The Shocking Cleanliness of Mobile Phones

Oct 7, 2024

Lecture Notes: How Manky is Your Mobile?


  • Discussion about mobile phones being dirtier than expected.
  • Comparison of a mobile phone's cleanliness to a toilet seat.

Experiment with Mobile Phones

  • Introduction to a group of young scientists ready to play "How Manky is Your Mobile?"
  • Mr. O'Callaghan demonstrates the cleanliness test using a special gadget.

ATP Measurement

  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) Test
    • All living things produce ATP.
    • The gadget measures ATP to determine the level of bacteria on phones.
    • Cleanliness Scale:
      • Below 100: Quite clean
      • Above 100: A bit manky
      • Above 200: Really gross

Discussion on Harmful Bugs

  • Not all bugs are harmful; presence doesn't necessarily mean danger.

Experiment Results

  • Participants test their phones.
  • Results categorized into:
    • Squeaky clean
    • Mildly manky
    • Gruesomely gross

Gross Off Challenge

  • A challenge between the presenter and Mr. O'Callaghan.
    • Presenter: ATP score of 2458
    • Mr. O'Callaghan: ATP score of 699
    • Both scores indicate gross phones.


  • Acknowledgment that all participants, including the presenter and Mr. O'Callaghan, have grubby phones.
  • Emphasis on cleaning phones to maintain hygiene.

Cleaning Tips

  • Visit BBC's Own It website for tips on keeping phones clean: