Transcript for:
Optimizing Drive Impact Techniques

So I've been optimizing chat and I made a major important discovery. There we go. Very important optimizations being made.

What I've been working on is optimizing my DI hits. I started documenting this a little bit off stream and I just want to finalize this and have this ironed out. because I did actually make a pretty unique discovery and I realized also one of the basic DI conversions I was doing for meterless stuff was just wrong. What inspired me to go down this route is I found out that there's a key distinction between DI on hit and DI on block specifically for Ed but this might apply to other characters. When you do DI on block with Ed normally what I used to do was this.

which does decent damage and sets up a safe jump um at your left plus 42 after and you know you don't normally start with your optimal heavy because stan heavy kick here whiffs with ed which is your plus on hits combo option with a heavy but i realize that's different if they actually get hit by the di the heavy kit combos there's a whole other world here of optimization because Beyond just the damage difference, if someone blocks a DI, you're going to get different damage from the wall splat combo regardless, right? But if they don't block, the DI itself does damage, right? So there's a big difference in damage just from that alone.

There's no damage from the DI here when they block it. They're at 80% damage scaling. If they get hit by the DI, you still go to 80% damage scaling, but you get all 800 of the DI hit, right?

Um, so, yeah, this wall splat is different, and that didn't matter for JP from what I remember or what I know, but that changes things here. And then while investigating this, I realized I can do this route, uh, meterless, which is 2,720 damage and leaves you at plus 42. But then what I also realized... is i could do that on on a block di as well so the whole time i've been doing this combo on block di in the corner which is 1968 to get a safe jump when i could have been the whole time doing this for more damage and still getting a safe jump So the whole time I've been just doing less damage on my meterless wall splat or DI combos in the corner and I had no idea and it doesn't matter if it's on hit or block but beyond that there is some minor optimizations with difference between hit and block that I've been going through so I'm trying to iron out a bit more my conversions um I don't know why I never knew this conversion this basic one here I guess it's a little more finicky I suppose.

With a slightly higher chance of dropping it. But yeah, it's good. So like I showed before this document, I'm trying to break it into two categories. DI hit, DI unblock, and then like the different use cases like no drive or super meter.

And then between safe... jump, max damage, and then different levels of meter than using super meter. And then I'll compare that with the DI on block.

And if there's any common routes, like some of these are just extending the same route, I might reorganize this so that it just shows like one common route where if you want to meter dump, you can extend it. The best thing to have is like common routes where you just dump meter at the end and you start the same. That way it's easier to keep in your head. But for example, even though this is the best combo, like this combo here, while splat, I just found that this is the best combo for damage and safe jump without spending any bar. That's not the case if I want to go into level one, at least for...

uh on hit so if they on hit if i do this combo i pretty much have to level one right here which does 3060 but i can just do this take advantage of that heavy kick which does not combo on block and that does 3200 so that's more damage right there right instantly increase my damage a little bit on hit but you have to hit confirm you have to recognize if it's on hit or on block So I'm trying to iron all this out and then pick my routing to be a bit better. There's also... I showed that meme combo earlier doing this over and over, but I think that actually is optimal if you do this. So...

Uh, that's 2779. So that does more damage than the other route for less than a bar dry meter. Because you can also micro walk there first to build up a bit more damage. So if you're going to level 3, that's a bit more damage than just doing this route.

Miniscule, but it is more. So it does help. Or if you're just trying to...

If you just want a little bit more damage, you can do that. When you would do that, it would be very rare. Because basically, once you go to two bars, which is like an OD move, you're just going to do the basic conversion.

And this is the same on hit or on block from what I know. But if you're going to do it for d-that was for safe jump, but for damage With level three, what do we do? Yeah, you do the command dash Yeah, cancel that to commit uh into level three Or do that for damage. So that's pretty basic for two drive meters.

And then for level one, if you spend two drive meters as well, it's the same idea. So for spinning two bars, it's pretty centralized. You just do stand heavy punch to OD flicker light DP light blitz for safe jump or Command dash P into heavy DP for me for non super meter damage or this into level one Or if we're going into level three you just do the same thing but cancel the heavy blitz at the end for level three so that's pretty standard for two drive meters now uh also level two this is also unique right this is very unique for on hit anytime you use the heavy kick it's unique for on hit here so this light blitz level two which is huge damage so that's actually huge very unique conversion for on hit So, Drive Meteorless conversion to level 2. Very big damage. Just gotta make sure everything's framed tight. There's a frame delay there, yeah.

