Transcript for:
ChatGPT: What Does It Mean For Our Future?

last but not least let us welcome to the stage our fifth and final speaker Lou Tiffany who will be sharing about chat gbt what does it mean for our future [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon Wellspring Saigon how are you doing thank you so much for being here today and I'm incredibly honored to stand in front of all of you guys to share my story today so I have two little brothers at home a five-year-old and an even younger one who's only two and you know kids these age right they're incredibly curious about everything around them and they're not afraid to try then fail and try again and then fail again so my five-year-old when he first discovered the phone of course by discovering it I meant flooding the device full of selfies of his own but then he would whenever I come home I will find him watching something or playing something or trying to make Siri rap the alphabet for the 10 000th time but you see whenever I tell people about this little hobby of his they would tell me that while kids get attached to these devices very easily very quickly so maybe it's best for me to just make him avoid it and like stay away from it and I thought well maybe some of what they say is true but I can't recall a time when my brother was trying to you know figure out the new features of this device without a smile on his face so I knew that I could not make him avoid this completely one time my family and I were trying to look for a restaurant right and apparently we were pretty indecisive having huge flashy signs screaming at us left and right but then my brother stood up and he pointed to one and shouted out his name and I looked to my mom and I was like whoa you taught him how to read that's amazing but then she was like oh not really no not really then how well you know all those you know online videos you watched and those Netflix shows now if we lived in a society a hundred years ago and I told you that a child taught himself to read using online videos you wouldn't told me I was crazy right but not now we are lucky to be in a society today where we have gone so far on our journey of advancing our technology to where it's presence it's almost in every aspect of Our Lives just back in 1876 the first telephone came out and it allowed people to connect with each other and to listen and talk even though we were miles apart and rushing about a century later the internet was born and we were able to connect globally no matter where we are what time it was to our loved ones or even strangers we've never met in real life and walking closer to the reality that we all live in today in 2017 artificial intelligence was born and today there has been this new technology that's been on the lips of almost every reporter that you meet so through a quick show of hands can someone tell me have you ever heard of chat TBT wow okay thank you so much but what is chat gbt really then chat gbt stands for generative pre-trained Transformer but what does it mean so imagine combining the brains of millions of anxious students trying to work on an important term paper right so it will scan information across millions of websites articles in order to formulate a detailed response to your question in a matter of seconds you can ask it any question across almost any topic you can think about for example writing a thousand word essay on the Civil War or write me a song in the style of Michael Jackson if he was still here today and so many people have already used this tool for many various reasons for example to write blogs to set a schedule to set reminders Etc have you ever heard of like Facebook or Instagram and stuff well Facebook took 10 months to reach 1 million users that took Spotify five months and Instagram took two months chat gbt took five days so along with its immense popularity a lot of questions are being raised about its ability to affect the human lives according to a resource a research have shown that 26 percent of teachers in America have caught at least one student cheating using chat gbt why okay so imagine if you are a student and you are given assignment to research about Chachi BT you know I've heard about this phrase a few times right and apparently people say it's a game changer and changes our future all those stuff right so okay I'm a little bit curious about how it's going to affect my life but I have such a long paper to write I don't have time for this you know what I'm just gonna copy and paste everything right sounds familiar well a lot of us are turning to like Google and other search engines for automatic responses to our problems right and we justify our actions with the purpose of like saving time saving energy Etc but what we what it really does is shuts down that thought process that was designed to train our brain to solve even more complex problems that we actually face in real life and it shuts down that little spark of curiosity that we had at the very beginning so many people are wondering is Chachi BT or AI in general doing us more harm than good is it robbing us of our own motivation to learn robbing us of our creativity critical thinking well I can't blame you for having this thought right so ever since we were little when we watched like sci-fi shows or sci-fi books or stuff you know for example like Wally like Wally right then it would uh it will end up a world where technology takes over the world and leaving Humanity in like a lazy dependent mode with no purpose and this was a fear shared by numerous people and I was no exception but then a few a few months ago it came across a quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson and he said that when students cheat it's because the school system values grades more than the students value learning the question was never how are students going to cheat it was why would students cheat at all you see if the purpose of school was to learn and if the purpose of teaching was to inspire was to share knowledge was to share experiences then no technology or no societal change was going to get in the way to our path of growth our path of inspiration you see back when I was in elementary school an old teacher would tell me a short story that I loved so two twin boys was um had an alcoholic father right and every day they would have to watch their father coming back at like 2 3 A.M they would yell at them for no reason and then sometimes might even end up hitting their mother it was a tragic experience that no child should have to go through within years later passed and they both grew up one became an alcoholic people ask him why and he said because my father was an alcoholic the other one also grew up and he swore to himself he would never ever drink people ask him why and he said because my father was an alcoholic same upbringing same environment different mindsets different outcomes so you should find your purpose find your why in the actions that you take because that is what's going to direct the course of your life no matter no matter what comes what life throws at us right if we if we keep us true to ourselves if we keep pursuing our passions keep pursuing our values then no matter what technology seems to be taking away our motivation or making everything instant for us is going to take away our value we're taking away the purpose in our tasks our everyday tasks in the valley that we have in our lives right here you know that not nothing is perfect and no one is Flawless right imagine this is a real example of chat gbt given you see it can even respond in a human-like manner right but like it said this information is only updated into 2021 and a lot of people have been finding its inaccuracies but this is not uncommon you see in all search engines that we have you see like Google do you actually believe that everything there is true no right but we still have to use it either way so we have to learn to be skeptical learn to think critically in order to stay safe and in order to leverage the tools that we have whenever you cross a street right so if someone shouts at at you hey look to your left or hey look to your right are you going to just look to your left or just look to your right thinking well this is the better way to look at no right you will end up getting crashed because you know that you have to look both ways when you cross the street there's always two sides to the same situation will you look at something that can be seen as a threat to avoid as an obstacle to fight life against or will you see something as an opportunity to enhance the quality of your life the choice is yours thank you very much [Music]