AI Chatbot MStack Course

Jul 15, 2024

MStack Course Lecture Notes


  • Instructor: Nickel
  • Purpose: Building an AI chatbot like ChatGPT using the MStack.
    • MStack: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js
    • Integrating OpenAI's capabilities
    • Production-ready, scalable, secure SaaS chatbot platform

Application Features

  • Responsive Web Page: Works on any screen size.
  • Authentication: Users can log in and register.
  • Chat Functionality: Users can communicate with the chatbot.
  • Database: Conversations stored in MongoDB.
  • Code Block Support: Chatbot can display code snippets.
  • Session Management: Sessions valid for 7 days with HTTP-only cookies.

Demo Sections

  • Home Screen: Users can log in/register and start conversations.
  • User Interface:
    • Display chatbot responses with code snippets.
    • Clear conversation functionality.
    • Responsive design.
  • Security:
    • Cookies are HTTP-only.
    • Token revalidation for security.

Tech Stack Details


  • Node.js & Express: For creating REST APIs.
  • MongoDB: For efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Auth & Security: Bcrypt for password encryption, JWT for tokens, HTTP-only cookies.


  • React & Material UI: For creating dynamic and responsive UIs.
  • State Management: Using Context API for global state.

Implementing the Backend

  1. Setup Express Application: Configure routes, middlewares.
  2. Database Connection: Connect to MongoDB Cloud.
  3. API Keys & Security:
    • OpenAI API integration.
    • Store API keys securely.
  4. Authentication System:
    • Sign up, login, and session management endpoints.
    • Middleware for data validation and token verification.
  5. Chat Functionality:
    • Integrate with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo.
    • Handle chat completions, store and retrieve chats.

Key Functions and Middleware


  • Data Validation: Using express-validator.
  • Token Verification: Middleware to check if a user token is valid.
  • Role Assignment: Differentiate between user and assistant roles.

API Endpoints

  • Sign Up: Create new users, hash passwords before storing.
  • Login: Authenticate users, return tokens, and set cookies.
  • Logout: Clear session cookies.
  • Fetch Chats: Retrieve user chats.
  • Post New Chat: Add new messages and get responses from OpenAI.
  • Clear Conversations: Remove all user chats from the database.

Models and Schemas

  • User Model: Contains user details, password, and chat logs.
  • Chat Schema: Stores each chat with role and content.

Frontend Implementation

  1. Setting Up React with Vite: Faster build times and smaller bundles.
  2. Material UI Integration: For pre-built UI components and styling.
  3. Authentication Management: Using Context API for global state.
  4. API Communication: Axios for making HTTP requests.
  5. Chat Page:
    • Components: Chat items, input fields, and send buttons.
    • Context Use: Fetch user details and chat logs on page load.
  6. Animations: Integrate typing animation for a dynamic UI.
  7. Protected Routes: Ensure only authenticated users can access chat functionalities.
  8. Logout Handling: Clear authentication tokens.

Final Touches

  • Responsiveness: Ensure the UI works well on all screen sizes.
  • Code Block Rendering: Handle code snippets in chat messages using react-syntax-highlighter.
  • Footer and Other UI Elements: Build with consistent design practices.
  • Error Handling and Notifications: Use toast notifications for user feedback.

Summary and Success

  • Mon Stack Mastery: Proficient in MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js.
  • Full Stack Development: Build secure and scalable full-stack applications.
  • OpenAI Integration: Seamless integration of AI chat functionality.
  • Modern UI/UX: Leveraging Material UI for responsive, interactive user interfaces.

Action Items:

  • Like and subscribe to the instructor's YouTube channel for more tutorials.
  • Use this project to apply for job opportunities and showcase in resumes.