you hear that you hear this guys listen nice don't smile it's not a good thing welcome if you're new we're C sixing for Ina today honestly I do want to the last time I C6 the character was all the way back in 2 something when Ren Shogun came out that was the only other archon that I purposefully C6 on their featured St character Banner so this is the second archon I'm purposely cixing and I'm excited cuz she has a Jee team and Jean being put back in the meta is pretty hype not going to lie very very hype but oh [Music] God honestly I just stand here to be judged all right here we go it begins T6 finina All Those early wishing simulators I did was correct to get all of the bad luck out [Music] early 70 if you subscribe right now my get fora with the power of your [Music] sub no not enough you sub I'm hurt that was exactly what happened in the wishing simulator oh I got I got it early I got 10ar oh my my polls are officially going to [Music] sh dude my life is a simulation whoa iMagic a devil fra honestly moyo please be nice to me you should you should do this I'm actually going to get C6 Charlotte before fa enough what the are my four star luck all of my luck is going to my four stars right now I guess I'm building Charlotte all right you know what maybe maybe my weapon Banner luck is better right now I'm going to the weapon hold on hold on quick side quest we we pick up the R1 we pick up the R1 real quick right [Music] here quick R1 for a weapon you know what I'm saying super easy very simple small side quest light work easy [Music] pickup it's going to be a bad day it's going to be a real bad day today it's going to be an awful day it is not going to be a good day only with 71 here or [Music] something okay my first foro oh my God I got Charlotte hello her charger attack is so sick come on man come on man come on come on come on but she's not thick what the bro damn what the okay she's SS with crit right true true all right my fin is looking extra spicy but now it's time to continue the C6 please go away if you're thinking of me for whatever reason Give Me A Sign you ask clicks I'm not desperate guys there will be no ass clicking there will be no March 7th gun clicking until we're [Music] desperate I have C6 Charlotte I have C10 Charlotte I have C1 Charlotte please please no I do not no this is a bad sign I do not want [Music] tinari what the [ __ ] [Music] you know I'm thinking about thinking about back on my Ren pulse my Ren Shogun pulse my first C6 archon I don't think it went as bad as this I don't remember having bad memories of that you know what I mean I don't I don't remember that you know why it's cuz hinari didn't exist during that time I hear everything I don't want to see see another call again I I'm so scarred oh it's early yes [Music] yes C1 goru when will moo give Jake a double five star you know the actual question is when will they give me Triple five star all right off col oh my stop do not appear again this is bad very [Music] bad don't do this don't do [Music] this I've lost every single [Music] SP you are a p of this is probably the most cursed summoning session I've ever had in my life I've lost every single [Music] 5050 what is this what am I looking at it's not a good day today is this karma from the success of rley karma this is punishment for my sins what have I done sorry my cat choked Jesus Christ get for yes yes two opposing forces get him get oh my voice cracked I lost and I I I'm at I'm at C2 I'm at C2 I've lost every single 50/50 there is all right all right all right k please have mercy please have mercy on me hello stop stop this [Music] stop [Music] please Yes we finally won a 50/50 guys at long [Music] last no no no no [Music] no voices they're starting to get to me now the day goes by where I can't hear the voices what are they saying they tell me to [Music] roll oh [Music] o what what did I say about stop it stop it 80 is all I need 80 is all I need right I will get two Finas within 80 rolls oh my God I forgot I have to roll for the weapon luck to I'm [Music] hyperventilating it's going to be a bad day don't replicate what you see at at home this is strictly for pure entertainment reasons only I may suffer at the expense of your entertainment and Leisure I I need you help March [Music] please one [Music] I'm just tired [Music] [Music] I'm this is anti gambling [Music] propaganda this isn't propaganda this is reality this is why you [Music] shouldn't yes Mercy will shed upon me today [Music] Mercy wa [Music] I'm I'm about to I'm flying back to [Music] Shanghai [Music] what a cruel world this is what a cruel cruel world you know guys it's been great it's been great a it's been a real great thing we did today really awesome thing we did in fact it's been a journey were they better than my riding rolls Back 2 years ago no they were in fact not if you're watch to the end subscribe to catch me again this was the rolling vid but I'll have a vid where I actually test the a few comps including Jean Jean is back in the for now just for a little bit because she works pretty well with finina and you'll see in that video so subscribe to watch that if you want to know how finina works and any uh comps you can use with Jean my specialty all right goodbye [Music] [Music] YouTube