges pointing downwards and another node p above a, which may or may not exist. This is why there is a dotted line on that edge. If a note a does have a parent node p, then it is important that we take it into account when doing the rotation. In either case, we start with a pointer reference to note a, this is the orange arrow, then we'll want a pointer to node B. After that set, a is left a pointer to point to B's right child, then change B's right pointer to point to node A and we've successfully done a right rotation. If we rearrange the nodes, this is what we would end up with. However, notice that there's a slight problem. If node A had a parent node, then either the parents left or right pointer would still be referencing a. This is problematic since B is A's successor after the rotation. So we change the link to now point to B. This step is usually done on the recursive call back using the return value of the right rotate function. We just finished looking at the case where each node has a reference the left and the right child nodes. But in some Balanced Binary Search Tree implementations, it's more convenient for nodes to also have a reference to the parent node. This complicates tree rotations because now instead of updating three pointers, we need to update six pointers. Let's have a look. In this case, where we also have a parent link, every node is in a sense, doubly linked. We start off with a pointer or referencing a and the first thing we'll want to do is also reference node B And node p, so we don't lose them as we shuffle around pointers. Next we'll adjust the left subtree of a to make A's left pointer reference B's right subtree. Of course, throughout this example, assume B is not know, if you're paranoid, you can add an extra if statement to check for this condition. However, it would be a mistake to assume B is right subtree is not null, we actually have to check against this before setting B's right child's parent to reference a. Next let's make a the right subtree of me. So set meas right pointer to reference a. Now make A's parent pointer or reference be the last thing we need to do is adjust the reference to the parent node P. So make these parent pointer a reference P. And now the very last thing I promise is to make peas left or right pointer reference the successor node B. Notice that we need to check if p is not now because it might not exist. This will be the case for the root node. If we readjust the tree, you will see that we correctly did a right rotation. There are a lot of steps in doing this right rotation. And it's a very error prone process, which is why I wanted to do it in such detail. Today we're going to look at how to insert nodes into an avielle tree in great detail. We'll be making use of the tree rotation technique we looked at in the last video. So if you didn't watch that, simply roll back one video. Alright, before we get too far, I shouldn't mention what an avielle tree is. An EDL tree is one of many types of balanced binary search trees, which allow for logarithmic insertion, deletion and search operations. something really special about avielle tree is that it was the first type of Balanced Binary Search Tree to be discovered. Then, soon after a whole bunch of other types of balanced binary search trees started to emerge, including the two three tree, the HV the scapegoat tree, and the avielle trees main rival the red black tree, what you need to know about Next is the property that keeps the avielle tree balanced. And this is the balance factor. Simply put, the bounce factor of a node is the difference between the height of the right subtree and the left subtree. I'm pretty sure the bounce factor can also be defined as the left subtree height minus the right subtree height. But don't quote me on this, it would also screw up a lot of what I'm about to say, and may also be the reason why you find many inconsistent ideas about what way to do tree rotations on various Google search results pages. So for consistency, let's keep the bounce factor right subtree height minus left subtree height for clarity because people get this wrong or define it differently. The height of node x is calculated as the number of edges between x and the furthest leaf. So if your tree only has one note, the tree has height zero, not height one because there are no edges, that invariant on the avielle tree that keeps it balanced is forcing the balance factor of every node to be either minus one zero or plus one. If the balance factor of a node is anything else, we need to resolve that with tree rotations. In terms of information, we just store in each node to actually make the avielle tree work. What we'll need is the actual value of the node stores. This value must be comparable. So we know how to insert it and in what position it goes to the tree. Then we'll also need the bounce factor and the height of the node as well as the left and the right child pointers. As the algorithm executes, we'll need to update these values. So keep that in mind. So a slider so Mac I said that the balance factor of a node must always be minus zero or plus one. A natural question to ask is how do we handle the case where this is not true? The answer is that if this is not true, then the nonce factor must be either be plus two or minus two, which we can easily handle with tree rotations. The rotations we need to perform depending on the structure of the tree can be broken down into four distinct cases. The first such case is when the tree is what we call left heavy, and there are two left child nodes. This is an easy case to fix, because all we need to do is perform a right rotation about the yellow node to balance. The next case is the left right case where you have a left child, but then that node has a right child. To fix this, you do a left rotation about the left child. So the green one on the left most image, what happens then is that this transforms into the left left case we just saw, which we can resolve with a right rotation balance. The third case is the right right case, which is symmetric to the left left case. So instead of doing a right rotation, we do a left rotation about the green note. Last but not least, is the right left case, which is symmetric to the left right case. For this case, you would perform a right rotation about the yellow node on the left most image to transform this case into the right right case, and then do a left rotation about the green note in the middle image. Next, I want to show you some pseudocode for inserting nodes into an ACL tree because it's not all that obvious or easy. This first method is the public facing method for the insert method, which returns true or false depending on whether the value was successfully inserted or not. For simplicity, we're going to ban duplicate values in our ACL tree. So if the value already exists, or the value is no, this method would return false. If the node does not know, and it doesn't