Transcript for:
Understanding Types of Matter

in this video we're going to talk about the different types of matter so matter can be broken down into two different categories the first category is pure substances a pure substance is basically exactly what it sounds like it's a pure substance it's one kind of substance matter can also be broken down into mixtures a mixture is composed of two or more different pure substances now pure substance can be broken down into elements or they can be broken down into compounds so a compound is a pure a pure substance and an element is also a pure substance now a mixture can be broken into two types you have a homogeneous mixture and there's also a heterogeneous mixture I'm running out of space there so we'll make that work so going over to the left side elements like oxygen gas helium nitrogen gas iron metal zinc Elemental sulfur these are all pure substances and each of these substance they're composed of only one kind of element so that's an example of a pure substance now compounds also are part of pure substances so water is a compound but it's also pure substance now what makes it a compound is that water is composed of two different elements so any substance that is composed of two or more different kinds of elements are compounds sodium chloride is a compound it's a pure substance but it's made of two different elements ethanol is a compound it's made up of the elements carbon hydrogen and oxygen but it's only one kind of pure substance carbon dioxide you know that's a pure substance by the way for those of you who want more example problems on pure substances and mixtures check out the links in the description section below I'm going to post some more video content on this topic in addition to homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures so feel free to take a look at that when you get a chance now on the right side we have two different kinds of mixtures now a homogeneous mixture is one where the composition is uniform so salt and water that is a homogeneous mixture remember a mixture is basically two or more pure substances that are combined with each other when you mix salt and water together it's going to appear as one clear solution the salt mixes uniformly with the water and that makes it a homogeneous mixture a heterogeneous mixture you don't have that uniform composition so oil and water would be a good example of a heterogeneous mixture so when you mix oil and water they actually don't mix the oil being less dense than water it's going to float on top it has a lower density in water so here is the oil later and here is the water layer because you could see two distinct phases or too distinct separations of this mixture you can tell it's a heterogeneous mixture the oil doesn't mix uniformly with the water you could see the two distinct Parts there another example of a homogeneous mixture is air air brass a metal alloy those are homogeneous mixtures so air is a mixture of gases air is composed of oxygen gas nitrogen gas you might see some Argon gas and you might have water and carbon dioxide but these are mixed uniformly throughout each other and that makes air a homogeneous mixture sand and water for instance is a heterogeneous mixture if you were to make sand in water it would look something like this so here's the water and here will be the sand they don't mix you can see the two distinct parts that makes it a heterogeneous mixture so that's basically it for this video hopefully gave you a good idea into the different types of matter that we have in chemistry and their classification as well so for those of you who want more example problems on its topic feel free to check out the links in the description section below