Transcript for:
Creating and Monetizing a Professional News Channel on YouTube

[Music] this is a news channel it has over 6 million subscribers and averages over 7 million views per day it makes anywhere from $55,000 per month to as much as $888,000 a month and of course this is an established News YouTube channel so we're not going to go after 55 to 800 or close to million per month initially no but I just want to make sure you know that it's possible every major News Network out there they now have a related news channel on YouTube CNN as an example which had a traditional TV channel now has a news channel Fox BBC ABC they were initially just on TV they all now have a news channel on YouTube there's a reason for that rock stars because viewers are slowly but surely migrating to YouTube and you know what the great news is with AI you rock stars yes you can actually own a professional News Channel on YouTube and it won't be associated with one of those big names because it will be independent but that gives you freedom to report on what you want and when you want and you'll be able to do so faceless without using your voice and in a matter of minutes using the method I'm about to show you in this video and I think the best part of all this is that you can do it 100% free leveraging AI of course which is the free options and you can do it from anywhere across the globe rockstars are you ready for this tutorial where I'm going to teach you how to launch your news channel on [Music] YouTube Welcome Back to the Rockstar Newsroom I'm your host Odetta rockhead car and today we will embark on an exciting journey into the world of AI powered News broadcasting stay with us for more rock star that was me putting on my anchor or news anchor Persona because that's what we're going to do in this video but you will not be the person before the camera let's jump right into the video and we're going to start with step one breaking news step one is to create a YouTube channel which is an obvious step right but some of us still don't know how to do that so first you're going to log into your Google account and you're going to use your Gmail email as I'm doing here you're then going to click on your profile icon which is here on the top right hand side of the screen and you're going to click on select account then go to view all channels and here you're going to create a new channel by clicking create a channel it's kind of obvious now let's move to step two now that we have created our Channel we need to figure out what we're going to call it and you're going to need a catchy memorable channel name because that's going to be crucial to grab attention it should be short it should be impactful and ideally it should have something to do with the type of content that we're going to be creating which is news now you're going to use this prompt in chat GPT which is give me name ideas that are short memorable and impactful for my News Channel on YouTube and rockstars as usual as you can see here chat GPT is delivering several options now you can ask for more if you're not happy with the results that you have gotten and you can also combine a piece of a name with something else which is what I'm going to do in this example because I'm going to go with pulse news TV I think that sounds pretty good now when you're setting up your YouTube channel as I'm doing here you're just going to add pulse news TV or whatever your channel name is and then we're going to move to step three which is very important it's branding your channel now branding is key to recognition and identity so for your Channel logo and banner which are the two key elements to your branding we can use chat GPT but this will only work if you have the paid version and yes I'm well aware that I said that everything here you'll be able to do for free so hang on cuz I'll show you how to do this with the canva free version as well but if you already have the paid version of chat GPT don't go out and get it but if you have it just use this prompt create a logo image for my news channel called and you put your channel name there ours of course is pulse news TV and as you can see here rockstars chat GPT is going to give you a beautiful image and I didn't like the first one I got so I regenerated and I absolutely love this one it's in red black and white and if you know me you know I love those colors and I'm going to stick to this one now to get the logo on canva using the free version if you don't have the paid version of chat GPT you can just visit canva and search for logo in the menu options as I'm doing here then you're going to search for news by typing the word news and then you choose a template that you like like and you're going to modify that template with the name of your news channel so let's modify our canva template here with pulse news and because the space is so big at the bottom and I don't want to edit this I'm just going to write television and write out the full word now for Branding you also need a channel banner and you can use this promp in chat GPT again with the paid version give me YouTube channel Banner image that is 1546 or 1 546 by 423 pixels and I'm putting the prompt here on screen so you can follow for my News Channel and you put the name of your news channel rock stars chat GPT gave me amazing results the first go look at this pulse news TV and it has a beautiful Skyline I absolutely love it but again if you don't like the first option that you get just go ahead and regenerate more until you're happy that's a beauty of AI now to get your banner with a free version of canva Select YouTube Banner from the menu here as I'm doing and you're going to search for news by typing the word news then you're going to select the banner that you like and just modify it with the name of your actual Channel and for the channel Watermark here just upload your logo again so that whenever your videos show up on YouTube the logo will be there in the corner and you can have it throughout the video at the beginning or the end of the video by checking the relevant box here now we're on to the exciting step which is step four rock stars it's time to create your news channel so we're going to use Google News to get the news and if you don't know what Google news is go ahead and Google Google news and it should be the first link at the top you're going to browse Google News whenever you're ready to do a news report and you're going to select the article