okay so for the windows user there is a website desktop software. can.edu okay so if you go to the website and log in with your credential information so if you scroll down there is a SAS 4. 9. four and just waiting for you if you're at the same time working with me and there is an add to card section I already uh hey hey welcome so I already added to my section so I cannot download again but for you it's going to ask you to add your card it's a free for K user and then in the download section there is a part as a download it's a full installation okay and also there is Sid only this one is not the one that we are going to work with the one that has 11 gigabytes okay so for that one if you just download okay I'm not going to download it again so it's going to download the zip file in your machine extract the Z file and the installation so easy just pressing on the setup file and then it's going to install uh there is a orientation lecture that's recorded and already sent to you am all right so in there they totally explain about the windows users for the Mac users they mentioned about the uh our virtual machine which we have but I think I have heard from some of you that it doesn't work for the students account okay so right now we have two way to have the SAS in your machine the first one which is the not the easiest one but I would say is the best one is downloading VM Fusion so VM Fusion since couple of months ago they make it free for the personal views so the software name is [Music] reion okay so if you download this software for the again Mac User we Vision NE so this one is a good option for you not for just this course the VM ver Fusion Pro Mac this is the one so if you download this one you can also install other windows software in your machine that's a good option so and depends on your Mac performance uh it should be okay and using the M machine so that's fine so you can also use it and it's totally fine and it's going to work but there is another one which is the SAS Studio which is the online version so for us as a KSU users we have access to sass St okay so at least for now based on what I have checked so far all of the syntax that's working on the SAS uh software also working on this one okay but for sure for the Advan level it's not going to be a good option but I would say for this class works okay the syntax are almost the same the only difference is for addressing the some specific folder or library and I in this class I will will also show you the online version and also the windows version that we have okay so yes yeah so let's go to the download now yes it's need so you need to let me I think let me create one with my other okay so did you see when I uh put my personal email and I press next there is a need help signing in there is a register link so here I can create my account so make sure to create account with your NSI account and it's going to give you the access to the free version okay so uh if you U because if I want to uh install it right now first I cannot install it because I already installed in my machine and it's a little take some time but let me also log with my current renal so here you can see there is the all product e why this all product right now doesn't work but it's a very easy way to download this one so you can just email me and we can set up a zoom meeting together and I will show you exactly how to do it okay if you couldn't do it by your own but this is one of the I think uh best way to install whatever Windows soft off in your machine even for later and for example if one day you were supposed to work with SAS or aess access cannot work on the Mac User machine so you can download it here and work with the VM software but the one that I am just talking is SAS on demand for academics so if you search SAS on and for academics okay so if you log in through it there is a access now section so you need to again create account here so you need to make sure to create account with your kesa estate account and then it's going to send you the email for the approval so right now imagine I don't have account don't have a SAS profile account so just make sure to F all the information and it's going to give you the access okay so in this case after creating account there's a launch button here so it will exactly redirect to this page so there is a page for coding it's a little different from the software but again at least for the purpose of this class works at Le for now okay so that's the only ways that you can uh have access to the SAS Windows users which is totally we are good to go but for the Mac users VM Fusion or this SAS on demand for Academy that's software the one that mentioned I myself have never worked with that one but as far as I know the syntax is not going to be the same so you're going to have problem especially if you going to uh take the final uh SAS certification exam so right now I think the majority of you already installed sing Mach number right yes so again for those that doesn't have at this moment uh you can I don't know if probably the online version would take a little time to just activate for you but please make sure to do it as soon as possible and again if you have any question for it just yes [Music] [Music] M so this is the one that search for it you have Fusion yeah like so which link this one and yeah there is a two VMware one of them is the uh Fusion is work station the VMware Fusion is enough so there's another one V workstation so we Fusion is enough and this one when you okay let me just so when you install the machine here this is the uh window that you will see later so here it's ask you to get the windows from the Microsoft so you can download the windows from Microsoft and it will do all the process automatically for you so then you will have access to the windows and at the end there is a part that that's why I'm think if you have a question again send me email we need to go to this virtual Mach this is for Mac users so here there is a uh uh install VM tools you see this VM tools we need to click on this one and it's going to install all the driver graphic driver audio driver everything on it okay so uh we can do it after class if you would like but for now for our class uh fortunately most of you already have so we can start working on it so yes so let me search for v machine V yeah yeah just want to here let's search nope remember let me [Music] see this is let okay okay yeah yeah this is the link that I been through so the second one V Fusion Pro now available free for personal use so click on it then there is a part VM Fusion Pro download VM Fusion work station so we go with the VM Fusion Pro download and again it's sending us here now here this is it VM Fusion 13 so did you see the the link on this figure so V Fusion Pro for personal use and download the last one 1352 so if you click here okay so depends on your machine if you are the Intel users if you are the M1 user is different so for the Apple silicon based user is this one and I think uh any of you has the old Mac machine that has a Intel or I think I don't know so do you guys know the difference between the Intel machine and M machine so no so if you go to the left side to the Apple sign click on about this Mac and here here on the chip what's written is it says Apple M1 2 3 something M1 M2 is there any Intel Intel so for yours is Intel okay at least we have one Intel so for the Intel machine I okay so yeah this is for Intel based and silicon MC so if you just press download probably oh yeah yeah it's a start downloading so there is no difference good so they make it all the same and again after installing everything it's free uh you need to install the Windows machine through some methods the easiest one is to download Windows here from the Microsoft directly and do all the credential stuff and then you have Windows machine and then but again if you have any question please send email to me we can meet online or in my office and going to be okay so are we good to go to the desktop kesa software and like the all Windows machine you need to download it and install on your machine for that part there is a video that already they recorded on the orientation day so make sure to watch that that video and you should be fine for it good are we good no question sure good so for today at least for today I will show you the both version the online version and also [Music] the the main version which is the software one the SAS okay so I assume that uh just one person exists in this class that doesn't have any knowledge about the coding programming so I am teaching for that person okay so if by any chance you are in the same position with that imaginary person you are in your right hand so don't worry at all we will go step by step regarding the coding we will learn together and there is no possibility of learning coding by just watching coding means practicing codings means you need to do same time with me and then when you go home do it I myself I did code a lot especially on the python and R and I myself if I I don't do the coding for while after a couple of weeks when I go back to my code I would surprise who wrote this code okay so definitely you will forget it without any doubt if you don't practice and if you don't document it well so that's the part that you need to always line by line you need to comment for your because again you will write a I don't know couple of hundred lines of code later in the advanc level and