Transcript for:
Introduction to Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnosis

taking pulse taking balls taking balls all day right to love front and back and so many other ways hey taking polls taking polls taking polls all day why are we slippery what does that mean anyway [Music] did you guys like that welcome welcome welcome from all around the world if it's your first time here i'm clara i create chinese medicine and acupuncture content for students and practitioners and tcm lovers and tcm rock stars all over the world i try to make it fun to learn and easy to grasp i hope you had fun in this introduction i love to sing i know i'm not a rock star i know i can't sing but i don't care hi guys i can see you guys everybody is here so before i connect with you i'm going to talk to people that are watching the replay so if you're watching the replay below this video in the description will be the class time and you can go towards the start of the class so you can bypass the time that i connect with everybody that took the time to come in while it is live so without further ado let's connect with everybody hi guys i was reading everything while i was setting up the last minute a little tech thing because i don't know if you know but it's raining in vancouver again this is my third youtube live and every single time it's been raining i don't know if you can see it behind me the mountain but it's just it never rains in vancouver uh except when i go youtube live no no it rains a lot so the lighting here is not that great but i'm sure you guys can see everything make sure you put the lights in your device so you could see because of course there's not great lightning because it's not sunny again thank you for being here you guys you rock absolutely i hope you really enjoyed the singing and uh you know why not uh i see that everybody's coming from all over the world so this is so cool to see i love your little emojis everybody's putting great emojis hi guys i know some of my students are also watching today and are joining today which is crazy because it is in between christmas and new year's so there's no school right now hi elena so it's like you know some of those people and some of you that are on i know you because i've met you because some of you are my students or past students and some of you i know you because i feel like we connected on social media and all those platform where i feel like we are connected through chinese medicine so it's really cool to see everybody and i know some of you it is late or it is early so it's uh you know i'm really thankful you took the time to come in and uh to join today's class so thank you everybody for being here look at that oh i move too much i move oh i move too much look at me ah let me put this back up a little bit here we go so you guys can see uh what's going on i'm just gonna make it a little bit smaller here we go beautiful hi mark well you are here no problem like everybody is here ah there is there are people that i totally know and recognize so hi you guys from everywhere south africa wow that is far away from me and of course we've got obrigado paola from portugal high we got people from all over the world as usual wash hands yes i like that nala that's very funny uh wow lily bonjour de paris i love it that we have french people and a lot of people ask me for translation for different languages unfortunately i can't do that right now because i checked into it and it costs a lot so english is the language of choice which is not my language as you know is my second language as you can hear so um yeah hopefully we understand each other so hi you guys i'm so so happy you are here elise angela i know you're from brazil but you live in victoria i remember that i remember everything you guys tell me so there's um a lot of a lot of people that are coming from mexico which is so cool oh my god okay uh from australia kia uh that's crazy because what time is it in australia right now like 7 a.m so you just woke up really really early that's great so yay so thank you guys for coming uh i have oh i wanted to before we started because of course you know i can connect all day which is awesome but before we started i wanted to ask a question and before i ask you a question i'm going to give you a little bit of a context why i'm asking that question um so basically think of the five senses right think of your five senses right auditory visual taste smell and touch years ago before i went into tcm when i was much much much younger i used to work in the fitness industry and i used to teach dance yes i used to teach hip-hop dance yes i did and i teach and i was teaching aerobics as well and when i was teaching dance and aerobics i've had to learn to give clues to how you teach right so when you're using your music for all that kind of um uh background and trying to teach so people follow and they're enjoying themselves and they're not all over the place right so i had a lot of people that were very auditory i had to have really good auditory cues so i would say right left front back you know i would give them clues and i would say four three two one when we change beat when things change when the phrasing changes if you're into music or if you know how uh you know dance beat work so i was giving a lot of auditory cues and some of those people never even looked at me they were listening and just following me very well with those listening skills so those people are very auditory i think the content that i provide is very visual right so um very much for a lot of people visual is the biggest sense right because we all can see well i had a attendee or a person that was doing my aerobics classes years ago who was deaf so she could not hear me she could hear the bass because it was loud enough and she would sit in front of the speaker and she could hear the bass and when she heard the bass she would hear the beat right it's kind of like a noise that she doesn't hear but feel she feels the base to her body so my cues for her had to be very visual because she could not hear me so my cues were i would put fingers and i would count four three two one right and then i would hit my right leg my left leg depending which side i would point right left front back so she would know when things were going to change and we developed this whole i guess uh way of communicating so she could the class and really enjoy and she was very very energetic and very good at it so her cues for me for her had to be visual so the reason i'm asking this is because i want to ask you a question you guys what is your favorite sense out of the five senses right so vision healing auditory taste i love food i'm from france or touch what's your favorite sense i would like to know that so can you share that with me and let me know what your favorite sense is that would be really cool so share it in the comments because that's something that i would like to see in the meantime if you haven't subscribed to my channel make sure you do and hit the bell because that way you get reminded when i come out with new videos and i intend to come out with a lot of videos in 2021 so i don't want you guys to miss out so what is your favorite sense oh my sixth sense intuition good one alessandra that's awesome okay so smell touch an auditory touch touch wow i could see that's physiotherapist and massage therapist will say touch for sure vision for some people touch is a big one right i could see that i could see you guys are very much touch feely kind of people which is so cool to see my husband's very visual right so a lot of people are very visual uh and auditory yes that's very common right so i could see that the sight the vision is probably the first one hey there's someone that loved taste not everybody likes the you know is connecting to the taste or the smell but for me all five senses of course are very powerful but i will say that my favorite sense is a sense of touch right so we got sight intuition i love it that's a great sense that's the sixth sense right okay simone's got touch and vision i love that so you guys are all having your favorite one and a lot of you touch comes back which is really cool because this is our profession right uh there are many many people in here that can probably are very tactile because they are massaging maybe