hi honey thank you for the reading again let's see what Spirit has for you for guidance for what you can be doing to attract the love that you were worthy of or to feel better about your romantic um relationships ahead of you or anything that you can be doing with your energy so that you can um be feeling good about yourself and living the life that you're meant to live right now with or without a person in your life
so let's see what Spirit has for you
this you know um love and loving energy coming towards you and what it's going to be okay we're not going to we're not going to um Target it as any one person more so what you're going to feel and where when um what you can do to attract this kind of love to you
okay so think of it as just kind of guidance and like a lesson and let's see what spirit has for you
Spirit if you can please share with me what is coming towards us
what um advice and guidance do you have for us what what do you want for us on this path in this area of our life I am listening for you now let's get some of these beautiful hearts I have surrender at times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives let go and all work will work out sometimes we just need to surrender to um
believing also that I'm not going to give up hope that I just know I'm going to meet the right one um that today was a hard day but tomorrow will be better you know sometimes we just have to surrender to um I'm not going to give up on you know that I'm going to be happy right and I think that sometimes we just have to focus on that
look at this beautiful card I have a twin flame a twin flame coming into your energy
somebody that you are very very passionate about somebody that you are going to be very in love with and twin flames are very exciting energy we want to be together um so you recognize each other Spirit just said so you will recognize this you will recognize this love you will feel like you've known them from a past life
this beautiful card and I have when it comes to matters of the heart there's no right or wrong every choice you make expands your understanding of life and love
yeah there's no um I always say to that people they get to a fork in the road you know should I give up on somebody should I move on um
there's no right and wrong answer spirit's going to guide you exactly where you need to be
whatever your answer is going to be and your path will just continue to unfold so there's no regrets there's no looking back there's no saying I made the wrong choice um if you made the wrong choice spirit will will correct you and and turn you around again you know so
but it's it's a feeling of there's no right and wrong answers right now you just have to live the life that you're meant to live and just be happy like every day within yourself so that you can attract the love that you were worthy of
let's see what they're saying I have a star yeah don't give up on you know this this feeling of we must surrender okay don't give up on the hope all right that you are worthy like this is all your dreams this is all your dreams dreams coming true you know what is it that you're manifesting I want to be married I'd like to have a family I'd like to have a home I want to love somebody I want somebody to love me you know like don't ever give up on those because you know it does exist it's just a matter of time that it's going to come into your life
I have a Queen of Pentacles being strong I think being strong and independent while you're waiting is one of the best things that you can do because your partner is going to be looking for somebody that is their equal so if you want to attract somebody that's strong and independent and financially secure the best thing you can do is just you know you're very strong and independent also so that you guys on that level financially or in the material world Work World you guys are um equals and I think that that's really really important especially in today's society you need to know that you can support yourself no matter or what with or without a person
I have a Wheel of Fortune don't give up hope look at this it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time it's almost as if you know you're on your on your path you're just waiting for you know the right place, the right time, the right moment for kind of everything to come you know forward and start to happen for you so again you know being secure within yourself and trusting that everything happens for reason and everything's unfolding the way it should be um it helps you just live day to day while you're kind of waiting uh whether you're waiting for your person or you're waiting for somebody something else that Spirit has for you it it just helps you to kind of put your head around I'm going to be okay
but you have this beautiful loving energy coming into your life a very give and take energy a very sharing energy somebody who wants to take care of you Spirit just said somebody who wants to be there for you so you have this beautiful loving energy coming into your life and I do feel like there's a sense of they're attracted to you because um you don't want them because you need them you want them because um you have something to offer them and they have something to offer you so again this kind of give and take and it's a sense of fairness coming into you
a page of Pentacles now I like pages I I always feel this feeling of I want to try something new in this case I want to I want to spend some extra time with you I want to are you available can I see you um you know this has came into me as like a small gesture a small offer um whether it's a date or I want to spend time to you with you or even a small gift it could be even a small gift like somebody shows up at your house with a bottle of wine or flowers or a little something for you um so it came into me is like a small gift so somebody who's very generous and almost like treating you and making you feel special
