have you ever wondered why people love solo leveling so much it's that Grind from seeing s go from the weakest to the strongest they seen him grit his teeth really go through hardship in order to become the man that he wants to be that guy that we always wanted to be you see it mirrors our own lives and ambition of striving to become the best but the thing is people always focus on the result not the process how did he get there the system without the system there would be no song and there would be no progress and and it goes the same for real life all and I mean all of the successful people in the world have a system have a routine they have something and while I was watching solar leveling I realized s system is near foolproof it literally sets him up so that he can't fail with a few tweaks I realize it can set you up so that you can't fail so I made my own tweaks and I'm not going to lie to you for this whole month I've been the most consistent I've ever been since I started self-improvement and I'm going to show you how you can also use a system for success and consistency for the long term but did you hear what I said for the long term I need you to realize that this is going to be a long-term commitment and a long-term system but you're not going to level up nearly as fast as s does because this is real life and that price tag for the guy that you want to be that full potential version of you is time and consistency however with this system I promise you you will get there so if you're still here if you're still listening to my words then I'm assuming you want to continue so do you accept no matter where you are in self-improvement we're going to be starting from level one it makes complete sense to start here as you still aren't the guy you want to be yet right you're watching this video to be that guy so you haven't reach there yet so we're not going to try and gauge where we are on like the level system and how close we are to becoming the person that we want to be we're not going to do none of that to satisfy our egos we are just going to start from level one so firstly get your phone out and go on your notes app this is going to be like where we store the system right so the title of the first note just the title can be whatever you want but just put it as solar leveling for convenience that you know what it is so this is how the layout should look like basically what you want is these tables and then you want your stats under them and you can have a little picture there as a reference point for where you're at the level of course goes at the top and the title goes at the top as well and a maximum of Six Tables only you'll see in a second why we're going to be doing that cool so we're going to have six stats now these stats aren't going to be exactly the same as how it is in the show because I really don't know how we would do stuff like sense like like what does that stat even stats we're going to have are strength intelligence agility stamina are going to stay the same however to replace vitality and sense we're going to have our two own stats that going to have their own mechanics and these are willpower and discipline but explain explain those in a second first how do we level up these stats well s has his daily quests and when he completes them he gains a plus one in all of his stats now for us we're going to have to pick six daily quests that relate to these stats for strength this can be the gym or strike training so this could be intense Shadow Boxing or heavy bag work it could be me going to the gym and on my rest days I just do my strike training I just do my heavy bag work whatever I need to do the main thing is if you're doing strike training you want to be practicing punches and kicks we're not going to separate the two we're not going to only boxing we're going to practice for MMA make sure if you want to do this that you're practicing them with perfect form and with maximum power this is so that it relates to the stat of strength because you're training for strike power striking power now you want to make sure you're actually maintaining perfect form when you're punching and kicking and doing whatever this is so that you build good habits when fighting that will translate to high stress scenarios now for intelligence now this might be self-explanatory for some because most people are still in school so it would just be studying a certain amount a day now I'm going to briefly go over studying the best way to study but don't take no trash notes that you're not going to even look back on when was the last time you looked back on your notes be honest and even if you did doing past paper questions doing exam questions is 100% more effective because one they're going to appear in a real test and two they're going to help you to understand you already know the vibe you already know what we on look I'm playing look yeah let me continue on with the video and even if you do go back on your notes always remember I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand by doing test questions from the actual exam paper I promise you this is my promise you will understand 100% more people don't want to do it because it's hard but the fact that it is hard shows that that's what you need to do now tips when you're actually doing your exam paper when you don't know the question don't immediately go to the mark scheme there are many YouTubers there are many videos watch a YouTube video and really try to understand the video Once you think you understand then you can go and attempt that question again if you still don't understand it after watching at least two videos then you can go to the mark scheme and see if you can pick apart the mark scheme and how they actually did it but again always remember to understand not to memorize that's the key thing in becoming successful in your all all your grades and your exams with key Concepts that you're trying to remember understand them fully and it'll be easier to remember them now for most people if you're addicted to social media and scrolling apps then your brain is f so what we're going to do is we're going to start with 30 minutes a day I