Transcript for:
Exploring Ancestral Beliefs and Traditions

Tom desuka Jimmy cannot replace in turn we clogged I'm not getting that here karate prefer the guard we hug they had read the card to a play my mother once told me that above a village there is a hole in the sky we know that our destiny is in the hands of our ancestors not ours she said I'd become a hunter [Music] provide for my wife and child [Music] learn the secrets of the stock under respect [Music] she said never be afraid the people who get lost are still here they are just out of reach [Music] the earth is alive with these beauties they come to us whilst we sleep they tell us things Midwood here [Music] when you dream above the lion something dangerous is coming our healer is the only one who can moved between our world and Deus and sometimes bring them back [Music] they tell tales of who they saw again the knowledge they received how Sheila was chosen by our ancestors but his powers cannot help with everyone [Music] when my mother passed she appeared in my dream as an enemy I wanted to grab her but she gave me for their weed she said you have to stay get for your brother and sisters allies will be rich and long and we will all be together again people take from the land only what is needed we have no records of numbers or time we just know that our ancestors are all around us in the moment you call them they will come to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] many now have left in search of a different life but I I feel closer to my mother again even closer than before [Music] [Music] I know she she was a wise woman I wonder where has she been whether those stories were too she is almost here [Music] you [Music]