then you go back one week later you have no idea what are those codes are what are the purpose for those but if you just simply write the comments for it do the documentation well you will be totally fun so let me uh start the PowerPoint okay so for the PowerPoint uh especially for today it's just going to give you some quick information I will try to go them as much as quick as possible so they're not a like a very critical information that you should remember or something but you need to know about some of them so by end of today the coding for this one is a little oh okay great so by end of today we will learn how to create a library okay we will learn how to copy a data set from one library to the other one okay we will learn how to do some equation for example we have the height of our patient and we will learn how in another file for example have the just I'm making it he of by divided by two or something okay and then we will learn how to Import and Export from SAS and also within SAS so this is all the task that we are going to work today so I will check each of them as long long as we go through so chapter one uh we are going to learn about the practice data so okay so SAS in general it stand for statistical analysis software so we are living in a data world that's the world that is full of a lot of data so we need tools for them in order to analyze them having some meaningful output from them you most of you already work in the hospital in the healthcare industry and millions of rows of data they are they are generated by patients by the doctors but everyone at the hospitals so there should be some software to help us to have some meaningful output meaningful result out of those data otherwise there is no point of collecting this amount of data so with those data we can do a lot of analysis we can do a lot of uh things to enhance your performance in your job so that's the part is one of the tools which is one of the most famous one is SAS so in this course we are going to cover the SAS but as I mentioned especially for the final exam is on the basic level so it's a base level of the SAS so we will work about how in general how to for example we create some database in the SAS import some data set to the SAS export do some manipulative stuff to the data that we have and also we will learn how to do some visualization about data that we have and then all the rest of the analysis how to create some reports out of the data that we have so that's how we are going to approach in this semester and all of these assignments that we have they are all create based on one of these purposes so again by finishing these four assignments by end of the course you are good to go for uh taking the final uh certification exam so in the SAS uh windows that we see on the Windows machine on the software we will have four Windows the first one which is the important one is the editing window so that's the window that will do all the coding so here on the online version so we have again that window here that's the code part there is another one which is the log output result and Explorer so output and results almost the same explor is different I will show you but we have those log and also the results here as well and for the Explorer window which again this is just the uh Theory we'll see through the software we have the libraries so also from the left side we can see the libraries on the online version are also available okay today I'm just cover the online version I will assume that for the next semester you all have the SAS in your machine regardless of your machine which is Mac or window so one of the good points about SAS is all the folds are alerts so for example if you are supposed to write some comments which is just extra information when you are doing the code they're going to create it in a green color okay and if you are wring the code and you need to use some of the main function which we call them as a keyword they are created in a blue color so which means for example when you for example writing the I don't know Pro uh content we will see about this function today if it doesn't show up as a blue one it means something is wrong in your code if it's just the normal color for sure something wrong is your code so if the codes that you are writing they have the right color it means the code is good to go and you can definitely continue your coding that's one of the good parts So based on the difference syntax based on the different codes the color are different okay and uh when you uh save the SAS file you will see later it's save it as a do SAS that we will see later so this is the uh let me at the same time that would be great if I can right okay that's good so this is the main window of the SAS so here is the editor window we can do the coding okay so that's the main part and there is a log page the Explorer page and after running the code we will see the result page as well but not not for now and I'll later so okay so as you also see as a screenshot this part is the considered as a uh editor page so you can do all the coding here and the log version the log window it just shows you some information about the data set that you are running for example like as we see here it shows how many reports are available in your data if there is some errors in your coding after running it will tell you with red color that there is this type of for example errors in your code it's not going to tell you in exact details but it will help you to know which part of the code at least have some errors and the last one if the code has some warning which is still code working but maybe there is some warning it will also tell you so it's going to show up after running some line and the after uh running some lines of not it will show you some result here so here for example it says there is error in this code so unable to open for example this file because the file doesn't exist or whatever so this is the whole picture of the SAS and for the output Windows as I mentioned it's almost similar with the result windows so most of the SAS function they will create the output Windows okay but some of them doesn't for example those print FR prod I know it's a little weird these codes but these are just a simple function prod print it's simple just printing some result for us proc summary it just give us the summary of the data that's it so and the proc is a stand for procedure so that's a pro okay and for example Pro transpose if you run that one it doesn't show you the out fers so that's some type of difference so this is the output for example here we can see that uh it says that we have 21 observation in our data the ID name I don't know sex age data height weight activity level and also defeat so all the information are here so I assume that most of you already work with Excel okay so in Excel what we have in Excel um can we do okay good so in Excel we have a workbook that's created by some worksheet okay so for example here we have number one number two number three end here we have I don't know first name last name age I don't know first name is a last name B a30 and something like okay so this is all the information regarding for example our patients we consider this one as a record so each line is related to some specific person okay and also we have some column these column we call them as a variable am all right so the variable is the age so for each person are different the variable is a name for each person could be different okay so that's the part that we have so if you see in the output window we would have the same format so we have the column that's created by the variables and also we have the rows that created by the reports or observation or each person for example in our case okay and just for from now on if you have any question please please please stop me otherwise I would just continue go so you have any question please don't be shy we are here to learn and that's it and if you don't ask question I would probably doubt myself that maybe I'm not doing well so if you don't have any question it's not a good idea it's not a good sign so you have to have a question so libraries SAS libraries when you are working with SAS there are some libraries let's say some place some physical place but this time is a virtual place okay those place are available for us to create data sets over there SAS already have some libraries predefined they have some available Delta data sets for the for us to practice so for example uh here the Explorer window that I mentioned that's the part that you can see so the Explorer windows it's the part that we can see the libraries okay so if you click on the libraries there are some Library available here some of them are the permanent libraries some of them are the temporary libraries okay by temporary and the permanent do you have any idea what is the difference could be between the permanent library and temporary Library any guess exactly so whenever uh you work with the temporary Library which we have only one temporary library in SAS which is the work okay so whenever we create whatever data and don't mention about a specific Library it's going to automatically store it in the work library and when you close the SAS it's going to go away forever okay but when you create some specific library for your work which we will learn today you can store the data sets all the things over there without any issue but at the same time SAS help and SAS users