already exist in the tree, we call our private recursive insert method, where we pass in a pointer to the root node and the value we want to insert. The private recursive method is also simple. If we hit the base case a null node, we simply return a new instance of the node with the value we want to insert. Otherwise, we get to compare to a value with the value we're trying to insert against the current node to determine if we should go on the left or the right subtree. After that, on the recursive call back, we call the update method which updates the bounce factor and height values for this note, and lastly, we rebounds the tree with a bounce method. Now let's take a look at the update enhance method. And what they're actually doing. The update method updates the bounce factor and height values of our node. So to calculate the height of the node, we get the maximum height of the left and the right subtrees and then add one. Notice that I initialize the left and the right subtree heights to be minus one. But this is because it will cancel out with a plus one with a max function in the case where the node has no sub trees giving the correct height of zero for leaf nodes. Lastly, I update the balance factor for this node. By finding the difference between the right subtree and the left subtree heights, the balanced method is slightly more involved but not too crazy. Here we check if our bounds factor has an illegal value of minus two or a plus two. If the bounce factor is a minus two, then we know that the node is left heavy, then we dig further into the left subtree. To determine if we're dealing with a left left case or a left right case, we do a similar thing if the balance factor is plus two, except we're dealing with the right right or the right left case. If the bounce factor is not plus two or minus two, then we know that the bounce factor is going to be either plus one, zero or minus one. And in either of those cases, we don't need to do anything inside the four cases we might run into. Notice that all we do here are calls to the left rotation and right rotation methods that we saw in the last video. Also notice that the left right and right left cases, call the left left and right Right right case methods respectively, since they reduce to those cases after a first rotation. In the last video, we looked at this right rotation method. But since we're dealing with any vl tree In this video, we actually need to augment that method to update the height and bounce rate values for the nodes, we're moving around. When we do rotations, this is a subtle detail you must not forget, otherwise, your height and bounce factor values will be inconsistent with the left rotation cases metric to this one, so you should be able to figure it out pretty easily. In this video, we're going to look at how to remove elements from an avielle tree. And what you'll discover is that removing elements from an avielle tree is almost identical to removing elements from a regular binary search tree. So for the majority of this video, we're going to actually be looking at how to remove elements from a binary search tree in the very end argument, that algorithm for ADL trees specifically. So let's get started. So just for review, I want to look at how to remove nodes in a binary search tree in detail. So we can generally break it up into two steps finding and replacing. In the find phase, you find the element you want to remove from the tree, if it exists, and then replace it with a successor node, the successor node is necessary for us to maintain the binary search tree invariant. More details on the Find phase. This is when we're searching for the element in the tree to see if it exists. And basically four things in happen. First is we hit a null node, in which case we know that the value we're looking for doesn't exist. Our comparateur returns a value of zero, meaning we found the node we want to remove, the comparative value is less than zero. so the value we're looking for, if it exists, is going to be found in the left subtree, or the comparative value is greater than zero, in which case the value if it exists, is in the right subtree. So let's do an example of finding nodes in a binary search tree. Suppose we're looking for a 14, well, we should have a reference to the root node. So this is where we start. So we compare 20 and 14, and we know 14 is less than 20. So we go on the left subtree. We know 14 is greater than 10. So we go on the right subtree. We know 14 is less than 15. So you're on the left subtree. 14 is greater than 12. So the right subtree. And finally, there we found it, the node we were looking for. Now let's see what happens with a node that doesn't exist. So let's try and find 26. So again, we start at the root node, then we go to the right subtree, because 26 is greater than 20, then we go the left subtree, because 26 is less than 31. And once we're at 25, we would go to the right subtree. And then discovered that 26 does not exist in the tree. So once we find the node, assuming it exists, we need to replace that node with its successor. The motivation for this is that if we just remove the node without finding a successor, then there'd be a gap in the tree. And when we're looking for a successor node, one of four cases will happen. Either were a leaf node, in which case there are no sub trees, the node to remove has no left subtree the node to remove has no right subtree or the node to remove has both the left subtree and right subtree. We'll see how to handle all these cases. In the first case where the node to remove is a leaf node, we can simply remove it without any side effects. The successor node in this case would be simply a null node. So suppose was a remove node eight from this tree, the first thing we do is find out where eight is in the tree. So we'd go down the tree and then we'd found node eight, then we discover that Oh, it's a leaf node, so we can just remove it like Alright, now for cases two and three, where there's only a left or a right subtree. In these cases, the successor node is the immediate child of that left or right subtree. The reason the successor is the immediate node down from the node we're removing is that it is the next node which is either greater than it the case right subtree or less than net, and the case of a left subtree. Let's do an example, suppose we want to remove node nine, the first thing we do is find when no nine is in the tree. So start the route and go to the right subtree, find the node we want to remove, which is nine. And then we inspect nine and discover that it only has a left subtree. So the successor node is its immediate child on the left, so seven. So what we do is we get a reference to seven, and then get ready to remove nine. And then we remove nine and then make seven, the successor by linking it back up to five. And if we rebalance the tree, that's what it looks like. And no nine has been removed. So the last case, is