and the paranoia from T But Here Comes the five versus five smokes are down for the attackers in a few more seconds here and the retake is going to be on but the first blood is joined well drawn by Hero now patience being shown again from s cous steps forward trying to clear through by Elbow you can see where the vast majority of Fanatics sit two flashes ready they're waiting for it first Contact made sight being swarmed Sentinels looking for a body to drop and the shops aren't Landing this time it's jqt to answer back they've got sight but they don't know about hero pressure from the back lines three for him eyeing up his fourth a JQ T can only Doge for so long fanatic with the first masses of value you look at Z you look at John QT Z in a wonderful position but a very uncharacteristic Miss shot and Alpha takes both hands the crunch coming in now wrapping around zelus in Dr oh my God so much trouble grenade who the hell is this fanatic because sen unable to find their footing I'm a little surprised as I thought that nice little sell up in Market could have really rewarded Sentinels here but no it's down to the last two who aren't really encouraged to go for this now it will always be a reminder that sentinals no matter the score line are never quite down and never quite out this time that's what we're talking about sassy with a quick two in Middle already doing so much damage catching them by tiles it gives them a huge Advantage however unrecoverable weapons that would have been lovely to get to hand maybe supplement the two remainders that they had left over against delis jqt and Zin still on those sheriffs but it's T's on the corner Boer potentially on The Chopping Block T's going to respect that and full back step by step keeping in mind here that three players from Sentinels have sheriffs they only have those two vandals and if hero gets his hat off he can get the information this 3v5 is winnable right now it's a three versus four and the a site T again another step back not getting what he wanted but feeling brave enough to go back in and that's why big pick up on Alpha there and now they throw the roll sassy in unison this is what Sentinels needed as hero gets caught Sentinels I'm looking at the lurk as well J qt's position could be divine let's wait though as already dark going to find 10 controlling the second with two and he's back on it now you've got the off coming through Sassi sends out dizzy joh QT the comes in perfectly as Alpha left it a one4 he's been found steing sight actually hold on this commitment Zen swings off the back of the paranoia and that is a devastating Duo to be holding that pushup on a lovely Synergy and they've done well to get the first stalled out one minute remains on the clock fnatic can't break through a they've used so much as well they've used a drone in that position they've used stun a flash now they're down their duelist as well looking to Pivot over towards B but Sentinels they stayed that off with just two players their main defense is towards that bite they got the trips there they've got the triangle set up like getting such a good read of this as well that camera going to give away the game Boer through middle is he going to catch second here timing is everything B it wasn't pretty but it will get the job done her out as well it's Alpha though to get the reward he's still pushing through the sight under contest hero getting further than maybe they'd expect but Market is still an issue s have bodies here Alpha not completely clean on the cross and John going to catch him Hero trying to work forward it's B with one and now down to the 1 V one with seconds there solo on time and the mosh Hero has to go through it he gets it he's going to get the plant suy isn't going to be able to swing in time spikes down but is he ready for the fight the cage it's perfect to give him a moment of rest bit spotting the cam and spotting the player Sassi the one to set this in motion can see them trying to eye it up der looking for it is there sari almost shutting down on one zeken looking for a body can't get it's Chronicle to connect so the midf fight continuing and do they re agress here s on a fanatic johnt gets overwhelmed he gets run over I thought he could have stopped this divide now invested you're a brave boy Elis he's going back in for more he won seconds one attempt wasn't enough walking up the back of the dizy I don't think they know he's here zela with the opportunity to do some serious damage he's doing it back to back impact but a 1 V3 he'd have to go for an ace he's read Chronicles position zelis is absolutely reading this but the timing not there Chronicle to this T sassy both here pain shell is perfect it's going to do so much force them away Alpha gets the fight and he gets the kill as well clant now in play darker defending takes away T but it's Z with the Imp back through on CT looking to rec clear that's a third this could be magic for that man but it's Chronicle still alive delus takes another but a 1 V2 Chronicle the hero from before but can he da the cape again reposition they're staying close Sentinels taking no risks here but a fair fight found for John QT trade in place the market split they were trying to set this up earlier trying to shock the trips early Chronicle and he gets to kill with the okay the and it's the Bulldog this time QT has been stor in approach of holding that b site