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Define essential and non-essential amino acids.
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Essential amino acids must be obtained from diet (9 types), while non-essential amino acids are produced by the body (11 types).
What is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins?
Complete proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins lack one or more essential amino acids.
Explain the concept of nitrogen balance in protein metabolism.
Nitrogen balance is the balance between protein synthesis (anabolism) and protein breakdown (catabolism).
What examples of food sources can provide complementary proteins?
Combining incomplete proteins like rice and beans to get all essential amino acids.
Which macronutrient is important for tissue building and repair?
What is the main source of stored energy in the body?
What is the primary source of energy for the body?
Identify two types of fats considered detrimental to heart health.
Saturated fats and trans fats.
What health benefits does dietary fiber provide?
Increases healthy bacterial growth in colon, softens and bulks stool, stabilizes blood glucose levels, decreases risk for diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, and coronary artery disease.
What are the daily cholesterol recommendations for the general population and high-risk individuals?
<300mg/day (general), <200mg/day (high-risk for heart disease)
Why are complex carbohydrates beneficial for blood glucose levels?
Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, causing a slower increase in blood glucose levels.
What is protein anabolism?
Protein anabolism is the process of assembling amino acids to create proteins.
Differentiate between LDL and HDL cholesterol.
LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins) is considered bad cholesterol, while HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) is considered good cholesterol.
List two food sources high in unsaturated fats.
Avocados and olive oil.
What is the role of glycogen in carbohydrate metabolism?
Glycogen is the stored carbohydrate energy in the liver and muscles, broken down and released via glycogenolysis when needed.