so what I learned which which which changed my life profoundly is what is called the law the law of cause and effect now the law of cause and effect is the reason that you're here it's the reason that explains success and failure it says basically everything happens for a reason for every effect there's a cause uh so the law of cause and effect says that for every effect in your life there's a cause that everything happens for a reason even if you don't know the reason there's a reason is somebody's practice twice as large as somebody else's practice H it's not because of you or your genetics or your DNA or your chromosomes or anything else it's just because they're doing something different that's all so what you do is if you can Define the effect that you want in your life and then what you do is you trace it back to someone who at one time was earning less than you and who's now earning twice as much and then you find out what they did you come here and you ask Ed and his people and they'll tell you and then you do the same thing we see success leads tracks leaves track so you just do the same thing and you get to the same place which brings us to one of the great rules of success is that if you do what other successful people do over and over again until it becomes a habit uh nothing in the world can stop you from getting the same results that they do and if you don't nothing can help you now this is a very important point to understand is that all success skills are learnable all practice development and management skills are learnable skills all sales skills are learnable all public relations skills are learnable all physical mental skills are learnable you may not be able to play you know a classical violin or dump baskets like Michael Jordan but all business and sales and management skills are learnable skills and so therefore you can learn any skill you need to learn in order to achieve any goal that you want and that once you understand that so for me that happened to me when I was 23 the dam broke when I learned this law of cause and effect I couldn't believe it my God you mean I could learn to be successful I was a failure I had holes in my one pair of shoes I the shoes were given to me my my size is about 10 and A2 these were size 12 so I wore them like swim fins I had to kind of lean forward into them so went klop klop klop klop I had one clipon tie and one shirt that was wash and wear I had to wash it out in my sink each night because it would stink and I had one pair of pants and I put on my little clip on tie and my little shoes klop klop klop and that was my being of my career I could tell you within 25 cents how much money I had for the first 10 years of my of my adult life and uh and then I learned that you could be in the top 20% of sales people you just do what they do so then I began to ask what do they do well over time I learned this and this is the great principle is that thoughts are causes thoughts are causes and this is the most important principle of all this is the great discovery of the great philosophers the great metaphysicians the great Mystics the great mystical and religious andp spiritual teachers it's the foundation of psychology and the foundation of success is it thoughts or causes your thoughts however well put together as we talked about earlier determine what happens in your life and conditions the conditions of your life are effects so basically you create your own life with your own thinking now this is one of the hardest things for people to understand is that their entire outer world is merely a mirror it reflects back to them in absolute complete accuracy what there is going on inside now much of what is going on inside is conscious some of it is unconscious but basically it's the way we s think and see ourselves and feel about ourselves on the inside that determines our external world and if you want to change anything on the outside you have to change things on the inside now my favorite equation is this one: one is what's going on in the inside determine what's going on in the outside now imagine a person looks in a mirror and they don't like their the way their makeup is put on nor they don't like the look of their face and they don't like they start to pound the mirror pound the mirror they're going to get a hammer I got to pound this mirror you'd say You must be crazy the mirror is neutral the mirror just reflects back to you what you're presenting to it so if you want to change what you is being reflected back you have to change what you present to the mirror once you understand that by the way you move into the top 10 or 20% of thinkers in the world the most important quality for leadership is responsibility is to accept responsibility and say I am where I am and what I am because of myself uh it ain't my brother ain't my sister but it's me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer which brings us to the greatest discovery of all which is that you become what you think about most of the time you become what you think about most of the time so what do you think about most of the time what do you think about most of the time since your entire world is determined by what you think about and especially by your thoughts emotionalized here is one of the great equations that goes back 2 or 3 th000 years before Christ thought times emotion equals reality in in other words a thought that is disconnected from emotion has no no effect an emotion that is not Guided by thought is just chaos but a clear thought backed by an emotion and the emotion can be one of Desire I really want that or it can be one of fear I'm afraid of trying it in either case the thought times the emotion equals the reality so if you could think of doubling your income and think of all the reasons why you'd like to do it and all the difference