Chronicle gets a better T can't even get a second in the round leaving sassy who was probably identified over towards asite very early on they get a beat on his new position here towards Market his options have have pretty much gone here and as if that's how they stick The Landing Josh I didn't see that's how fnatic was going to get back in with a classic kill in a bulldog on on b side yeah it's like that well won't be a Flawless round not again Saucy trying to save his rifle again this is the second time that he' be going for it but fanatic again stun as well but Sentinels creeping into middle getting down okay I didn't see that one coming he was playing with it yeah and he's read it correctly there are two more play of timing he looks away and he'll be put to bed put to his grave they've got a good read on this and there comes Chronicle this man's impact is off the chart the all as well should reveal a lot of information this could be the go signal for derka to take some space you're looking at the vast majority of Cal trying to focus up towards Market slip away towards CT safle up middle it's just the camera to spot him but he's not going to pop that camera at this stage in the round Chronicle but they got to buy time they still have to keep them present here keep them locked in towards Market Dera and Alpha in unison and now you got to look for the L here Chronicle can now pull the trigger he can get closer they none the wiser they have no idea of the creeping behind outrageous and if John QT is alive is there hope the One V one between the Young Gun and the IG of Dreams the camera on the spike though as soon as John QT Taps that he's going to get tagged by the camera and hero will have a perfect opportunity to spam him It's there's no way there's no time the Young Gun might have just out him here J QT is normally on for it but it doesn't matter the time is gone and ftic stretch their lead but Sentinels already in to come Andy this plant the and look at though he's C further forward they don't know about s and you got know about this man 10 kills already he's dead hero holds the line and now jqt and Z's options become near on null dark are going to be hungry for this he's going hunting he's having his dinner J QT once again last alive and very few options it's time to back away like a 3-2 split here early pressure towards Zen speaking of pressure that doesn't f as Z can gets a new Lisa life you can't get the full and Boer speaking about fragging ig's it's Boer at the helm this time two for him but JN QT has his number keeps him in a level situation 3v3 but the retakes have been difficult and hero feeling confident that's why claims another man it's tense and Sassy the J over towards the a site but Hero has been sharp all comes in should clear to toward the Le pillar both seen and actually hold on it catches two that's a problem here it's only Alpha who could do anything about this The Flash to buy a little bit a time and T's going hunting he wants in ah stunned up forc to respect to trying to close down but they can't get to them ftic hold the line contact to be knife sees if anyone's close by but here's the coun push the disrespect from D go head first for that Z is going to quell that and punish him for the disrespect but he claims Sassy's life it makes it trickier now to get towards this B site four and four a little bit of a pause but Sentinel still trying to get out of the sight there's nothing really to stop them from getting out here hero on an off angle but if Alpha gets the contact as hero then swing it looked like that was the intention they should not his position here the flash is fantastic forcing him deeper zeen trying to spring board forward looks for another victim to fa it's t though to get Alpa so that does remove some of the pressure from Market Z Kicking It Up gear now just on Boer in the 1 V2 P Chell in Play Still for Z Boer to walk back in and Zen look in Lethal the timing it's right Sentinels answer back perfectly still going to have util in the back lines from jqt to deny that being a comfortable position to pressure from now you meant to disuade the players on the site you can't withens does that backto back Brilliance from the man Chronicle and Dera brought to their knees alha options have gone they they just need a save now they realize Sentinels the dart done combo timing oh Z caught just drifting through T remains alive for now but he's lucky if anything and the punishment the control on B main is kept in the hands of fnatic these weapons aren't easy to get hands on bazela is trying to take the challenge he's got Sal behind him and a quick swing zel is beheading Dera trying to defend this police those weapons lost four versus three in favor of fanatic on their e round here and John QT trying to search out this a area get a little bit of information here oh he's seing a lot in Middle there though not sure if he saw two maybe even three camera gets taken out but the defender camera at B main ready to just figure out what's going on here if they need to go for the retake searching out though yeah look at Hero's position he knows there's a chance of this a was left completely open hero taken a couple of glances towards it over towards that spawn side you can see cautious in approach they don't quite know where fnatic have gone and this flank is on the way so a flank on a flank pretty much here you got to expect the timing