details so remember as i said many times the goal of your project is to interpret the book of ruth the whole book not just one chapter two chapters but whole chapters in the book how by reading closely right this is the first step as i shared you know the tips and advice you know in a couple of weeks ago your close reading of a text is the first step don't jump to the articles or commentaries whatsoever all right close reading of a text for that purpose you know in the past four or five weeks we have spent so much time right you know we have tried to understand the various ways of reading of text beginning with historical and literary approach and last week reader conscious approach okay so close reading of a text and also you need to engage scholarly literature right scholarly literature by the way you know i provided you with a bunch of balanced quality critical readings of a text there are feminist readings and other scholarly readings okay so pretty much very critical readings of book of ruth so engage scholarly literature too okay otherwise you just you just don't okay read text and just make you know a judgment but before you make a judgment right you have to be informed by others i mean here scholarly literature okay what other scholars say and what you are reading okay and then you have to converse with one another in your group so share what you think and also listen to each other carefully and somehow you need to help each other okay only by attending very you know carefully and to each other and also remember you have to abide by group covenant calls that i already you know made for you so they're minimal there's a minimum okay so honor each other's opinions and just help each other to abide group covenant quotes and to group work your group work a project in a decent professional manner in other words to have a successful meeting right what is always important in my experience is organizing your time organize before you say anything right organize your time your meeting in others what to say you know what agenda what what should we talk about okay first second third okay so organize yourself and time lastly your group project report will be shared as i said okay verbally or with the document sharing on the following class week seven our group representative will take three to five minutes to share the group project report now when you talk about book of ruth certainly you should be mindful of the historical and literary context some people say no context no meaning right no context no meaning right no books in the bible fell from the sky you know every book whether we you know know it or not knowing but we assume that right every writing every piece of things that we find in the bible you know has come from somewhere you know some place from some people right who have read and honored the you know cherished certain things when they rather were composed of certain things so context so historical and literary context two kinds of context right you know historical context certainly but also literary context of means right within the text right you know within the text so in terms of historical setting some people think that oh you know the book of ruth was written in times of judges that's typically traditional readers i usually think that you know it's really times of judges but others say under king david okay the time of king david or some other people say no actually poor copper ruth was written much later time in the persian kingdom persian era which means 5th century bce okay when jews who were you know captives in babylon right returned to jerusalem at that time right there was some kind of a a movement in in in the temple you know because now you know priests tried to cleanse the temple and you know uh uh forbidding a foreign marriages something like that so very you know different kind of later time in the persian era fifth century pce that may be the historical context of this writing but again we don't know exactly when this book was written but only we can think variously okay the time and the place of writing but otherwise you know you have to read other scholarly you know writings and articles what they say about and then eventually you also have to decide your own opinion right somehow you should be aware of this context and in terms of the genre genre okay genre is this you know history many people don't believe the book of ruth is a history but rather short novel okay if you consider this is historical kind of a writing in terms of a history you know ruth is a real figure right all this naomi all these things really reflecting historical events yes traditionally and still many people read that way but in academic critical reading okay this story book of ruth is not considered a historical kind of a history but rather a story a novel a love story if you will okay a story even in jewish circle this you know a book book of ruth is read as it's kind of a you know a story in a way okay and story but i think you know short novel is making sense but it's up to you okay and place in the canon okay canon you know choose a canon book of ruth appears within the megillah megillah means five scrolls in ketobin ketobin means writings okay writings cattlebeam hebrew writings in the in the category in the category of ketobin which is writings okay they put together five scrolls together that is song and song of solomon right song and lamentation and pokeball ruth and ecclesiastes and book of esther so these five books are combined together so jews call these five books well magilla so five scrolls in the writings category okay but christian canon this book is situated within the historical books historical books you know in terms of other in the christian canon in other words christians consider book of ruth as what historical book and also history in other words ruth is a real figure and also ruth is one so the mother right the ancestor of david right so david's coming from this lineage it's kind of so christians uh put this book on the root in in historical category historical books so the difference you see here okay but for so if you are reading a book of rules you know how will you read where will you place even this story just merely as short novel or can you put this in larger canon right that's making a little complex in a way but you just need to know okay in jewish canon versus christian canon the place is different and if we talk about themes you know in in this book there are many different themes which are relating to each other right relating to each other somehow but certainly we can focus on god's faithfulness or love he said in hebrew headset means loving kindness love right headset so certainly on one hand you know we may see god's love faithfulness somehow that kind of you know theology god's love but also you may focus on ruth of faith root is moabite woman right who made a radical decision to follow her mother-in-law and going to a strange place you know so you you a ruth ordeal right it's kind of odyssey right ordeals you know trials you may focus on you know the character ruth ruth okay how she you know what kind of person she came to be right you know so she was very among the despise the you know tribe of nation right you know at this time guess what moabites were just enemies of israel so to speak but ruth is being transformed and migrating to a new place with her mother-in-law so how can you interpret the ruth and her faith and what kind of faith do you see from the story right roughly what kind of faith what kind of story transformation okay what are some issues for her a whole lot of things that you may imagine you know for her okay so ruth