that you want to report on from Google news now you cannot use the Google news article as is for obvious reasons you're going to get flagged for copyright issues because that's plagarism but there is absolutely nothing wrong with reporting on the same news but using different words and paraphrasing it the big news channels do it all the time do you ever notice that sometimes CNN NBC BBC and ABC are reporting on the same thing they just call it something different and the caption or the words they're saying will differ so we are going to paraphrase and we're going to use the AI to do it which is chat GPT and what you're going to do is copy the news article from Google news that you want to use and you're going to head over to chat GPT and you're going to type this prompt convert and paraphrase this article into a news report on the news network called pulse news TV you're going to put whatever your channel name is here and then you're going to continue with the prompt being delivered by news anchor and you put your news anchor so it could be Odetta rocket it could be John Brown because your channel is going to be faceless and Anonymous just come up with a news anchor name that you like and I'm going to put this particular prompt in the description of this video because it's a little bit long and you can just copy it and fill in your channel name and your anchor name and if you don't know who the anchor is it's the person who is delivering the news now chat GPT will rewrite the article and convert it into a format that sounds like someone is delivering news which is why we put in things like the anchor and delivering news because we want it to sound like a professional broadcast F right and this way you have no more copyright issues as this version that you get from chat GPT is yours and you can use the free version of chat GPT with this prompt to get this done now let's move to step five you have your news report now it's time to create the video now we're going to use cap cut but what you may not know is that cap cut is an amazing AI powered video editor and rock stars I'm not benefiting in any way for saying that nor is cap cut sponsoring this video as a matter of fact this video is not sponsored by anyone I'm just calling a spade a spade cap cut is 100% free and it's very easy to use and I'm going to put the link in the description or you can simply Google cap cut now go ahead and open a new tab and I recommend you use a Chrome browser if you're using a Mac like I'm using here because it's more compatible and when you get to cap cut on the homepage you click create new and then you'll need to select 16 by 9 because that's the desired aspect ratio for YouTube videos now to get started we need a fancy introduction for our news room and we're going to be able to get that right here in cap cut simply go to elements on the tab here and type in the word news intro that's what we're looking for and on the elements tab select view all to see all the stop videos that are available for news intro so take some time to choose one that you think best represents your news channel and they're all copyright free so you can use them on YouTube without any concern now select your preferred news intro video as I'm doing here from the many options that are available and by selecting it it will automatically be inserted in what we're going to call the video timeline which is where you're going to lay out your video now we need a newsroom background because we're going pro here and to find a newsroom background just search for news background same place here on elements in cap cut and you're typing news background on the stock video search bar select the best one for you based on your color scheme and your person Al preferences and again it will land on the timeline as you can see here now that we have our intro we have our background we need a presenter and it's not going to be you rockstars because we're going faceless click back and then I want you to scroll down as I'm doing here to the AI character options and click view all here you're going to find a vast number of AI characters rock stars with different genders different looks looks positions outfits many for you to choose from in cap cut select the best AI character for your video we're going to go with this male AI character here because I think he's dressed professionally and does have the news anchor kind of look and you can drag your character to the timeline just drag it above the main timeline so it's an overlay and it shows up on top of your news background and we're going to start it on the second scene which is your studio or your Newsroom background so that it looks like the person is standing there as you can see here now rock stars our Newsroom environment is ready so all we're going to do is we're going to go back to the script that we got from chat GPT that's the one that was paraphrased and we're going to copy it and we're going to paste it into cap cut to do this click on the AI character icon on the right side of the menu here and here you can actually adjust the character's appearance and the frame if you would like as you can see here on screen and we're going to leave that for now because I'm fine with what's there but where it says naration we will enter the new script that we repurposed and that we just copied over and we're going to paste it here now you can only generate a th000 characters at a time so so just make sure what you're copying is a th000 or less and you may need to do it a few times but that's okay it's still going to take you a lot less time to create a video here than doing it the traditional way so let's copy your 1,000 characters or less let's paste it here into the cap cut narration box and after entering this script just listen to the different voice over options and select the one that you want and there are quite a few here to choose from but today for this example we're going to go with Charming Man for this character because I think he looks kind of hot Charming let's Charming not hot I take that back as is the case on most news networks like CNN BBC sometimes you'll find that they'll use different news anchors they'll use different Studio rooms or news rooms you have the option to change all of that up with different reviews or broadcasts but for right now now we're keeping it simple now with a portion of your script copied and pasted in cap cut and the voiceover selected just click apply and now cap cut is