are those permanent library in SAS as well so work library is the permanent is the temporary one and the other for example SAS user or and SAS El are the permanent so if I click for example on the SAS help let me SAS SAS help uh for example there is a one car if I click on the Cs this is the data sets Okay so let me let's open it okay so this is the just the data sets available for us for practice so for example it says there is a make of the car Aura Audi or don't know whatever type of car the model type origin all the information is here so there are some type of available data sets for practice in SAS okay which are stored in the permanence Library which means whenever we close it and open it again they're not going to go away so that's the part but again we are going to create our own Library we are going to work our or on our data sets so we will learn it later so let's go back to the PDF to the power okay so yeah that's the part that I mentioned about the libraries we have two parts temporary and also uh permanent and we can see that the uh work is a temporary one SAS help SAS users are the permanent one and I mentioned that you cannot save data on the SAS help but you can save data on the SAS user as so this is the also difference but again for our job we are going to create our own like librar so we don't going to work on this part as well so we can create libraries in two way one of them is through the graphical user interface by graphical user interface which means through the software by clicking some icons here and creating libraries and the second one which we are going to learn is through writing codes okay so we will talk about the codes in details we do it together we will learn it but so if you see here there is a leap name so when you put the lead name here it's we are saying to the software will learn about it just I want you for this moment to just look at it and just get familiar with the format okay so when I put the liveb name which means I am going to create a library for you so it will automatically make it blue okay then I will type Clinic Clinic is the library name it could be anything it could be my name say your name whatever Hospital a whatever so Clinic is the name of the library then I have to give it the address in my device okay so I would recommend all of you to create SAS folder in your desktop now please so it would be helpful for us when we are creating a code for the rest of the day okay so because we are going to upload whatever data set that we have into the SAS folder and it's going to give you address so it usually be the in the drivers the C driver so C drive so C users my name is so for yours is different and the desktop SAS we will check it in a right way where is it so right now so here for example I myself or myself I created hosting Library so if I right click on it and put the properties so I can see the address is C users Jose desktop okay and then library for you it's going to be a different so make sure to write to find your right address because we need it today for some of the class work that we are working sorry uh to the yeah just a sec please so you mean here the one that I found the address yeah so just create the new folder on your uh desktop and make it as a SAS okay and then right click on it and you need to have the location so just copy it for now and paste it in some text or something when you are writing the code you need to modify it for yourself okay any questions so far good uh okay so that's the way that we can create our own Library under SAS and the library is permanent it's not temporary so which means whenever we create this Library they're going to stay there forever and then we can store information there and do all the analysis that we want okay so the component as I mentioned it has three component the LI name which is the keyboard the actual name of the library Clinic is the one that we are choosing it could be anything and the location address so that's the format and as I mentioned to you from the left side through the Explorer menu menu so you can see that uh there is a part that's showing us the live AR so if I by mistake for example if I be by mistake I just close the Explorer tab so what should I do in this case since I have no idea what should I do at this moment okay so I would say okay this is something related to The View menu because it's related to my viewing section okay so if I go to the view menu I can see some of them are here enhance editor right now we have it program editor log output and there is a One content only so if I click on the contents only it's going to again shows the Explorer window and then I can go to library and do all the uh Library stuff that I want but at this moment I'm just going to continue and then we will come back for it later so SAS coding always always it's going to start with some specific words and then you need to finish it with some specific words as well okay so for sure there are start with some keywords like the Frog print that I mentioned for example this is just the function that we need to tell s SAS that we are going to do this one so we start the coding with one of these things and then at the end for example it's going to run it's going to have the Run function so by run which means we are giving the order to the SAS that this chunk of code we are going to run it for us they're going to ask to s for running and one of the most important part of the coding is this semi col so if you don't put the semicolon in the right way in the right place that's the part of the SAS that the coloror would change for you so for example uh here uh as you see we have the LI name Clinic the address and the semicolon if I don't put the semicolon here whatever I write after this line it's not going to work okay so the semicon is so important and one thing for forgot to say if you see there is also another Li name here and I put the online tag here so this is the code that we use in a online okay but the online version for me the address is different okay here for the online version on the left side there is some weird name which is technically related to me and there is a file home I created the SAS folder here so I can I can just right click on it and create a new folder and then I can right click on it and check the properties and the location address is here okay so this is for the online version and if you see there is a difference so in the windows version It's a forward slash in the online version is back slash so not a big deal but there is some difference between the online and the software version again for today we are just going to talk about the online version but uh is anyone right now working on the online version you so did you create it uh so created the folder s okay that's good wonderful so did you created the account before or you just created now okay so they activated this quick that's good okay awesome so okay so I will work on the online version more now we have some that working with the online version so for the online version so here we can see that uh there is a server file on folders consider it as a desktop that you have so here on the files home you can create the SAS folder and then you can upload the data sets that we are going to work on it so we can upload it here so for example here I already uploaded for example the admit XLS the admit s all the files and here there's a library my library here here again the work which is the uh temporary library is here and also we can create some Library here this for the online students okay any question good don't have question I would scare so okay so yeah that's the part I said we start with some of the function and never ever forget the semicolon so and at the end each step could finish with the Run create or beginning the new statement so that's the part that we will learn again no one could do coding with just reading this slide it's just a very quick introduction for you and then we will start do coding so the s data sets so the data set that I showed you for the cards that has some information through the card always this s data set they have two parts one of them is descriptive part the other part is a data portion part by descriptive part it's telling us especially into the uh uh result window that for example this data set has 2,000 rows of data and these are the variables some the data this data created it's more descriptive information the other one which is the data portion the one that I showed you for example we have the Cs model the year the I don't know all the specific information regarding the that's the consider as a data portion of the SAS and as I mentioned here so we have the variables for each information in the cars example was the model was the year for our case it could be a patient name patient last name what type of I don't know blood type they have diabetes I am not good in terms of this terms so pleas just correct me if I'm saying something wrong but that's a type of variable so the variables we already know that we have two type of variables we have those numeric variables like for example the age I don't know the the level of I don't know diet sugar or something what is it glose what is the name for okay yeah so for me is always around 100 which is good am I right you don't know okay so that's the numeric variable and some of them are the character variables like the first name the name so it's concept as a character so that's the type of