foreign and decides to ask blank for help he walks to his core size volkenhof people also call it back flaky or more flaky because the rows of windows looks like a harmonica and I also agree Planck comes out Greg tells it I have to tell you something let's go for a beer Greek tells pluck that is plank thought that Zander was dead Greg tells him he definitely saw him Planck asks him why can't he just let the past go Greg says the past won't let him go Planck warns grape to leave Xander alone Gods like that is always one step ahead Craig asks blank if he thinks that Xander could kill someone someone being Tom K asks him if he thinks so and what is his gut telling him Greg doesn't know their friendship was based on a lie and if you could trust his gut he would have known he was a fraud from the beginning Greg asks Planck thank you Ahmed Khan make my planner do you think I should continue with my plans to try and catch the bacon and Planck says it doesn't matter what I'm gonna tell you he will do it anyway even if I tell you that your plans will fail and he asks him do you think my plans will fail and Blanc says yes he's always honest at home Greg tries to study but he's very tired and he decides to drink a half an hour later and his head is clear and he can study again suddenly he gets a message on his phone and it says so Wednesday morning half past seven at the Ender King Center I'm in that street see you there he wonders if it is from Xander but he can't see the number it was sent from a free SMS service it will only find out if he goes and he's anxious to see Xander will he be hostile what police say suddenly he hears a woman so screaming to someone across the street she's having a conversation with someone someone inside the building it is a jail but then he realizes it is the holding cells at the magistrates office Contour at 729 Greek use a voice calling him and he realizes The Voice is coming from the holding cells and he wonders who in there knows him he asked the guy how he knows who he is and the guy says you are famous the baker speaks about you a lot the biker brought by funnier and then he also says Hall say Norm at your back eight keep his name out of your mouth meaning stop talking or asking or trying to find a baker the baker isn't your friend or someone you want to mess with your dad in Pretoria is not safe we have people everywhere okay guys I hope that this helped you click below here where I landed to check out the playlist goodbye