Innovative Solar Irradiance Forecasting Techniques

Aug 8, 2024

Solar Irradiance Forecasting with Fisheye Images

Presenter Information

  • Name: Vanessa Leguin
  • Position: PhD student
  • Affiliation: EDF (French Electricity Company) and CNARM, supervised by Professor Nicolato
  • Event: CVPR Omnicv Workshop


  • Solar photovoltaic power generation is a promising renewable energy source.
  • Challenges exist due to the intermittent nature of solar energy, necessitating accurate forecasting for grid integration.

Tools for Solar Energy Forecasting

  • Different tools are used based on forecasting horizons:
    • Short-term (Intraday): Use of satellite images and local weather data.
    • Very Short-term: Fisheye images to extrapolate cloud motion.

Meteorological Campaign

  • Location: La Reno Island
  • Data Collection:
    • Fisheye images captured every 10 seconds.
    • Pyranometers measured solar irradiance components.
  • Dataset contains millions of images labeled by solar irradiance.

Machine Learning Approach

  • Objective: Forecast solar irradiance using only camera data (cost-effective compared to high-grade pyranometers).
  • Forecasting Steps:
    1. Calibration of fisheye cameras using calibration patterns and the Ochem Calip toolbox.
    2. Projection of hemispherical images onto a plane.
    3. Compute optical flow between images to determine cloud motion.
    4. Future images are generated using segmentation methods and machine learning techniques.

Deep Learning and Cloud Motion Forecasting

  • Challenges: Extrapolating cloud motion is complex.
  • Proposed solution: Incorporate physical knowledge into deep neural networks for better regularization.
  • Model Presented: Feed Net, a deep video prediction model using learned partial differential equations.
    • Architecture: Two branches (physical and residual dynamics) that operate in latent space.
    • Mechanism:
      • Normal physical prediction followed by correction with input images (data assimilation).

Contribution: Fitness Jewel Model

  • Improved version of Feed Net with specific encoders and decoders.
  • Context vector summarizes previous images to predict future solar irradiance values.
  • Results:
    • Better performance in predicting solar irradiance and images compared to baseline models (e.g., STM, Thread RNN, and Feed Net).
  • Qualitative Results:
    • Accurately predicts rapid variations in irradiance.
    • Demonstrated challenging cloud motion predictions.

Future Directions

  • More specific physical models for atmospheric phenomena.
  • Extension to probabilistic forecasting for uncertainty estimation to assist grid managers.
  • Explore cooperation between networks of fisheye cameras over small territories.


  • Emphasized the importance of integrating physical insights with machine learning for enhanced solar irradiance forecasting.