don't care if you've done an hour in the past it was most likely an hour which isn't deep work we're going to do 30 minutes of deep work in that 30 minutes of intense revision I promise you you're going to get way more done than doing an hour of just F flims your vision you're checking your phone you're doing this you have other tabs open which are for other stuff just trust me 30 minutes of uncut deep revision intense now we're not going to start a timer it's not going to be a countdown it's going to be a stopwatch now if you have some sort of kitchen timer or anything like that that's not your phone I would really recommend this every time you feel like you're not concentrating or you look away from your screen or your paper I want you to pause that timer until you can gain full concentration again we're measuring our actual deep work our intensity and you want to do this until you hit 30 minutes now I need to talk to you about this but the 30 minutes it's not that hard right but what's hard is coming back again and doing the next subject about getting distracted and going on your phone during that break period that break period should be no more than 10 minutes and in that 10 minutes you're not going to be scrolling on your phone you're not going to be checking your messages you are literally just going to be sitting in your room going to be reading a book you're going to be walking around getting something to eat it can't involve your phone or any scrolling apps cuz that's how you get sucked in and that's how you lose all your time and your brain gets firing anyways if you have a decent amount of willpower built up so if you go to the gym consistently if you've done stuff that is hard but you know will get you the results in the end this shouldn't be that hard you should be good now studying your craft or side hustle can also be a quest that can go to your intelligence stat as you are literally gaining knowledge this can be watching videos on the topic for a certain amount of time and again deep work intensely and actually understanding them again not taking some poo poo ass notes that you know you're not going to look back on again another thing that can go towards this is reading a self-improvement book it can be on your side hustle or just self-improvement in general I actually have a great reading list so I'll link that in the description below for you if you're interested now of course in doing this we're going to be gaining knowledge but to actually apply what you learn you're going to need a cohabit so this could be another quest which could literally be applying what I learned and this is so that you're making progress every single day towards your side hustle all right the next stat agility this might be tricky for some but I still included the stats I think it's important in everything from fighting to highrisk scenarios from movement to everyday in life like just literally everything agility is needed no one wants to be be the guy who isn't athletic no one wants to be that sort of like bro who doesn't want to be athletic who doesn't want to be agile who doesn't want to be fast when we were kids that's literally what we held high in status like the guy who got the most game the most play from all the girls in elementary school and all that stuff was the fastest that was me so to go towards my agility I do a very specific stretch routine so I gain the most mobility and power for my legs and I'll also link a video to that routine in the description below now some of you might be thinking stretches well well the direct definition of agility is to be able to move quickly and easily now moving easily translate to these stretches as it helps you to literally loosen the muscles and become more flexible and more springy there's a reason why Olympic athletes combat sport athletes football athletes they're all extremely flexible they have great range of motion they're always doing stretching exercises and this is because the more range of motion you can get the more explosive of an output you can generate of course you can do actual agility exercises like agility drills and sprinting all of that stuff now this is a big one stamina one of the most important things when it comes to health fighting especially and being just an overall Beast athlete in general right now I want you to stand up and just we're just doing like a little stamina test if you don't stand up that's fine but I just wanted to get you to see something now keep throwing your hardest punches your hardest combinations everything will speed as fast as you can you might have run out of gas quite quickly right now that's just standing there and throwing them so imagine throwing punches like those dodging punches like those slipping dodging countering working on your footwork so you can do that properly like all of that looking at their body moood like doing all of that that mental effort that strain everything is going to take a huge toll on your stamina and most people they can throw punches for about a minute straight 2 minutes no a minute 45 at most if they have adrenaline going right but after the adrenaline goes that's when the the fatigue sets in and that's when now we're really fighting with your current gas tank you would last about a minute or two stamina is the most important part of a fight and we want to increase this gas tank as much as possible to 5 minutes 10 minutes even more so you need to start training that stamina Shadow Boxing intensely for rounds is a great way to do this and this is even how most MMA and UFC athletes the top top Champions train focus on technique and actually fight like there's an opponent in front of you and it's a real fight do do the baky Shadow Boxing actually shadow box like they do in baky that's that's all I need to say real ones know exactly what that is another classic thing you can do work in the heavy bag another classic thing you can do going out on runs automatically when I said that some people had a reaction runs like in their head they thought I'm not doing all that I'm not going out runs I'm just going to be doing Shadow Boxing that's cool but runs are very important and one