general information about the character but two things we need to know when we are loading a data set into the SAS if it's a numic variable if it's missing it's showing us with the single are okay so that's the single period but if it's a character it shows us blank so for example I already uploaded this uh data to the SAS and I don't have information for the first thing so it just shows the it just shows as a blank okay because it's a Char variable so when I see the data I can just easily understand okay the first name of the second patient is missing so we don't have the information but if it's a numeric variable which is the H it's just showing me with the single dot with the single per okay so if I see just the uh dot here I can see that okay we don't have the age information for example for the patient so that's only thing that we need to know when we are loading data set to the SAS okay yes MH numeric yes yeah it's a random number yeah that's fine if it's yeah yeah for sure it doesn't have value but if it's just a number it's considered as a numeric variable so we see here the numeric variables include from number from 0 to 9 okay it could have have the positive and the negative sign meaningful yes no no no at all at all at all as long as it's considered as a character so it looks like the character so AG is something meaningful yes right but the student ID is just some numbers it's not meaningful okay so as long as it's 0 to 9 plus negative decimal point and the letter e for example for the I don't know e to the power of two or something that's considered as a numeric variable but if I have one two a as a code or something consider this one as a character okay and again if I don't have information for this type of variable it's going to show me blank because it's a character it's not numer good so that's some attributes regarding the variabl so it's not a big deal so we can technically right now start our first line of code okay so we already created SAS folder in our desktop okay and also the online version created the SAS folder on the left side of the menu okay so you already created the SAS folder here so right now we would like to create okay some a specific library for ourselves okay so let's start our first line of C together shall we so let's start so please all bring your uh SAS window for the online version we have you have to work on the code part and for the this part we have to work on the editor okay so as we see here we have to start with the leap name so I would say just leap name and you see it's red and when I finish it it's considered as a key wordss or some specific function so I would like to name it as a clinic okay so Clinic okay so we have the leap name which telling to the SAS that okay SAS we are creating Library okay so SAS ask us what is the name I would say the name is clinic and then I need to give SAS the location so in this case in my case uh the address is here but I don't want to copy address from here so I would go to the H Library I already put this information here it doesn't matter I just need to copy the let's put the just copy the address and here just put the quotation paste address and quotation okay and then never forget semic colum for this line if the code is supposed to have the second line the third line we don't put the semicolon at this point we will learn later so right now we just created we just wrote Our first yes okay that's fine so Windows user good good user Mac User is also good but so uh did you create the SAS folder okay right click on the SAS folder and there is a properties yes did you find it if you don't just let me know it's okay okay so properties now there is a location here did you see the location okay just select the location and I think it doesn't let you oh yeah it lets you to just double right click on it and just press copy okay now when you go to the SAS you need to put the quotation and paste the address but the point is right now the address what is the address for you please read it for [Music] me desktop desktop and nothing so you need to also add the slash SAS as well because you created the SAS folder so like the one for me I put the library but you need to just put it SAS so you just need to add this line of code to your this part to the code so did you do it okay do it and let me know and before running this one as you can see my library is here and we have Maps Library Maps yes desktop and you need to have the for forward slash and SAS sorry the online version yes okay so the online version yeah right click on the SAS oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it so just let me know if you uh place the location yeah for us it's good SAS because we are this SAS for me is the wholesale Library I made it different by purpose because I wanted to show you for you it's your own address for me it's my address for me it's the hos library for you it's SAS it could be your name whatever it doesn't matter yes there space oh sometimes usually it doesn't matter usually doesn't matter but we can try no it doesn't matter space it doesn't matter so if if I forgot for example the uh quotation you can see right now the semicolon is getting pink so which means something is wrong with my coat so do it for yourself remove the quotation to see the semicolon is going to change the color is going to change so yes oh yeah oh so you name it okay yeah copy this one and just for the easy option comment C comment B is just doing the copy so yeah so just put the quotation right now I need to put the quotation before and after mhm so if all if you already wrote the code oh okay oh yeah it takes a little time for installing yes B oh are you in online so where is the online okay so go to the home yeah and just right click on the home and new and then go to the folder yes and just name it as a SAS or whatever name that you would like can you save yes save it okay now right click on the S go to properties and then copy the address and put it in a quotation okay I'm running the first line of code so right now for running what we need to do in SAS that's the general rule for from now forever so whatever part of the line of the code of s that you would like to run you just need to select it okay it doesn't matter if you have thousand lines of codes here the parts that you would like to run just select it and just click on this little person here okay so it says submit for the online version I think it's also same but in the left side so right now we see we have six Library let's run it now we see the clinic already created here okay so technically now we have a library that is created for us and the location of this library is in our desktop okay so whatever I added to this location whatever I added to this location it will also show up there if if it's the database so now it's time for you to go to your D2L account go to the week one please go to the D2L we one and on the week one there is a data set module for online version left side yeah go to the libraries and you should see the clinic over there yes and for you also you need to upload this data set so download these three data sets and for the windows users when you download these three data sets uh by end of this session I will upload load this video to my YouTube channel so you can go there and view the file so if you miss something you can go and check the file later okay yeah I don't have any subscription so please [Music] subscribe let us start from some place okay so did you download the the data set files yes and put all of these data set files these three different files into the SAS folder yes you can't so would you like to see okay so should I zoom in is it better uh yeah that would be great thank you yes oh yeah so now you have it so did you create a SAS folder on the desktop so create the Sass folder on the desktop so me minimize it this one on your Windows desktop yeah create a SAS folder create a folder name it SAS no right click on the page on the first right click and there is a new folder and name this as a SAS okay now right click on this one right click go to properties copy the address select the address okay copy go to the SAS now put lip Name Pro type lip name okay space we are going to name the library as a clinic just name it as a clinic it doesn't matter space quotation and past the address and j this is the address for that F so you need to also do another back slash for slash and put the SAS here type SAS here and cotation and semicolon so okay now select the line yes the whole thing press on this one yes so now go to the libraries you can see is created so the the point is uh if you go to the log window so you can see the result here so nothing is wrong if there is something wrong with the code it should be some red line here okay so at this moment it's telling me the code run well okay so we just created we just wrote our first line of SAS code so any any yes so any question for the structure of the code because the code is we shouldn't memorize the code you should understand the structure yes uh put it in the SAS folder yeah the those three files that I gave it to you so put it in the SAS folder there is a yeah the one that you created yes because we are going to work with these three files so two of them are Excel files one of them is the SAS data sets SAS data sets I showed you the example the car example that one the SAS data sets if I click on this one it will automatically open the data sets in SAS so this is