it would make in your life and your practice and what you could do for your family and you get really excited about that thought time that emotion is very healthy and it begins to materialize almost like a Polaroid photograph used to develop begins to materialize in your reality so thought times emotion equals reality so uh you become what you think about most of the time so what do you think about most of the time by the way this is a universal principle but it's not always true because if it was always true every young man would turn into a young woman by the age of 20 and uh of course fat people would turn into pizzas and alcoholics return liquor bottles uh how however I've worked with Tom Stanley St Tom Stanley and Bill Dano and um Tom Stanley and and Bill Dano are the ones who wrote The Millionaire Next Door and uh Bill Dano did most of the heavy lifting did 25 years of detailed research surveys analysis uh attending meetings and so on to find out how self-made millionaires think most of the time with regard to money and do you know what they think about most of the time with regard to money they think in terms of financial Independence and whenever they have to make an expenditure or a decision with regard to money they say does this help or hurt does this uh add up or take away because everything counts now what most Americans do is they want to be spend spend spend and uh until their daddy takes their teabird away uh they want to have fun fun fun and put it on credit cards and so on so the average American the bottom 80% lives on 110% of their income and now unfortunately the chickens are all coming home to roost and they income was built on an inflated home value that is collapsed and so now the whole house of cards is collapsing the wealthy uh wealthiest Americans they tended 20% of their income from their first paycheck they cut it off the top and they put it away and they save it and they build up cash reserves the wealthiest Americans have 6 to 12 months in cash reserves that they never never touch now you could say well that's an awful lot and I can't afford and I go okay I'm just telling you that's how self-made millionaires think their in their net worth goes up at a rate of about 78% a year on on their Capital base they don't try to make a killing in the stock market or in dots and things like that is they grow their they save their money and they grow it carefully and safely they're very attentive and thoughtful about their money they're very frugal in their decisions but what do they think about most of the time they think about achieving Financial Independence Tom Stanley talks about going to a conference of entrepreneurs uh that had been addressed by an economist the year before and it was at the reception and he heard people saying um what's yours and he said 8 and four what's yours 10 and two what's yours 6 and three what's yours 18 and two what's yours made it in April and he was asking people what what is this what's yours what's yours what's yours he said well last year we were taught and by The Economist to think in terms of how long we could survive financially if our income was cut off based on months and years and so first thing we have to do is calculate how much would it cost me to survive for one month if I had no income at all and then you multiply that times 12 and that's how many that's how much you would require to take one year off now one of your great goals in life is to work by choice if you work at all you want to have enough money so that you never have to work again you won't ever stop working by the way because knowledge workers never stop working they just do different things if you stop working with your brain you start to deteriorate very rapidly but if you keep working actively with your mind you're just going to live till your 90s anyway so um then you calculate and this is what this is what self-made millionaires do is they calculate their monthly rate all right times 12 to get their annual rate I'll just write annual and then they multiply that times 20 the number of years that they are planning to live for the after they retire and that gives them what is called the number now every person here is one of your responsibilities as an adult has to know your number what is my number and the number is the amount with which you could retire and ever work again and the interesting thing is knowing your number calculating your number will increase your likelihood of achieving it by about 10 times the likelihood of achieving it just sares astronomically because most Americans don't know what it is now you guys are young and you're in your 20s and 30s and 40s and so on you don't think about this but self-made millionaires start to think about it at a very early age and they hit millionaire status by the time they're 45 others making a fabulous living end up at the age of 55 or 60 and they're broke uh because they just you don't know just went to the island every week again never thought about so do you want to be financially independent say yes then then think about financial Independence self-made millionaires never buy new cars I can't say this in a public audience because there's always car sales people and they beat me up afterward uh but they buy cars that are two years old all the depreciation has been driven out of them so the prices come down 20 they buy expensive cars and they get them recertified so they got another 5year warranty and they drive them 10 years until they fall apart and all the extra money that people out there buying cars every year and so on all that extra money what do they do with it yeah they save it carefully put it away and so on and as a result they become financially independent if all you did was buy one car every 10 years and took all the rest of that money and invested it that alone would