mile 2 miles it's not actually as far as you think if you're on your laptop or your PC or even your phone you can go on Google Maps and you can literally just set a waypoint and see how far one mile is and 2 miles is and and kilometers whatever you use right and you'll realize damn it's actually not that far I could I could run there I could do that best way to do this is to just click on the landmark on your PC so that like you know the red like location symbol appears and then after that if you're on Google Maps you can just drag it to see like the distance like a mile or whatever trust me it's not that far I've ran it before myself I thought it was quite far but it's not you can literally just run a mile there run one mile back and that's 2 miles done done and dusted discipline and willpower now these are the final two that work differently so pay attention you can only gain a discipline stat if you've done all of your tasks however your willpower stat fluctuates so every time you realize you aren't meant to be doing something say you're scrolling you're Doom scrolling and you realize damn I should be doing my work right now I should be doing this I shouldn't be Doom scolling I said I wouldn't be Doom scolling whatever it is say you keep doing it you will lose a willpower stat point and if you do it again you lose two stat points and if you do it again you lose three stat points and this doesn't go down for any habit it will never reset and it keeps going until 7 so if you keep going and eventually gets to S it will stay at s forever for that specific bad habit and yes your willpower can get into the negatives but how do you gain willpower points so firstly every time you do a daily Quest you get a will power point and every time you realize you aren't meant to be doing something and you stop doing it you get a real Power Point same thing when you stop a bad habit so say you know you're going to go to shops you're going to get a bunch of sweets so you're not going to stick to your diet you're not going to be healthy but in doing that you're about to do you're about to go grab it and you stop yourself you gain a whe Power Point cool so now you're around five habits six habits to pick that goes into each one of your stats cuz the main thing is we are aiming for consistency we're not aiming for that one week of motivation and intensity after watching this video that is what most people in self-improvement do and you don't want to be like most people on self-improvement you want to be the 1% of the 1% but that's a video for another day right aiming for consistency so only stick to six maximum you're still a bit stubborn and you have more than six trust me you're buying off more than you can chew and this won't work for the next section don't let your ego get in the way of your self-development trust me don't make this mistake be better but wait how do you actually level up what's the point of all of this how do you level up that's the point right so to actually level up you need all of your stat points to get to 10 all of them so that's willpower discipline agility stamina strength intelligence every single one of them need to get to 10 to gain one level and bear in mind you can only get one plus to your stat points every day so I think you understand what I meant when I was talking about this is a long-term system because if you calculate it to get to level 100 it would take about 3 years of consistent work 3 years of you doing everything every single day now if you're getting discouraged that's fine but trust me this is real life this is what the grind is they try to romanticize they try and give it to you in short form oh yeah the grind you're going to get the money quickly this to get to level 100 to get to that person that you want to be is going to be a grind now I'm not saying that grind will be boring all the way through it's just going to suck everything's going to suck no I'm not saying that at all it's going to be quite the opposite but that's only if you can get past the boring points the points where you don't have all that motivation and that dopamine the point where most people quit because that is when most people quit but don't worry it's actually not going to be that hard to be consistent at all in fact this next implementation into the system it's going to be extremely easy cuz this plays into the next reason on why this whole system is foolproof the penalty system when song doesn't complete all of his daily quests all of his daily goals he gains a penalty and now if you watch the show I'm sure you seeing like where I'm going with this what sort of penalties is going to be now this isn't going to be even similar to the show it's going to be worse now you will receive a penalty when you don't do at least five out of the six habits so if you go under five habits done if you go if you do four habits you failed and you get the penalty the next day or as soon as you can do it now if I were you on self-improvement I would extend this penalty to if you fap as well and for some people in my community this has been working amazingly and so far even for me it's been a breeze I'm not going to lie to you but that's only because of how bad the penalty Quest is and that's only because I actually went through with it I wasn't a I didn't out I didn't do any of that I did my quest I did my penalty Quest now I'm saying this right now it has to be something that hurts it's not going to be lethal it's not like chopping your Tesco off or something like that not nothing crazy like that but again I'm saying this right now it has to be something that hurts not something that feels a bit uncomfortable something that hurts physical pain non-lethal but physical pain now the punishment that I do and you can copy this if you don't have a punishment for yourself as of now but it's getting liver punched and if you haven't experienced a liver punch in fact don't even read on it just do just do it right but it's getting liver punch by one of my strongest friends friends right now if your punishment isn't physical damage most likely it's not going to get you consistent it's not going to work for you now you can extend