when the node we're trying to remove has both a left subtree and a right subtree. So the question in this case is in which subtree, will we find the successor of the node we're trying to remove? And surprisingly, or not surprisingly, the answer is both. The successor can either be the largest value in the left subtree, or the smallest value in the right subtree. Once the successor node has been found in either left or right subtree, we replace the value of the node to remove with a value in the successor node. However, the story doesn't end there, we must not forget to remove the duplicate value of the successor node that still exists in the tree. One common strategy to resolve this is to recursively call the function again, but with the value to remove as the value in the successor node. Let's see an example because this isn't completely trivial. Let's remove node seven from this tree, which is the root node. So we would start at the root node and discover that in fact, this is the node we want to remove and notice that it has two non empty sub trees, so we must choose a successor. To choose a successor we either pick the smallest value in the right subtree, or the largest value in the left subtree. Let's find the smallest value in the right subtree. And to do this, you will go to the right ones, and then dig as far left as possible. So now that we found the successor node 11, we will copy its value into the node we're trying to remove, which is the root node seven. Notice that now there are two instances of 11 in our tree, and we want unique values in our tree. So to remove the 11 that is currently highlighted, we would recursively call our remove method, but on 11 this time, and luckily for us, this will always result in a case one two or three removal. So to remove 11 we notice that it only has a right subtree. So its successor is its immediate right child. So we restage the removal and get ready to remove 11. So we remove 11 and then hook 14 back up to 18. And if we rebalance the tree, then we can see that the duplicate 11 value is gone. All right at the moment we've been waiting for how do we augment the binary search tree removal algorithm for avielle trees. The solution is simple, you only need to add two lines of code to ensure that the tree remains balanced and that the bounce factor and height values remain up to date. On the recursive callback, you invoke the update and balance methods you saw in the insert video, which ensure that when the node is removed from the avielle tree, that the tree remains balanced. It's as easy as that. Today what we're going to have a look at some of the source code for the avielle tree. The link to the source code I'm going to present in this video can be found on GitHub slash emphysema slash data dash structures. Make sure you have watched the last three videos on the avielle tree about tree rotations, insertions and removals in avielle trees before continuing so you can understand the source code I'm presenting. I don't normally do this, but I'm going to present a live demo of the avielle tree in action. So I'm here in my GitHub repository. I'm just compiling some of the Java code with avielle tree and then I'm going to run it and you see It generated a random tree with some values and notice that the tree is relatively well balanced for the number of nodes that are in it. So I randomly inserted some notes. And you might expect the tree to be a bit more sloppy if it were just a simple binary search tree. But the avielle tree really keeps the tree quite rigid. So I think we're ready to dive into the source code. Now. Here we are, in the source code of a recursive avielle tree implementation and the Java programming language. So let's get started. If you look at the class definition for the avielle tree, you will notice that this class takes a generic type argument, which is of type t, which extends comparable. And this generic type I'm defining, basically says that the types of values we're going to be inserting inside the tree need to be comparable in a sentence, meaning we need to be able to insert them and know how to insert them. So if you look inside the subclass node, which I've created, you can see that the value we're actually storing inside the node is of type T. So it's a comparable. And that's very important. The other instance variables I'm storing inside the, the node subclass for the save your tree is, of course, the bounce factor as an integer, the height of the node, because we want to be able to query the height of a node in constant time, so I'm storing it inside every node. And then of course, there's going to be the left and the right child pointers, right here. And notice that this, this node class implements the tree printer, printable note interface. And that's just an interface I have somewhere in this folder that allows me to display the tree I did on the terminal. So this isn't quite a requirement if you're actually building an ACL tree. And nor are these overrides, those are also for being able to display the tree in the terminal, which is really handy for debugging actually. Alright, so instance variables at the avielle tree class level, we have the root node, this should really be private, although I'm using it for testing, so I'm leaving it package private. I'm also keeping track of the number of nodes inside the tree inside this node count variable. Something else I'm also using for testing is this height function. Although it's really good to just saying you check yourself to make sure that your avielle tree height is relatively low. Then there are these methods like size and is empty, which are pretty self explanatory. This the display method I call to actually print the tree in the terminal. The set contains method to check if a certain value already exists inside the tree. So this is the public facing method, which calls the private method, and I give it the route as the initial node to start off with. So to check if a node exists inside a tree, if we hit the base case, then we know that that value does not exist. Otherwise, we compare the current value to the value inside the node. So that returns a comparative value of either a value less than zero, which means that if the value does exist, it'll be found in the left subtree or comparateur is greater than zero, meaning the value if it exists, is in the right subtree. Otherwise, the means that the comparative value is equal to zero. And that means we found the node inside the tree so we can return true. So we're trying to insert this value variable, if it's no, we don't want anything to do with it. So we just return false. And we return a Boolean for the insert method to indicate whether an insertion was successful or not. So if the value If not already exists inside the tree, then we're going to call the private insert, method and then assign its value to the root. And also increment the node count, because we know we're going to successfully