already a created data set we are going to work with it so this is about the uh some patient and some information okay so let's close it and in SAS as I mentioned when you save the SAS file it's going to save it is it it's going to save it as a SAS okay there is also another format for SAS which is am I which is SAS 7 bdat SAS 7bd a it doesn't matter the point is when you see a SAS file with this one it means this is a database which means there are some information into this file if you see this one do SAS it's just a file that you need your codes is there me the code that you already wrote is there okay so now we created our own library and it's going to stay there by staying there it means if I close this page I need to save this one if I save it it's going to stay there if I don't save it if I don't reopen it again it's not going to be there but for the online User it's going to stay there so they're going to stay there but again no you need to save it as well doesn't Okay so let's go back to the so so one more time the structure matters what is the structure for creating It Whatever things in s you need to give it the keyo keywords here uh you can see there so the keyword is lip Name by typing a liap name we are telling SAS hey SAS we are creating Library then space the name of the library here is clinque then the address that's it and then semicolon this is I just I wanted to show you the both version so yeah yeah the the one it's yet it's the one that you created the on your VM machine like the one that I have okay so [Music] just okay very so we will go back to the this function but at this moment let me just go through so we just learn how to write a code for a library so this is the result that we already saw and the comments comments is the one of the most important thing is putting and believe me if you don't put comments or whatever line of thought especially when you're starting foing you will not remember it even in two days so whatever codes that you are writing even for now I would just put the comments in front of the code for myself that okay this line is for creating Library we just a very simple English you don't need to be very in advance or something but how we can type a comment okay so the comments you can put it in two ways just choose the first one is the easiest one so start with the asteris and end with semicolon that's it the second one is the start with the uh for the SL asri and then Aster for the session it's a little challenging but the first one it's start with asteris end with semicolon that's it so easy I just go to this one and I said to myself okay let's put the asteris this line is [Music] for creating a live r let's say a permanent library and then the semicolon so if I don't put the semicolon here you see let me just bring it back so right now I am just again typing liap name as another keyboard it's blue which means it's in a right situation okay so if I just remove the semicolon SAS would consider it as the continue of the previous comments okay so we need to always close the comments with the semi col good for what sorry no you don't need to that's it let's start with as and finish with semicolon that's it and you can just put it every everywhere it should it shouldn't be in front you can put it in the second line it doesn't matter okay so just find this habit which is the good habit write comments next to whatever line of that you write okay so it's going to helpful for yes yeah it should it doesn't matter it doesn't matter so yeah you can see I have it here let's start with asteris and I just put extra as it doesn't matter as long as it start with asteris and finish with semic colum the whatever between this two considered as a comment that's it so good is the class good you like it aren't you bored why this way yeah let's enjoy it at the end of the day we are going to stay 16 weeks together so four month technically the average of the daily life is 76 years old am all right so 76 * 12 divided by four months I think it's going to be 0.002% so we are spending this amount of our life together let's enjoy so the address doesn't matter okay so you already downloaded the database data sets from the uh what is it the D and I'm using database data sets because those Excel f is considered as a data set that seven what is it is it seven s d as a database okay so there's a difference between these two but it doesn't matter so now we are learning our second lesson so so we learned how to create a library now we want to know know how we can copy a data set from one specific library to another specific Library okay so this one is also have a structure so what is the [Music] structure Okay so what I want to do we have a library okay our case the library we called it Clinic am I right we are going to have some database in this one let's say database X doesn't matter I would like to make a copy of this one to for example I don't know work Library so is so important because sometimes you need to copy your database data set to the other library that you are working okay so the code for this one is so simple okay the first one we already created the library am I right so let's go for the second part of the code so it start instead of L name this time it'll start with the data whenever I say data to SAS which means hey SAS I am calling some data from whatever Library dot the database name okay so why we have here Clinic dot some name so Clinic is the Library name am I right so that's the rule whenever you call a library put dots then call something for sure that one should be available in that library and we are calling the data set in this way because data sets originally are from the library so we need to First Call the library then call the database or data set okay so for here but it start in a opposite way what does it mean it starts first in SAS you need to give the SAS the output then first say okay this is the output I will explain it this is the output I want to have this input copy to this copy to this out okay so in in this case in our case so we have the data Clinic admit to still we don't know what is the admit to which is fun we have set Clinic ad the folder that I told you to create was the SAS folder am all right and you downloaded those three files and you put it in the SAS folder okay okay so right now if you go to your SAS folder to the sorry to the SAS software from the left side you can see the clinic am all right click on the clinic the admit is here because we copy the ad meit to the SAS okay so we didn't do anything special we just copied the admit database to the SAS folder and since that SAS folder is related to this specific Library which we call it Clinic it's showing here that's it so if I just go here and remove this admit from here okay here it's going to disappear yes so you definitely didn't copy that should be there not possible did you copy that uh file so this is the SAS folder okay go to the SAS the SAS application this is the SAS Library you need to make it SAS folder yeah what about you you don't have the CL so for sure there is two mistake once maybe it's not copied there if it's copied there for sure the address is not right so let's check for you so okay go to the SAS files this is the one that you created which is opening okay so the ad me okay so download it again oh yeah right now does it have error okay now uh probably go and refresh it did you okay yeah yeah yeah I yeah I'm sorry sorry yes oh for the online uh because you already uploaded so that's fine and you already run run the code so which is okay yeah yeah so you already want a step ahead of us I come yes yeah yeah because it's a database yes okay online okay good okay Clinic is here okay so now you need to so no uh it should be a where is it okay now SAS folder create the SAS folder here oh okay it's different yeah that one is work just for the software this one work for the online version okay so you need to change it you need to change the add you need to create a SAS folder here right click on the home and create a new folder new folder and the SAS copy the address upload that database here then you will see I will come yes okay no no no no no it's different because you're using online so go to the server file now here you have the SAS click on the SAS folder click on the St folder now click on the upload now choose the file here upload it and then you will have it yes that's fine okay so first of all did you create a SAS folder on your [Music] desktop so may I it okay where is it oh this is the one and you need to uh download from the D2L those three okay copy and paste it here so did you is it download can I go to this one okay now I yeah just yeah we will control V and delete this [Music] one where is it sometimes it takes a oh yeah this is okay so [Music] now you need to go to the SAS application you need to run it again so if you just go now you don't have the Explorer window I said go to the view content only Library Clinic Adit is here so I have them download so here's my my S okay so your SAS fold is actuallyy folder but the one no no it shouldn't be SAS whatever name it is it should be the same in the code so in the code is SAS here is asley make this one SAS or make that one actually folder yeah or make that one actually folder it doesn't matter either works it should be the same address that's the point so can I go okay the next level okay now you see that we have the uh one student ask a question they ask we have