you're a massage maybe you do acupressure uh maybe you do a lot that has to do with touch like if you're you're a physiotherapist it has to do with touch a lot right so lola goes a good mix of the best i love that all of them right so uh so love taste okay yeah no i love food too because i'm an earth person and would so i would say vision is pretty good but touch and tactile it's probably my favorite one a bit of everything see you're so balanced hi elima so um so the reason i'm talking about this is to get the segway to get into talking about the pulse the pulse in tcm this is time to start class yay the pulse in chinese medicine is probably one of the hardest skill to master right it is so hard when i teach it to my students everybody gets the tongue because it's visual observation looking at the face looking at the hair looking at the nails inquiry right asking questions everybody can smell and understand the smelling or the tasting uh not that we use taste much in uh in in in chinese medicine consultation but we ask for questions regarding taste right so we do ask questions about that but the pulse is the one that makes it very difficult because it is very tactile right anything that's going to be tactile is harder to describe so when i teach the pulse i always think that think of explaining when i try to explain the pulse i always think think of explaining to a blind person colors okay think of that how do you explain a red color a green color a blue color to someone that cannot see and has never seen in their life they're a blind person born and so imagine trying to describe color to them it's very difficult because they can't see it so you have to come up with an idea or a way for them to connect to that color right well the pulse is the same thing when you hear that a pulse is like wiry or slippery or it's soft or it's tympanic or it's bird pecking or whatever the word translated from the chinese word is very hard for people like okay what's a tense what's a knotted pulse what is the choppy pulse what does that feel like and it's hard to describe like describing colors for blind people it is very hard to describe a quality of a pulse to students so when i teach i know it makes it really hard so having said that the pulse and to get better at the pulse you have to keep it simple that's my motto always keep things simple and start with basics don't start at the end whether it's like oh my god it's too much right stood basic we keep it simple and we practice practice practice right it's like anything you're going to have to practice because if you don't you can't get better when you guys first drive a car if you're all driving the first time you drive it's like oh my god you're like sitting there you're so tense you can't talk you just focus there's so many things it's so difficult but you practice practice practice and eventually it becomes second nature you become a great driver hopefully and uh you know you can talk while driving you you can head you know not texting or be on the phone but you can talk you can listen to music you don't have to focus a hundred percent of your energy on the road because it's automatic the way you change gear the way you stop the way you go right well pulse taking is practice the more we practice the better we come i want to say something before i start teaching this class i am not a pulse master i am not super super efficient in pulses absolutely not i've been practicing since 2003 now so we're 220 so 17 years and i have to say that i've got better and better and better 17 years of taking pulses of my patients definitely much better but i'm not a pulse master i know some people are just like very very very good at it and the master of pulses and i've met chinese people from china who are pulse masters who blew me away with uh what they can found with the pulse i'm not one of those i like to keep it basic i like to keep it simple just like everything i teach right so that's what we're doing today so today we're going to look at pulse taking how to take the pulse properly all that has to do with pulse taking we're going to talk about pulse position including controversial pulse positions because in tcm as you know there's a lot of school of thoughts and there's a lot of different opinion and different a classic that will tell you different things and you're like i'm gonna pull the hair on my head nobody agrees on something but when people don't agree on something what we have to think is then we can make our own opinion by practicing and seeing what we connect with how we relate to right it's everybody is different like some people love to do cupping all the time they love cupping some other people's like yeah i don't really relate to cupping i might do it for my patients but it's all my favorite thing right everybody is different to what you relate to and what you connect with that's your intuition right your sixth sense we're gonna talk about pulse quality and again we're gonna make it basic so you guys can really take home this perspective and do it with your patients over and over and over until you feel more confident and you feel like your skills are improving does that make sense good okay awesome so you're still with me good everybody is here okay let's start it up so first of all let's talk about uh when we take the pulse the pulse position so in this pictures there's two different pulse positions one has obviously two fingers on the the little uh graphic and then the picture is actually my fingers taking uh the pulse on a friend of mine so those three fingers versus the two fingers it's not the number of fingers but one is right and one is wrong way of taking the pulse so when we take the pulse we want to make sure that we are always always putting the fingers for me i would put it around my wrist this way okay because we are not going to cross the body i'm not going to cross the body so on the cross there you see the person across the body so if you see this the hand of the practitioner is crossing over the wrist of the patient okay you do not want to cross over so that's it right like oh sorry you guys can't see but you don't want to cross over meaning you don't want to put your hand over the wrist so i'm going to do that again so you guys can see we're not going to do this right because that's crossing over we have to come from this angle not crossing over okay so we're not crossing over we are going to make sure that we are taking the pulse from so when you take your own pulse you would have to cup your wrist okay because you can't go from this angle so you have to cup your wrist so that's the first thing is you want to make sure you take the pulse from not crossing over we want to do it the right way right that's pretty much the way we wanted to do it so we're going to look at position of the pulse but before we do uh in that perspective let's talk about the way we take the pulse before we take the pulse is to make sure of a couple of things um the pulse is very subjective because compared to the tongue compared to the rest of the observation skills that we get and we accumulate over the years the pulse is very subjective because it can be changed or it can change very quickly if someone comes into your office and they haven't slept really well in three nights their pulse may be a bit rapid if they've had coffee before they came if they had a big meal before they came or the opposite they haven't eaten since this morning and at 6 00 p.m and the polls feel faint well the blood sugar is probably dropped right but that's temporary so the problem with the pulse is that it's a great tool to have but it's very subjective so what's important is when you take the pulse you want to make sure that you as a practitioner are very calm you don't need to talk during pulse taking you want to be calm and collected and really pay attention to your tactile right like really focus on the pulse and then your patient should be calm as well so in a consultation i will ask all my questions the benefits of follow-up or an initial consultation but i will ask all my questions do some observation do the tongue and then you could start doing the pulse at the end when the person hopefully is more calm right but if it's their first time maybe they're very anxious about being needled and maybe they're scared of needling and