And then, spending 2 bars. Yeah, it's still the Stand Heavy Punch. Similar to the level 3 route here, but instead of going to heavy Blitz, do medium Blitz.

Level 2, that, to heavy DP. So that's as far as I've gotten to optimizing. So if we spend more Drive Meter, this is where it gets funky. So I know what I think I'm going to do for full cash out, right? So for full cash out, I think it's going to be just this.

Three three four six. I think that's the best you can do Because you can do all these funky routes, I don't think there's any way for you to get past that barrier Unless someone's smarter than me comes up with something Yeah, I don't think we're gonna get anything better. Yeah, these are all less than the two bar.

The way the scaling works, this is just too good. Is there a reason some of the JP players do double OD Flicker? Well, that's gonna be if you land a grounded one. So, the way the Flicker works, the grounded OD Flicker will pull into the air. So, if you're already in a juggle, then the Flicker pulls into the ground.

You see how the difference is? So if I land this, they're already in the air. So if you do it from that... like a non wall splat combo you can do double od flicker and i'll do like that to stabilize from out here for example well actually you wouldn't do it from there it'd be more like just any kind of combo into it I think you could even get the desync here.

So, you can do stuff like that. So, Lord, for sure, man. Good to see you briefly.

Hope you had a good time. Does EXDP do less damage? Yeah, by the time you can get into EXDP...

I guess that would do more damage if you're not going to level 3. I guess you're right about that. But if you're going to level 3, you would do... OD Blitz.

So... Let me just document that as a full Dry Meter dump. Full meter dump.

So these are for damage. And then so we do we're doing the stand heavy punch, xxod flicker out, and then what was it uh od fireball od dp. How much was that? 3 4 20. And then for level three, cancel. It's going to be the same thing, but you're going to end it in OD Blitz.

And then that's going to do... Before... 3, 2, 7, 6. Before the level three hits. But I don't really think you get a safe jump from any of that.

And I guess, would you ever go to level 2 here? I don't know if you can get Command Dash there or not. Yeah, you can't do Command Dash, it'll just be Force Heavy Punch DP.

3926, which is slightly more than what you'd get for... Uh... Slightly more. 3926, like... 67 more damage than doing the 2 meter version.

You start falling off real quick in terms of damage. So... What was I thinking? I don't know if there's other another route that I'm like just totally blind to though 2960 that's still less right so for two drive meter always get 3050. That okay for four bars Maybe this is good for four bars 3120 So for two dry meters Yeah, that's not too bad Really? No, it's still less actually It's slightly more to it's 16 more damage because if I just do this that's 3503 15 to level three so this is slightly more damage for level three but just it's so minuscule at this point kind of build meter doing it too like the benefit here is also you can build a little bit of bar so you can walk forward Don't say homework school starts in two weeks.

How old are you guys? We're talking university, right? Got any BO setups?

Just go to Vegas and don't shower. 17? And you're subscribed to the channel? Listen, give your parents back the credit card.

What's going on here? Prime sub? True. Listen, if I told everybody who stole their parents'credit card to sub to the channel, I'd have no sub, so...

Keep up the good work, everybody. Brian is stealing kids'lunch money. I didn't mean to! I swear.

We love tree things to the prime as well. Appreciate that. Thank you very much.

I gotta crank this fan up. I am humid. Shower before stream. Thought I air dried enough, but clearly not.

Um, okay, I don't know how I feel about these. This seems like too much. This is a save jump too, right?

I'll put it down. I'll put it down. Okay, so so four drive meters stand heavy kick xx heavy kick flicker od Fireball od blitz and that does 3 200 damage plus 42 and then if I go for the same combo but with a you cancel early how much damage you get on the earlier hit 3120. And I guess I could do the same thing to ODDP. Yeah, 3280. But I ended in ODDP instead.

Taking notes here. ODDP. And this is 3280 damage plus 17. It's not bad.

You doing a doc for this or just notes? Uh, I mean, I just have my local notes. Maybe I'll put in a document. So I realized, like, I'm doing this all wrong.

I'm doing it all wrong. And then I guess once I have all these routes, I'll streamline it. Because there's a big difference between on-hit and on-block.

I can't do any of these standard heavy kick ones on-hit. Okay, so if I were to do that same route, uh, to level two... 3,770? Is that worth it? Level two with two bars is 3,859.

