Transcript for:
Tutor Bootstrap Tutorial

hello everyone welcome to the tutor body strap tutorial I think you might have heard about the tutor bootstrap classes know then after completion of this tutorial I am assuring you that you will be able to design a perfect GUI interface so I have a collection of seven tutorial on every tutorial you will be able to see how booty strap is efficiently working so let's come to the first module this is a website presentation in this I will show you a website demo where the boot I have used several bootstrap classes so let's get it started oh this is a footer section now come to the hello okay now this is a navigation bar okay navigation bar has a drop-down and and this is traffic on a item okay this is text box okay buttons okay now slide show its right sure you can change this flight okay now come to the dapper James tap okay now this is the tab bar tab bar contains deep panel okay now this is a panel panel header and these tab is a desire to thumbnail feature which is which are inside the panel okay now on every page I have used the panel okay several panel okay now on clicking on this what is this this is Papa okay this is nothing but a more of model classes okay well close that we've done this okay put a section put a section you don't need to use your custom classes booty strap has several column classes you can you can just use the class to separate these this anchor list to an apart in a perfect manner okay so how these so every each and everything uses the tutor booty strap you need to know to write anything first you have to choose tutor boot strap classes so this was the website presentation so in the next tutorial I will show you the MVC guard okay so let get started in the next tutorial be ready for that and if you like my video then please like comment and subscribe okay so I'm waiting for you in the next tutorial bye bye