Next.js: Overview of Key Features Tutorial

Jul 9, 2024

Overview of Important Next.js Features


  • Next.js latest app router: Build full-stack applications with just React.
  • No need for a separate backend.
  • Tutorial aims to provide an overview of 12 essential concepts in Next.js.

Creating a New Next.js Application

  • Use command: npx create-next-app@latest
  • Follow the prompts for default setups like TypeScript, ESLint, Tailwind CSS, etc.
  • App structure: src/app/page.tsx for homepage, src/app/layout.tsx for root layout.
  • Cleaning up boilerplate code is usually the first step.

Routing and Navigation

  • Routes are determined within the app directory.
  • For dynamic routes: Use square brackets, e.g., [id].tsx for dynamic URLs like posts/[id].
  • Example structure for routes:
    • src/app/page.tsx: Homepage
    • src/app/posts/page.tsx: Posts list
    • src/app/posts/[id]/page.tsx: Individual post by ID
    • Layout file wraps pages with a header and footer.

Metadata Configuration

  • Manage metadata in the layout.tsx file or on individual pages.
  • Configuration impacts SEO (e.g., page titles).

Styling with Tailwind CSS

  • Tailwind CSS comes by default.
  • Utility-first CSS framework: use class names directly in your JSX.
  • Avoids context switching between HTML and CSS files.

Image Optimization

  • Next.js Image component: Optimizes images, supports responsive images, and reduces content layout shifts.
  • For external images, configure allowed domains in next.config.js.

Client and Server Components

  • Server components run only on the server, useful for data fetching close to data sources.
  • Client components handle interaction and are rendered on the client-side.
  • Benefits: Efficient data fetching, reduced client-side dependencies.

Server Actions

  • For handling POST, PUT, DELETE requests directly in server components.
  • Simplifies form handling and integration with databases.
  • Use Hooks like revalidatePath for seamless updates without page refresh.
  • Example: Adding new posts via a form and updating the UI in real-time.

Suspense and Streaming

  • Handling loading states with loading.tsx file.
  • Suspense component: Manages async data fetching with a loading indicator.
  • Improves user experience by avoiding blocking entire page renders.

Caching, Static, and Dynamic Rendering

  • Next.js uses aggressive caching strategies.
  • Static rendering by default in production; dynamic rendering for specific routes if needed.
  • Customize cache behavior using dynamic setting or revalidate option.
  • Understand server-side caching for data and route output.


  • Execute code before a request reaches the server.
  • Use cases: Authentication, logging, etc.
  • Middleware file typically goes in the root of the src/app directory.

Typical Folder Structure

  • Key directories and files:
    • Configuration files: E.g., .eslintrc.json, next.config.js
    • Public files: Static assets like images
    • Favicons, error and loading components: Special files within app directory
    • Database configurations: Example using Prisma ORM


  • Deploying Next.js applications can be done via managed platforms (e.g., Vercel) or VPS (e.g., Hostinger).
  • Example of deploying to a VPS involves SSH access, configuring Nginx, and setting up Node.js environment.
  • Deploy static exports or run dynamic apps on a Node.js server.

Additional Resources

  • Mention of a complete React and Next.js course that covers these concepts in detail.
  • References to Next.js documentation for more in-depth understanding.