Essential MATLAB Programming Basics

Oct 2, 2024

MATLAB Zero to Hero Lecture by Phil Parisi

Introduction to MATLAB

  • MATLAB is a programming language & software for data analysis, scientific computing, and visualization.
  • Widely used in academia and industry.


  • The main interface where all MATLAB programming occurs is the MATLAB Integrated Developing Environment (IDE).
  • Command Window: Serves as a powerful calculator for quick computations.
    • Examples: 7 + 8 = 16, sqrt(225) = 15
  • Workspace: Shows active variables and their values.
    • Variables like ans store results of expressions.
    • Clearing command window: clc
    • Clearing workspace variables: clear vars

Creating and Using Variables

  • Create variables with meaningful names: x = 10, y = 20.
  • Use variables for calculations: x + y = 30
  • Suppress output with a semicolon ;.
  • Use who to view active variables and their types (e.g., double, char, string).

Data Types in MATLAB

  • Double: Default numeric type.
  • Char: Character type, created using single quotes.
  • String: Defined with double quotes.
  • MATLAB primarily deals with doubles, chars, and strings.

Operators and Expressions

  • Basic operators: +, -, *, /, ^ (power), sqrt().
  • Element-wise operations use a dot before the operator, e.g., .^.

MATLAB Programming Basics

  • Use scripts to save and run multiple lines of code.
  • Creating scripts: Use the "New Script" button in the toolbar.
    • Scripts allow executing multiple commands collectively.
  • Comments: Use % for comments, helpful for documentation.

Vectors and Matrices

  • Vectors (arrays): Defined using colons : or linspace().
  • Matrices: Use semicolons ; to define rows.
  • Transposing: Use ' e.g., x' for transpose.
  • Various functions for matrix creation: zeros(), ones(), eye() for identity matrices.

Indexing and Modifying Matrices

  • Access elements using row and column indices, e.g., matrix(row, col).
  • Modify matrix elements and dimensions using indexing.

Plotting in MATLAB

  • Basic Plotting: plot(x, y) to visualize data.
  • Customize plots with xlabel(), ylabel(), title(), legend(), and grid on.
  • Hold on: Superimposes multiple plots.
  • Figure Manipulation: Use figure, subplot() for multiple plots.

Functions and Logic

  • MATLAB Functions: Use parentheses to input arguments.
  • Help and Documentation: Use help or doc for function documentation.
  • Logical Operations: ==, >, <, & (and), | (or).
  • Create custom functions for reusable code.

Control Structures

  • If Statements: Conditional execution of code blocks.
  • For Loops: Repeat a block of code a specific number of times.
  • While Loops: Repeat until a condition is false.
  • Nested Structures: Utilize nested if-statements and loops for complex logic.

Performance Optimization

  • Vectorization: Prefer vector operations over loops for better performance.
  • Tick and Tock: Measure execution time to optimize code.

Advanced Topic: Custom Functions

  • Create custom functions in separate .m files.
  • Define input and output parameters to modularize code.


  • MATLAB is a powerful tool for computation and visualization.
  • Continuous practice and exploration of specific topics will enhance proficiency.
  • Use online resources and MATLAB's documentation for further learning.


  • Stay organized with variable naming conventions (e.g., camelCase, underscores).
  • File naming must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.