so that might raise their pulse as well right so a lot can be affecting the pulse in general so that makes it a bit difficult so we want to make sure the patient is calm and relaxed when we take the pulse the second thing is we want to make sure the hand of the patient that we're taking the pulse off is not above their heart right it has to be below their heart so sitting on the desk but at the heart level or below but not above if you're doing a pulse while the person is laying down on the table the treatment table you could but make sure the hand is not across the heart it is down on the side of the patient when they soup when the supine they're facing up and you are taking the pulse i'd rather the person sits right with their hand wrestling resting gently on the little uh pillow or on the desk but make sure it's lower than the heart not higher and the person is calm so this is all subjective right so it makes it very difficult to take the pulse and it makes it hard to read the pulse but if you see someone on a regular basis and you take the pulse regularly you will feel the change kind of like when you look at the tongue of a patient for the first time and as you see it every week you will see the change and that gives you a baseline to work from does that make sense good yes i love how you guys are going uh it's like playing guitar yes it is like playing guitar demina i love that you're saying it's like playing guitar to take the pulse because when we take the pulse what we want to do is we literally want to rest our fingers and we are going to play our fingers like we play guitar or like we play piano i don't know if you play an instrument so when you are going to take the pulse the first thing we want to do is we want to make sure that the index finger is always on the first position the middle finger is on the second position and the ring finger is on the third position so let's go back to uh this part here okay so the index finger is on the first position of the pulse and then the other two follow okay so the index is always on the first now when we take the pulse the middle finger is always going to be on the styloid process of the radius right so you've found your radius styloid process and that's in line with where the middle finger is going to rest okay if you're not sure where to put your fingers on your wrist you want to make sure that your styloid process so for me it's here that would be where my middle finger is and then my index would be in front and my ring finger would be in the back so your middle finger is at the level of the styloid process of the radius make sense okay so that all this is really important because we want to do this right right that's just basic stuff basic basic basic stuff okay so that's the best way to take the boss now another thing if you look at this picture as well is that when you're taking a pulse you may be you i don't know but uh you may be uh well that's okay they're too late you're here it's all good from the philippines i know it's the middle of the night over there so no worries i love when people apologize you guys awesome so when you're taking the pulse let's say you're five feet you're a short person right you're five five foot one and your patient is six foot four right that's a long person and then you probably or you may have very small thin fingers so if you have very small thin fingers and your patients very tall and very big you might have to spread your fingers a little bit they can't be too close to each other they might have to be spread a little bit because your fingers are very tiny and this person is very tall so you might have to do that on the other hand if you are someone that's bigger taller have bigger fingers and you're taking the pulse of someone that's very small very thin or younger like a 12 year old child right you are going to use probably one finger and you're gonna have to move it slightly or two fingers and move them slightly because three fingers will be much too long so you have to take this in consideration as well from your side mark mark is asking if it is from long eight usually um you would put your index finger on long nine and then long eight would be your middle finger yes that would make sense yes uh that's pretty much how we would we would go about it right that answered your question that's awesome um so does that make sense okay so you're gonna have to adapt depending on on your size and the patient size so that also something we have to take in consideration when we do take the pulse now when we take the pulse we are going to rest our fingers on the the pulse right and that is the superficial level okay so the superficial level is we're gonna rest on it just kind of lightly rest or sit on it then you're going to press slightly to get to a little bit below that which is the middle position and then you're going to press really hard to get to the deep position okay so let's look at this in that perspective so i put right and left if you look at the position the front position in chinese is called the tsun the middle position is called the guan and the rear position is called the chair my chinese is horrible so don't quote me on the tone because i suck at the tone in mandarin because that's such a hard language english was a hard language for me too ah so sun which is front middle and back position right so you could see that the three position on each side now there are 18 position of pulse or 18 locations of pulses because there is three on the right three on the left which makes six right but there's three depth to each of the pulse so three by six is eighteen so every time you take the pulse if you put your index finger on the first front position in the right hand let's say you are going to look at the superficial level by resting your finger then you're going to press a little bit to get to the middle level and then you can press really hard to get to the deep level okay so that's three level for the depth and then we have six position so six location three level 18 pulses crazy i know i will say it's good that you clarify the body constitution i'm going to put this up um yeah i totally understand that yeah absolutely so um yeah so that's what we all said it's good that you clarify the body constitution based on the size i always thought that they are the same yes so you want to make sure that your size and the patient size not the same you're going to have to adapt especially if you're taking pulse for children right and pulse for children are also going to be more rapid in general so okay so we've got all our sixth position on each side right right and left and then we put our index finger easy peasy no problem let's look at sorry here we go so let's look at the position themselves right so when we look at those position we're going to look at right and left right so when it comes to pulse position for organs because what is the pulse reflex in the end in the end the pulse reflects the state of qi blood yin yang and the organs okay the pulse reflects the state of qi blood yin yang and the organs so it really reflects the internal part but also what's happening externally it reflects everything now there are many classics like i said at the beginning there's many classics that are going to show you different position for different organs and different classics are going to have different opinions right so what i found for perspective wise what i found personally is it is different position if you're going in to take the pulse from a perspective of doing or giving herbs so as a herbalist slash nutritionist so when you recommend herbs formulas or nutrition advice the pulse position would be different than from a meridian channel acupuncture perspective okay so and then i have another one too which is from another classic which is more looking at the five elements and taking the pulse from the five elements theory so there's a lot of different way of taking the pulse but there's also lots of different position that the organs are going to be into so that makes it fascinating right so i'll share those and then i'm going to show you something on the board in a minute so the one that is very common is where the heart and the lung are at the front position right and left the liver and the spleen are in the middle position and the kidney yellow