buy you three four five years of retirement I mean think about that because of the miracle of compound interest anyway that's not my not my subject so the University of Pennsylvania um was commissioned by several large companies to try to find out the profile of high performing men and women a period of 22 years they interviewed 350,000 people they gave them psychographic profiles to find out basically how they thought in a variety of different areas qualities characteristics virtues values and so on and then they followed them for as long as two years and asked them what do you think about most of the time what do you think about most of the time and what they would do is they would say Sir what is your name Skip they would say skip we're doing this research at the University would you participate with us and Skip would say well I'm pretty busy what's it involved you say it's just all we need is 10 seconds a week and someone will call you randomly you'll never know the time and they just ask you hello skip what are you thinking about right now what are you thinking about this very minute and you could say well I'm thinking about this uh implant I'm uh thinking about accounting I'm thinking about playing golf on the weekend doesn't matter what the answer is just tell them exactly your top of Mind thought and then they track these and they found that they began to break down in different ways and then they began to slice and dice them by desiles the bottom 10% next 10% all the way up to the top 10% and they found that people in the top 10% think very differently from people in the bottom 80 or 90% now can you guess what top people since you are in the top 10% in your profession can you guess what top people think about most of the time well the answer is they think about what they want and how to get it most of the time they think about what they want and how to get it most of the time so I'm going to teach you a go forward word and this is the word that you're going to use for the rest of your career this is the word that will guarantee that you'll get onto the fast track in life you'll increase your income at a more rapid rate than the average person and you take complete control of your life and the word is how say how how okay from now on when you want to double your income the only question you ask is how you want to double the number of patients coming to your practice the question is how you want to double your profitability the question is how you want to solve a problem the question is how now whenever you ask the question how which is what leaders do leaders are all how people how do we resolve this what do we do what is our next step what's our action non-leaders followers are passive people who did it oh my God what's going to happen what should we do now they're like the little sheep running around in a circle we we we whereas leaders say all right what's going on let's go let's make a decision what's happened here get the information and so on now when you ask the question how it's like stepping on the accelerator of your own um creative mind you step goes run run run he throws off ideas like those little lightning strikes in the cartoons or the light bulbs and every idea is for an action that you can take when now it's for an action you would take now whenever you ask the question how you got ideas and the interesting thing is they did a study at Harvard they found that the the greatest single predictor of of success especially financial success in life is creativity and creativity is designed by the number of ideas you come up with and you'll find that the more ideas you come up with because of the law of probabilities the more likely that you come up with a great idea one of the most important things you you that you get um with Ed is that you get exposed to a lot of ideas now when you look at all the ideas that it gives you there's no way a human being could apply them all when they get back on Monday is there so what you have to do is you have to pick and choose the reason that Ed teaches you so many ideas and I know I understand this is because you never know which ideas going to be the right one for you at this time so what you do is you get a lot of choices it's sort of like going to a beautiful Buffet you're could eat everything but you're going to look at the buffet and you're going to pick the things that you want or need or can use at this moment so what we do here is try to give you a buffet of ideas that you can pick and you can fill your plate and a year from now you may come back and fill your plate completely differently but it's the number of ideas that you have that largely determines we say it's the quantity that determines the quality and so the more things that you do that ter trigger ideas the more words you know and the more word Concepts the more business Concepts you know the richer is your inner vocabulary the the more and the better ideas you come up with so it's really important every time you ask the question how you get ideas for Action wow all right now this uh brings me to a a quick story I wanted to tell you uh once upon a time there was a nuclear power plant that was suffering severe mechanical difficulties and and this power plant um Power was generation was down by about 40% I had a nuclear engineer in one of my courses said based on what you told me the plant would be losing about $ 1.2 to $1.3 million a day in electricity generation if it was off 40% so that's kind of the numbers that the plant management was dealing with and they couldn't find it they had did everything possible to find why is the plant slowing down it was just running like slug sludge if you like and finally they bit the bullet they got a hold of their eagle and they called MIT and have them sent down one of the foremost nuclear power plant experts