all right everyone all right the tropical Sun from a Hebrew perspective I mentioned this couple weeks ago first my mom was sick oh man she's like who do you think the prodigal son did I said well that looks like a dude kind of street but you kind of got me thinking his stuff you know by the churches are doing there's been a teaching of accomplice sons being a representation of someone who was saved fell away or back slid and then returned back me up the father and the two sons and so for the most part what one of the things I want to give an understanding on about the prodigal son is something that I very rarely maybe once or twice for anybody to talk about yeah what the brick house job or for those who don't know the New Testament is time is that it's taught with no connection to the Tanakh the Old Testament all right unfortunately more often than not the Brit hadashah is taught from acept separately from the from the Tanakh unless it has to do with in in big prophecy that's the only time to see the connection of the Old Testament brought in but the new and most churches okay why because the Old Testament has been taught to be something that is no longer necessary or that except for like I said that time constant so again when the New Testaments table is not taught with the understanding that it has any prior connection to the tanaka-san make sense all right so case in point the prodigal son so let's read about the proper son Luke 15:11 332 I am somebody come dump some water in my head huh that issue is said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father give me the portion of goods that falls to me so he divided to them his livelihood and now many days after the younger son gap I'm sorry and now many days after the younger son gathered all together journey to a far country and there wasted his possessions with product and living but when he had spent all that there arose a severe famine in that land and he began to be in want then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into fields to feed swine and he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pus that the swine ate and no one gave him anything but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have bread eat bread enough and to spare and I perish the country I will rise to go to my father and will say to him father I have sinned against heaven and deported and I have no longer worthy to be called your son make me like one of your hired servants and he arose and came to his father but when he was still a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him and the son said to him father I have sinned against heaven it in your sight and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son but the father said to his servants bring out the best robe and put it on him and put a putting ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and bring the fatted calf here and kill it and let and America for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to be married now his older son was in the field and as he came in through the air to the house he heard music and dancing so he called one of the servants and asked what what these things meant and he said to him your brother has come and because he has received him safe and sound your father has killed a fat calf but he was angry and would not go in therefore his father came out and pleaded with him so he answered and said to his father lo these many years those who don't know what low is low in Hebrew means no many years I've been serving you I've never transgressed your commandment at any time and yet you never gave me a young goat that I might make married with my friends but as soon as the son of yours came who has devoured your livelihood with harlots you killed the fatted calf for him and he's sitting him son you are always with me and all that I have is yours it was right that we should make merry and be glad for your brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found all right so first of all what is the product of meal vegetable that's the Greek definition for particles the Greek word acceptance it means wasteful or wastefully when it says that he went and did prodigal living he was living wasteful he went and did what no how many people who win the lottery man there for within a couple years or whatever it is that went and product Li specular money alright so now now in the church it is taught that the parable of the prodigal son is in reference to a believer backsliding and then coming back but here's the problem first when reading scriptures do not - I'm not saying that that's not correct and I'll get to that towards in the message first when we when reading scripture we need to understand it from a Hebrew mindset not in church mindset who wrote the Bible Hebrews that's right their mindset is completely different from a Western mindset they are not even connected in any way shape or form even their sin is completely different in mindset anyways but uh so so who was she she was speaking to first let's go back to the beginning of chapter 15 then all the tax collectors the sinners drew near to him to hear him and the Pharisees and scribes complained saying this man receives sinners and each of them so the Pharisees and the scribes for there - now the Pharisees and the scribes they believe that they they follow God and all that they did but everything that they did had nothing to do with following yeah I mean everything that's how food to miss now for those who don't know it's a it's an outside source it's same thing as what a lot of religions do they have their own stuff to it declared to be from the out okay in the nutshell that's what the town movement is so but first we've got here tax collectors and system and sinners so right here we have on standing that these are not people that have no salvation so they cannot understand having then walking away from it only to return possession box of your pen and have it back again so we need to understand what who you she was talking about so next question all right as I said that so how would they know about turning returning in repentance they would so let's break the parable down first the specifics are about two brothers all right here's the picture the father two brothers second the younger brother who was his inheritance now now he grew culture now for us in our Western culture and many cultures when our parents died we received inheritance okay because now some things are different but for the most part a husband and wife if I just pass away everything I have goes to my wife and then she passes away it gets to get their passing on their children okay in the Hebrew culture when