to be right from J QT going to know at least one he now knows there's two but the trade is there for Alpha he's going get turned on his head hero reads it well and now zelis in a 1 V3 it's only Sheriff but how much can one man do he's got a player to the right one to the left the diffuse will be beginning in about a second you take your R of the priz and they'll punish you for it another opportunity to felis maybe a third no hero interrup parano goes through Bosa tries to back away but he's caught he is absolutely sunk second leading the charge and now the rest of fnatic want to avenge their IG you got to look at the flank here as well you're right zelis going to be put on notice catches him not derker paint sh goes in and zelis leans forward but it's derker and Chronicle in unison dropping bodies d holding them back from the market trying to play to the time perfectly and they're doing everything they can but a 1 V2 for Alpha he may not have the time for this I think it's gone I think it's too late it's going be a huge investment D takes away Z but how much more can he do 10 taking a little bit of Splash damage it looks like and Sassy going to lose his life they've invested everything they had to that opening those two kills are huge they need to be able to close this out JN QT that would have been a huge find if he was able to get it on boser but three players Sentinels coming over to this asite Boer is all alone he needs to find a way to get out he needs to live his teammates are so far away Sur it's too late he can only hold towards that elbow position J QT trying to close the gap get a bit closer takes a step over the tra in play trying to isolate Boer here he's been seen he's been noted he's buying time but it takes time the rotation on the way and Chronicle right nearby he might team himself up the trade 10 left out to try no one there to back him up until then two big picks JQ and zelis take away the players trying to pressure that plant but it got into play so zelis and jqt still need to stand together it is a 2v3 numbers on towards fanatic side zelis feeling the pressure on the site you're going to see the crossfire in play here as best they can zel is going to get the contact from all three can he divide can he conquer spots him getting closer he knows it he hears it J QT to his side but darker succeeds and now Jun UT on 39 needs the clutch and he can't for they line them all up spotted at middle big info Alpha now under scrutiny but oh joh QT the savior of that moment a missed shot and now Sentinel start the ball rolling the B site is open it's available Hero trying to hinder catching one on the cross can't land it J QT does setting them up for success and a plant he had and and if you're a fanatic you're P You're pulling the bu surely that was perfect from sen they're just not getting in the door here Sentinels shutting it in their face now it is go time delis sent to his death forced to fight forward sassy now leaning back but time is ticking you got to get a move on here sentinel's going to lap this up but the trade's in play zassi still stands as does John QT and the time is ticking they are out of time surely no more to be done here no more time to play Sentinel running it down to the wire they have that Dart that can smoke off elbow After Shock out that default box this is doable for ftic needs to be perfect though Boer trying to take that timing in actually he's gone in the door sends him away though and now they're struggling now they're capitulating now they're falling into pieces Sentinels coming together when it matters most 11 potentially now the time is ticking fanatic running this incredibly low again the alt okay it's going to be down to the wire but T's unaffected maybe his moment to shine but forced away 24 HP he leans forward and he just brush his shoulders what he still gets body for the time keep in mind the clock is ticking and it's ticking fast J QT fast away delis fights back at Sentinels make it up to 12 who could be the downfall how diligent are they it doesn't matter he still gets one big oh Chronicle where was that out of nowhere catching sassy on the shock doart and suddenly they left in pieces fractured on the way forward 10 John QT and zelus you talk about impact players you got them in this though I'm looking at T's ultimate on a round like this this is where you want to try to find your footing into a sight and Pop That ultimate if you need it back out right now zel is trying to figure out how he can disrupt this retake the rotations but deciding to move together here jqt versus hero is going to be a big dual towards B but it's a defense on Market they don't care about the sight the first fight TS trying to leave the free J QT TS backto back impact TP to the site plant up next and suddenly the record is flipped and now you're down at Al and chronical again impact sh but in a moment like this can you pull it through zelus hops away keeps himself alive information of Plenty they now know what they're up against and T's timing could be heaven sent but no they skip around they go towards sight one towards main one on pillar one CT hard to find Fair fights and J QT prowling waiting Chronicle finds elsis but the time time is taking and T is on the way the camera comes up they want to get it towards half they might just do it but T the bully of the big boys afraid of no one shut out map one 13-1 on the side those