Jewel Trace Oscilloscope Lecture Notes

Jun 1, 2024

Jewel Trace Oscilloscope


  • Discusses block diagram and operation of Jewel Trace Oscilloscope.
  • Comparison with Jewel Beam Oscilloscope (both are different).

Block Diagram Overview

  • Channel A and B: Represents two types of signals to display on CRT screen.
  • Vertical Deflection Plates: In dual beam oscilloscope, two vertical deflection plates were used. In jewel trace oscilloscope, only one set of vertical reflection plates is used for both channels.
  • Horizontal Deflection Plates: Same as in dual beam oscilloscope.

Vertical Amplifier Section

  • Preamplifier and Attenuator: Known as vertical amplifier (wideband amplifier).
    • Includes FET input amplifier and BJT main amplifier.
  • Delay Line: Added before applying the signal to vertical deflection plates to synchronize with the horizontal deflection system.
  • Electronic Switch: Unique to dual trace oscilloscope, connected to both channel A and B.

Horizontal Deflection System

  • Components: Trigger pulse generator, Sweep generator, Horizontal amplifier.
  • Trigger Circuit: Input can come from internal signal, external signal, or line supply.
  • Sweep Generator: Produces sweeps; sawtooth waveform generator.

Electronic Switch Operation

  • Modes of Operation:
    • Alternate Mode: Switch selects channel A for one sweep and channel B for the next.
    • Chop Mode: Within a single sweep cycle, quickly alternates between channel A and B. Cuts signal into small pieces (chopping).

XY Mode

  • Purpose: Generates Lisajous patterns when both vertical and horizontal plates are driven by sinusoidal signals.
  • Patterns: Depends on phase difference between the signals of channel A and B (e.g., circular, oval, rectangular).
  • Use: Measure unknown frequency (detailed in future videos).


  • Jewel Trace Oscilloscope Key Points:
    • Uses one set of vertical and horizontal deflection plates.
    • Employs electronic switch to alternate between signals from channel A and B.
    • Includes XY mode for generating Lisajous patterns.
  • Operation Modes: Alternate and Chop modes for different waveform displays.