I get more damage doing less, less meter there. Or do I? Can I get this to combo? 3,830 does 29 less damage than if I spent less meter and just did this which I dropped.

Can I walk forward here first? Oh, I just went straight into heavy DP. I don't know why I keep missing the command dash here. This combo has awkward timing for me right now. Right, that's better.

Do you think this is the best moment of the FGC? I don't know, man. I'm just grateful that it still exists. I try not to be stuck in the past too much.

Anyone know what time MR resets? I heard it was on August 1st sometime. I don't know when.

That's what... I've heard. Okay, so I think I'm done. So there's all these other routes Like you know all this fancy stuff But I don't think it's ever worth it because you just do Like if you're gonna do something weird Just meter dump earlier, right? I don't really see...

What's up Albino Lobster? What's going on everybody? Sorry, I'm checking my notes here and I'm double checking I have everything kind of ironed out.

So I think I have everything I need. So, this is all for DI on hit. And then I have... I did all these other conversions before I realized for no drive meter, super meter.

for a safe jump setup that this combo is better for both damage and safe jump than all these other variations so i actually do not need all these other ones this is the only real one um one drive meter is kind of niche but it's an option to drive is definitely stable route with standing heavy punch xxod flicker light punch dp light punch blitz and then that's got to be like a base conversion for a lot of other stuff level one would be standing heavy punch od flicker command dash late p level one So basically if you use two bars, you're going to do heavy punch into OD flicker uh for drive meter For things that weird you start doing stand heavy xx heavy kick flicker OD fireball OD blitz and then you just extend with more uh Uh drive meter moves for the full meter dump stand heavy punch OD flicker OD fireball OD DP or OD blitz for level three So basically the level two conversions are a little funky I'll iron these on in a bit. Now, anything with Stand Heavy Kick cannot work for DI on block. But we got this.

This is what we're using for DI on block for no drive meter. And then also we got this for sure. That's gonna be the two bar combo. So that's the same, just the damage is less. 2492. So level 1, with level 1 on hit I did sand heavy kick, heavy kick flicker, I can't do that here.

So what am I going to do here? So normally for level 1 I'll do this. 2320. What is this?

Yeah, just do heavy punch. Okay. Just do heavy punch into the command dash. So simple. And that is...

2,400 damage. And then I'm assuming with meter, it'll be the same. 3,000 damage there. Unless someone has some crazy revelations to share with me. What about level 2?

That's what I was doing there. Oh, I wonder how I was like, why can't I get my level two to come out? I don't meter.

Okay 3024 which seems promising if I just do something like this That is a combo Yeah, I think it's going to be this Or do I not go into the dp 3024 Well, let me try the Blitz. I keep forgetting what the Blitz route. So one weird thing I found out also is Light Punch DP.

While it does a chunk of damage, yeah, that's better. Light Punch DP is good, but it actually adds more scaling mid-combo. So that goes to 48 scaling.

But doing a... Basically your level 2 will do more damage after avoiding a DP. 64, 48% scaling. That's the DP, but if I do it for Blitz, 56 scaling.

So Light Punch DP is actually really bad for scaling in your combos even though it is a chunk of change in terms of damage. So for level This is pretty similar to the conversion I found earlier. So level two, no drive meter.

We do stand heavy punch. It's like kind of like the level one conversion which I like, except you do uh you extend it with medium punch blitz, then level two, forward heavy punch. Command dash late P, heavy punch DP, and how much damage is that again? 3, 3, 2, 8. 3, 3, 2, 8, plus 38. You go into the menu and choose Marisa, you can get more damage.

That assumes I'll be able to get the hits with Marisa. The damage gets less scaling if you do Super 2 right away after the DI hit, or is it worse? I mean, maybe. It's always a trade-off between more hits and less scaling, right? So sure, it hits with less scaling right away, but I also lose out on doing the extended combo.

So you kind of have to test everything. If you can just swap one move out in a combo that does less scaling, then that's better. But if it completely alters your combo route and cuts it in half, then how do you know if it does more damage or not, right?

You kind of have to test it. It's a complex calculation. Lord Hurricane, thanks for the big 87 months. Sheesh. What's up, man?

Hope you're doing good. So yeah. This game has a lot of weird scaling rules scattered throughout, so you kind of have to just go in and test everything. Okay, so...

This is the combo I do on... On hit... How is it on block?

Oh no, you just end in DP. 3-5-5-2? Okay.