this penalty to other things as when I progressed that's what I started doing so first it was doing less than five quests then it was of course fapping if I faap then I got the penalty and now for me it's been social media if I scroll on social media and I realize I'm scrolling on social media and I keep scrolling on social media then I get the penalty Quest and this is just due to how effective it's been for me but I will say this again this is one of the most important parts of this entire system having not only that motivation in front of you that carrot dangling in front of you but also that fear behind you the fear of if I don't do this I have to get this done and if I don't do it then X is going to happen and I don't like X in fact to prove this let me talk to you about an experiment that was done on rats in fact let's not let me talk about it if you don't believe me if you don't trust this whole penalty system let's let someone of an even higher standard than me talk about it um Jordan Peterson talks about the study where they starve a rat and they put it into a tube they wff the smell of cheese in from the front and there's a spring attached to the rat's tail so they can work out how hard it's pulling how hard it's pulling is a proxy for desire for how much it wants it you'd think this rat is starving it's going to pull as hard as it can so it wff the smell of cheese in and it runs towards it and whatever they do another iteration of the study this time they wff the smell of cheese in from the front and the smell of a cat in from behind yeah it pulls harder yeah why because not only in life do you want to run towards something want but you want to run away from something that you fear and this ties into your the three most common traits of very successful people superiority complex uh massive crippling insufficiency and impulse control so superiority complex I can achieve this thing that's the cheese um crippling sense of insufficiency I fear the cat impulse control I'm in a tube there's only one direction I can go I don't need to make a choice yep so yeah if your punishment is lackluster then there's no point for everyone starting I would recommend the liver punch that that's the only thing I can recommend the only other thing I could recommend or think of that someone else my community is doing is the ghost pepper or doing a very hot pepper I looked it up the ghost pepper you can get on Amazon for like five bucks and it's like a whole pack of them the ghost chili pepper this is one of the highest scval ratings hot peppers anything that like hurts like proper the really hot peppers do them one chip challenge anything like that another thing I can think of is like a solar plexus punch gting completely winded now most of you I can tell are hesitant towards this as you've probably never been punched cleanly before and especially bare knuckle taking a bare knuckle anything punch anything like that it seems suicidal to you but it's really not I'm telling you it's still excruciatingly painful don't get me wrong but you're not going to die and even if it was really that bad you know the way to not get that penalty to not get that punishment exactly to do your quest to do what you need to do I'm even giving you leeway here I'm not even cuz in the anime if he doesn't do do all of his quests then it's over for him he gets the penalty the system is literally for you it's built for you to get better it's built for you so you can get to get so you can get to that full potential version of you you don't get teleported like in the show it has to be of your own violation has to be violation yeah has to be of your own will by the way ask them to do a full power don't be a now we can move on to the last stage which is the minimum requirements to finally solidify the system there needs to be a minimum amount in in order for the quest to be completed for S he has to do a specific number of push-ups before his quest is completed and this needs to be the same for you and for all of your quests remember you have to do this every single day so don't go overboard with the minimum requirements wanting to overtake everyone and be the best again that's ego getting in the way of your self-improvement and your self-development for your strength stat this will just be going to the gym and doing the full workout as the minimum on your rest days the minimum would be practicing Your Hooks and your punches for a certain amount the main thing of this is to just try your hardest not to develop bad habits now you can go the extra mile if you want but this is what I do I practice it in each stance so I'll do an orthodox stance then I'll do in Southpaw stance for intelligence I already set a minimum 30 minutes per subject or however many you feel like you can handle and be honest with yourself this has to be deep work if you know you can't do deep work for an hour around like the 40 minute Mark is when you start to lose concentration you start doing rubbish trust me set it to 4 minutes deep work is much better than you doing some flimsy work just trust me and for the side hustle stuff a minimum of 1 hour's worth of videos watched for agility is is just doing a full stretch or the full drill for stamina this would be Shadow Boxing and running I already talked about Shadow Boxing so running would literally just be running a mile or the minimum amount for you to start now don't worry we are going to progress all of these we're going to eventually get better and when we do we want to progress it starting today we're going to do all these Quests for 20 21 days now if you watch my consistency video you know where I'm going with this and after the 21 days we test to see how easy it is to do these quests we do this by waiting a whole week so a whole week we're just observing ourselves observing how hard it is to do these quests and if they're starting to become relatively easy and they're embedded into your routine then that's when we can progress and add a little bit more and only slightly and for some you won't even need to the only quests I would say to progress are so for agility this is just doing deeper stretches and if you're