Eruption of Teeth

Jul 30, 2024

Eruption of Teeth


  • Definition: Process by which developing teeth move through jaw bones and overlying mucosa to emerge in the oral cavity.
  • Humans as Diphyodonts: Two sets of teeth in a lifetime.
    • Primary teeth (deciduous/baby teeth) start at ~6 months.
    • Permanent teeth replace primary teeth at ~6 years and last a lifetime.

Phases of Tooth Eruption

  1. Pre-Eruptive Phase
  2. Eruptive (Pre-Functional) Phase
  3. Post-Eruptive (Functional) Phase

Pre-Eruptive Phase

  • Tooth Germ Growth: Occurs within jaw bones.
    • Jaw bones grow in length, width, and height.
    • Anterior tooth germs move mesially (forward).
    • Molar tooth germs move distally (backward).
    • Jaw bone widening moves tooth germs buckally (outward).
    • Mandibular tooth germs move upwards.
    • Maxillary tooth germs move downwards.
  • Types of Movement: Bodily Movements & Eccentric Growth
    • Bodily Movements: Remodeling of bony crypt walls via resorption and deposition.
    • Eccentric Growth: Differential growth of tooth parts aids crown reorientation.
  • Position Changes:
    • Permanent tooth germs (successional) start lingual to primary.
    • End up lingual and apical to primary anterior teeth.
    • Permanent premolars rest under primary molar roots.

Eruptive Phase (Pre-Functional)

  • Root Formation: Begins simultaneously with this phase.
  • Tooth Movement: Ascends through bony crypt and connective tissue.
  • Oral Epithelium Contact: Tooth pierces the epithelium forming functional (attachment) epithelium.
  • Clearing Pathway: Eruptive path cleared via bone and connective tissue resorption.
    • Factors: CSF1, TGF-beta-1 attract monocytes, differentiate into osteoclasts.
    • Enamel Epithelium: Secretes enzymes that break connective tissue.
  • Root Sheath Proliferation: Forms root while collagen bundles form PDL.
    • PDL Formation: Initial fibers start at cervical area and radiate coronally.
    • Involves myofibroblasts with contractile properties.
  • Bone Changes: Space below teeth filled with bony trabeculae, providing support, later resorbed for root development.

Post-Eruptive Phase

  • Maintaining Position: Ensures teeth stay optimal.
    • Check and correct jaw growth abnormalities.
    • New Bone Deposition: Along socket floor maintains height.
    • Occlusal Wear: Compensated by cemental deposition around apex.
    • Interproximal Wear: Compensated by mesial shift (multiple forces).
  • Duration: Continues as long as the tooth remains in the oral cavity.

Timing of Teeth Eruption & Exfoliation

Primary Teeth Eruption (Teething)

  • Mandibular Central Incisors: 6-10 months.
  • Maxillary Central Incisors: 8-12 months.
  • Upper Lateral Incisors: 9-13 months.
  • Lower Lateral Incisors: 10-16 months.
  • Upper First Molar: 13-19 months.
  • Lower First Molar: 14-18 months.
  • Upper Canine: 16-22 months.
  • Lower Canine: 17-23 months.
  • Lower Second Molar: 23-31 months.
  • Upper Second Molar: 25-33 months.

Primary Teeth Exfoliation

  • Central Incisors: 6-7 years.
  • Lateral Incisors: 7-8 years.
  • First Molars: 9-11 years.
  • Canines and Second Molars: 10-12 years.

Permanent Teeth Eruption

  • First Permanent Molars: 6-7 years, no primary exfoliation needed.
  • Lower Central Incisors: 6-7 years.
  • Upper Central and Lateral Incisors: 7-8 years.
  • Lower Canines: 9-10 years.
  • First and Second Premolars: 10-12 years.
  • Upper Canines: 11-12 years.
  • Second Permanent Molars: 12-13 years.
  • Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth): 17-25 years or no eruption.


  • Process of Tooth Eruption: Three phases—pre-eruptive, eruptive, post-eruptive.
  • Primary Teeth: Start erupting at 6 months, replaced by 6 years.
  • Permanent Teeth: Replace primary teeth by processes ensuring functional occlusion and adaptive growth as the jaw develops.
  • **Overall: **A dynamic, well-orchestrated sequence ensuring dental health over a lifetime with proper care.