and kidney young are the rear position this is specifically from a meridian acupuncture point of view now the spontaneous intestine the gallbladder stomach the bladder and the mingman fire are associated with each of the related uh meridian in that perspective so when you look at those three on the left hand right heart liver kidney yin and then you have the other one which are on the right hand long spleen and kidney young that's why mingling fire the fire is on the right side because it is fire it's much more young right but in general when you look at this the left hand is more related to blood and yin right the heart moves blood the liver stores blood and of course kidney yin right it's related to yin right so which is makes sense right on the right side it's more related to chi and young so left side blood and yin right side qi and young so long will be more chi because it breathes air in and it's in control of wei chi defensive cheese so it's it's an yin organ but it's very external almost it's so much related to the external part of who we are right it's related to the skin to the weight cheese so it's almost a young organ within the yin organs if you follow my drift on this so the lung is more related to qi and then spleen of course uh produce energy or produce qi by transforming transporting nutrients into energy and it raises chi for preventing organ prolapse and it sends clear cheat to the mind for clear thinking so spin is really related to qi so is lung and of course kidney young related to young so you have the young side and the inside the young and she and the yin and blood make sense so that's from a perspective of meridian view okay when we look at it from that perspective and then you also have from the meridian view perspective you have the chest area which is heart and lung at the top then you have the liver gallbladder skin stomach in the middle right so middle of the body and then you have the kidneys and the mingman fire in the bladder the mingman fire which is in charge of reproductive system as well is more in the lower part right so it's kind of like the tongue right the tongue has three parts that is the front the tip the front the middle with the side and the back the root so this is kind of like the same thing it kind of goes down with the chest area makes sense okay now let's look at the different one this is an interesting one this is more of a five element theory view so it's again related to meridian and it's related to acupuncture more than herb for sure and it's from a five element theory point of view now this one the first four are the same right on right and left but the last two are different the pericardium and the sanjiao end up being in the back or in the rear of the pulse and the bladder and the kidney are in the back kidney and young on both sides together with the bladder on the left side so that's a little bit of a different uh perspective right from the five uh element theory so i wanted to show you something that i think is very very cool so i'm gonna switch to my white board you guys are good no questions okay so i'm going to switch to my white board so you could see my drawing which is you know not great at all but i'm going to show you something that i think is very uh very cool so we're going to i'm gonna show you the five element theory from what we just looked at so this is my thumb okay we're gonna do my hand and then from that perspective sorry i'm gonna make this a little bit longer that'll be better okay here we go no oh my god i'm the worst okay stay with me on this here we go the thumb here we go that's better and then we'll pretend that this is the pulse right pretty good did you like that okay hopefully you could see that okay i know it's green so it's not the best but and then we're gonna go and we're gonna do the same thing on the other side so right you can see that okay i'm going to make it a little bit higher up that's the thumb oh my god that's the thumb here we go oh my god this is like the worst stay with me on this okay so those are the three position on each side right so this is the left side this is the right side with me with this okay then let's look at the five elements so we have the fire element we'll put at the top and then we'll go down to fire generate earth right earth generates metal yes so put an arrow there and an arrow there so you got earth generates metal metal generates water water generates wood and wood generates fire if you can read my writing good for you okay so what's really cool about this is this is the way the five element theory kind of reorganizes the pulse with putting the pericardium in the san jiao in the rear position on the left hand so fire element has smantastan in heart but it also has pericardium and sanjiao which is still part of the fire element because the pericardium is of course the cover of the heart the protector of the heart so the fire from the left side which is pericardium and sanjiao will be in this position right here the earth is here in the middle and the metal is in the front okay so long and large intestine spleen and stomach pericardium and xanjiao in the back okay if you continue on your wheel here water is going to be here which is kidney wood is in the middle and then fire which is heart and small intestine is in the front how's that for cool i think that's so cool that's very much five elements so you stick with me right pericardium sanjiao in the back this is literally the five element generating sequence apply or applicable to the pulse and putting in that perspective of acupuncture so this is something that a lot of people use as well in their practice uh using the five elements specifically a lot of people do five element acupuncture i understand that right so it's very different to look at it but i love this i think it makes so much sense it's really really cool okay so uh that's awesome yes yes it does yeah i i could see someone said um isa said pericardium shared a position with kidney young yes it does wow paul's like wow mind blown i'm always blown by everything uh you're very welcome so let's go back to uh the presentation so you guys can see that so i hope you like that graphic to show you the from the perspective of the five element theory now one more perspective is from the herbal nutrition view okay so basically this one is kind of like the tongue it is going to put everything that's in the lower jaw in the rear part of the pulse so what's in the upper jaw is the heart and lung the middle gel will put the spin stomach liver and gallbladder and in the lower gel we'll put the large intestine the small intestine the mingman fire the kidneys and the bladder it's kind of like the tongue right when you look at the tongue everything that's in the root or in the back is the same as the rear position in the pulse anything that's on the side and center is the same as the middle and anything that's in the front and tip is in the front on the pulse so this one is much more something that i use when we just want to talk about nutrition let's say someone has really issues with uh digestion specifically and we're talking about herbs that usually is the pulse position that i would use so i don't do a lot of five element theory acupuncture so i don't use the the one that i just show you that i think is really cool because i think it's awesome so my in my practice i use a lot the first one so let's go back to that one uh that's the one that i use the most in my practice i will say and then when it comes to uh herb and nutrition this is probably uh a better um a better one to use right so yes um so that would give you three different ways and those three different ways come from three different tcm classics so everybody has their own way of thinking what you have to do is go and try to practice and see what you feel really connect with you okay so that's how we go about it so having said that this is the one that i use the most for acupuncture purposes and since i know there's a lot more people doing acupuncture in here i'm gonna mind bloat caring is like mind blown [Music] i love that that's exactly what i want to do every time i come to teach i want to give you something you've never seen before you've never heard before and you come out with something new that's my goal so you feel like you're inspired and tcm is