You have the same combo on hit and block for that one. So it seems like the differences in the on hit and on block tend to be with the the less meter intensive routes. So this was three five five two.

Okay, all right, so what else do I need to test so let's review this so we're doing this For safe jump on on no meter spend On one meter we're doing that Now more meter so this might go down the same path, right? 2740 These are just never good are they they seem cool. I think it was always bad 2784 which is definitely more damage Wait, hold on. That works on hit, right? With the kick.

Am I tripping? Hold on. Does this mean... How much?

These are the same damage, right? Uhhhh... Is this......the scaling difference? So wait, why do I care?

There's a reason why I cared about the sand heavy kick there. Uhhhh... There's a reason I cared.

Why did I care? Hold on, so does that mean... Is this still the best?

Oh! I'm stupid! Why does that matter? Why did I think it mattered? Am I forgetting something?

I thought there was such a key distinction about being able to land the stand heavy kick there. Is this not universal? Hold on. Hold on, let me get somebody shorter. Let me...

I don't know. Hold on. Let me test something real quick.

Hey Brian, do you study frame data or do you pick it up as you go? Uh, frame data is just a quick reference. I understand frame data very thoroughly. I definitely studied it to get to understand it.

And now I can just look at frame data and infer... I can just glance at it and get some information. I'll definitely have random bouts of inspiration and I can just open up my frame data app on my phone and like double-check my ideas while I'm in bed or something you know shower thought type deal plus up the frame data app in the shower only one time though what app I use fat frame advantage tool or frame assistant tool it also has an online web browser version Very good.

Very good. Okay, so I'm dumb, so why was I doing this? So...

Hold on. So I said this... Was optimal, she'll only 400. But no, I can just do this? I can always just do this? Why did I think you couldn't do that?

I don't know why I thought you couldn't do that, but you can do that. So there's no difference between on-hit and on-block here, because you just do stand heavy punch. But this is more damage.

Do 560. Tomzera182, thanks for that fresh prime. I appreciate that. And Pharaoh1 with a prime as well. Thanks for the synchronized dumpster diving. Enjoy your mid-tier emotes, fellas.

Appreciate that. Brandon Broski had a baby. Would it win Evo?

Listen, whatever parasocial fantasies you got playing out in your head right now, you gotta keep it inside and let it fester. And never let it see the light of day. Not your friends, not your family, not your therapist. I'm sorry.

There's some things you gotta take to the grave. Okay. What's up, Tom Zera? Watching you on YouTube. Catch a stream today.

That's cool today. I got really nothing special. I'm doing boring lab work.

So to catch people up who are lurking right now I'm trying to complete this document. I was working on optimizing my di wall-splat combos So I'm just ironing this out real quick doing some homework basically some boring stuff right here. So does that mean level two? So hold on so level two I can do this 3-4-2-4. Yeah, that's more damage.

Wow. Well, that makes my life easier, I guess. I don't know why I thought there would be a difference here with the stand heavy kick. Okay, so that unifies a lot of my conversions.

So the only one that might be different is this. Yeah, I can't do this. Or can I?

I can do it without the micro walk. That's 2-2-0-4. Uh, how much damage do I do without spending any bar?

20-80. That is slightly more damage. And can I get a safe jump?

That should be a safe jump, right? 2084. Four more damage! Spend a bar drive meter to do four more damage. Crest the Volf Clan fallen?

Thanks for the Prime also. What makes Notepad++ so good? I guess I like the line ending settings.

It's easy to modify how the... characters appear also supports multiple programming languages for syntax highlighting and good uh find replace functionality and not bloated okay so what else am i thinking so this is all the same then right Okay, I think that irons it out. So the big takeaways are Hit our block. This is gonna be my new route for no meter spent for safe jump on DI and If I'm going to level one Just simple stand fierce heavy kick clicker level one Gets the job done Or I'll do that command dash, right? level one We're doing level two Meterless new conversion Santa heavy punch light blitz after the heavy flicker Gotta get the timing down on this one That's good damage And if we're spending a bar Pretty good pretty good and then for meter dumping So how much is this do maybe it's better to do something else on it on it here Two seven eight four.

Can I get something better? I don't think I can juggle here. Yeah.