senal sassy maybe over I don't know under estimating how many were there and fanatic have kept so many bodies on this side yeah there's no way sen completely stunned by this the only maybe silver is been let loose but the SP has been left over towards a maybe if he'd had that he could have maybe stuck away but a 1 V3 with a classic in hand I mean not out of the Realms of reality for Z they know position roughly where he was he got that kill with the paint shells so reposition from fnatic they're moving away from showers they're tripling up making sure they go together durka he's got pain shells they got the spot as well yeah but it's still Z reposition and a body found that second kill gets him a Refresh on his paint shells he's got double Satchel paint shells the spikes not planted on his side of the box and once fnatic figure that out but they need to get to it first nothing short of Brilliance demanded of Z here a tap on the spike and they're forced away not achieving half this is doable it's not done yet Chronicle this is so dangerous for him if he gets caught out of position but high risk High reward instead Alpha goes down so it's on Chronicle so maybe by time make him work not feel so easy 40 seconds now po to clear out towards that b site but s are on the way smokes coming play that's all they had opting towards heaven so Chronicle now with a chance but the timing from shower is pretty key can't deny it and John QT with the punish Sentinels beautiful play high risk High reward and Bo forced to save not the end of the world for team fanatic already pressure on the side but they haven't broken through by octagon yet now they go Zen wants to find Dera who quickly Dodges but it's j QT to land it Boer with the impact now down a z and 10 and second up above flies through the air but the ease is not there it's all on 10 in the 1 V one but where the hell is Chronicle even T is unsure but opts for a plant here but he's only got a Bucky how the hell is he meant to get in here now did he see him he going for the drum spots the silent ones too he's looking for him Chronicle has he made it down yet they think he might have just creeping ever closer TS takes a look takes a glance and they pass each other and it is all going to be down on timing 10s completely unawares spot to pixel gets the body big execution and they don't have the alt to depend upon this time is tricky and you got Boer in what feels like a risky position but it might just work especially with the smoke they're none the wiser but he still gets one trade comes in Z trying to run rampant but it's still going to be dealt with by durker trying to secure this out they can't durker on the back lines keeping this in their hands time is now of the essence and they've run out of it the spike too far this time ftic fights they're just afraid of those Tepe crunches and as I say that there that's the players you've got them use them Zen and Sassy taking away darker and hero they're opposing numbers and J QT closing in the net Chronicle still going to do some damage oh what is that oh but he gets caught t a going to let that slip keeps it safe on the site backline fight as well you got to look at zelis look at Alpha that's closing in they even get to know where boster is patience paying here zelis waiting Alpha caution being displayed and it ain't clean enough he does get away with it zela is going to catch him and bring him back down to Earth but a 1 V2 for boa position was considered and he's dead and from there though no respect to it they want to press the issue oh that's why second you are outrageous and another potential victim Hero's lucky to be breathing again just Onslaught after Onslaught Chronicle tries well he still can only do so much Hero has fallen it's on Chronicle boser and Alpha who are being absolutely stun locked out of this game the pace has been so aggressive from Sentinels so well done Jung QT never going to let the round slip is he Alpha is there and a second for Alpha now down to a 3v2 but look who's creeping in John QT the one to full stop the round surely how are they meant to do anything with this man's presence alone the spike feeling inaccessible and Sassy not giving them a fight trying to play to the timing Chronicle prize him out but the time is starting to tick and J QT knows it he plays it to the SE ftic need an answer Josh thrash instantly as soon as he gets a plant Nightfall and a fast retake chle on the swing and he hits knocking three of them out of the park leaving just Sassi alive in a on V5 this would be Monumental oh my God it's halfway though he has to go he has to swing and he falls the Viper pit to lock down either elbow or spawn this m Isola the rest of the players away from Z but they're completely unawares Boer Derica what just asleep in the wheel second just eviscerating them he is the one to take this sight he is the one in control and these are problems these are issues these are unmistakable the only one to answer back so far is Chronicle Z still stands he still delivers that's three second outrageous impact and he knows where Chronicle is zelis zelis oh also from that Brimstone if he has a lineup for the spot it could be free could be but it's pandemonium on the site and T wants in where the hell did that go but dark is still going to find it with a shorty Chronicle still controlling it's on zelus it's on John QT aach would be demanded oh