blowing you up it blows me away all the time all the time and it still does 17 years later so those are the positions that i use the most like i said before you know the left hand is more yin blood side and the right hand is more young chi side because of the meridian slash system that are connected to okay all right so as we said before like this is putting it all together is like really tcm diagnosis when it comes to the palpation or the pulse specifically it reflects everything inside the indian the blood the tree all the organs it has 18 pulse position which is three on each side and three depth or three levels okay make sure when you do the levels you are going to rest your finger that is superficial you press a little bit that's middle and you press hard that's deep that's always always the same way okay and again practice on yourself like take your pulse right now and practice on yourself grab your wrist and then play piano right you don't have to rest all three fingers at once just take the one take the second one take the third one so one at a time you're playing piano kant and if you take one at a time and you switch you can compare it's easy that way you can compare you're like oh this doesn't feel the same as this and it doesn't feel the same as this right so that's also the way to compare it good yay i'm glad everybody's learning something okay let's continue let's talk about normal pulses so first of all what's a normal pulse when we take the pulse what's a normal pulse well a normal pulse is gentle it's calm it's usually four beats to a respiratory cycle okay so you breathe in you'll be not deep but you breathe in and out normally so in and out that should be about four beats so it has some strength but it's not pushing against your fingers right it's usually in uh the middle position and it can be felt at the middle position mostly but also at the deep position as well okay so that's where we would feel that's would be a normal pulse now of course the post that when you go to a hospital and the nurse has to take your pulse it is to look at the beat and the amount and the count of the beats right we do that too in tcm as well we go a little bit more in depth but we look at the beats and of course so a 75 beats per minute is considered normal in an adult as a person gets older um it's okay if it's a little bit lower like maybe 70 beats per minute it's okay if it's too high that's not good right for children their pulse is going to be much higher the younger the child okay so um in tcm anybody above 12 years old is considered an adult so their pulse should be around 75 beats per minute so but when it comes to kids um you know having a hundred beats per minute on a two-year-old is normal okay we wouldn't panic so by the way i'm not going to uh go through all the beats for all the ages but you will get that because i got a surprise for you you guys showed up live and i got a surprise for you this is the surprise before we continue below this video in the description i have put a link so you can get the pdf from the slide today yay plus all the explanation that we're talking about today will be in there as well so not all my talking but the basic stuff so i will you don't have to worry about how many beats per minute a two-year-old has it's in there so you can go there after get the pdf and enjoy it for me yay you know just want to make sure you have that so ah normal pulses as well so there's a couple more normal pulses that we look for is a slippery pulse for women that are masturbating and for pregnancy or for pregnant women kelsey says i love surprises well that was a surprise i know i figure i'm gonna give you guys a surprise for showing up for being here because i know everybody's time is valuable so thank you for being here and that's my uh little uh gift to you guys so i put it in a nice little pdf that's what i was doing this morning you're very welcome while i was setting up this um you're very welcome you guys i hope you uh benefit from it so it's awesome so slippery pulse we're going to talk about what does that feel like but when a woman is menstruating or pregnant the pulse is slippery and that's normal we don't have to worry about it that's a normal pulse to be slippery now each season um the the pulse may be a little bit slightly different so it is a bit more superficial in the fall it's a bit more deeper in the winter it's a little bit more wiry in the spring because it's connected to liver right and because it's hotter in the summer it's a little bit more rapid in the summer but not a lot just slightly on each of those seasons so that's something we have to take into consideration because if it's really hot outside and the pulse is a bit more rapid on your patient you have to kind of take that into consideration you are very welcome you guys you guys are awesome thank you for saying thank you uh no problem enjoy the pdf for me sandra says thanks a million clara you are very welcome you guys you guys showed up i love to connect with you this is so cool i feel like uh you know we know each other so okay so normal pulses that is going to be what we want to look at okay now that we've talked about normal pulses let's talk about the 27 kind of pulse yes i actually said it the 27 kind of pulse so think of this we have 18 pulse position and 27 kind of pulse that's crazy so i don't want to go through all 27 we're not going to talk about bird pecking and tympanic and all those that are just like rarer less common i want to do this as a basic remember we said basics is what we want to do so i'm going to do this basic how do you do this basic with the basic most common pulse that we have around because that's how we practice and we get the best you start by driving a car and if you want to drive a truck or drive a you know a cement truck or you know a fire truck you would have to learn more right that makes sense so we're gonna go with basic driving um what if you said you love my clarity and energy thank you girl i really appreciate that i love that i'm gonna post that up because that made me feel good to uh to see that so awesome okay so yes you guys are still with me okay so let's go back to the presentation and talk about basic stuff we start is it too rapid is it too slow start with that that's basic right if it's rapid more than 75 beats on an adult or if it's too slow which means it would be less than 60 beats in an adult that's either heat or cold start with that because counting the meat we all can do that right that's easy tactile right so we can all do that oh i'm gonna humor i'm gonna talk about slippery and wiry not to worry humira said can you please define a little bit more slippery and why are you we're gonna talk about this in a minute no don't worry we're gonna talk about that when we take the pulse we want to look at the speed first then i'll get to the quality of the pulse don't worry girl i'm coming so heat versus cold right so if you're taking a pulse that's really rapid it's either an excess yin right or it's a yin deficiency it could be external or internal but it's yin deficiency or excess heat it's either a deficiency or an excess easy right if the pulse is too slow it's either an excess yin meaning excess cold or a young deficiency it's either an excess cold or a young deficiency right that is definitely the basics so once you know that this pulse is rapid right it's going faster wherever the pulse is it's faster does it feel really big under your finger then it does it feel forceful like it's pushing it's bounding it's big it's large it just feels like wow look at this pulse is full of the energy like me that's excess heat excess young that's an excess right what about if this pulse is rapid but you barely can feel it it feels small if this it feels like it's barely there you're like wow i can feel it but it feels so thin right it doesn't feel fat or big or large or bounding it feels thin so that's a yen deficiency that's the basics think of that that's why you have to play piano is this one oh this one feels really thin but the middle one yeah not thin at all it fits bigger right compare each side that also will help you if you take both sides and compare you'll see the difference it's about comparing right so rapid either an excess which is really big and large and pushing against your fingers or