the father passes away then the children see their characters all right and so in this so here the younger goes to death and pretty much tells them I'm not welcome waiting free crook I'm a mommy now innocence that's what he's sick I walk by now and you did dog in every diet kind of thing this was extremely rude what he did to present to his father he was telling us that I don't care if you down there or whatever what I want I want what it's promised to me to my inheritance okay so keep that in mind because I'm going to show you what the picture is this and so he says I want my goods now thank you very much so he gets his stuff and took off living in sin so now who are these two sons anybody got an idea huh that's a good guess no but that's really let's get get snow yes the two house a bedroom so how can we how can we scripture passage there's a writer at a little bit misses two or more the Oscar all these witnesses to himself description witnesses to its own skirt alright so let's look at what his first verse connects the two houses of Israel first Kings chapter 11 verses 1 through 13 but King Solomon loved many foreign women as well as the daughter of pharaoh women is the boat by 10 tonight said much civilians and hid types from the nations of whom Yahweh had said to the children of Israel you shall not intermarry with them nor were they you surely it will turn away their hearts after their gods Solomon clung to these in love and he had 700 wives princesses and 300 concubines and his wives turned away his heart for it was so insulting he was old and his wife stirred his heart after other gods his heart was not loyal to Yahweh Elohim as was the heart of his father David for Solomon went after after it the goddess of the sidonians and after Malcolm the abomination of the ammonites someone did evil in the sight of Gabi it did not fully follow the of a task that his father David and Solomon built a hot place for the mus the abomination of Moab on the hill that is ISA we were flying and forma left the abomination of the people of a model and he did likewise for all his four wives who burnt incense and sacrifice to their gods this is what brought all of this about so yah we became angry or sullen because it's hard to turn from the I'll be the alligator out who had a beard even twice and commanded him concerning this then concerning this thing he should not go after other gods but he did not keep what now in command therefore the obvious little Solomon because you have done this and have not kept my cup company in my statutes we got have commanded surely there's a team in the way for you and give it to your servant nevertheless I will not do it in your days for the sake of your father David I will tear it out of the hand of your son however I'm not terribly the whole kingdom I will give one tribe to your son for the sake of my servant David the City of Jerusalem which that which I have shown here Yahweh shows the reference of the split of it from the two houses Benjamin and Judah with southern kingdom and even though they are references ones being Jews they are two drives and in the northern ten kingdoms are frying so frying and dick are Joseph Frank Luntz or Israel and Judah okay so these are what became two sons down the road all right so so when where does y'all call Israel his son so let's go to Hosea this this teaching is to teach if we could go into for 3-4 hours I mean brilliant depth to get the big gigantic picture what I'm going to share with you is just an understanding of what the prodigal son was really about so Hosea 11 verses 1 through 7 when Israel was a child I loved him and out of Egypt I called my son as they call them so they went from there they sacrificed to the bail that the bills and burn incense there carved images I taught a friend to walk talking about taking them by their arms but they did not know that kill them I drew them with gel cores with bands of love and I was to them as though as those who take the yoke from their neck i stooped and fed them he shall not return to the line of Egypt but the Assyrians shall beat this game because they refused to repent of the sword with slashing the cities devour his districts and consume them because of their own counsels my people are bent on backsliding from me though they call to the Most High not at all exult here so how does this governor Brothers experience relates to the house of a friend let's go to Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy 28 63 through 67 and it shall be that justice shall be rejoiced over you to do you good and multiply you so young people rejoice over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing and you shall be plucked from up the land which you go to possess then Gabby will scatter you among all the peoples from one end of the earth to the other and there you shall serve other gods which neither you nor your father's have known would it stone and among those nations you shall find no rest nor does how the sole of your feet and half resting place but there yah he will give you the eternal in hearts failing eyes and anguish of soul your lifestyle hanging down before you you shall fear day and night and have no assurance of life in the morning you shall say ho that every evening and then evening you shall say oh that every morning because of the fear is terrified your heart and because of the sight with your eyes see this very thing a description of what we see in the proper assignment they never brother he took off with his inheritance and as he ran out of everything and and nothing would go right from him and he even to the point he can understand this this is a this is a Jew do don't touch swine Hebrew people do not touch pork especially and yet he was so far deepen and sorrow and everything he was willing to eat the pots that were being fed to the swine he was that desperate very same description of what we have here that that it will be so bad that when they don't wake if you say oh that it was evening and when it was evening they would say oh that it was morning they just wanted the days to go by until death it wanted it just to go away and hear that in the Sun we see the exact same thing he took what he received the inheritance of his was was the land the 12 tribes of Israel inherited this land that God promised them engaged to them that runneth over with a milk and honey and they were given this mighty mighty blessing but he warned them and all throughout the Torah the five books of Moses you see yah be warned Israel again and again and all throughout the democracy be obedient to my Commandments and stay away from the false gods do not partake in anything that they do not