insert something if we're inside this block, and at the same time, we're going to return true. Alright, let's have a look at the private insert method. So if we reach the base case, meaning we traverse all the way down our tree, and the value of node is null, then we know this is the position where we need to insert that new node, so create a new node and give it the value. Otherwise, we're searching for the insertion position. So again, invoke the comparator function, then do value compared to no dot value. This dot compare two comes from the comparable interface at the class level. So that's why we're allowed to invoke dot compare to on a generic type here and another generic type there. So again, if comparateur is less than zero, then insert in left subtree. Otherwise, insert in the right subtree. And here is the extra two lines, you need to add for the avielle tree, which is calling the update method to update the bounce factor and the height value for this node and also rebalance the tree if necessary. Well rebalance the tree at this node. All right, so let's look at the update method. So this is to update the balance factor and height of a node. So here are two variables that grab the height of the left subtree and the right subtree. Then I update the height for this note. So that's always one plus the maximum of either the left subtree or the right subtree height. Then once we have the appropriate values for left and right, we can of course update the bounce factor, which is the difference between the right and the left subtree heights. Okay, so we've done the update, now we can call the balance method. And inside the balance method, we're looking to readjust nodes whose balance factors are either minus two or plus two. In the case of a minus two, this means that our tree is left heavy. And inside the left heavy case, we can run into the left left case or the left right case. And inside the right heavy case, we have the right right case and the right left case. And to identify those sub cases, you just check the balance factor, but on either no dot left or no dot right respectively. And if if the balance factor of the node is not minus two or plus two, then we know that the balance factor is either zero plus one or minus one, which is fine, and we don't have to touch anything. We don't have to rebalance the tree if either one of these is true. So we just simply return the note. So now we can look at the individual cases themselves. So like the left left case, we'll just perform a right rotation. The left right case, we'll do an initial left rotation, and then call the left left case. So we're reusing methods we already wrote here, since this case degrades to that case, after one rotation, and a similar thing happens for the right right case and the right left case, we get to call the right right case after one right rotation over here. then here are the notorious left rotation and right rotation methods. For the avielle tree. It's very important that we call these two update methods to update the height and balance factor values after that we've rotated about this node, because those values will undoubtedly change. And it's also important that this is the order you do them and you can't Do them in inverse order because you have to update the the child node first to get the correct balance factor and height values for the parent. Okay, now we're at the Remove method. So in this remove method, we want to remove this element, or I should have called it value rather. But still, so if the element is no, well, we know it doesn't exist in the tree. So just return false. Otherwise, make sure that value exists in the tree, and then remove it by calling the private remove method, then decrease the node count and simply return true on the Remove method to indicate that the removal was successful. So let's look at this private remove method where all the action is happening. So if we had the base case, and just return null, then we get our comparative value. And we do what we always do, we check if the comparator is less than zero. And if so we dig into the left sub tree. And we know that the value we're looking for is smaller than the current value. And then we recursively call the Remove method. But passing down no dot left, so we're just decreasing the region or searching and passing the element as well. Otherwise do the same thing. But for the right. So recurse down the right subtree. Otherwise, if this is not true, and that is not true, then we know that the comparative value is equal to zero, meaning we found the node we wanted to remove. And we know from the slides that this is where the four cases come up. If no dot left is equal to null, then we know that we want to return no dot right. Or if no dot right is null, meaning the right subtree is null, then return no dot left. Okay, and then the final tricky case, where we're trying to remove a node, who still has both sub trees, so the left subtree is there and the right subtree is there. But we still want to remove that node. And we can either pick the smallest value, while the successor can either be the smallest value in the right subtree of the largest value in the left subtree. And I'm using a heuristic right here to actually determine which one I want to do, just because I think it's a good heuristic. And here's what it is, if the height of the left subtree is greater, I want to remove nodes from that subtree. But otherwise, if the right subtree has a larger height, than I want to remove nodes from that subtree. So that's the heuristic I'm using to choose which subtree I remove from. And I just made up this heuristic. But I think in general, it'll work pretty well. So what we do, let's say there are are or the left subtree has larger height, than what I'm going to do is I'm going to find the successor value by going down the left subtree once and then digging all the way to the right to find the max value, and then swapping that value into the current node. And then this is the recursive part, we recurse. on removing the successor value instead of the element we passed in, or rather the element we passed in becomes the successor value. So we've removed the element, but now we also have to remove the successor value because we don't want duplicate values in our tree, then we basically do the same thing. But on the other side. If the condition goes the other way. Here's what I was mentioning in the last video, where you want to call the update and rebalance method on the call back of this remove method so that the tree remains balanced even though we're removing nodes and these are the Find men and find max method I was calling right appear, which just digs left or digs, right depending on the case. And here's just an iterator to traverse the tree, I don't think I need to go over this. And here's another method for testing which validates the binary search tree invariant, also not particularly important. And this is what I