Pinto Tube and Transmitter Design Overview

Aug 22, 2024

Lecture Notes on Pinto Tube and Transmitter Design


  • Bob is not present, but the lecture will cover important concepts related to the Pinto Tube and transmitter design.
  • Reference to previous discussions on the triode.

Triode Basics

  • Definition: A triode has three main components:
    • Cathode
    • Control grid
    • Plate
  • Heating Process:
    • Filament heats the cathode, causing it to emit electrons when hot enough.
    • High positive voltage applied to the plate attracts negatively charged electrons.
  • Control Grid Function:
    • A negative voltage is applied to the control grid to regulate electron flow.
    • Input signal (e.g. sine wave) influences grid voltage, controlling electron flow and acting as an amplifier.

Tetrode Design

  • Components: Similar to a triode, but includes an additional screen grid.
  • Screen Grid Function:
    • Positive voltage on the screen grid increases electron flow from the cathode to the plate.
  • Issue with Tetrode:
    • Some electrons may bounce back from the plate to the screen, resulting in wasted electrons (screen current).

Pentode Design

  • Introduction of the Suppressor Grid:
    • The pentode has a suppressor grid which is connected to ground or a lower voltage.
  • Function of Suppressor Grid:
    • Prevents reflected electrons from returning to the screen grid due to its negative potential.
    • Improves overall gain and stability, reducing the likelihood of oscillation.
  • Signal Output:
    • Input signal modulates electron flow; output signal is taken through a capacitor to avoid high plate voltage.


  • Overview of functionality and design of triodes, tetrodes, and pentodes.
  • The pentode will be used in the Pine Board transmitter project.
  • Future discussions will cover RF applications and additional details about the project.