three files in thata specific folder why this one just shows one because Library just shows database Library doesn't show the Exel file that one is a database that we have okay so right now what we want to do we would like to where we are okay we would like to make a copy of this admit database in the same Library it doesn't matter just want to make a copy so the code for this one as I mentioned you need to First Define the output then address the input what does it mean it means I need to go to the SAS would like to SAS I'm telling SAS okay SAS I am saying data which means I would like to work with the data but the point is I would like to work with the clinic Library it can be whatever library in our case it's a clinic library then I would like to create a file and name the file admit to we still don't have admit to okay okay we are just creating a file and we are going to name it ad me to we can name it whatever and we can store it in whatever Library as well okay stop here if I remove this clinic and just name add me to that's the fact that's the rule in s it will automatically create in the temporary folder which is the V Library so if I don't specify a library name here it will automatically create in the word folder which is the temporary folder which means temporary Library which means if I close this and open again it's not going to be there okay but I am addressing to create it in the same Clinic Library Okay so so then we have to set okay this is the output one I can just do the tab or doesn't it doesn't matter the set what is the set Clinic okay dot admin okay something is wrong because the code color is not changed set is a keyword set should be blue but it's black here okay so right now we need to just put a semicolon you see and it says set Clinic admin and now for running this one I need to have run and close and again another here yes so if I select this rame so what I did let just I hope it's better to see so what I did I said okay this is the input this is the output the output is going to be a data file in the clinic folder and the name is going to be admit to what is the input I am setting the input as the admit file which is already we copied the file from the D2L to the folder and what was the name name of the library was the clinic so clinic. admit which means we are calling the admit from the clinic Library admit to. Clinic that comes with data which means we are creating admit to in the clinic Library so if I set here so right now we can see the left side we are going to have the second database now we have ad mid point admin to for the online version you need to go to the libraries again and go to the clinic here so did you create it okay good so please run it for your site in your site so let's read it in a simple English so we are creating a data in a clinic Library we are naming it as a admit to we are naming as a m we naming as a whatever and then we are setting the input what is the input is the admit file that is already exist in the uh Clinic library and then run that's it yes so the admit one the first admit is the one that we downloaded from the D2L and we copy it to the SAS folder or whatever folder name in your Prof in your desktop okay and then since this file is already associated with the clinic Library it's already showing there so what I just did I just copied and paste that a specific database to this one okay yes the only way that we can do the copy and paste here is this way okay so this is the way that we need uh maybe in our later future job so for example having some database in some specific library and we are trying to copy those into the new library or new database okay again we are at this moment we are just learning some basic structure so the application of these codes it's going to be the main job that you need to go through the real world job and we are going to practice it by assignments by by class uh handson just go through it yes we right now at this point I want to create another one on the other Library so stay with me so guys we just uh copy it in the same Library okay as I mentioned if you and we also need a little B fast so if I if you remember I mentioned if I remove the clinque from the output it will automatically consider it that we are uploading to the work Library which is the temporary Library okay are we in the same page so let's just run this one so now if I go back to the work library now we can see it here I can name whatever Li available Library as as well so so here for example I can name I can put it in the I don't know map SAS SAS help Maps I can do in whatever uh Library okay but again that's the rule if you don't call a specific Library SAS assume that you are going to work with the work Library which is the temporary Library so did you copy the database on your side no that's fine so what is the issue okay this one okay the name is admit one it shouldn't one it should be just yeah I don't I just say [Music] [Music] would you please exactly name like this SAS F and everything should be this exactly this probably some of the space or something missing and now run the second line of the code good okay so this one is admit one you are calling the admit so you need to uh delete this one okay so now we have the sze folder the address is correct okay you see uh we should put the climit [Music] here and [Music] then this one please run right now uh run run the first line first so go to libraries now go to the my library open it so now let's run the second line of the code [Music] yes because you run it twice right now you see this is the admin to without any Library name so it will automatically assume that you are working with the work Library good all good okay so this is the SAS created so okay now back to the C so okay this is the one first in the SAS folder did you upload the so where is that okay just add me this sorry okay we don't like this one but let's change it later later you're going to have problem now oh it's already in you so you already have this one okay that's oh oh there is a yeah you need to also upload the other one later yeah but at this moment now you are going to run it so if you go to library library Clinic you have good okay so we just learned how to copy a data sets from a library to an library in our case in our case we learn how to create from the same library to the same Library it doesn't matter we can just change the clinic on the output section which is here and put whatever Library Nam is available just don't make mistake we cannot create a library here we should use one of the available Library okay so here in our our case we have the clinic library and again if you don't put anything it will assume that you are working with work Library which is temporary good that's the best takeaway of The Today class because it's important okay so that's it let's uh now we uh ran the data into the clinic we have the clinic library that we have two data sets so now let's learn another function okay just as an example which in this case we would like to see what is inside of a data so that's the function Brock print okay now we can go back back to the SAS enter another line when I am saying prod print I am saying SAS okay SAS I would like you to print some information about one of the database that you have okay so I would say prod print and then I have to say I want to call a data and it ask me what is the data so for addressing a data I should to First refer to the library then dot then the file name am I all right Library do file name if I don't use the library it will assume it's on the work Library okay so right now we have the clinic Library I'm all right we created the clinic Library so dot admit admit is available there admit two is also available so it doesn't matter but we are just uh writing the admit and then we have to put the run so right now if I just same for the online if I just run it one more time the data structure the code structure matters we are using the pr PR it's the function we are telling s hey we are using a function what is the function proc print okay then we would say print a data for me what is the data it's on the clinic library and the name of the file is admit semicolon run semicolon so now uh if we magic happened so we have the database here so it's telling us this is the out so everyone did you do it did you do it yes okay you did it good so now go to the result from the right side yes click on the table of the content click on it cck so something it's open here yeah yes it doesn't matter probably you schol down or something the important part is you have the table so did you do it so what's the issue okay so let's understand the structure we have the prod print okay then we have to say Okay PR print what we have to PR print data so PR print data and equal so what is the data equal to the equal yeah just the equal you did it okay and now yeah admit so just select it and run it good I'm just feel free to let me know if yeah that's fine so all good and I would like to give you a break but I think we are out of time so I think we need to stay in class that's fine you need bre yes okay if you need break five minutes is okay no you're good we have a lot of things left yeah yeah we have a lot left yes so if you need five minutes break that's fine just five minutes please okay so there are some go to log there is some error in it so the file didn't run well so the clinic admit okay so this is the Adit to go to the code if you okay so you