Overview of the Iran-Iraq War

Sep 23, 2024

Iran-Iraq War Lecture Notes

Prelude to War

  • Date: Began on September 22, 1980
  • Initial Expectation: Many believed it would be a quick war reshaping the Middle East.

Influential Contexts

  • Iraqi Context:

    • Ba'ath Party Seizure (1968):
      • Installed Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr as President, Saddam Hussein as Vice President.
      • Saddam rose to power, becoming President on July 16, 1979.
      • Saddam's regime was marked by ruthlessness and consolidation of power.
      • Faced challenges due to Iraq's ethnic and religious diversity.
    • Religious Divide: Sunni-dominated party ruling over majority Shia population created tensions.
  • Iranian Context:

    • The Shah's Rule:
      • Centralized power and aligned with the West.
      • Iranian Revolution (1978-1979) led to the Shah's ousting.
    • Rise of Ayatollah Khomeini:
      • Advocated theocratic rule, opposed by various factions, leading to internal rebellions.

Saddam's Strategy

  • Seize strategic areas (Shat al-Arab waterway, Khuzestan province).
  • Believed Iran's internal chaos would aid a swift victory.

War Outbreak

  • Initial Invasion (September 22, 1980):
    • Iraq invaded Iran but failed to disable Iran's Air Force.
    • Ground forces initially succeeded but faced resilient Iranian resistance.
  • Notable Battles:
    • Battle for Qoramshahr: Intense urban warfare, stalled Iraqi advance.

Initial Phase and Adjustments

  • Iran's Resilience:
    • Unified under Khomeini's leadership.
  • Saddam's Strategy Shift:
    • Recognized war would be prolonged and adjusted strategies.

Prolonged Conflict

  • Operation Nasser (1981): Failed Iranian offensive, led to political turmoil.
  • Ongoing Struggles:
    • Iran faced equipment shortages, resorted to unconventional means for supplies.
    • Iraq borrowed heavily to finance continued military actions.

Turning Points

  • Iran's Recapture of Abadan (1981):
    • Boosted morale and led to further offensives.
  • Operation Undeniable Victory (1982):
    • Effective Iranian offensive, reclaimed territories.
  • Operation Ramadan (1982): Failed Iranian attempt to penetrate Iraqi defenses.

Stalemate and Brutality

  • Stalemated Frontlines:
    • Use of chemical weapons, attacks on civilians, and child soldiers.
  • Iran's Capture of Al-Faw Peninsula (1986):
    • Significant strategic gain for Iran.

War's Conclusion

  • Iraqi Counteroffensive (1988):
    • Successfully reclaimed lost territories.
    • Iran and Iraq ceasefire agreement in July 1988.


  • Iran:
    • Revolution preserved but suffered significant economic and infrastructural damage.
  • Iraq:
    • Regime intact but with unmet goals and crippling debt.

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