a nine of cups I feel happy I feel content so that's what you have to look forward to is that my heart is filled Spirit just said that I feel happy I feel content with this person I'm falling in love with this person and I'm going to say you know if there's anybody that you're struggling with or a past you know look at I mean there's a sense of peace of Mind happening with the Six of Swords because the more you let go of things that no longer are supposed to be in your energy the more you are able to just move on with what it is that Spirit has for you so that is important to know also so just keep you know just keep focusing on the now and what's ahead of you as best you can
let's get these let's get some of these jumpers all right we've got some cards that want to talk let's see what they're saying
I have fulfillment you don't need anyone's approval to pursue and fulfill your purpose embrace your unique journey and trust that it's leading you where you want to go
yeah no matter what no matter who is put in your path it's your path okay you're the only one who can decide if you want contentment and love and somebody is in your energy and they're not giving you that and you don't feel like it's moving forward then you also have the decision you can also make a decision that this isn't enough for me and I deserve more and I want more so you're allowed to do that you're allowed to um want everything you're also able to let go let go of any negative people or toxic um beliefs
your time on Earth is precious, invest it wisely and be mindful of who you spend your time with like don't waste your time okay if you want to wait for your special person if you want to wait for your person to um do some healing and to come around that's a different story but don't invest a whole bunch of energy on somebody who doesn't invest energy in you okay it's just not worth it because there's too many people out there and it's just not the right one then spirit says if they're not investing in you it's not going to be the right one so I want you to keep that in mind also
let's get this jumper I've got time to act you don't have to know everything in advance take the first step and watch it unfold you can deal with whatever your path reveals you are ready yeah so you know take your time you don't get have to get all the answers today okay if what you want is I just want to be happy I want to be settled I want to be in love with somebody I'd like to be married someday just know that Spirit wants that for you also okay and they're saying bottom of the deck
it says pursue happiness. never apologize for what brings you Joy. only you understand where you truly belong and where you can find your safe space and
follow your bliss. it is your happiness. it is your life. it is your path so it's up to you to find happiness if you're not happy with an individual or you're not happy with the progress with an individual then you are allowed to say this isn't good enough for me and I deserve more and I want more because I deserve happiness and I want happiness in my life so it's it's just a feeling of um I guess you being very much aware of what it is that you want what it is that you desire, you deserve um and knowing full well that Spirit wants that for you also and that you're not going to just settle you're not going to just wait around um because they do want you to be happy they want you to be content they want you to be at home they just said you know sharing a home with somebody sharing a life with somebody um so those things are coming those things are in your future
so right now it's just keep doing what you're doing be very secure love yourself enjoy your life raise your vibration you know just be happy so that the person coming into your life is very attracted to those things in you
I have a Two of Pentacles you may need to make a choice at some point that is um if somebody isn't moving fast enough for you that that you have another option that you are going to talk to other people that you're going to keep yourself open to even though you would love to be with that person if it's not working out for whatever reason you may decide that you know what I have options so I don't want you to ever forget that it's always your choice it's always up to you um whether you want to move forward or whether you want to hang in there with somebody so you may be presented with a choice or somebody may be put in front of you that makes you think like should I be thinking about being with this person um so that could be you know presented to you so be available
there's an ace of Wands so if it is a twinflame connection that you're feeling um which we had that earlier card you're going to feel that passion you're you normally if you're interested in a twin flame and you connected with a twinflame it's really hard to get them out of your mind but you have somebody coming into your life that you're very very passionate about they're very passionate about you and they literally lit you up they literally um sparked you know something in you that maybe you've never felt before I've never been this attracted to anybody I've never thought about anybody as much as I think about this person you know something along those lines so that's okay it's it's um a contentment again here with this nine of Cups they're trying to push you towards um contentment look at this wishing well like just keep manifesting okay your wishes will come true all right you know I I you just don't have it yet honey it's it's not that it hasn't it's not going to happen it just hasn't happened yet and that's how you have to look at it you have to just look at it I know it's going to happen it just hasn't happened yet and not go down the path of discouragement or um you know being sad that you know I don't have anybody and nobody's coming into my life it just hasn't happened yet and and that's okay I mean you do have a special person that you're thinking about and that could still unfold so we're going to give that a chance we're going to give that time um but Spirit really wants you to be in a relationship that's not only compassionate but loving and you feel safe emotionally you feel content emotionally it's almost like you have it all so um that is important I have an eight of Swords yeah don't don't let yourself get trapped in your head with things like um when or if or I'm always going to be single or I won't have what my friends or family have um don't don't even go there