was calling in the main function that will just randomly insert values inside the tree and then display it. So when I invoked this file on the terminal, this is what executed. So that is an ACL tree. It's pretty cool data structure, and I quite enjoyed writing it up. Today's data structure is the index the priority queue. This is going to prove to be a very useful data structure that you wish you would have known a long time ago. So just before we get started, this video builds off concepts from the previous priority queue videos, which simply go over the basics. Strictly speaking, you can probably get by without watching all those videos, as I will be doing a quick recap. But for those of you who want to know, priority queues and full detail, please check out the description for links to those. So what exactly is an indexed party queue? Well, it's a traditional priority queue variant, which on top of having all the regular priority queue operations, also supports quick updates and deletions of key value pairs. One of the big problems that the index party queue solves is being able to quickly look up and dynamically change the values in your priority queue on the fly, which is often very useful. Let's look at an example. Suppose a hospital has a waiting room with n people, which need different levels of attention. Each person in the waiting room has a certain condition that needs to be dealt with. For instance, Mary is in labor. So she has a priority of nine a car she has a paper cut, he has a priority of one. James has an arrow in his leg, he has a priority of seven Naija stomach hurts, she gets priority of three. Richard has a fractured wrist, so his priority is five. And lastly, Leah also has a stomach hurts, we want to process these patients by highest priority first. This means the hospital would serve Mary first followed by James. However, then something happens suppose nyda stomach condition worsens, and she starts vomiting. Her priority needs to get updated to six. Because of this Neda gets served next once they're finished with James. During this time, Richard gets impatient and leaves he goes to another clinic down the street so he no longer needs to be accounted for. Further suppose that a car wash goes to take a drink of water slips on the floor and as a result cracks his head and needs immediate attention. So we increase his priority to 10. Once the EDA is dealt with a karsch shouldn't be next. And lastly, this is followed by layer. As we saw in the hospital example, it is very important to be able to dynamically update the priority of certain people. The index priority queue is a data structure which lets us do this efficiently. The first step two using an index party queue is to assign index values to all the keys thus forming a bi directional mapping. We use an index persecute to track who should get served next in our hospital, we need to assign each person a unique key index value between zero and n non inclusive. Note that this mapping is intended to be bi directional. So I would advise using a bi directional hash table to be able to flip back and forth between the key and its key index. Basically, any operation on the index party q will require the associated key index of a particular key. So you're probably wondering why I'm saying that we need to map keys to indices in the domain zero to n nine inclusive. The reason for this is that typically part of queues are implemented as heaps, which under the hood are actually arrays. So we want to facilitate being able to index into those arrays this will become apparent shortly. I will say though that often and I mean very often, the keys themselves are already integers in the range zero to n. So there's no need to actually construct this bi directional mapping. It's already there implicitly. However, it is handy to be able to support any type of key such as names or general objects, we can think of an index party queue As an abstract data type with certain operations we want it to support here are about a dozen or so operations, we want our index particules support. These are deleting keys, getting the value associated with a key, checking if a key exists in the priority queue, getting the key index with the smallest value, getting smallest value in the index Burcu, being able to insert and update key value pairs. And finally, the specialized update operations increase in decrease key which I'll talk about at the end. For all these operations, you need the key index associated with a particular key that you're dealing with. Throughout these slides, I will be denoting the key index simply as the variable KPI to distinguish it from other index values, so keep your eye out for that. And index party queue can be implemented in several ways. Some ways with really good time complexity is using specialized heap structures. However, we're going to cover the binary heap implementation for simplicity, you will notice that the time complexity for all these operations are either constant or logarithmic, which is really good. In a traditional party queue. The remove and update operations are linear because we are not maintaining a mapping to the position of where our values exist within the heap. Before we dive into the index party queue per se, I want to spend a few slides giving a refresher on the traditional priority queue data structure which only supports values not key value pairs like the index barbecue. Still, both data structures are very similar, and most people would consider them the same. Although there are key differences in my opinion, recall that a very common way to represent a binary heap is within array since every node is indexed sequentially. If we were to represent the following binary heap as an array, we would get this array of values. If we know the index of node i, we can figure out what its left and right child nodes are by using simple formulas, the left child is two times i plus one and the right child is two times i plus two, assuming Zero Based indices. As an example, what are the children of the node at index four? Well, we can just plug in AI into the two formulas I just gave you to obtain the indices, nine and 10. Of course, you can always run the math backwards and figure out with a parent of given notice. Both of these are especially useful if you're either walking up or down the tree. Whenever you want to insert a new value into the priority queue, you insert the new value at the insertion position at the bottom right of the binary tree. Suppose we want to insert the value eight, this would violate the heap invariant, so we need to bubble up the value until the invariant is met. So swap nodes five and 12. The heap invariant is still not satisfied. So swap again, swap nodes two and five, and now the tree is balanced. Now let's review how removals are done in a traditional priority queue. To remove items search for the element you want to remove and then swap it with the last node, perform the