its deficiency which is thin like thready really thin and small between your fingers makes sense okay same thing for cold right if it's too slow if it's like boom boom boom right is this a young deficiency so if it's a young deficiency the person has no fire if they have no fire the pulse is going to be deep weak there's no strength to it so you're trying you're like where is it and you're pressing and you're pressing you're like where is it it's super deep oh my god i can barely feel it it's so faint and it's like and it has no energy to it that's a young deficiency on the other hand if the pulse is slow but you can feel it it feels almost like a tight rope so that's a tense pulse a dense pulse is like a tight rope so it feels hard right it's hard it's big like a rope under the finger and it's slow that's excess yin or excess cold whatever you want to call it okay so that's easy basic stuff rapid first is slow yes you're with me okay let's do a second one so that we can all do second one is the depth right is this superficial which is more external syndrome or is the problem more deep or is the pulse more deep so it's an internal syndrome right superficial is more external meaning it's a pathogen invasion and it's still on the surface and hopefully it hasn't penetrated okay like a virus and a bacteria that's a current subject if i can see one or is it really deep if it's deep it's more internal syndrome make sense okay so that's also not hard to figure out right you put your finger and you rest gently rest your finger on top and you feel the pulse wow i feel it right there that's an external syndrome that's a superficial so usually most of the cases it's going to be because someone has a cold or a flu and this external pathogen is trying to penetrate the body right so that's usually if the pulse when the pulse is superficial now of course um if it's rapid and superficial and it's big like we said earlier it's excess heat but it's external excess heat right if it's slow but tense like a diaper and superficial then it's excess cold but again it's superficial so it's external pathogen so hopefully your body can fight it or the patient's body can fight it and push it out and goes away okay when a pulse is deep it's always internal that means that the problem is chronic when a pulse is deep it's always internal that means the problem is chronic when it's external the problem is acute yes it makes sense external superficial acute deep internal chronic yes that's yin and yang basis right so if the pulse is deep meaning you have to press really hard really hard and you're like ah where is it where is it so if it's deep usually it's a deficiency most of the time it's a deficiency when it's deep and barely they are faint or barely feeling or you're like oh my god where is it okay that's usually a deficiency right it can be deep and quite forceful like you you press your pressure like oh yeah okay i got it right i got it yeah yeah got it but boy it's strong at the deep level that's usually an excess chronic condition like phlegm or damp that's been sitted in the person's body for a long time okay so yes so we've got let's go back recap this is basic stuff and it'll help you if you start with the basic rapid heat either excess heat and it's big and forceful or thin and thready and rapid that's yin deficiency or it is cold due to slow so slow can be excess cold because it's tense and tight like a rope or it could be very weak very deep no strength to it and that is a young deficiency and then we have the superficial which is more acute external pathogen and the one that's internal that's chronic and that's more chronic internal issues yes that's simple i know that you can do guys right that's simple now here comes the thing that everybody dreads talking about not just the um rhythm or the speed but talk about the quality of the pulse so let's look at the basic quality deep means deficiency because it comes from inter to your pathogen no so let me i'm confused it's not the end deficiency pulse always superficial no so let me let me answer those questions so lotus says is it not a yin deficiency pulse always superficial no a yen deficiency means it's a deficiency which means it's a chronic issue so it would not be superficial unless unless unless there's a pathogen so let's say you have a flu but you also have yin deficiency it could show on the superficial level but yin deficiency usually let's say a kidney in deficiency would be at the rear left position and it would be deep thin and rapid but it would be on the deep side most of the time because that's a deficiency right so it would be more deep and then we have rule ask deep means deficiency because it comes from an interior pathogen not necessarily so deep means um that is interior syndrome but it could be a deficiency like a tree deficiency a blood deficiency a yin deficiency a young deficiency and if it was internal pathogen it could be phlegm it could be damp yes but that would make it big so it would be deep and big large forceful right if it was small or thin or weak or had no strength to it and it's deep then it's a deficiency hopefully i explain that properly for you guys okay so what's a forceful pulse a forceful pulse is a pulse that's big it's vigorous it's like a wave surging right it's strong it's bounding that's always an excess pulse it's always showing excess so if it's forceful through the finger you're like oh my god this person's pulse is ah that's just massive oh thank you alessandra i love it she said i wish my diagnosis teacher had made it that easier to understand oh brigada clara which is thank you very much in portuguese for my brazilian girl that lives in victoria i love it so i'm so glad this is uh resonating with you guys i'm so happy that's the whole point of doing this um so a forceful pulse is the opposite of a thready pulse a thready pulse if you're sewing if you're a sewing person uh a threaded pulse feels like a thread like a silk thread right so if you've ever sewn you know what a thread feels like because you have to sew and you have to take the thread that's what it feels like it's very thin a thready pulse is always a deficiency of either body fluid yin or blood body fluid yin and blood because it has no water no liquid so it's very thin thin thin it's like depleted right it's like all dried up so it's very very thready on the other hand a forceful pulse is big it's large it's pushing through your fingers that's always an excess pulse okay sometimes in some books you'll see simple thin post is a little thicker than the thready balls so if we look at thickness right the the thickness of things but think of something like a thread right very very thin and usually sweaty pulse may be rapid if it's a yin deficiency right a slippery pulse this is the one that everybody has a hard time with right so we said a slippery pulse is normal in pregnancy and for uh women menstruating but the slippery pulse usually indicate dampness or phlegm in general if it's rapid it could also be uh in the indigestion as well after a big meal so what i recommend i know we just are during the holidays for people that are here right now on the live play um i would recommend if you ever had a big meal like where you ate too much take your pulse because after a big meal your pulse may be rapid but it also will show excess dampness because you ate too much right especially if it's greasy or too much food take your pulse you will feel take some family members pulse that eat too much and then feel the pulse that is usually slippery otherwise found a pregnant woman or a menstruation or menstruating woman or yourself if you're a woman menstruating take your pulse of menstruation to feel the slippery slippery feels like the pulse itself feels like if you have a pearl or bead you know a pearl necklace or a bead and you put it on your finger and you roll your finger around it that's what it feels like almost like a hard bead or if you want you could say it feels like almost like a piece of cloth a cloth a blood clot you know like a little blood clot it's rolling but like a hard cyst is going underneath your fingers so if you've ever had a cyst like a ganglion sister you had like anybody that you've ever palpated that has a cyst this feels a little bit like that that's what slippery is the pulse is kind