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How is the theme of 'death and resurrection' connected to Ephraim in the context of the Prodigal Son?
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It represents destruction and restoration as described in Hosea 11:1-7.
How does the Prodigal Son parable play into the prophetic idea of restoration?
It illustrates the prophetic restoration of the two houses of Israel, Ephraim and Judah, being united.
How is spiritual awakening tied to the narrative of the Prodigal Son?
Through the renewed emphasis on Hebrew roots and recognizing one's part in the spiritual heritage.
What modern phenomenon can be seen as aligning with the Prodigal Son's return?
The modern-day return of the lost tribes of Israel and a renewed global interest in Hebrew roots.
What specific prophetic scriptures are integral to understanding the Prodigal Son through a Hebrew lens?
Hosea 11:1-7 and Deuteronomy 28:63-67.
According to Hosea 6:1-3, what does the 'third day' symbolize in terms of spiritual events?
The millennium reign and restoration of Ephraim.
What is the traditional church interpretation of the Prodigal Son parable?
It is seen as a representation of a believer backsliding and then returning to salvation.
What is the end goal of the restoration theme underlying the Prodigal Son story?
The unification of Ephraim (ten tribes) and Judah (two tribes) under the Messiah.
What does Deuteronomy 28:63-67 parallel in the Prodigal Son's journey?
The Prodigal Son's suffering and eventual restoration.
In a Hebrew perspective, who are the two sons in the Prodigal Son parable intended to represent?
The two houses of Israel: Ephraim (younger son) and Judah (older son).
What significant Old Testament event does the Prodigal Son parable symbolically relate to?
The split of Israel into two kingdoms, as noted in 1 Kings 11:1-13.
Why is the Hebrew understanding of the Old Testament crucial for interpreting New Testament parables like the Prodigal Son?
It helps reveal the cultural and prophetic underpinnings that are not apparent from a purely Western perspective.
What is the significance of recognizing Scripture from its Hebrew roots in the context of this lecture?
It provides deeper insights into its theological significance and current applications.
How does Hosea 6 relate to the symbolic interpretation of time in the Hebrew perspective of the parable?
The 'two days' pertain to scattering and suffering, whereas the 'third day' signifies restoration.
In what way are believers part of the narrative suggested by the Prodigal Son parable?
They are part of the restoration process, spiritually led by the Messiah, fulfilling the prophetic return.