removal and finally bubble up or down the swapped value. For this example, suppose we want to remove the node that has the value five, we don't know where the node value five is within the priority queue. So we have to search for it. This is one of the major differences between the priority queue and the index priority queue. So start at node zero and process each node sequentially until a node with a value of five is found, if any. So we found a node with a value five to actually remove it from the heap, swap it with the right most bottom node. Once this is done, remove node five from the tree. Now the purple node we swapped into five spoon position may not satisfy the heap invariant, so we need to either move it up or down the tree. In this case, since the purple node has the value of one, which is smaller than its children, and we're dealing with a max heap, we'll want to move the node down. That was a quick recap on just about everything you need to know about a traditional party queue. Now let's talk about implementing an indexed priority queue with a binary heap. For the following examples, suppose we're dealing with n people with different priorities that we need to serve. Perhaps we're prioritizing people for a queue at a hospital, a waiting line at a restaurant or who knows what the main thing is, we'll assume that the values can dynamically change and that we always want to serve the person with the lowest priority to figure out who to serve. Next, we'll use a min indexed priority queue to sort by lowest value first. The first step as mentioned before, is to assign each person a unique index value. between zero and N, non inclusive. These are the key index values in the second column beside each person's name, then I'm going to give each person an initial value to place inside the index party queue. These values will be maintained by the index priority queue once inserted, note that the values can be any comparable value, you want not only integers as shown here, this means we can have strings, objects, or whatever type of data we want. If I was to build a min indexed priority queue, out of the key value pairs I have in the last slide, this is the heap I would get. Remember that unlike the previous example, we're sorting by smallest value first, since we're dealing with a min heap. If I want to access the value for a given key K, First, you need to figure out what its key indexes. And then you will look up in the values array maintained by the index priority queue. Here's a good question, What value does the key Bella have in the index priority queue? Well, first, find Bella's key index value, which is one, then index into the values array at position one to find the corresponding value for the key in the index partner queue. So Bella has a value of 15. Awesome, now we know how to get the value for a particular key in the index priority queue. But how do we get the index of the node for a particular key? To do that, we'll need to maintain some additional information, namely a position map we can use to tell us the index of a node in the heap for any given key index. For convenience, I will store the position map as an array called p n inside the priority queue. As an example, let's find out which node represents the key Dylan. First find the key index for Dylan, which happens to be three, then look up index three in the position map to tell you where Dylan is in the heap. It looks like Dylan is at the node and the index seven highlighted in orange. Now here's a follow up question. Where is George in the heap? I'll give you a quick moment to figure that out before I give you the answer. All right, so with just about every operation, the first step is to find the key index for the key we care about, which is George, then use the key index to do a lookup inside the position map and find out the node for George, which happens to be node one. Great, now we know how to look up the node for a given key. But how do we find the key for a given node. This inverse lookup will prove to be a very useful operation. Say you want to know which key is associated with the root node at index zero? Well, you need to be able to do an inverse lookup to figure that out. To do the inverse lookup from node indices, and D keys will need to maintain an inverse lookup table. I will denote this lookup table as I am short for inverse map. Let's see if we can figure out which person is represented in the node at index two. To do that, simply do a lookup in the inverse map at index two. This gives us information about which key index is associated with that node. Knowing the key index enables us to retrieve the actual key by doing a lookup in our bi directional hash table. In this case, the node at position two represents the key Ana, here's a follow up question to make sure you're still paying attention. Which key is being represented in the node at index position three. Same as before, find the key index through the inverse map, then with the key next, figure out the actual key from the bi directional hash table, we can then conclude that the node at position three represents the key Isaac. What we just covered was how an index party Q is structured internally and what all the moving parts are. Now we want to actually do some useful operations with this index party queue, such as inserting new key value pairs, removing key value pairs based on a key and also updating the value associated with a key. These are all possible and are actually very similar to how you would do it with a regular priority queue insertion is nearly the same except that we have to update the position map pm and the inverse map I am to reflect the movement of key value pairs. Suppose we want to insert the key marry with a value of two into the priority queue. What we first have to do is assign marry a unique key index value, then we're going to insert the new key value pair at the insertion position. Notice that upon insertion, we updated our arrays at index 12. To reflect that the new value was in fact inserted. Currently, the heap invariant is not satisfied since the new node at index 12 has a value less than the one at node five. To resolve this, we're going to swap the newly inserted value upwards until the heap invariant is satisfied swapping nodes, we need to update the position map and the inverse map. by swapping the values of the two nodes we're exchanging the values array does not need to be touched since it gets indexed by the key index value that we get from the map and not the node index per se. It turns out that the heap invariant is still not satisfied, so we need to keep swapping upwards. Let's have a look at some pseudocode for insertions and this snippet, the user calling this function needs to provide a valid key index k II, as well as a non null value they want to insert. The first thing I do is store the value associated with a key inside the values array. Then I update the position map and the inverse