listen the ten northern tribes and also the southern tribe the other brother was also dissipated for her sins were not her it's it were not as great as that as the younger brother sins and so y'all had enough and he he rooted a fried out of the land removed him from it because he would not obey he would not listen he would not stop committing spiritual adultery and idolatry and so this is the picture this is the reference of having that inheritance and he wasted it away it was all gone somewhere and so in y'all's judgment against a friar is that he would scatter that to the earth and nothing would go to them and as it says here their heart would be happy and everything else we are part of the remnants of a friend we are a part of that we are part of that restoration does that make sense that's a whole all right so let's look at the next verses in Luke 15 this let's look at verses 14 through 19 though but it's been all there arose severe famine in that land he began his being one and he went and joined themselves a citizen of that country who sent him into the fields to feed swine he was lightly it filled his stomach but the posit the swine pate and no one gave him anything what is the persecution that we have seen against all the Jews grounders are all of the Hebrew people what is the one persecution that we have seen through century after century after century against young people this is a secret keeper people persecution taken away from that trying to destroy them everything killing them everything and like it says here nobody would even give anything even the very thing that is vile to us what scripture says he also says wine is not food no not to be consumed he never he did not come to stock the crops we dedicate but when he came to himself he said how many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my father and say to him father I have sinned against heaven before you I am no longer brother he called his son make me like one of your hired servants so here is where we are going to get an understanding - on this let's go to homes that back them up there Jose is really good to understand not only the judgment juda but also the restoration of what y'all hadn't intended through this situation Hosea 603 come and let us return to you baby for he has torn but she will kill us he has stricken but he will bind us up after two days he will revive us on the third day he will raise us up that we may live in his sight let us know let us pursue the knowledge of Yahweh his going forth is established as the morning he will come to us like rain like a letter and former rain to the earth now hang on to that pay attention to those two days and that third day because it's all relates to what a fragment is the younger brother the prodigal son and what happens and what God intended in this whole situation at the beginning of what was to be the restoration of the northern tribes was his she was death and resurrection anybody here not about that we like what you have said I came for Israel case with Jude first because Judah was still in the land Jude has always been in the land yeah I promise the remnant of Judah to always remain ok but he came because of multiple reasons one of the meatball being taught is to be safe from ourselves how they are now but there's multiple reasons y'all kick the frying amount because in the sort of the beginning of the word he said she said no longer coming they all which is to save my lord he said he will call me ec which means my husband yollop became the gray his chosen people but heat the divorced part of Israel because of her spiritual adultery and intelligent disobedience and everything else and cast her out now according to Torah when a wife is unfaithful for her to be restored under her husband the punishment is death she should be taking out a stone today so y'all can not take it right back and we circle back unto himself nonetheless the punishment is paper and that is what if she would did issue a cane and paid that punishment to bring the bride that comes to the Father and this is why we are now called a little bit the bride of Messiah and so he came this was the beginning of those first two minutes now in this situation from the Hebrew feast intend in Hosea 6 verses 1 through 3 and and I was to any teacher scholar rabbi Ebru does matter gather all agree on the same thing that this retention on this is that it is referring to two pages one day as a thousand years okay and I'm explaining why that is in a minute so now in these last days we have heard and seen that housewife Ryan coming home which will not be completed to the second coming inside but what of the older brother so let's look at the older brother mark 15 25 through 30 - you know the brother comes in from the field he's been working in the field working the land who is constantly been in the lam okay so he comes in from the field and here's a party going on he's like what's up in certain time - says your brother came home and the father and has prepared a fatted calf for here and he's like forget that what's up with that 80 you know in our Western oh he said that's what we'd be saying that's not right that's not nice and the father company says I'm mark and I'm not being a part of this holding a grudge against his younger brother father comes out to plead to them he says but I've been always doing the commandments Judith as always been to me on stream and there are errors and sins that Judah has done but Judah in the land has always been trying to keep God's commandments average keeping the peace and all of these things Judah has done that he said father I've always done this why are you not letting me throw a party to my friends you think about that the father sent everything I forgot to means your it's ours for those who are working in the field and this is how we can pretend this is how the prodigal son contains pertains in the spiritual for us because we are in the field and we are doing this work and though we screw up we sin we make mistakes we mess up we keep trying we keep working hard and we keep moving forward and we look at the things that are going on a why of the wire this or that then worry about everything I've got it's all yours because of your faithfulness Judas faithfulness has already got the inheritance she his faithfulness meant the two that never had to leave the land you have got to stay the promise in that covenant always and then of course there Judith came our salvation so Judith got the greatest reward of all dude it got to be the one who entered in through marriage of the Messiah let me think about that deep you lead your for kids for America beyond the legs of this but