in the country and it and massachusett Institute of Technology they came down he came down drove out to the plant put on a white smok nice gentleman Professor professorial picked up a clipboard and he began walking around this massive control room taking notes and looking at the gauges and the barometers and amp meters and um so on and making calculations and after about two days of this afternoon the second day he said uhhuh that's the problem and he got up in a chair and he took a big black black marker out of his pocket and put a big black ax on the gauge he said that's it he said replace this apparatus on the whole plan will be back up to full power thank you very much he put down his clipboard took off his smok thanked them for their time drove back to the airport caught his plane back to MIT well they were all waiting the the uh engineering crew was waiting like Runners at the gate for his judgment once he gave his judgment Wham they all went together they stripped it all down and lo and behold deep within this apparatus was a major mechanical malfunction that was not detectable from the outside so they immediately went to work they replaced it with all new equipment put it all back together again and assembled it and then threw the switches and the whole plant went up to full power and they were so happy they were high-fiving and cheering and patting each other in the back and so and they were all happy they're walking around with smiles so wide you think they swallowed a banana sideways and they're all happy like this for another week until they received a bill from the consultant for services render 10 $1,000 well the Chan plant manager calls in the uh senior maintenance engineer says look at that guy comes out here stands around for a couple of days writes One X on one gauge and sends us the bill for $10,000 gez that's almost as bad as Dentistry so he uh he said yeah the guy comes out here and sees that's as much as we make in a month or two yeah I mean with minutes worth of work climbs up on the ladder writes an ex charge say $10,000 I mean that's outrageous yeah we should make him itemize his account yeah let's make him itemize his account so the uh plan manager wrote back and said Dear Sir you know with all due respect all you did was write One X on one gauge $10,000 seems like an awful lot of money for that little amount of work could you please itemize your account in little more detail so about 10 days later they got a new bill back it said for writing X on gauge $1 for knowing which gauge to write X on $9,999 in other words it wasn't the amount of physical labor and this is applies to your profession it wasn't the amount of physical labor it's the amount of brain work that went into doing this the Precision brain work and that introduced me to what we call the X Factor Now The X Factor is one of the most important things I ever learned oops oops oops The X Factor is the key to your success The X Factor is what's going to make you rich it's made me and a whole lot of other people Rich The X Factor is what is going to enable you to double your income and double your time off now the X Factor sometimes we call this the focal point is to determine where you are going to write the X in each area of your life what is your X Factor where do you create what is called the point of intensity and what we know is that an X Factor can be one of three things it can be a goal you can have a clear goal let's let's say call this the focal point or it can be a measure it can be a number or it can be an activity now in building our business it has to be one of the three but sometimes it can be a goal double double our personal income and the measure is to either double the number of patients we have or double the profitability per patient or double the U number of referrals we get or it can be an activity is the way we treat the patient what we do from the first phone call all the way through which leads to the goal but in any one of these three cases or all of them the critical word is Clarity in my experience 95% of success is based on how clear you are about the goal that you're aiming at how clear you are about the measure that you're going to use or how clear you are with regard to the activity that you're going to engage in to achieve a particular goal so always think of those and which what are they now when we look at successful people we find that successful people have focal points in the four critical areas of life and the first critical area of life that I need to talk about is what is called it has to do with income this is really important to understand is the average person who works for a living thinks about their income in terms of how much they earn in a year a month that's because when they first took their first got a job they were paid by the year and the month this is a $25,000 a year job get $2,100 a month and so on so people at the very beginning first impression is they think in terms of of annual income maybe they think in terms of how much they get per month they're of course focused on how much they get every two weeks and so on but that's how they think now if you think like that it's very easy to waste time because what the heck you're getting paid by the year so if you waste time on Monday catch up on Tuesday you don't do it on Tuesday Wednesday's still there Wednesday you know hump day then there's Thursday then there Thank God It's Friday uh oh what the heck you haven't got it done by Friday just punt it in the next week and this becomes a habit it becomes a habit so in working in the world of work today if you're running your own practice 50% of working time is wasted in general it's wasted mostly with idle chitchat with co-workers chitchat chitchat chitchat chitchat with that has nothing whatever to do with the work it's wasted in personal