should have Adit also here so where is me here upad M okay just click on the S uh upload choose files Exel uh upload the Excel file because we also need it okay upload the all of the ref file just select all of them just comment a yeah up okay upload wait yeah it takes a while that's fine just pause the recording so we already talk about the structure of the data so that input output that I mentioned it's here so I already talked about it so the first part SAS always start with the output section we are creating an admit to in the clinic library from admit in the clinic library that we have okay so that's the uh SAS structure that we have the output to the input section so now the Frog which is the uh type of function as I showed you so we have Pro print we have prog summary we have prog transpose we have multiple prodog So based on our need we can use it and we will learn it later about the different type of prod so now uh we just uh work with the prod print so if I just let's go okay so this is the class we already fortunately been through so the first classb was the uh run a pro content on the data set so we uh work we work on the product print so that's the that's the same so what Happ okay okay so here we have the prod print we can also just easily write the prod content function which is not a big deal so what is the pro content I think something is wrong it didn't okay the the function is pro contents it should be have it s and I should know it because the data was in black color rather than the blue color because it I made a mistake so if I put contents now it gets blue so the same code just instead of prog print prog content that's it and what's going to show us it's going to show us the content okay we have the for example example one set page the maximum observation per page is 127 the First Data Page has 21 you see just some information and it's uh sorting based on the variable based on alphabet so it's start with activity level age date fee I ID name sex weight so it's just sorted based on the uh what we call as a alphabetic order so it just gives us the information the previous one shows us the data portion the second one shows us the data description the difference between data description data portion okay so let's go that okay at least we been through this one so the second one the second classroom work that we already work together is creating a copy of the ad me to the work Library which we learn if we don't put work here it will assume that we are using the work library and also we can put the work here as well so that's the same function that we did the output part should create again admit admit one admit two it doesn't matter because it's the same name because the library are different if it's supposed to be in the clinic Library okay it should be a different name but right now we can have the again add me with the same name on the different Library the name of the new library is work so the output we are creating a data in the work Library what is the name admit we have to set the input what is the input from the clinic library that we create Cre what was the name admin and the Rong that's it so I mentioned that we all also work to create some equation okay so some uh let's say assignment statement so for example we can have the variable name the variable name would be age I don't know activity level whatever which is the numeric because we are writing this some equation for it so in this one everything is the same instead we have to write a formula for it as well okay so the formula in our case we would like to have a new variable which we would like to name it as a height to equal height one or the height column divid 12 that's it just the made up expression I mean it's we can do it whatever so in this case what should we do we have to go again okay we can still work on the same code so I would like to create a new data set database let's say again on the work Library okay I would like to name it as a admit read this time okay so from where what is the input Clinic admit file but I would like to add a new column to it let me just okay paste this on to I forgot to bring my mouse and this one okay so the new data set is admit default is work Library so if I put the work do admit it doesn't matter and the input is the clinic admit so far is everything the same I'm right this is there is nothing new okay so now we would like to create a new variable which uses the previous variable in the adex file the variable name was height we have the height here okay so using this to me at the same time is little challenging okay so the second one is going to be height two using the height fun divided by 12 and run so if I run this time I'm going to creating a new database admit in the work Library which this time has a extra column which we name it height two okay everything is the same just I added one line of the code so by running this one so this one created so if I go to the Explorer go to the work Library I have the admit here if I click on the admit I can see that the height to is create this is good for some cases that you have a data set just a you have a data set and you would like to add some column to it based on the available column that you have do some equation whatever and then in this way you can just add whatever column to the current database that we have this okay sure uh it's the code is exactly on the uh PowerPoint file so if you just see the PowerPoint files it's also there so for your uh your use as well so just let me where is it okay so one more time everything is the same data set we are Crea data set the name of the data is going to be admit but in the work Library what is the input Clinic Library the file name admit I am creating a new variable I name it height two I'm using the old variable which was the height divided by 12 so it could be divided or whatever and just do some uh mathematical expression as well and here there is a function which is in your uh PowerPoint we are using the pr print we are using the data ad meit just we are just adding this one just keep ID height I2 for me that's it it's a simple code so if I just go down and run it it's just showing me this three color that's it I didn't do anything special sorry okay so go to the result so ad meit Clinic admin P okay now you just run it now you have to write the second code I will come so if if you just go right now to the Explorer click the admit to the admit one oh this is a content of Clinic sorry no no we have to go to the work now I me I2 is here so it's already there now with the second code which is on the PowerPoint as well on the power point so you can see that just write this code for yourself this one I'm kind yes just yes okay this is the content of linix so you need to go to the uh click on it click here oh yeah good the it's there so just write this code Pro Clean data yes green [Music] data okay so you have the right result go to it you have it correct yeah yeah yeah yeah you sure M and it's going to copy the same so it's just a formula yes MH okay the point is here you have the Adit three here you have adet yes yeah it's going to show everything this is just a extension to just say okay just show me these three column that's it so okay okay so now uh any question oh okay good I do always so the importing data exporting data so we will work on on chapter 4 but today we are also going to uh see the coding for it so by importing data which means we have those Excel files from the D2L right now admit estess the XLS those are the data sets are in the Excel file we would like to create database out of those we would like to import those to the SAS so in this case so the formula for it the function for it is proc import so we so far we learned about the prod print print the data portion of the web the data and the other one was prod contents which shows up the the descriptive portion of the data now the data is prod import okay so PR import simple PR import I'm telling SAS okay I am running a function what is the function prod Imports why I am running this one because I would like to import a data am I right so what is the data it's a data file what is the address for that data file the address is going to be your whatever location in your Prof in your desktop and at the end you need to put the admit. XLS because you need to address exact file so do it on your side did you do this okay good so the same just this time in of just the address you need to address the file as well the file name is admit. XLS okay good so then now you have to at this moment I just input it I just import it then I have to say Okay what is the output for it the output here I name it as a temp TMP that's it and I didn't address a library which means it will create it in the which Library work library because I didn't address it and this is just the function that we need to know the D dbms database management system is XLS that's addressing and we have to replace it and the sheet name is Adit run so write this code on your side after running this one we are having uh you can I'm just moving to my access so you can just do it over the with [Music] so this is it pro import data file the address name is whatever address in your desktop for mine is H say desktop s atm. XLS and the output is going to be temp the name is going to be temp but in the work library because I didn't mention it if I mentioned clinic. temp is going to create a version in the clinic Library am all right yes then database management system is XLS these four lines you need to just memorize it and you just need to use it to practice this is the line that you need to have and if you see all of the uh semi col is after line four which means all of the first four line is for the one statement so you I don't have the semicolon here I have the semicolon at the end of the replace and the replace is here because if I have some file with the same name it's going to replace with that so if I just run it did you write the code okay write it yes mhm mhm yeah yeah sure so we are using the product import product import tellings us we are importing some file okay so what is the file it's a data file where is it it's on this address it's going to be in your address online version the online address okay and I have to address the exact file I am importing the admit. XLS file now I'm importing it so at this moment I have to name it in Excel in in in SAS sorry so the function for is is out this is the importing this is the output of the file the output I just name it as a TMP whatever I didn't mention the library which means it's going to store in the work Library if I wanted to mention library that would be okay I would say okay clinic. 