of like that little bead or that's that cyst rolling through your finger it's like rolling it's doing a little flip and it's rolling that's what slippery feels like be quiet put your fingers relax close your eyes and feel it try to find a slippery pulse in people that you know for sure of a slippery pulse and practice eventually you'll get it every time it's like anything right the more you practice the better you become wiry so why is liver tree stagnation right this is usually a leveraged stagnation it could be also liver young rising if it was a bit rapid with wiry of course so wiry pulse is feels like a guitar string so if you play guitar or if you play violin it's kind of like a guitar string right so it's definitely the way a wirey feels like so a thready feels like a thread like your sewing thread by your wirey if you take it you're like oh yeah that's like a guitar string i feel the guitar right to diet if you've ever played like i said an instrument you would know what it feels like that's a wirey pulse and it's usually a liver cheese stagnation a lot of us can be affected by liberty stagnation so wiry is very very common so you can found those it's one of the most common pulse out there it will often show on the middle position right it's very common to show on the middle position because of liver um being affected a tense pulse is the same as a wiry pulse but it's thicker it's like a rope so if you've ever climbed if you go rock climbing it's like that it's like a rope it's sick thick ropey kind of uh pulse that's what it feels like and if it's slow on top of it which most of the time it is then it's that excess cold right it's cold in the channel it's cold blockage right yeah so good question by jan jan has a question do you feel slippery only on the liver position on every position so when you take your time sometimes you'll find slippery on the uh spleen position so on the right spin position it's one of the most common one because slippery is often excess dampness or excess flame which affects the spleen right so that will be where you can feel it now if slippery is normal let's say it's a pregnant woman usually the middle position on either side is going to be slippery but the kidney will not so the kidney will show you the kidney strength of the pregnant woman if she has strong kidneys while she's carrying the baby or her kidneys are being depleted right so this is pretty much hopefully i answered your question jan on that perspective uh yes on the very on the liver yeah so you ask that do you feel slippery on the liver position or every position right so ah no you can definitely slip away like i said on the speed okay so the tense false is a rope and then the last one but not least is the choppy balls so choppy pulse is a pulse that feels like that would be really bad to do but if you had to put your fingers over a see-saw you know a saw which has jagged edge over a knife that has jagged edge don't cut yourself that's not what i'm saying but if you go and feel that it's exactly what that pulse feels it feels like it's not able to go through so it's like tick tick tick tick tick and it's like tick tick tick tick tick yes with the sound effect the pulse that's the sound effect i know it doesn't oh my god craziness but it's kind of like it's not smooth it's the opposite of slippery the slippery is like that bead that's move little round bead the choppy is like it cannot go through or it has a hard time going through those are the most common pulse so let's start again forceful big strong goes pushing against your fingers that's a big pulse that's excess right thready like a thread very thin that's a deficiency usually body fluid yin or blood so very opposite right slippery the bead the big round cloth the little cyst that goes through your finger and rolls right through wiry like a guitar string right that's a little cheese stagnation while slippery is more dampness and phlegm tense it's like a rope which is a cold usually it's related to cold pathogen choppy always relates to blood and it goes we have the sound effects so choppy is not smooth right and it relates to blood issues so if it's choppy and really thin that's a blood deficiency if it's choppy and it's wiry like it's like the wire like we said like the guitar string but it goes through your fingers even though it's tight like a wire that's a stagnation or blood stasis okay so choppy wiry blood stasis choppy thready or thin blood deficiency yes so every type of pulse has a dedicated organ position yes zara yes it does i don't know if you came later but yes i talked about that earlier so yes it does ah yep um so i see what you're asking so liver equal wiry or slippery equal spleen not always you can have a wiry pulse on this spleen side yes you can and the reason why you would have a wiry pulse on the spleen side is if you have liver over controlling speed the five element theory when would overact or over control on earth liver stress is stagnated and it depletes the spleen and that can show on the spleen side so often that can be the case as well so it's not always right and left because depending on the root cause sound effects or life kelsey likes my sound effect so let's resume i hope you guys like i said don't forget that you do have the pdf of all the slides we did today plus my explanation below you can sign up uh click the link below and get to download the slide don't forget that so uh for sure so let's uh recap and by the way if you haven't subscribed hit the subscribe button ding ding ding don't miss out all the videos that i'm coming in to 2021 with i'm gonna have much more or much many more videos in 2021 so to recap start with slow versus fast right rapid versus slow that's heat or cold surface or superficial which is more external and acute versus deep which is more internal and chronic that's easy and then go on the position right thready deficiency of blood body fluid or yin force for excess right so if it's forceful and it's superficial it's excess syndrome that's acute that's an external pathogen but if it's at the middle position and it's forceful now it's turn internal right it's more internal okay and it's usually more chronic then you have wiry which is a guitar string versus tense which is a rope right which is more excess cold the wiry's liver cheese stagnation slippery is dampness and phlegm and it feels like a little cyst or a little bead rolling hard under your finger it's round the opposite of choppy which is jack get edge that's the jagged edge of my sound system wow that is all the pulse as much as i could give you guys i hope i hope it was a lot of information and you grasp it off don't forget that on my website i've got tons and tons of tcm resources right here and you can see treatment protocols you can see acupuncture theory tcm foundation diagnosis and online courses so i got tons and tons on my website so don't forget that there's lots of links below that you can look at to see if that's something that you know resonate with you guys in the meantime i am so happy you guys came in i hope you enjoyed this pulse craziness practice practice practice that makes us better at everything i hope it made or i broke it down in the basics that you guys could really grasp and have fun doing this because that's what i like to do so thank you everyone for uh do coming in today um yes good question so for question purposes um hold on i'm gonna put that up here because i wanted to see that for um peep do you check for pulse change after needling yes i do um in certain not all the time but i will specifically if there is uh if someone is coming from an acute condition perspective and maybe the first day and then sometimes i do sometimes i don't it depends on how often i see the patient that also but that's a great question because often i do and sometimes i don't so it's a the sixth sense the intuition depending where my gut feeling is thing uh any difference between male or female pulse yes the male pulse is always a little bit bigger and the female pulse is a little bit smaller so thinner right in general specifically if a female is anemic or in tcm perspective blood deficient her pulse will be much thinner men that are bigger that are more excess in general the pulse may be bigger as well but in general if everybody is healthy that's uh uh often