maybe a focus but at the same time naomi right can be a focus naomi you know in some way naomi is a the main character in a way because she is really taking control of you know many parts of authority even she you know uh somehow you know uh she asks uh ruth to go to the field and work right so and eventually right you know um somehow naomi you know uses you know ruth uh so that you know um uh naomi's right you know the offspring right you know there there be a continuous kind of a history lineage right so so naomi how can you interpret naomi as a character and who you see what is trying to do right and also you can see both naomi and ruth together as some people read it oh you may see very pure love between them right women's face okay both you know widows right both widows you know naomi and ruth both are widows and the story you know will lead you to think about how important it is to find the love and you know connection right and mutual you know trust and so women's faith and love that may be a thing of your focus or in in larger scale of god's redemption right redemption and also migration and economic hardships that's a very realistic thing right when you are you know in such a crisis when you are losing everything that you have your husband you know sons right and you if you are left alone okay with women so what can you do right how can you live continuously right so economic hardships when that happens how you can survival and family and assimilation there's a cultural issue right you know in your article you know gayle e right gayley's reading she is a old testament scholar and feminist and also chinese american okay how she reads the book of ruth story differently because she has some issues with what assimilation right a migration and so forth and certainly you know cultural diversity right you know and culture here you see two different cultures you know more about culture right ruth representing more app right mobile culture and naomi and jewish culture so how can you interpret two different cultures and also race and ethnicity issue right moabites versus israelites so i'm not saying this is you all but i'm just kind of helping you understand okay the diversity of themes involved so talkable ruth can be read as a story so that one your narrative feminist reading might be helpful right families and the narrative reading okay we already have uh you know studied the genesis 19 as an example of narrative way of reading right so you need to analyze characters here okay god ruth naomi and poets right poets who was acting a redeemer right poes a rich man right who was got married to ruth eventually so how can you interpret his you know action and who's he an orpha orpha right is what another uh author in law of naomi but she decided to stay in her homeland right and how can you interpret her although she doesn't say you know in the text but just one thing right so you know i'm gonna stay but otherwise she's not appearing in the text but still you may consider her and others who is the main character who the story can you read okay again this is a focal a point in a way so whether you you want to focus on one particular you know character or both so it's up to you so especially how can you evaluate naomi ruth and po s in the story so these three are in a way important characters right naomi ruth empowers and were there self-interest from these people self-interest certainly right i think you may see them okay you know well we may read this uh pokemon ruth as a theological or you know the redemptive story but at the same time right all these characters are human characters in a way in the story somehow we may see their self-interest are there ethical issues in the story yes there are ethical issues especially issues regarding one it's kind of you know on one hand you know naomi sends right ruth uh for work and you know and also send her to what po s and so to to to get her you know be involved in sex okay so naomi arranged that kind of a setting in a way okay she knew what's gonna happen when she sends you know uh her daughter-in-law okay so how how can you interpret those things right are they justified when you are in such a situation so you know uh can you certify any means to achieve your goal even in this kind of a theological you know redemptive story can we certify or not okay so certainly there are ethical issues and from the post-exilic jewish community perspective is ruth the model minority or convert post-exilic juicy community perspective is roots model minority or convert is ruth happy in the end okay 10 serious matter you know the uh norton right yolanda norton's essay will set a new light on this issue because series roof very complexly and to find you know the trials and difficulties of a roof experience but at the same time she needs to struggle i mean ruth need to find the things that she wants right so that there are some pros and cons of you know a character of ruth in a way so what do you think about ruth you know did she eventually find herself happy or maybe she lament her decision to come to you know jewish land i don't know but when you read the story certainly right we can try to uh understand even the even the uh underside of the story so as you see a whole lot of things that you may find and struggle to understand this story that's all i prepared for you but otherwise if you read the whole lot of articles that i provide for you certainly you will you know see a lot of issues and somehow you'll go through all those articles and you may find your own kind of uh interpretative right and position okay so otherwise you know uh you will go to your group and you will spend the rest of time in your group okay and if you have some urgency and you can call me but otherwise you know don't depend on me okay you just need to have confidence in your group and so that's all i have uh for you before you go to your group so let's have a five minutes transition time and you will go to your group if you have any questions about the you know proceedings or for tonight any questions about your cool project things that you want to you know be clear yes lance yeah you know my group uh the group i'm in we uh we had a misunderstanding we thought that our um presentation was the night and so we have been working together practicing and going over the guiding questions that you just laid out tonight as well i think we spent maybe an hour and a half to two hours on this already because we were under the impression that the uh presentation whether yeah okay no problem yeah i understand so yeah if you uh worked okay and people already spent uh some hours and you prepared and things like that certainly okay you can stay you know how many uh how much it's up to you okay one or two hours it's okay but the call is clear right so next week your group okay each group will need to present but otherwise you know you can decide i mean the has misunderstanding but still you have done right what you're supposed to do right so i understand no problem so what's your group number number one number one all right so any other questions so all i want is okay your group presentation next time uh also you know during uh tonight's uh up you know group work so each of you eventually right need to write a final paper i know you can choose you know either one but if you you know want to go with this book of rules certainly okay you will get a lot of things you know from this group of work okay that's all i have otherwise uh if you have any questions you know send me email okay send me email a message and uh and [Music] so let's have five minutes uh transition and break and and go to your group okay and