when I started my coaching business I had no idea how to take a sales call in fact I recently watched one of my sales call recordings and I was embarrassed watching it because I didn't know how to overcome a single objection I don't even know how to use a sales script what sales script to use is it even ethical to use a sales script and so in this video I'm going to give you my full sales process my full sales framework and how to handle objections so that you can go into your sales calls with confidence and close more coaching clients my name is Grayson lupus and I help other people start coaching programs in my own coaching program has done over $100,000 per month consistently and I personally closed over 100 clients over the phone so I'm going to give you my full sales framework and how do I handle objections when they come up now before we jump right in let me preface this by saying that I learned a lot about what I've learned in sales from a guy named Cole Gordon I paid him a lot of money to learn this stuff and I'm excited now to share these sales Frameworks that I've used and implemented myself with you so that you can Implement them right after watching this video and maybe even math out your sales script while you watch this video there's five key parts to the sales script and I'm going to walk you through each of those one by one let's start with the call introduction I don't usually like to just get on to a sales call and tell somebody about my program immediately first I have to figure out can I actually help them and that usually starts by building some level of Rapport now what most people do is they spend one to two minutes on Rapport talking about the weather and what baseball team people like I like to keep it short and sweet I maybe ask where they're from and I'll maybe reference something that I saw in the form that they input and then after 15 to 20 seconds I'll jump straight into into the call now an option here after you built Rapport is to do what's called frame the call framing the call basically just tells a person hey here's how these calls typically go and here's what you can expect and here's my goal on the call and I will usually do this if someone gets on and it's like hey who are you again in that case you definitely need to frame the call before you actually conduct the entire sales call and they have no idea why they're actually there in about 5% of cases I'll frame the call and people will tell me this is not a call that I expected to be on and we can just cancel the call right there and not waste any time going through an entire sales call then I jump straight from framing the call into the discovery phase there's a lot of key parts inside of the discovery phase and it starts off by isolating the problem you need to figure out what is the one super painful problem that this person has that made them want to book in a sales call with you to begin with as the closer you always have the benefit of the fact that they booked in the call to speak with you not the other way around and so they are there with the problem and hopefully you're there with the solution often times when you ask hey what made you want to book in the call or hey what problem are you dealing with in your business right now people will give you a very surface level answer and so it's your job to ask skilled sales questions and dig maybe two or even three layers deeper to figure out what is the real problem that they're facing often times when I ask people what problem they have in their business they'll actually give me Solutions the problem is that I want to run paid ads and I'll say that's actually not a problem that's a solution to the problem of you don't have leads and so your job is to figure out what is the actual ual core problem that they're there for to solve on the sales call now after you've gotten the core problem you can then go into background questions figuring out things like what do they do for a living What stopped them from accomplishing their goal what have they tried so far you want to get a lot of context as to what the heck do they do and why the heck are they on this call with you after you've gotten a little bit of background from them I'll go into what's called current situation I want to know exactly what's going on right now inside of their business once I get a good handle of their current situation I'll do what's called probing meaning I'll typically ask two three sometimes four questions to get people to go deeper and deeper and deeper so I can get to the core of what's really going on I'll give you an example if someone says they're not getting enough leads inside of their coaching business I will say tell me what you mean by that why is it that you feel like you're not getting enough leads okay and what have you tried so far okay when you say you're not getting enough leads do you mean that you're only getting 10 and you want 100 or you're getting zero and you just want to get your first few leads and then what does a lead even look like to you is it a follower is it a DM is it an email what does a lead tangibly look like there's a lot of questions you can ask when someone says I'm not getting enough leads the second thing to do here is assess their current efforts so I'll typically ask well what have you tried so far in order to generate leads and I'll assess what they've currently doing or what they are currently doing to try and solve the problem they gave me then I'll usually chunk down so if they say I've spent money on paid ads and I've tried to generate leads that way I'll say okay cool tell me more about that how much have you spent what was your cost per lead what did the leads look like how long did you run the the campaign why did you stop the campaign I'll ask probably 10 questions to figure out everything they've currently done because if I figure out what they've currently done and what they've currently tried I don't want to just go pitch them in my pitch the exact same thing they've already tried that isn't currently working so this is all very valuable information that if I'm you as the closer I will be writing it down the entire call so later on when you're pitching you can tailor your pitch exactly to the problems they'd express to you during the sales call then you want to figure out how long they've been doing this and you want to establish doubt and figure out why they can't actually do this on their own typically I'll say well what's stopping you from just figuring out and solving this problem on your own because again if I don't figure out why they can't do it on their own why would they pay me for help if they feel like they can solve the problem on their own then I'll go into solution questions have you worked with anybody else are you currently working with anybody else I want to dig deep here to figure out are they already working with a coach to solve this problem or am I the first person they've come to to solve this problem if they are working with a coach you really want to figure out well why didn't it work with them because again you don't want to end up pitching the same thing that the other coach offered at the end of the call they go you know what this sounds exactly the same as this one coaching program that I bought earlier and that didn't work out so I'm good lastly you want to figure out what's the cost of not taking action and why do they want to do it right now if you don't establish some urgency and figure out why this is so important for them to solve right now they're not going to want to move forward on that call which your goal is to one call close them and so you've got to figure out what's the cost what's the consequence of not taking action and working with you on this call typically my question will look like and you know what sort of happens if you don't solve this problem what sort of happens if you don't generate leads and then they'll tell me well I guess I won't make any any money inside of my coaching business and then I could even ask and what happens if you don't make any money inside your coaching business well I guess I have to go back and get a job and is that something you're willing to settle for no sweet so we've established now there's a lot of urgency and this problem needs