10 whatever and then this line you need to just memorize it it's asking me what is the database system for this file it's XLS file if it's a CSV file I should put CSV and then replace it with whatever is available there does the sheet inside this has the name I would like to name it as ad me I can also remove this one nothing happen that's the part that you will learn cing you have to go home remove line by line run it if it works that's okay if it doesn't work something is wrong you have to just put it back and do the other part but the point is the main part is semicolon is here which means all of of these five lines are one statement just I'm just putting in I could uh use all of I could put all of them here but I just put it here to just make it more now if I put run so I'm just running I am just running so now if I go to the Explorer if I go something I think not right let me see what is not right I go to the log yes the physical file does not exist admit let me see I have the here so what is the [Music] issue the issue is this line just remove this line Al phys does not see what is [Music] this you see even my code is always oh did you see what was the code so I had the the SAS but my name was H library because I copied from the Powerpoints so you see I'm not perfect at all now if I run it we should have the TM here we have the TMP here okay so I am just going to run the prod cre yes so for sure you made mistake because it should be a start with asteris and finish with the semicolon Maybe okay why why because the statement is still open the semicolon is downside so you need to put it after admit all yes after the semicolon after semicolon can works because you are putting that's a good point uh they were making a mistake so what was the mistake they put the comments exactly at the time that they are starting the writing the code so they didn't finish with semicolon so the SAS has issue with it so they just put the comment here and sorry I don't it's a good I didn't know that I just found it now which is good thing so if I start with the Asis you see it's not green because the statement is open but if I just put the semicolon this one is getting green you see so that's a good point thank you now prog print what going to prog what going to print the data what is the data TMP the one that I just created so let's just run it and this is the uh for picking so we have couple of minutes left so uh the same one is for the export option yes okay error file in use that one okay okay oh just bring so everything is look like this one what is it so prod import data set and are this information correct it should be SAS the name is on the folder is SAS [Music] excels and data is 10 excels repl sheet is in use the file is open the Excel file is open okay so did you run it it didn't work yes sorry fix it cool so I never like the file wouldn't upload on the thing but then I got this download I just wonder which one first you need to go to the yes you need to go to Virtual Machine you need to run the install BMR Tools in this case the graphic will be fixed we do it later oh yeah and now if you click on this one this one then you need to go to the setup and the graphic is going to Sol fix so just don't run it now because it's going to take a while okay yeah just do it later so what's the issue right now oh basically you know I'm saying like file they never like upload it oh it didn't let you upload it's weird did you use Safari or did you use SA or Google um I used both actually it wasn't doing on then I was go because I used I because I use that one work I don't know maybe something some glitch from machine or something but the good point right now you could install the Windows machine so just make sure for the next week work on the SAS on the Windows machine yeah it's a I'm just telling okay now I'm importing I have to put a name for the put a name for the imported file I am just putting the name as a TMP and I didn't mention the library which means we are using the V Library that's a structure yeah just just a structure yes yeah yeah yes so version we have it as long as whatever message on the log log window is not red you're good to go if it's red something is wrong so the export one is the same so we are doing the same function just for the export one so what is the export one now I created in the work Library a temp am all right we created a temp together on a work library now I would like to have that temp this this time as a Excel file previously we did Excel file import it to the database version now we have a database version we just want to import export it as a Excel One the same code instead of uh Pro proc import we are using proc export what is the data here we don't use data file previously we were importing a Excel file so we had to use that's said difference between codes so you just need to do coding again and again and again to remember so here prodct import we use data file but for proc export we are using the data where is the data TMP where is it it's on the work library because I didn't address it and we imported to the work library and where should be the out file it should go to my SAS folder foror host library and I would like to name it as a tm. XLS and again what is the dbms Excel excels replace and the sheet can be have it can also ignore it so I would like to name the sheet as a new sheet that's it so if I just run I hope it works CU I so now if I if I go to the [Music] uh to the folder now I can see that TMP file created here did you create it on your side working that's good so let me know what's the question uh-huh okay so if you're using the website you don't need to go to your desktop so go to the so where did you created the import file Okay so e e e e e [Music] like next oh yeah okay if you want to live and to fine but just one left so we spend a lot in terms of debugging which is good which is good and uh it at means at least you are having some progress but for the next time we should be a little more faster okay so so the last one is a still exporting but just in a text file that's it so it's the same coding uh same similar coding but uh the structure is different this time the data should be underline nor underline and the file is the temp and it's just importing on the text file and I am just saying okay just show me ID name sex age date height weight activity level fee and the height to so it's going to run the same code and we had this class for which we already been through so these are the part that maybe that would be great if you could do the practice at home for it so the first one I am asking creating a permanent Library called class so just very quick we already learned we said for creating a library oh my God so we have the the L name we did Clinic in our class now we are using class that's it and I ask import the Excel file estess the sress file that you also downloaded from the D2 the same import using data file the difference between the export export we are using the data data file the address is whatever and the output I'm asking to want to import the Excel file using CR imported okay into the library class so previously for the account we just had tnp we didn't have the work Library mention here I'm saying to put it just in a class Library the one that we just created so classess that's it sess is the name database EXs replace sheet everything is the same the second one is to copy from estess take it put Library here which means we are importing in work Library so work Library stress three is the output the input is class Library the one that we just created the form everything is the same over there we had height to height sl12 / 12 here we have total time foran so that's the same the last one is the exporting export we use the data the address exactly like the same with did and the last one another exp this time instead of XLS we are using CSP that's it so here we had admit. exls and we said database management system is excels okay now we are using CSV so database management system is CSV easy that's it so the file are so just please make sure to just go there to the this last as well my office door again is always open for you I almost at a school every day so let me stop the recording and I will all