Navigating Mental Well-being Challenges

Aug 24, 2024

Overcoming Personal Challenges and Improving Mental Well-being


  • Definition: Putting off tasks in favor of more enjoyable activities.
  • Example: The 'one last turn' dilemma in games like Civilization.
  • Solution: Do hard work now and delay gratification to reduce stress and make leisure activities more enjoyable.

Analysis Paralysis

  • Definition: Overthinking options leading to indecisiveness.
  • Solution: Narrow options to 3-4 viable choices and select the most appealing one.

Negative Self-Talk

  • Description: Inner voices that are critical and demoralizing.
  • Solution:
    • Recognize everyone experiences this.
    • Reframe thoughts into motivational words.
    • Discuss with friends for support.

Fear of Failure

  • Description: Anxiety over potential setbacks prevents starting tasks.
  • Solution:
    • Recognize risk-taking as necessary.
    • Frame failures as learning opportunities.
    • Focus on skillful, meaningful time investment.

Fear of Success

  • Description: Worry about higher expectations and changes.
  • Solution:
    • Understand success usually comes gradually.
    • Surround yourself with supportive people.

Tunnel Vision

  • Definition: Over-focusing on one aspect, ignoring broader context.
  • Solution: Seek feedback to understand the bigger picture.

Rigid Thinking

  • Definition: Refusal to consider new methods or perspectives.
  • Solution: Embrace flexibility and openness to different viewpoints.

Fear of Rejection

  • Description: Desire to fit in can lead to avoiding potential rejection.
  • Solution:
    • Build self-confidence through small goals.
    • Get accustomed to rejection.
    • Be authentic and share opinions to find true connections.


  • Description: Setting unachievable high standards leading to inaction.
  • Solution: Accept mistakes as learning tools to achieve closer to perfection.

Writer's Block

  • Definition: Creative slowdown preventing writing.
  • Solution:
    • Take breaks or change environment.
    • Seek ideas from others.

Being Overwhelmed

  • Description: Feeling unable to manage a large workload.
  • Solution:
    • Create a clear schedule.
    • Focus on tasks one at a time.

Fear of Change

  • Description: Anxiety about changing the comfortable status quo.
  • Solution: Acknowledge and challenge unfounded fears.

Mental Fatigue

  • Definition: Exhaustion leading to reduced performance.
  • Solution:
    • Ensure adequate sleep and regular breaks.
    • Engage in physical exercise and healthy eating.


  • Description: Dwelling on thoughts and scenarios excessively.
  • Solution: Recognize and dismiss negative noise to live in the present.

Impostor Syndrome

  • Definition: Doubting achievements and fearing exposure as a fraud.
  • Solution:
    • Challenge thoughts and validate own accomplishments.
    • Avoid comparisons with others.

Emotional Baggage

  • Definition: Past traumas affecting current behavior.
  • Solution:
    • Acknowledge baggage and seek counseling.
    • Build a supportive network to focus on the present.