okay kind of break your mindset into I believe I have hope um I'm manifesting you just have to even if it's hard even if you you know some days are harder than others just just kind of break your mind know that you have you have a king whoever this is they're going to love you deeply and passionately okay they are going to put you first Spirit just said they are going to be as into you as you are into them and and sometimes that's the most depressing thing like you have feelings for somebody and you're not feeling that they have the same feelings back right so it's only really really exciting when both of you are feeling the same thing you're both equally in love with each other when you make love you both are totally into each other um the way that you both look at each other Spirit just said so whoever this is that's coming into your life is going to be as passionate for you as you are for them and I I think that that's what you have to hold on to like I deserve that it doesn't I don't want a oneway relationship I need somebody to be in love with me I need somebody to put me first so other than other than com that kind of level of love I would say it's not going to be worth it because otherwise you're just going to be caring and taking care of somebody and and they you're going to feel like you're being taken for granted and you deserve to have somebody be passionate about you so I think that that is what I want here's the star again yeah so the star is Hope look at your heart look at your heart chakra okay your heart chakra saying I am filled with love I am worthy of love I am attracting love and I these are my hopes and these are my dreams and I deserve them so that starts like almost a feeling of saying you know your wishes are about to come true so I want you to be um open to that I want you to be excited about that I want you to be you know ready I have a death card so for every ending there's a new beginning you may have to make a choice at some point you may say I'm not waiting for somebody any longer it's not the passion that I need there's got to be somebody else out there for me if that's the case or just putting your past behind you and and continuing to move forward I have an eight of Pentacles working hard working together is how it's coming into me he's also making violins in this deck so it's almost like making beautiful music together but working hard together okay whether we make a good team or we're going to have a household together we're going to raise children together if that's something that you're interested in and I have an ace of cups like this love just is all encompassing this love is all consuming um I think that that's beautiful I think that you know right now I feel like spirit is just letting you know that you are worthy and you know there's this beautiful loving energy out there that's meant for you no matter what okay whether it's the person we spoke about in the last reading or whether it's somebody new but you know it's just this feeling of it will come and it's going to come in time Spirit any additional Mees messages things you want me to work on things you want me to think about today what is it that you have for me your life is at a turning point right now but you're ready okay and it's a little it was a little bit of a stand up for what you want okay it was a little bit of a it could be a turning point that the relationship that I'm starting is going to start to transition into something something more or I'm identifying what it is that I need in my life and I'm not willing to settle for anything less right so you are at a kind of you know stage in your life where you are going to make some really good choices for yourself and for your future self I'm going to say it that way as well um you will be a great success but you will have to go through it to get there there's lessons to be learned so even if somebody is put in front of you and it's not the person that you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with it doesn't mean you're not going to have a longlasting relationship or a loving relationship or the kind of marriage that you hope for um so you know everybody comes into our life for different reasons and different lessons so don't be discouraged even by those types of things and then I have see the good and what you call bad nothing in your suffering is meaningless so on the days that are difficult okay the days that you feel lonely the days that you are just tired of waiting tired of wondering um just see the good in your day see how beautiful you are how loving you are how many friends you have your family um you got a good career you know look look at the things that are working well in your day not not so much the things that I don't have today and and and just focus on on the good if you can I know it's hard but try to if you can um challenge yourself to be stronger than your challenges it is a challenge to be single it's definitely a challenge to wait okay patience it's so so hard but if Spirit saying I have something for you I'm going to fulfill all of these things that you're asking um but it just hasn't arrived yet I want you to just keep believing I want you to overcome the obstacle I want you to push yourself forward I want you to keep loving I want you to keep trusting unconditionally because right now I feel like that's what spirit is asking you to do okay and I'm going to get one more of these you have so much to offer the world don't ever doubt your contribution how about you have so much love to offer right don't ever doubt what you're bringing into this relationship or a relationship don't ever doubt um how worthy you are or that they're receiving the best thing on the face of the earth when they enter into a relationship with you right so you deserve so much more spirit's saying you deserve it all they're saying so let's put this out into the Universe I just know you're going to have a beautiful love a stable love a committed love and it's just a matter of time so we'll ask Spirit to continue to guide you and just keep taking care of yourself and make the best choices for yourself at this point in your life I want to thank spirit for these messages today