to be solved now next we'll go into their desired situation and keep in mind we're still in the discovery phase here and so the desired situation is them painting a picture of the vision they have for their business for their health for their dating life whatever problem it is that you're solving for them you want them to paint a vivid picture of exactly what their dream life looks like in this desired situation section and then lastly what most people forget to do is tying down the discovery asking them hey is there anything we didn't talk about anything that I should know before we move on here now this is where we finally go from the intro step to step two which is Discovery to step three which is the transition and this is a super short section but it's very important what the transition looks like it's a transition between Discovery and the actual pitch what I usually say during the transition is hey it looks like we've covered a lot of ground here and based on everything You' told me I can definitely help that said where would you like to go from here I can walk you through our whole process a toz of what it would look like for me to help you but you tell me where do you think we should go from here and what happens here is a prospect will give me permission to pitch them they'll say yeah I would love it if you could walk through the entire process a toz so I know exactly what I'm getting myself into so you can see how the transition is where they gave me permission for me to pitch them my program so we go from the transition to step four which is called the pitch now what most people do inside of the pitch is they go over yeah here's what my program looks like there's coaching there's cor all these amazing course modules you're going to get access to this really cool community and maybe a couple events that we do every single year and that is probably the worst way on planet Earth to pitch your coaching program you see by pitching your coaching program that way you've now commoditized yourself against all the other coaching programs that also have live coaching courses and community and so in the pitch what you want to do is you want to pitch the actual process for how they're going to get results not the deliverables of what your program offers the process means what is your actual way of getting them results if you're helping them lose weight what is the three or four or five-step process you walk your clients through in order them to get results and the key here is that you want it to keep it at the sexy parts right you want to keep the sexy parts you program if you tell them hey you got to cut out all sweets and your diet's going to suck you probably don't want to pitch that inside of the sales call because they're never going to buy so you want to pitch all the sexy parts of the process of how your clients are actually going to get the results and only after pitching the process and getting them to agree that yes this is the process that they believe is going to get them results then you can talk about how you deliver that process whether it's through one-on-one coaching group coaching course modules uh you know super high accountability or however your program is structured that's when you can walk through it again after getting permission to pitch how it's delivered lastly we can move on to step five which is the committing phase inside of the committing phase there's three key Parts number one is attempt check I want to figure out how are they feeling so far did they kind of zone out during the call because it got pretty long are they still feeling good I just want to figure out how they're feeling and so I'll ask hey you know scale 1 to 10 how do you feel right now and if they give me anything less than an eight I'll just ask them directly hey what's stopping you from being a eight or a 9 or 10 out of 10 right now and then I'll whatever problem they give me whatever objection they give me right there I'll solve it because once you drop that price point now it becomes objection handling versus pre- objection handling and I'll tell you from experience handling objections before you drop the price is much easier than after you drop the price after I get a tempt check I'll go over the next steps what does it look like next steps if they were turn roll right now and then after I've gone over the next steps I'll drop the actual price the investment to be a part of the program so that is my five step sales process but what happens when you get hit with objections afterwards my mindset on sales is I go into every sales call expecting that I will get objections but also that despite those objections I will still close the deal if you go into your sales calls expecting to get no objections you'll have about a 10% close rate because 10% of people will probably close without any objections learning how to hand handle objections properly will add 30% to your close rate which is a huge deal when you look at the bottom line of your business so there's three key objections that you could possibly get the first objection is finances meaning that they literally can't afford the program in full in which case if it's actually just finances and not one of the other two which often times it is then you can go into payment plans or figure out how they can actually pay for the program the second objection is partner meaning they have a a spouse like a wife or a husband that needs to be involved in the decision-making process which I usually like to figure out earlier in the actual sales process because it can be a little bit tricky to handle later in the call but the key here is just figuring out whether they need permission to make the decision or whether it's just out of respect what I'll usually do is collect some sort of deposit to get them committed to the program then they can go have a conversation with their spouse with their business partner and then come back and the worst case is to get that other partner on the call and walk through what it looks like again but best case is you get the deposit they committed to it they talk to their partner the partner agrees and they pay the rush to the program and the third objection which is the most common objection unfortunately is uncertainty based objections this usually looks like when somebody says hey this all looks great why don't you just send me a proposal hey this looks great can you send me an email with all the details those are my least favorite responses at the end of the sales call there's a problem with that meaning that you definitely did something wrong throughout the sales process but the good thing is you can actually overcome these at the end of the call now what it usually looks like if someone just says hey let me think about it it hey this is pro this is too much any objections like that are uncertainty based they're not certain that your process is going to get them the result they're looking for and so your job here is to Pace their objection and say hey money aside finances aside do you think this process is going to get you results are and are you 100% certain of that process and if they say no you want to dial in and figure out which part of the process specifically are the confused about or they unsure is going to get them the result and then you can clear up those uncertainty objections fig figure out what it is is stopping them from being certain this process is going to get them the result and then after you've handled the uncertainty objections then you can handle the spouse or financial objections and then you can close the deal anytime you get the I need to think about it send me a proposal those are all uncertainty because if they were 100% certain your process would get them the result without doubt there's no chance they wouldn't move forward on the sales call and there's something you could have done better throughout the process to make sure they were confident it would get them the result they're looking for so that is my seven figure sales process that I've used to close deals I hope it was helpful for you hopefully you took notes throughout and you have a sales script now that you've been left with um I'll see you guys in the next one dm me on Instagram if you have any questions peace out