there's not much more he can do Chronicle this is the danger this is the impact good work s trying it try and fail Chronicle that's why you respect him when he tells you to sit down you sit down two already to kick things off and instantly s have to fall away from that sit down or I'll bury you basically he puts them down five alive for fanatic and they put the brakes on that smoke is making them second guess themselves but also when they let the round develop like the Sentinels they can't play spread apart if they do it's going to be five versus two or five versus one so they're going to get a little bit sweaty here I would say though with J QT and that sheriff there's still like high levels that this could go any which way it's certainly not on One path yet but they've navigated past him at least for the initial contact he could still create a little bit of a cross fire maybe with zelus here or does he play it a little bit late options are plenty only two stars available for Boer he needs to pick which two spots he wants to lock out hookah it's spa and Alpha finds that pick John QT sits in hookah but locked out for another 10 seconds here before he can get into the action and and a two versus five your options are limited you have to hope that fnatic actually make a mistake slip up here but the way they've been playing this round so far doesn't look like it's going to be coming into play no it's very very tricky to find impact now the unoccupied space feels so obvious poster probably going to get contact beautiful G give him a wave give him a wave but anymore got to leave Boer there come back to short a it's going to be a quad Peak oh left right and he's dead overwhelmed Elis he's playing it as late as he can there trying to invest the Molly but they can walk ahead of it they can get ahead of that and they do but zela still amongst all of the melstrom still here trying to watch between the smokes between the spam plant is in hero hero gets solo but he's Al oh yeah mon on the oh coming in that's a problem gets handled well they're just on that Verge now the Sentinels play this forward so they flood the site they're down low on HP they're running AOW on players they're running AOW on time another Prowler in they're not getting what they want there's no access here but a fourman recar potentially from Sentinels here yeah going to go back in for the fight Alpha takes down one but it's traded out the Dizzy does well attends claims derker this is good this is a the man to Sentinels this time shower control regathered but Fanatics still have 50 seconds to try and paint the picture they want to but that spike is a problem it's going to be so difficult to recover this they do have stars on Astra they can use these abilities to flush them out also a Molotov from that Viper clear out certain corners but this Crossfire from Heaven John QT his positioning has been outstanding genuinely and his timing on the util again solidifying the safety of that Spike the Smoke's going to fade away in 5 seconds as well he needs to remoke this if they want a chance 20 seconds Molly now this is so well done they are just suffocating fanatic out this round and you talk about his positioning JN QT he is hard to pin down he's outrageously good at what he does seconds and he reappears at the right time the spike still firmly in hand he tries to make it costly but fnatic will have to let this one slip Sentinel with the right fight in the right place at the right time right now they're looking to do a TP play and come from hookah and spawn at the same time but there's so many players here and T goes down but a quick trade deeken going to keep it in hand 4v4 but the time on their side and Chronicle closing in the man has been a nightmare incarnate hero finds J QT pressure on CT and Chronicle step by step getting closer the inevitable death looking like it's likely and Chronicle he sees it all and he takes down one another with der it's perfect from ftic it give us the eyes on him let's see what the chosen one could do good for one no more to be done the Wonder kid takes over takes over showers but the hero's ahead of it he gets to slip the net he gets to get the pl so the time isn't the problem here three players already on this side Z pops the AL a booster gets splattered against the wall a 3v4 in favor toen Alpha down low does have his the prow doesn't quite make it but SAS Chronicle the final boss of fanatic is still standing supported by the Young Gun hero but they are in problems they are in trouble the tap on the spike should draw the reaction JN QT finds hero and Chronicles fall and Sentinels waiting for the 5c goer it looks like it's in now the Dizzy goes through the O comes in second Falls as bster finds him Alpha going to note the followup as well that's going to be Susy scene held up and denied the all them got popped by J QT who's the one who could maybe stop it all he takes away der and he plays towards a sight PLS in play and Hero has none of it leaving tens and zelu with no options time to save 11 carved into the board for fnatic once they see this all that insult to injury and derka Dives head first oh it's gorgeous durka Conquering the entirety of the side but do they know about zelis well well well zelis what are we going to do now a chance at glory and he gets none Alpha ensures safety make sure that the pl comes down never off guard Duty and Chronicle the closer