doing actual sprinting and running drills this is just up in the anti either upping the time or upping the intensity of those drills now for intelligence this is increasing our deep work and now you might actually feel that within those 21 days you can do more than 30 minutes and you'll feel this when after you've done the 30 minutes you literally like damn I could do more I can get way more done and if you feel like that go ahead but I'd say only increase it by 10 minutes don't do n crazy don't go Leaps and Bounds again we want to not buy off more than we can chew and for intelligence again we can be increasing the amount of time and deep work that we're spending watching the side hustle videos and applying it and when I say side Hustle by the way I'm sorry I didn't clarify this but it just basically means an income flow or stream of money anything like that working on something a skill a business where anything that will make you money and this isn't because we're money hungry or anything like that this is so that we can live comfortably so that we can be financially free as for most people that's all they really want to be free however if after the 21 days you still find that you're finding it extremely hard or on a harder side to do these quests we just set that clock that internal timer again for another 21 days and then weest again now if you implement these steps fully and you follow this system I promise you I promise you you will be the guy that you always wanted to be you will be able to recreate yourself fully covers physical health you're going to be an overall athlete be working on your business your side hustle and eventually making money if you're actually applying what you learned in those deep work sessions you're going to be surpassing everyone be getting better grades in school be increasing your willpower your discipline and stopping the bad habits going to be able to fight and defend yourself like bro bro if you do this fully I promise you you'll get to level 100 and you'll be that guy this is a final secret important step but I really really emphasize this getting your friends on this system too is going to be amazing the competition the friendly competition between you two is going to be really good I would really recommend it as for me that's what I'm doing right now and it's working amazingly I'm currently crushing him now most people don't even actually have friends on self-improvement this journey for most people is a lonely one cuz you are literally doing habits and doing things that separate you from the average because you don't want to be average and I'm not saying this in an egotistical way like you're better than them or you're better than anybody but that is literally just logic if you're not doing what the average person is doing you're not going to be able to relate to the average person and when you're on this self-improvement journey you're going to hear a lot of stuff from your old friends they're going to stay stuff they're going to try and persuade you to do the bad habits that you were doing before to watch random stupid shows to play games all day to not get work done why you working so hard come come hop on a game come do this of us this is another hard part that people don't want to do and eventually so that you don't fall back into bad habits you're going to slightly distance yourself from them I'm not saying don't stay friends with them but there's nothing wrong with saying hey I'm going to take a step back for a bit I need work on myself I need to improve and if they don't like that then them who gives a because they weren't real friends anyways a criteria for what a real friend is someone who actually wants to see you succeed and even more than you do and who actually helps you and improves you to try and get there those are the two criteria you need to determine a real friend most people they do not have friends on self-improvement they don't have people on self-improvement or if they are it's lackluster and they have to be the ones to try and get them on self-improvement if you're struggling to find people in self-improvement I have a private community that offers just that £10 a month it's like a big GC of people on self-improvement and we have our own actual consistency system that will force you to be consist consistent it literally forces you a whole lot of other value in it but if you want to check that out for yourself if you seem a little bit interested then just check in the description below of course you don't need this community at all it's not a need so if you feel like you can find Value in my community then join just wanted to say one last thing and this is like a secret end to the part of the video cuz most people have already clicked off by now but eventually when you do get there when you do become consistent it's going to be slightly boring you're going to get a huge urge a huge urge to go back on the habits to do what you were doing before that's where most people quit if you push past that you are going to be the 1% of the 1% that's where you're aiming to be when you start to push past that part that's when your brain is actually remodeling itself it's connecting the neurons is neuroplasticity is occurring and what's going to happen is you're going to actually enjoy the hard habits you're not going to enjoy scolling doing all that high dopamine stuff you're going to enjoy doing hard things and you're going to enjoy improving I'm not saying it's going to be easily suddenly but that's when it's going to start to get more fun going to enjoy the challenge slightly more and that's when when you start to build even more momentum and more momentum until you know you reach your goal if you found that this video actually gave you value then consider subscribing I don't want to be that smash the like button guy but it just helps the algorithm and helps more people see the video so think of that as like your payment to me yeah then again you don't have to you even watching this far helps me so I appreciate it but yeah that's the end of the video and yeah I'll be signing off that's me off wherever end the video man I love your beans [Music] a