business personal phone calls extended lunches extended coffee breaks reading the paper surfing the internet personal business going shopping during the daytime it's the most amazing darn thing 50% of working time is wasted now if working time is wasted it's not the fault of the employee because they think in terms of annual income what does it matter they'll get caught up later it's usually the fault of the boss because the boss is not organized the work so that people are working all the time they've enabled the work to be so sloppy that people can kill a lot of time uh many companies when they when when they when when times get tough what they do is they cut back and they cut back on staff and they double up and people say gez I'm working hard now that we let so and so go no he's just working normal you're just working all the time and if people have time to sit around and idly chitchat it means your practice isn't busy enough or you have too many people so just keep cutting back and loading up the work and surprise surprise people will take it on so what top people think about not is not annual but hourly they think how much do I earn per hour and how much do I want to earn per hour so let's say today you earn $100,000 a year all right if you if you take home $100,000 a year then you divide that by the 2,000 hours that you work in your practice and it works out to about how much per hour maybe your teacher told you cross off the zeros just bu how much is it come on quick quick all right use the calculator that's right $50 jeez several different answers wow got a very creative crowd here all right uh so if you are $100,000 a year person you have to earn $50 per hour you have to be doing work that pays $50 per hour or more $50 per hour or more now if you want to double your income to $200,000 per year using the same equation working uh 2,000 hours how much do you want to earn now per hour $100 an hour so here's what top people do in terms of income they think in terms of their hourly rate and they focus on doing the things that pay them their highest hourly rate which brings us to a great great breakthrough concept it's called The Law of three and the law of three is the key to doubling your income the law of three says that in your practice in any field there's only three things whoops there's only three things that account for 90% of your income three activities you can make a list of everything you do in the course of your practice especially working with patients but but you'll find there's only three things that pay you 90% of your income if you make a list of 10 or 20 or 30 things that you do in the course of a week or a month then you ask this question and this is the great question because you must help every person who is responsible to you who answers to you answer this question as well the question is if I could only do one thing all day long what one thing would contribute the most to my practice or to my income if I could do one thing all day long what one thing would it be and in your case it's probably actually working on patients uh second if I could only do two things all day long what would be number two if I could only do three things all day long what would be number three and whenever we put people in from any profession through this exercise they're astonished to find that there's three things go pop pop pop off the list and everything else is a support task an enjoyable task uh uh a compliment task a task that can be delegated outsourced Min downsized or or eliminated all together and it takes tremendous discipline to do this I was talking uh I was reading an article by a a fortune uh journalist and he interviewed the head of the Palo alter research Labs it's called Palo alter Research Center p k PC called Park it's the most famous think tank in the United States it was founded by Xerox when they were literally printing jillions of dollars because they're the only company in the world that own the xerography process you could either type it yourself or use of Xerox and they were selling machines by the tens of thousands worldwide they had 2,000 sales offices worldwide zerox and they made so much money they decided they would fund a research institute a think tank out in a little place called Santa Clara Santa Clara is right in the heart the bomb Center heart of the Silicon Valley it became the basically the heart of Silicon Valley was the uh devices and ideas that were spun off from Palo alter Research Center and he was asked recently uh with these people they're all top academics no Prize winners top Engineers University professors published authors some of the brightest brains in the world and there's about a hundred of them they all get together there and they think and talk and kick over ideas and they have the freedom to to create and they came up with a mouse and they came up with a monitor and they came up with a keyboard and they came up with so many breakthroughs so they he asked he was asked by the journalist is there a difference in productivity I mean the the most these are the top people in the world in their fields is there a difference in productivity he said yes the 8020 rule applies he said the 8020 rule applies he said yes he said 20% of these people smartest brains in the country or the world are the vastly more productive than the other 80% and so the journalist said well why do you think that is he said well he said it's probably because you know I thought about this let me show you and he took out an envelope like this he took out an envelope and he jotted down a couple figures and he said that's the reason and the journalist was so impressed he could I have this and president of Park said sure So so he took it and he republished it in the center of the article and wrote the article around it in Fortune Magazine so let