and T this is a hard game to play when you feel like this you're never in the right place never at the right time and Zen you got to back away these weapons are so valuable 12 is surely here for fanatic and Sen pull this back from the brink and it looks like this is what it comes down to durka his name up in lights and fanatic looking to rebound after the arduous map one bind looking like it's going to be in their hands Jong QT and zelis with a lot of work to do Josh that's showstopper with derka as well as soon as they start inching up it's going to be all over durka already opened up the round with two Dera wants this done takes another it's all on zelis and it's over three is unlocked this out of all the players he's the one you should be scared of shaking in your boots that shot wasn't clean but Hero's was evades the Seas and hero leans forward Chronicle strikes fighting back with Venom to it celus and J QT now have nowhere to step the spike got lost deeper they've lost down the players the sheriff in Zeus's hand is really the only caveat that's on their side 40 seconds left time's getting low turret watches B and Alpha could actually position himself towards C if he wants to the rest of his team playing that retake on a they have the numbers letting Sentinels go for the site if they want it Dura on this jump spot said don't worry Boer I got this 18 seconds left they shown where they want to go it's going to be so low in time by the time they can get anywhere but ftic is going to push out there before they can get the spike planted freak zel the moment to shine it was then he gets to he tried everything he could but hero with 30 seconds to go Z can find a little bit of safety and he holds his breath and waits you can already see the Curiosity St a close down it's Chronicle to take away 10 now Alpha retaking the space takes a lot of damage Z strides in but hero on the trade Spike with a quick pivot zis playing ahead that's huge can he buy enough time can he buy enough security he's desperately trying to a readjust on the spike PL it should be fine on the time a 3v2 out of nothing maybe Sentinels finding their footing here Boer and hero working their way around CT they have a little bit to work with that smoke a Prowler cover going out repositioned but still the crossfire from the front of the site and the blue door if hero goes all the way around and secures this flank if bster makes a enough pressure for it it could be the Difference Maker last player standing put anend to it zelis this round was his you got to say it his earlier positioning catching the rotation back from C he did everything right for the side and you wanted a bit more from him he gave us a whole lot B are going to try and back away and keep T seems aware actually the paranoia didn't land der with a new lease of Life counter paranoia it may not be on but Dera certainly is finds two answered back sight still under the contest hero overwhelmed and Z doing everything he can plant in play trying to make it happen good damage look at Al so low pop of the AL here they need this plant in now and it is zoned away respecting that showster but pain shell still in play for second they can back out they can reposition Alpha down so low and Chronicle full HP with that Odin play retake with but it's got to be traded off of alpha right and fasi 64 still sitting better off did he get spotted he did Alpha finds him Z though can the man become a monster it looks like he might be able to three in this round he needs four and where does he wait where does he get the Gap close is 15 HP paint shell to the left he looks it's outstanding and now what do they do running low on time and running low on options darker going to be on defense trying to hold this down Hold the Line make him sweat 10 seconds where do you go there's nowhere to run there's nowhere to hide they try and play forward for the man himself holds them back three in the around and all their chances run away with the clock thought he might try and fly up towards CT there they were two waiting both trying to catch on the backup and it was Alpha to get deck there taking Duck's on 4 HP is he hearing this going be he's ping it out he's pcking it out but John QD catching the flank as well trying to give them time time to run time to make it to the site but they know there's still going to be players here there's G they find derka they do and he is damaged he is dead Boer the Saving Grace of derka who could do no more where it suppos to go now okay a 3v2 sari and J QT Nightfall Viper pit a big couple of Al here but they want to try and at least secure Mound John QT gave it a glance but to my world that's going to force forward Boer tries to maybe catch him in that doesn't get a connection Prowler and haunt and sees to follow as well one HP on John qt in the mly there's nowhere to run there was nowhere to hide but sashy this guy is legendary for a reason and this might be a reminder two in the round he needs a third Chronicle was the king of bind it doesn't matter now picking them off it took one time out and they look right back into it but they might be taken out again Z leads to pray as does t they clear through Mount and they're away Seas site should be on the send control nothing can stop him now we might need that counter timeout from fnatic to reestablish their control in the game themselves this is a 5v3 and they have no step towards