map to reflect the fact that a new key value pair has been inserted into the priority queue. Finally, I move the node up the heap until the heap invariant is satisfied. Let's take a closer look at this swim method to see how that happens. Here we are looking at the swim method, you'll notice that it has two supporting functions swap, and let's swap is simply exchanges to nodes based on index and last determines if no AI has a value less than node j. The logic for the swim function is fairly simple. It begins by finding the index of the parent node and walking up the tree. For every iteration, we walk up one layer in the tree. If the index of the current node is not the root node and the value of the current node is less than the parent node, remember that we're dealing with a min heap, and want small values to be as high up as possible in our heap to actually issue a node exchange simply call the swap function and provide the index of the current node and the parent node, and then update the current node and the parent node index values. I also want to talk about swapping and how that actually occurs. Because it's slightly different than a traditional party queue. And this swap method, we're not actually moving around the values in the array, we're only swapping around index values. Remember that the values array is indexed by the key index, not the node index. So effectively, the values array can remain constant while we update the inverse map and the position map. First, we update the positions of where key index values are found in the index party queue. Remember what the position map is, it is the position of which node index a given key index is found at. So we can do a straightforward swap by indexing into the inverse map to find the key index values and swap indices i and j. Followed by this simply update the key index values associated with nodes iMj and the inverse map. To do this, this is just a simple straightforward exchange. Next up, I want to talk about polling and removing elements from an indexed priority queue. Polling is still a logarithmic operation. However, removing is improved from a linear time complexity to a logarithmic time complexity. Since node position lookups are now constant time but repositioning the nodes after removal This is why the heap invariant is still logarithmic. So let's jump into an example. Suppose we want to pull the root node This is something we often want to do since it'll give us the key value pair with the lowest value in the heap. The first step is to exchange the root node with the bottom right node. As we do that, remember to swap the index values. Now we can remove the read node from the tree. As we remove the value, let's make sure we store the key value pair we're removing so we can return it from our function later. Then clean up the Remove node. Finally, restore the heap invariant by moving the swapped purple node down. Since the left and the right child nodes have an equal value of two, let's default to selecting the left one. Let's do a slightly more involved removal by removing a specific key from the index party Q. And this example, let's remove the key Laura. The first thing we want to do is get the key index for Laura, which is the key we're working with. So in this case, the key index is equal to 11. Once we know the key index, we can use that information to locate the node within the heap by looking inside the position map, then swap the node we want to remove that is the node which contains the key value pair for Laura and exchange it with the bottom rightmost node. store the key value pair before the actual removal, clean up the Remove node. And finally restore the heap invariant by moving the swapped purple node up or down, we're going to make the purple node move down because it has a large value. Alright, let's look at some pseudocode. for removing key value pairs. The code is also very short only five lines of implementation and three lines of cleanup. The first thing to do is exchange the position of the node we want to remove. And the bottom right most node, which is always at index position as Zed short for size of the heap. Once we've exchanged the nodes, the rightmost node is now in the position where the node we want to remove was. So we need to move it either up or down the heap to satisfy the heap invariant, we don't know which it will be so we try to move the node up and down. Hence sink and swim. Lastly, I just clean up the values associated with node we want to remove, you can also return the key value pair being removed. But I didn't do that here. Let's take a quick look at the sync method. So we understand how that works. to sync a node, we want to select the child with the smallest value and defaulting to the left child if there's a tie. In this next block, I tried to update the smallest child to be the right child. But first I need to check if the right child node index is within the size of the heap, and its value is actually less than the one of the left node. The stopping condition is if we're outside the size of the heap, or we cannot sync the current node any further. Lastly, we want to make sure we swap the current node with whatever was the node with the smallest value. Lastly, we want to make sure we swap the current node with whichever was the node with the smallest value. The last core operation we want to do on an index priority queue is key value pair updates similar to remove those updates in a min index binary heap also take logarithmic time due to the constant time lookup to find out where the node is and the logarithmic time to adjust where the key value pair should appear in the heap. Suppose we want to update the value of the key Carly to now have a value of one, like every operation, find the key index of the key we want to work with the key index for Carly happens to be two, then we can use that key index value to update the values array with the new value. Of course, the heap invariant may not be satisfied, so we need to move the node either up or down until it is the pseudocode for updating the value of a key is super simple. Simply update the value in the values array and move the node either up or down the heap. It's that easy. Alright, so there was nothing too special about updates, but the part I really wanted to get to was increase and decrease key. In many applications such as dextrous or prims algorithm, it's often useful to be able to update a given key to make its value either always smaller or always larger. In the event that a worse value is given to the index party here it should not be updated. In such situations, it is often useful to define the more restrictive form of update operation called increased key or a decrease key respectively, depending on whether you want to increase the value associated with a key or always try and decrease the value associated with the key. Both of these operations are very simple. They simply consist of doing an if statement