me tell you what it say here is here's the graph that he wrote and the graph is like this he said you could take a graph like this and then you have this is the graph of time usage this is the top 20% of tasks this is the bottom 80% of tasks and then here is what is called the curve of time usage this is where you work on this graph and then this is you all right this is you and the question is where do you work on your graph and this is the great question that determines how well you do in life it's real simple is do you work on things with high potential consequences or low potential consequences so if you come in in the morning and you work up here uh the things that you the things that are in the top 20% what happens is you'll be one of the most productive people in your field every minute of time will produce as much as 5 to 10 times of the value of things that you do down here because things in the bottom 80% often have no value at all because why they have no consequences if you do them or don't do them you chat with your friends you read the paper you make a phone call and so on you do these things you could do them all day long and become brilliant at them drinking coffee and surfing the internet and it would have zero impact on your income but the things up here can have enormous impact so you have a choice when you begin work at every at every minute you can decide where you're going to work on your curve you can work at the top of your curve you can work a little lower on your curve curve you can work down here on your curve or you can work at the bottom of your on your curve now notice there's a there is a a a tendency in human beings that leads to failure absolute guaranteed and it's called the the path of least resistance the path of least resistance is the natural tendency for us starting off as children to do what is fun and easy and enjoyable and light and quick and short and so on rather than what is hard and necessary and difficult has big payoff in other words thing we have a tendency to do things that have no consequences rather than things that have serious consequences because things that have serious consequences usually hard they require hard work and discipline so if you make a habit and notice that this is this is downhill the path of least resistance says the natural tendency for us is to slip into we didn't mean to slip into doing things down here but what do we know we know that if we do something repeatedly over and over again what do we develop we have a habit and low performers have the habit of starting off the day doing things of no value in fact a friend of mine just wrote a book time management specialist and the title of her book is don't check your email in the morning now when you say that to people people go are you kidding I have to I have to get up I have to get up in the middle of the night and run and check see if I've got a message I got to run there in the morning and check I got to check it on my PDA when I'm traveling around I got to check in the airport I got to check my email I got to check my email I mean somebody may have sent me a message I've got to check my email and you're you're just like junkies you're like email junkies I've got to have my fix I'm starting to go into DTS cuz I haven't had an email check she said I remember a a a reporter for Forbes went on vacation he came back from V from vacation after a week and he had 800 emails and he said there's no way that's 100 120 a day there's no way he could check all those emails and go back through the emails I mean he didn't wouldn't take them a whole day wouldn't have a chance to get started so he just punched delete deleted them all people said how could you do that how could you delete your emails he said well if they're important they'll resend and that was true if they were important they'd resend it most of the other ones by the time you got to them were too late to handle anyway but instead of opening them up and reading them and thinking about it and send a little message and looking forward to seeing you too Sunday it's 5:00 and all you've done is check emails so don't check your emails in the morning don't fall into the Trap of coming down here now you say well my emails are important good you are a dentist your time is that $100 an hour work would you hire somebody and pay them $100 an hour to check your emails would you pay them $100 an hour to read newspapers would you pay them $100 an hour to uh go shopping the shopping center next door anything you would not pay someone else your desired hourly rate to do don't do it yourself I say well but somebody got to check the email I said good You' got a secretary who will work for $6 an hour or $7 an hour have her check the email if she has any questions she can come to you after a few questions she'll got it all figured out she'll be able to go through your email and sort it in one you know I could I could be gone for a month and never check my email never have a problem why somebody else checks it it's not important those are they'll resend so in other words what I'm saying is you had to discipline yourself because if you don't you get into the habit of working on things of no value rather than things of high value oh geez how much time do I have anyway four minutes gez all right are you enjoying this by the way I wish I had three hours but let me just give you the four other things that people that top people think about their hourly rate most of the time now the second most important part of your life is your family is your family life now how is it that top people think top people think in terms of FaceTime most of the time this becomes the X Factor is The X Factor is where you put the emphasis in your life and the emphasis is on face to face oneon-one because there's nothing that is that can replace