2-6-4-4. Does this work? That's interesting.

but it's still just less damage it's all less damage 2670 might as well just do this right So all last damage. After the first dry brush 5 HK maybe you can do dry brush 5 heavy punch? Oh yeah you do that but it's still not gonna matter. Two sevens actually wait actually that doesn't matter two seven seven eight Wait a minute. You might have cracked uh, correct the code there No, it's still less no two seven eight four three gotta beat you gotta beat two seven eight four I don't think I can get above two seven eight four Yeah, it's slightly less damage.

Thank God it's less. Yeah, it's one less thing to memorize, but this combo does look sick. It's not really hard, either. But it keeps things in line, right?

You want less to think about. Can I do anything else here? Two four seven four?

No, it's still just less than doing this. Yeah, listen. All I know, all I know guys, is this is the most optimal. Oh, it's kind of hard.

See I can't do that that's that six one there if it's a uh a di on hit I don't think or a di on block. Only they can I got a micro walk a little bit Oh it worked okay sweet there we go Optimal. Just let me review my notes. It seems like there's no difference. I thought there might be a difference with DI on hit and block.

So I had all these other combo routes here. I don't think I need these. Let me copy this and just move this out down here. I don't know why I don't want to lose his work.

But I don't think I need that. So this this is the route safe jump and damage for no meter. It's the same right so for one drive This could be stand heavy punch So I've seen heavy punches universal For level three cancel and they're just do stand heavy one to this works as well Just do stand heavy punch.

This always works. So... These are all stand heavy punch.

This works. This always works. Stand heavy punch. This works with stand heavy punch as well.

This works with stand heavy punch. So these are all the same. Right?

This is the same. Ummm... This is the same. This is the same.

This is the same. Right, 2 drive meter. OD flicker, command dash P, late P, level 1. Ummm...

This is the same also, right? Okay, so the only difference is the damage on block or hit. And maybe the frame advantage is slightly different as well in some of these scenarios. So, I don't need all this differentiation.

I don't even think I need the on block damage values. So, this is basically it. This is it.

So the new thing, Stand Heavy Punch, Command Dash, Late P, Light Punch DP, Light Punch Blitz. That's brand new. This is also brand new, but this is one bar.

I might not ever use this. But two bars. This is just reaffirming what I already know.

Yeah, I already know this. 4-Drive meter. I don't usually get in a situation where I do this.

But, you know, if I get landed a DI and I have level 3, I'm probably going to do this. The meter dump. Start using Heavy Kick Clicker, OD Fireball, OD Blitz. Actually, let me triple check that works on block.

Yeah, sets up a safe jump as well. Sweet. And then you just extend it with OD DP or OD Blitz to level 3 basically.

Start with OD Flicker instead of Heavy Kick Flicker. And then the new also, Level 1, Stand Heavy Punch into Heavy Kick Flicker straight into Level 1. Or 2 Drive Meter, Stand Heavy Punch, OD Flicker, Command Dash, Elite P. Level 1. and then level two definitely new conversions heavy punch heavy kick flicker light punch blitz level two forward heavy punch conversion with the command dash pick up the dp and then for two drive meter od flicker command dash p medium blitz level two forward heavy punch heavy punch dp these are these are new all the super conversions are new the meter list is new and then the concept i never even do The full meter dump so the only thing that I had originally is the two dry meter really everything else is kind of new Isn't that nuts and there's still more I have to optimize there's still a lot more I've been thinking about like There's also situations like this I've been thinking about cuz I saw any Walker doing this in the corner You know, I don't, this is a whole other world here. Who even knows what you do here? There's a lot to figure out look at all this well the towards heavy punch even combo there that was crazy This might be optimal right there for level three always more to optimize That'd be nuts too.

That would feel so sick to land. I mean any of this would feel so sick to land but Something about this just feels like swatting them out of the sky That feels badass Do people neutral jump when the point is that far in the corner? Well, the idea also is if you react early enough, it should also beat forward jump at certain angles but sometimes people jump back in the corner defensively to like avoid throw options and also like ed has charge flickers and things of that nature so it can happen It would be rare, but it can't happen.

  1. That seems... 399. That seems pretty good. A way to cut this combo short.

Also, like, Dalsim players jump up there, and I want them to die. But it doesn't matter if they do a jump in or not, because the idea being... It should work the same.

Forgetting the combo. See, it's the same. So you don't have to react. If you're at the right spacing, you should just see them leaving the ground.

But, you know. You still gotta be early. It's a rare thing, but I've any walker does it man something to add to the repertoire for sure Okay enough optimizing for one day