before performing an update operation which either increases or decreases the value associated with the key So bottom line, these two functions are just convenience methods that wrap a get operation with an if statement to update a value. Today, we're going to look at some source code for an indexed priority queue. So just before we get started, make sure you watch my video on the index priority queue, where I go over the implementation details and why an index priority queue is an important data structure. All the source code for this video can be found on my data structures slash wm fuzzer slash data structures, the link can be found in the description below. Here we are in the source code for a min indexed binary heap. This source code is presented in the Java programming language. To get started, notice that our min index binary heap requires that we pass in a type of object which is comparable This is so we can order our key value pairs within the heap. You'll also notice that I'm extending a min indexed dear heap. This is just to be more generic. And all I do in the constructor is simply initialize this heap to have at most two children for each and node while idea heap supports in general and teach children. So let's look at the D air heap implementation where all the fun stuff is happening. So let's go over I guess all the instance variables. So s Zed is just the number of elements in the heap, n is a constant, representing the maximum number of elements in the heap, D is the degree of each node. So for the binary heap, this number is two. The two arrays, child and parent track the child and parent indices for each node, so we don't have to compute them dynamically. pm and I am or the position map and the inverse maps, which we're going to use to track the key indices for our keys. And lastly is the values array, which is the array that contains the values associated with a certain keys. Note that it's very important to notice that this array is indexed by the key indices and not by the nodes, indices, per se. So in the constructor, we give a degree and a certain maximum size for our heap. Then we just initialize whatever value for the degree and the maximum size of the heap, then I initialize all our arrays, and I compute what the child and the parent indices should be. And I also initialize the position map and inverse map to have all negative one values, then we have a few straightforward methods such as size, is and key contains. So you'll notice that for contains, we don't pass in the key for our key value pair, instead, we pass in the key index. And we're going to do this for all our methods. So I just have a few convenience bounds checking methods that you'll see again, throughout these videos, such as key has to be in the bounds or throw. So this just makes sure that the key index is valid. And after this check is done, we can check does that he exist within our heap by looking inside the position map and checking that the value is not equal to negative one. Then we have things like peak min key index, which gets the key index for the node at top of the heap. And similarly, Paul min key index, and also peak min value and pull min value. The reason these are separate is because sometimes we want to just look at the value at the top of the heap but not necessarily remove it, the pole version will actually remove it. Now let's look at insert. So to insert a key value pair, we need to make sure that that key value pair does not already exist in the heap. Otherwise, we're going to throw an exception that I simply validate if the value is not null. And if it is we throw an exception. Otherwise, we simply update our indices for the position map and inverse map. Then we assign the values array to have the value we passed in. And then we swim up that node which we know will be at position size, and we also increment the size variable so that our heap is one element larger than value of pretty straightforward, just do a look up inside the values array. then delete is slightly more interesting. We make sure the key exists. Then we get the index of where that key exists within the heap. we swap the index of the node and the last node in the heap. Then we reposition the new node we swapped into ies position To go either up the heap or down the heap, we capture the value in the position for the key index so that we can return it later, we clean up the node we want to delete. And finally we return that value. update is also pretty easy. Just make sure that the key exists and the value is not no, then we get the index for the node, then we capture the old value, update the new value, then move it within the heap. And finally return the old value. So increase and decrease are just short for decrease key and increase key we're dealing with a min dr heap here. So make sure you take that into account when looking at the logic. So we make sure the key exists and it's not know then if the value is less than the value already in the heap, the values array at the key index, we can update it and also swim it down. Notice that I didn't call the update method here, because we know we're going to swim down in the update method, we sink and we swim. So we do both operations, we don't know which way the node will go whether it's going to bubble up or bubble down. But in the decrease key method, we do. Same thing for the increased key method, except I switched the order for the less competitor so that the values array x and the first position and the value being passed in is on the right. These are just the sink and swim methods I talked about in the slides, we can go over quickly. So to sync node i, we get the minimum child of node i since we're working with a D reheat, we need to search all the children of node, find the one with the least value, this is going to be node j and then we swap i and j make sure that i is equal to the value of j and then we find the minimum child again and then repeat this until we can't sink the node anymore. Same thing for swim, except that we need to find the parent of note I which we can just do a look up in the parents array at index I swap with the parent and keep doing this until i is less than the parent min child just looks at all the children of Note II and finds the one with a minimum value and returns its index. Also pretty straightforward. Swap we covered this and slides basically swapped the indices and the position map and the inverse map for nodes i and j. Then we have the last function which simply compares values, the values for nodes i and j and other convenience methods just because I didn't want to include all the logic of throwing exceptions everywhere. Just kind of wrap them in helper functions. This is just for tests to make sure that our heat is in these a min heap. So that's all there is to an indexed the air heap. I hope there wasn't too much to ingest. And thank you for watching. 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