this and there's nothing that's more important there's nothing that leads to Greater happiness and self-esteem and value I was reading a book yesterday about a woman who was very very unhappy because her husband never gave any indication that he loved her and supported her because he was always watching television and you asked the husband he said sure I love her I I think you're the most important person in the world well then why don't you spend time with her well I do I'm in the house all the time I come home after work every night well no that's not how women uh measure love so the most important thing in your relationships with with your spouse and with your children is FaceTime how does a child spell the word love t i m e how do children grow up with high self-esteem and self-confidence their parents give them lots of FaceTime during their formative years and as a result they don't understand they're not working out psychologically they just know that if the most important person in my world this giant is paying me all this attention I must be pretty important I must be really valuable I must be a good person and they grow up with high self-esteem and self-confidence and they like themselves and they like other people and they're popular with their friends and everything there's a great book called uh His Needs Her Needs or her needs his needs whatever and they talk about the 10 major needs that men have and the 10 major needs that women have alternating back and forth and all women know what Man's first need is so let's talk about hers uh and her first need is for attention affection and respect attention affection and respect face to face eye to eye heart tohe heart KNE to knee attention affection and respect those are the biggest need and if she gets those needs fulfilled then everything else will be fine if she does not get those needs fulfilled she's going to be unhappy and men think well geez I'm in the same house I'm watching TV no the only time you are actually with your the woman in your world is when you're face to face and giving them attention and listening to them when they talk and giving them affection and respect how am I doing ladies yeah a lot of men sitting there like that what your crap you know okay uh so so FaceTime and there's a onetoone relationship between how much FaceTime you spend and what quality of life you have so it's really important that you don't have FaceTime accidentally you plan it you schedule it you organize and the busier you are the more you have to make appointments now I know you all have date night once a week if you don't from this day forward always have one night a week that is as adamant and as Untouchable where you go out on a date exactly as if you were single and you plan you prepare you get dressed showered you go to a lovely restaurant and you spend the entire evening together and you always face sit across face face to each other or or next to each other but never next to never Side by never sideways but always where you can look into the face of the other person you do that once a week and it's one of those wonderful things that a marriage can do ises anybody here have date night every week there any going to do it from now on all right okay here's the third one and I've already talked about the fourth the third key has to do with health and fitness health and fitness now with regard to health health and fitness is we find there are two um focal points focal point number one is waste size now it's a really interesting thing your waist size the fitness trimness of your waist is really important it's signals that you are healthy it signals that you are uh interested it signals that you have energy it signals Fitness and a whole bunch of other thing and the second part is what is called um is minutes of exercise per week now you and I because of our health system today no matter what they say in the papers we have the finest health system in the world is that because you're intelligent and knowledgeable about health you can expect to break the average the average is running about 80 years half of the population dies above half dies below you can expect to hit 90 or 95 years old your job should be to dance at your grandchildren's weddings and be killed by a jealous spouse diving out a window at the age of 93 you know but these are the two focal points think about your waist size and what you do every single time you look at putting something in your mouth you say will this help or hurt my waist size and then combine that with exercise and the required is going up each piece of research but it's about 200 to 300 minutes per week if you do 200 to 300 minutes per week which works out to 30 to 45 minutes a day and all you have to do for exercise is go for a walk you don't have to work out for the Olympics you just have to go for a walk get onto a a treadmill uh get onto a bike uh go for a walk around the neighborhood and if you combine that by going for a walk with your spouse or going for a walk with one of your children then you get a twofer um and so on so it's really important the key your ability to focus and concentrate on the most important thing you can do at any given moment is the key to streamlining your life to dramatically increasing your productivity and to doubling your income so if you do these things practice the law of three uh spend more time face to face with the most important people in your life and work on the 20% of things that have the greatest potential consequences not only will you feel fabulous about yourself but you'll get more done you get more done faster your self-esteem will be higher you'll make more money you'll be richer uh people will want to take pictures with you when they meet you at conferences and uh you'll come to my seminars again in the future thank you very much [Music]