going to take some time to generate the audio with the lip sync so that the lips of your AI character is actually moving to the words that you just copied and pasted right there in cap cut rock stars while you're waiting for cap cut to do its magic if you have learned anything new or exciting so far I would really appreciate you liking this video and remember it only requires you to subscribe to become a rock star but that's a choice no pressure I'm just glad you're here watching cap cut generated an Avatar video from the script that you inserted now all we're going to do is to repeat this process but the background you'll notice is just short so you're going to have to just copy and paste the background let me do it here and show you copy and paste it again and again until it covers the full length of the script you can also use relevant stock videos from elements here in cap cut based on what the script is saying so for example if a part of the script is talking about something specific just go to elements search for it as I'm doing here and just drag it as an overlay in cap cut after dragging the background and the AI character again just copy and paste your script into the naration box and click apply each time do this for the entire script now we're going to add some elements to make the video more engaging and we're going to do so by going to YouTube and find relevant images based on what we're talking about but make sure that before you add any footage from YouTube the videos are under faar use or Creative Commons license and that way you can reuse this content of course with discretion and when you do so make sure you give the content creator for the footage that you're using credit by writing their name as I'm doing here now all you have to do to use other person's content is do a screen record of that portion of the video save it and then drag it here onto the timeline of cap cut as an overlay wherever you want it to land and adjust the sizing accordingly you can also add some text to your video where needed now we are going to add music to our video and we're going to go to the YouTube audio library where we can get copyright free music you can also use pixa Bay which is another good place to get copyright free music but the key is copyright free because there's music in capcut but not all of it is copyright free and you do not want to get your video flagged by YouTube because when you are monetized you won't be able to earn from it now for our news intro we're going to search for sound effects or news sound effects in the YouTube audio library and pick one that we like and then we're going to search for background news type music or something like that and just adjust the volume to make sure it doesn't overpower the news ankle now when you're happy with your news report and I'm happy with this one you're going to select export in cap cut to download it to your device and capcut is going to take some time to render the video so again if you have not liked and subscribed yet now is the perfect time to do so and rockstars here is our first news video for our broadcast broadcast broadcast I keep messing up that word but our broadcast whatever is Channel on [Music] YouTube good evening I'm John Brown and this is pulse news tv top story tonight a series of devastating tornadoes has swept across the central United States leaving destruction in its way can claiming the lives of at least five people including a 4-month-old infant the severe weather began on Friday and the impact has been catastrophic the state has declared a state of emergency in 12 counties as they begin the daunting task of recovery I think it's a good first attemp rock stars would you agree rate me on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being Odetta this is not bad for a first attempt and one being Odetta this is pathetic go back to the drawing board because you missed the mark on this one and write your rating for me in the comments now let's head back over to the YouTube channel that we created because now that we have our video we're going to have to upload it and you're going to select the plus camera icon here from the menu and select upload video and select files and then you're going to locate the video that you downloaded from capcut and select open to upload your video to YouTube now you're going to need to give your video a compelling title you're going to need tags or keywords you're going to need a good description because those are the things that YouTube algorithm is looking for to decide how to promote your videos you will also need an amazing thumbnail but the great thing is you can use another AI tool to do this which is vid IQ and as I'm doing here I'm just hopping over into vid IQ and I'm putting in the title that I got from Google news and it's giving me title suggestions I'm going to pick the best one one it's going to give me a description that is SEO optimized and it's also going to give me the tags rockstars it did everything for us and this way with SEO optimized tags YouTube algorithm will go to work and recommend your videos so that you will get more views and I'm going to link vid IQ in the description of this video you can use it free and you can also click the link and use the version that I use for vid IQ that gives me video ideas at least 50 video ideas a day and you can benefit by using it for a dollar for the first month that typically cost if I remember correctly about $30 odd doll and you can do so by clicking the link but if you don't want to even incur that $1 you can also use it for free and it will give you some of these functionalities now we're also going to use vid IQ to create our thumbnail and we're going to hit create here put in our title and and it's going to give us a beautiful thumbnail but if you don't want to use vid IQ you can also use canva and you can search for YouTube thumbnails choose one that you like and modify it and make sure it's captivating it has bright colors and it captures the essence of your news broadcast channel you're then going to upload your thumbnail here and voila just like that you can go public on your news Channel with your first video rock stars it's not that hard is it kind of beginner friendly remember if you got any value from this video I would really appreciate you liking it and as I said earlier $55,000 a month is a stretch goal but it's possible and this is the first step to get in there until next time walk good [Music]