Transcript for:
Investigation of Missing Mammals in Zootopia

[Music] everybody sit there was some new recruits with us I should introduce but I'm not going to her because I don't care finally we have 14 missing mammal cases all predators from a giant polar bear to a teensy little otter and City Hall is right up my tail to find them chief BOGO sir you said there were 14 missing mammal cases so so I can handle one you probably forgot but I was top of my class at the academy didn't forget just don't care sir I'm not just some token bunny well then write in 132 days should be easy abandoning your post inciting a scurry reckless endangerment of rodents but to be fair you did stop a master criminal from stealing two dozen MODY onions poor job is putting tickets on pop cards not now do you think the mayor arms what I wanted when he assigned you to me it's serious life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true so let it go I will give you 48 hours that's two days to find Emmitt Otterton but you should try count you resign Oh okay deal splendid claw Houser will give you the complete case file