Quiz for:
Claves Para la Felicidad y la Salud

Question 1

What is one of the suggestions on how to apply the lessons from the study?

Question 2

What fraction of Americans reportedly feel lonely, as mentioned in the notes?

Question 3

How did the Harvard Study of Adult Development manage to continue for so long?

Question 4

How does a satisfied relationship at age 50 relate to health at age 80?

Question 5

What did happy individuals in the study do to maintain their relationships?

Question 6

How do deeply attached relationships affect the brain?

Question 7

According to the study, what harmful effect results from time spent on screens?

Question 8

What was the main conclusion of the Harvard Study of Adult Development?

Question 9

What is more important according to the study, the quantity or quality of relationships?

Question 10

What effect do conflicted relationships have on health according to the study?

Question 11

According to the study, how does loneliness affect individuals?

Question 12

How do good relationships affect memory clarity?

Question 13

What does Mark Twain's quote about life suggest?

Question 14

How many men were originally tracked in the Harvard Study of Adult Development?

Question 15

What percentage of millennials aim to become rich according to the recent study mentioned in the notes?