the case so you're very welcome carmilla oh my goodness i am moving things a little bit too much uh in that perspective uh i wanted you guys to see this and i'm not doing well here we go you're very welcome i just love your energy clara thanks mark you break down post diagnosis in such a practical way yay thank you awesome i'm glad you enjoyed the class titilio i love that name uh please answer the question on best time of the day to take the pulse yes not after meals definitely not the best time is in the morning but we can't always do that because patients don't always come when they you know an hour after they wake up so it's best to do it in between meals not after a big meal not if someone hasn't eaten in a long time neither so kind of like in the middle um awesome thank you very much you guys i'm so glad replay anna we anna's asking for a replay because my uh yeah i'm i'm speaking so fast right yes the replay will be available today later on today or tomorrow for you because i know it's later in france right now but yes that problem uh youtube some problem uh i'm so glad tomina you really enjoyed it that's great you guys thank you very much i'm glad uh things were clarified yay thank you guys you guys are rockstar thank you for showing up today you guys are amazing i'm gonna continue in 2021 to do more live uh classes as well as more stuff coming your way ah thank you gary gary says kylie your energy and effort much appreciated thank you i'm so glad you guys are enjoying it and appreciate the time and effort uh alice says my teacher says the depth of the pulse depends on the different elements that if you are learning from uh the five element theory right so depends if you're using the five elements theory or not if you are yes not everybody practices through that perspective so yes from that perspective you are correct your teacher is awesome rocking it as always uh yes the pdf without me is not the same but you can watch me and get the pdf and all together obrigado asa thank you very much uh charlie how are you girl i didn't know you were here hi charlie you're very welcome thank you guys thank you for everything i'm just like so happy you guys showed up that was a lot of people today i think the pulse is a very very popular popular subject so very helpful i'm glad angela was helpful i know there was a lot of students today uh i know leon shoes students some of you were here as well so thank you for showing up between christmas and new year because this is usually chill out time for most people so thank you thank you deirdre hey awesome i'm so glad you enjoyed the presentation i know you told me you were going to be here uh don't forget to talk about your book alessandra says i got mine for christmas from your hobby that's so nice ah that's so awesome uh okay well uh because alessandra said i should talk about my book here's the book here here's the pdf here this is all on acupuncture point because today we didn't talk about acupuncture i didn't talk about this but yes that's the book and that's the uh pdf if you'd rather have the digital which uh you know is uh uh very useful as well so thank you alessandra for mentioning the book and i'm so glad you're happy give you a great christmas present that's awesome uh you guys rock it great book love it woo joe i haven't seen you in a while can we review this presentation or be on your youtube channel yes i will have it later today on the channel it will stay there so you guys can watch it over and over and over if you want to haha beat up goes me too i got the book for christmas for my hobby you guys have great husbands my goodness keep those guys they're awesome that's great i love that that's awesome you guys yes demina you are right i forgot to mention that i know some medication has an effect on the pulse yes that is correct a lot of medication can affect the pulse that's why it's hard to take the pulse because a lot of a lot lot can jar dipoles or change the effect that when you take the pulse so it makes it very difficult because it does get affected and influences by many things including medication or the pill for example so it can change for everybody so that that is something to take into consideration that makes it uh tough uh happy new years 2012 2012 yeah well maybe we should go back to 2012 because you know you never know what's gonna happen in 2021 so thank you how do we get the pdf below rainey in the description of the video below it there is a link just click below you'll see all the links and there is a link to get to download the pdf so this was so helpful i'm so happy you guys this is awesome you're the best you guys make me so happy you are the best thank you merci obrigado uh i know that in many languages gracias grazie spasiba come on give me some languages trying to say thank you vala in uh when i was in croatian so uh in turkish is look at this i'm king sang thank you in a lot of languages thank you guys clarified haha very funny you guys are great have a fantastic new year i will see you next year for more fun easy to grasp and fun to learn tcm awesome you guys [Music] bye thank you very much bye guys thank you you're the best you are awesome thank you very much [Music] that's awesome you guys look at that yay happy new year happy 2021. you're very welcome mercia finnemon pola conference dr ahmed absolument thank you very much city ah thank you i know you said you were going to come in and be here today so ah thanks mark i gotta say that better thank you mirta you're the best you rock you're awesome uh my tcm brother from romania will thank you for coming from the philippines i know it's super early in the morning so i really appreciate you being here you guys awesome awesome thank you guys chris is like 20 21 202 10 equal five earth yeah love that chris thank you for sharing that that's a great way to finish this class you guys are awesome love you guys book looks very interesting well check it out the link is below for the book as well if you want the book or the pdf the link is below it took me two years to make it's got over 365 graphics of all the acupuncture points so it is a big big big pdf 800 pages of a pdf and we format it in the book so yes yes mercha that's awesome you guys thank you uh you can have both if you want to that's awesome you guys support means the like the really really means the world to me you guys are so supportive and it's so positive that's what i love i love that you guys are so positive and thankful and grateful this is awesome i'm not able to find the link for the pdf get up below this video on your right hand side there's a little arrow you if you're on your phone click that and all the description of this video is below and it has all the link it'll say accupoint made easy pdf in there if not go to my website and you can found it there as well yes that makes sense thank you guys shukran rubino of course i knew shukran i knew that i knew how to say thank you in arabic darling i forgot that yes thank you that's awesome you guys uh the dunk in dutch i said that right bedank or in german dunker tanker here we go oh my god you guys it's awesome in gaelic tabath did i say that good paul probably not right oh my god i love gaelic i love gaelic music ah that's awesome your book is handbook every acupuncturist should have oh yes thank you that is so sweet thank you very much i love that that is very sweet thank you for saying that awesome you guys doing doing i love that do i do it that's great i'm learning every language in persian is noon oh but i lily don't you say merci in persian i know you use french word but okay yes that sounded almost there right almost yes in turkish right i've been to turkey and i remember tisha corderon teixeira excellent look at that oh my isa oh my god i love it that yours is french from the north pole i love it lisa oh that's awesome you guys thank you i think we could stay here and talk all day but uh happy new year in romanian adrian did i say that right no mesh in romanian look at me did you see that carmilla oh this is awesome you guys you guys rock everything domo arigato thank you karen for saying that domo arigato i love it you guys are teaching me languages excellent see that's fantastic very very thank you you guys i'm gonna go off and have lunch now and i will see you in the next video bye guys you