the site Sentinels looking so strong right now and this is when they look the scariest when they start getting these rounds not the worst in the world not a bad position to be in obviously we know they don't tends looking to get active looking to get involved takes away hero no know about Chronicle the prowler to the left but the paranoia sends him away oh pretends he won't fall he stands his ground and he takes down another and now down toon and Alpha trying to play it back through and now all down to Chronicle he's in trouble and you can see why 10 raining super want safety they want the numbers for that second half they want eight rounds anything less may not be enough but Alpha going to set it into motion taken away Z the spam comes in towards tree it's where all the three players from sent are currently sitting one slightly disconnected is zelis but they take over the sight and taker takes the kill joh QT standing toall for Sentinels finally put down by derka for the One V one and the time is too low surely there's no more there isn't it's a rounds for Sentinels is it going to be a pivot back through that blue door to B as soon as they get spotted here 20 seconds remain D is here though but yeah he's still out of position bosta goes down they've unlocked the keys to the castle they expect Chronicle it doesn't matter senal striving through the site time 10 seconds hero Darko working together desperate to hold on to this desperate for a chance and Sassy is the one to stand in their way oh my God the DI the dime does he get bullet sight itself so no one slipped back towards Mound just leaving the turret towards it the prowler goes towards CT that gets at least a slight connection they now know that they're getting towards this three through waterfall two through CT it's Sassi to start it off taking down hero and du now blinded put to the corner and dealt with by second another step taken the HP dwindling Sentinels this could be the first nail in the fanatic copin oh and it's just Flawless contact Killers pival durka doesn't get it no but QT will that's the Spike oh it couldn't be anywhere worse asz now they can control it temper it and it feels just like a dead funnel through there what are you meant to do slow motion train wreck Happening Here the recycling of these the crossfire that they have they can't do4 seconds fanatic they are watching their tournament life be drawn away from them second by second it will be 11 if sen convert this which looks exceedingly likely and it's an excruciating death for fnatic here that spike is the downfall there is no recovering this and the round will fade aways so will a lot of Fanatics hopes on this one sitting there they had paint shells ready they had paranoia ready there was no getting through a fanatic Chronicle does he live time making sure they're moving together now they're grouped now the retake comes in and it's almost an extended bonus anything is a benefit in this sort of round and for fnatic it's a must win the scales tilted against the he goes down he going toting Chronicle taking them away step by step maybe a chance made here but Sentinels fighting back in wait the timing almost caged behind that door when do you unleash him you do it now you take away Chronicle and suddenly you're back to a 4v4 there's problems Left Right cus takes him away and now down a three man advantage to send Alpha from the back lines fighting back takes away J QT no plan where do they go three versus three no space really taken from these guys they've spotted most of these players on the defense but they're going to run themselves out of time ftic so indecisive in these moments but they have to make a final decision and end somewhere enough time pass Sentinels is actually over rotating to see and fnatic's going to find an open sight okay F's going to be in now we look at the postp how much space are they willing to take trying to establish ready some utility and the TP is here them info realiz is not close he sticks it but now he knows hey they're not spawn yet which means they over rotated you're calling these positions out now but with Z standing this danger this threat as with zelis as with Sassi turret the alarm B the smoke at the front of the site the crossfire clear this is looking good for them a chance made but Sentinel step by step closing in now down to two hero and Boer celis one by one taking them away as poster has to try and save him and it's an absolute nightm in the making diffuse is in no way is them for free they're trying to test this 10's going to open the door swing it Boer big impact finding two plants in play tens and J qt are you up for this two low players maybe three You could argue and it's 10 and it's John QT you give them credit you give them their respect they are a terrifying Duo right now they're being toyed with no time to make mistakes as ten leans in oh my God is this how it goes is this truly how it falls away tens desperately at the hel trying to do this five bullets to play with and not enough they can still live in the Viper's pit if they just push through towards CT but there's three players and they can spam this the hell out it is going to be the battle of Spawn breaking out now at second is the warrior who's just ripping apart fanatic limb by limb they fall and this is what it comes down to a 1 V5 A desperate attempt and the diffuse will be there the ru of the crowd reserved