us grown-ups reckon Sharon think of your son being the salvation of all the earth or your bloodline I can't even imagine it says it Mary she stored everything up in her heart she imagined that Gabriel that aids were coming at them your son is the salvation of Israel and of all creation he will die for their sins and he will be resurrected in defeat Satan okay so then here at the end the father said of a frying he was dead but his alive again lost but now found let's go back to Hosea six one three three comment let us return she got me for he has torn but he will heal us he has stricken but he will bind us up after two days he will revive us on the third day he will raise us up Yeshua was the beginning of those three days when he came was the beginning of the salvation to go out to the world to be taught so the house of a frien can be saved in two days y'all restored Israel back up to a nation may 14 1948 officially to the world anyways Israel was read burst as a nation unto this world in that third day that third day is millennial reign when they will be lifted back up and the two sticks of Israel the two houses of his room will become one house once again and will Roman reign under yeshua for a molecular this is that restoration this is that healing forever i am what's lost but it is now alive again and in these days we are seeing the hebrews all around the world the Ten Lost Tribes have been found all around the world they are hungry for the word of God I mean anybody else but I have seen so many videos where they are fighting people in the deepest jungles in the places of Asia and Africa and all over this earth and they are all crazy jaws name and blowing the shofar stand-in there like when did this start in the last hundred years it is that reviving it is that first verse come the letters weren't certain tes you Bob and he is returning and he is bringing back his covenant in his promise of his children in that third day when did she return to his second coming we all with her by blood or adopted end by the blood of the Lamb we will all be a part of the single house of Israel and the part of young eternity with him in the New Jerusalem where the 12 gates to enter in have all the twelve tribes visuals names honor it does not say a Catholic Protestant Baptist Methodist Lutheran none of those games exist if we ain't going into any of those and each foundation of the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem the new heaven has the names of the 12 disciples they got Paul on there but that is where we will enter in and that is where we will be and we must be called intro to be a part of that and by she was blood we are so in Scripture purged from the beginning first in the physical then in the spiritual Israel is the representation of the person the physical Yeshua is the representation of the spiritual when used Israel was created by the father is created for these types of people to show his mighty hand he brought account being a Babylonian man out of the deepest depths of paganism because all paganism goes back to Babylon he brought him out and he took the paper and said you are now offering you are the first Hebrew they were Hebrew Hebrew word Hebrew means to cross over and so we whether whether we're blood when we're in Israel or not is irrelevant because she was not involved so we threw the salvation of Yeshua through the blood shed on the cross for our sins cross over and we'd be tough to keeper by the blood of the Lamb so that when we enter in we will enter in as a part of Israel man so the conclusion of this once again Luke let's go to Luke 24 my sermons ladies they like almost our 50 minutes I feel like I'm like got another 40 minutes to go all right Luke 24 verses 44 through 49 then he says then as she was talking listen carefully these excuse me these are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Torah I'm okay that's what it says in the original text and the prophets and the Psalms concerning me knows all of it enough and he opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures many shua said to them thus it is written and thus it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day that third day here is that literal third day she was spent three days three nights' ability of the earth but he is showing us right here when we look at the deeper meaning and understanding is on that third day all must be fulfilled it on that third day that millennium day everything will be fulfilled he has risen and he is king he came as a lion he returns as king of kings amen and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name to all nations beginning at Jerusalem and you are witnesses of these things behold I said the promise of my father coming but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high so let's look back to this again y'all created Israel for the purpose that they were to be the pastor to the nations of the earth it says he will be increased to the nation's they were supposed to be the congregation that all the earth gathered to follow and learn to walk in the house ways but because they fail because of their disobedience they suffered loss the inheritance of the northern kingdom the younger son was taken away but in through this because because it was set before the foundations of the earth did you shoot with died for our sin he says I was crucified before the foundation of the earth it was already done and had to play out in the physical so to speak does that make sense so but that said when we look back at Hosea 6 133 everything points to what what the problem son is about it is the original covenant that got extended to us because Israel was the poor from young therefore a bale was covered over their hives so that they could not receive the truth until the time of the end but then you sua said o Jerusalem Jerusalem how I long to gather you up to myself like a hen gathers her chicks you have killed the prophets and everything but you will see me no more I tell you declare blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh and so now we are seeing the salvation pouring through the body of Israel so many in Israel are being saved every day are receiving issue of salvation I have seen it pouring out across the internet more than ever before just in the last few months it is it is spreading like a wildfire Jerusalem is believing in Messiah and that means we're going home soon no pressure though make that clear but we are going home soon everything that we are dealing with everything that is coming everything that is going on the prodigal son has come home and a father is restoring and we get to be a part that blessing amen and amen