hi everyone and welcome back to another podcast episode my name is Alicia Goen the host of The Globe Secrets podcast where I help you expand your mind and become more self-aware so that you can glow up into the best version of yourself happy Monday how are we doing I had a full-blown death and rebirth okay if you guys remember I said last week I kind of mildly had a cold but I was doing fine I was wrong I ended up getting so much more sick than I even thought it was a full-blown head cold fever I was dying okay so I am just now coming out of this dark hole and let me tell you one thing I do know is that I am sick of my [ __ ] okay and this is what today's episode is going to be about honestly I want to talk about toxic habits that we are going to be dropping before summer because first of all Summer's like really around the corner like how is it already May second week of May I guess second or third second we'll just keep it with second and I just I want to do better I want to do better for myself I want to do better for you guys I want you guys to do better for your guys' S I just feel like we need to ramp it up what we are not going to do is waste this beautiful summer that we have amongst us to being lazy to not living up to our potential like we need to make ourselves proud okay and when I was sick it really did hit me I I came to a lot of realizations as Kylie Jenner would say and I just thought about the past I don't know six months of my life and while on one hand I love myself I show up for myself I'm not hard on myself I do the things that I need to do but are there things that I have been slacking on or doing the minimum on 100% And when I was sick I was just thinking about all these things like you know what it's not even that I'm in this energy of Alicia you just needed to do more because you've been so lazy and oh my God like toxic productivity you got to get more done things like that it's not even that energy I just genuinely know that I have so much potential that I could just be doing more and being the best version of myself and really showing up for myself I I want to respect my time more I want to respect myself more I want to you know make myself proud I want to look at the end of this summer like when the end of the summer comes I want to look back and say yeah I made myself proud yep I showed up for myself yep I didn't waste my summer away and I feel like there's probably a lot of you guys that can relate I think naturally we go through es and flows of periods of our life where maybe we're not showing up the best and there's many reasons why we don't need to dive into that we don't need to be mad at ourselves or ruminate on what we haven't done okay the past is the past let's just focus on the next six months the next summer whenever you listen to this I know some of you guys you're technically going into your winter months so obviously you can just use this as well but just for your winter months but just use this next period of Time new season of your life to really show up for yourself and obviously being sick of course you naturally are always just wishing you were better because it's like oh my God like what I would wish to just be able to wake up with more energy you never really know what you have until you kind of lose it type of energy and I just don't want to spend that beautiful time that I have this summer thinking like that or looking back so we're going to talk about some of the things that I'm going to be dropping but I think it's really relevant to you guys as well I think a lot of you guys will really relate to some of the things that I'm going to be talking about I also asked you guys what toxic habits you guys are going to be dropping so I'm going to read some of them out and I just want this to be kind of like a kick in the ass but also just to know that I am with you guys as well understand that the people in this community our community are trying to drop habits as well so this is a collective thing even yesterday okay I was talking to my best friend Joie and she's a content creator too which is a little bit different if you aren't a content creator obviously we have different Lifestyles but regardless there's always things that we kind of are like wasting our time with or we have we have more capacity to show up for ourselves and we kind of don't whatever but being a content creator it really requires you to be very disciplined because nobody's knocking on your door and saying hey get this out or do this video or whatever now I have always been very very very self-motivated from a young age my dad instilled a lot of discipline and just respect and like showing up for myself and and life and other people for sure when I was younger so I took that on of course I kind of became a tyrant on myself because he was very very strict but also I had to grow up very very quick when he passed away when my mom went through addictions I had to get my ass up and work okay and of course no matter what type of Lifestyle you were you live or you know what was handed to you we all at some point need to get our asses up and work okay we have to get our asses up and discipline ourselves in a way that's healthy in a way that's loving which I feel like I do a good job at that now but I always been someone for sure that has shown up and done her work but there's definitely things especially being a content creator in the life that I have created for myself where yeah I have a lot of extra time now I have an easier time with work and I was talking to my friend about this and I was like dude I was honestly sometimes I think that I was more like self-disciplined and I got my ass up and worked more and got so much more done when I was still working my 9 to5 serving and building my social media like platform and mind you I see why because there was there was a fire lit under me right I was motivated I really wanted this life and I worked so hard to get it so it's not to say that I need to live the same life in terms of working as hard as I did maybe in different ways of course I do but it's not even to say that but I just look back at the version of me who worked so hard to get the life that she has now and I what I'm going to do is waste my time now like that's a disgrace in my opinion in in the most loving way okay it's kind of a disgrace and I was telling my friend this and she was kind of saying the same thing because now she's a full-time Creator too and you know there's there's no excuse why I I can't do those extra steps of my self-care or cook for myself every single day or go to the gym all the time when I've created a lot of time freedom in my life so I just really wanted to say that because this is what I thought too being a content creator when you kind of level up your life you start to Live Your Dream Life you have more time Freedom you have more money to do the things that you want you still need a level of discipline and self-respect for yourself um because if not you will kind kind of get a little bit lazy you know you will go off on a whim and it's not to say that I can't enjoy the luxuries of the life that I have created but you kind of will like just waste your time sometimes and I just don't want to do that and my friend was saying the same thing like we are just we're not really we obviously I really do think that I've made my younger self proud but I just think that my younger self would be looking at me now being like girl really this is how you're going to spend your time like you could be doing more and not even the sense of even like work but why aren't you getting up earlier why aren't you doing those extra steps of this that and the third you've created this life so I say all that to say even myself and my best friend like we're both going through it we're both like dude we need to get on a routine again like we need to act as if we're in a freaking 9 to5 like there's no reason why we need to be sitting around like wasting time and this that and and just not being really intentional with our time and even if you're not a content creator and you are busting your ass and you're working that's amazing I love that for you I'm proud of you I'm proud of myself still but maybe there's certain areas of your life where you know you're kind of slacking and I honestly think as the spring is here and we're moving into summer naturally I just think that we can do more like come on the sun is out now okay we don't have an excuse okay okay we have no excuse the sun is out more the days are longer the weather is nicer this is the time to capitalize on doing what we came here to do and being the best versions of ourselves because like I don't know I just think we cried all winter because we just really wanted it to be summer now it's summer what I am not going to do is waste my summer away in terms of just not living up to my full potential okay so that is my little rant let's talk about some of the things that we are going to be dropping now some of you guys might be on your [ __ ] and maybe you guys already do this and I love this but if you aren't then maybe this will just be a little bit of a reminder and these are definitely all things that I'm going to be actively focusing on this spring and summer okay so the first thing on my list is neglecting the small self-care habits and wellness habits I feel like this is one of the first things that always falls off for me in my life and when I mean the small self-c carewellness habits these are things that if we miss or if we fall off it's not going to make the biggest difference but it technically does over time especially if we want to be the most glowed up most hot most healthy version of us like it actually does but on a day-to-day like I'll give you an example vitamins if you know I feel like a lot of us we go through es and flows of like falling off taking vitamins or doing those extra steps of our self-care or self-care mass or things like that because if we miss it it's not the end of the the world we're still going to be healthy for the most part we're not going to you know our hair is not going to get like the worst it's ever been if we don't do that deep conditioner mask like once a week these are just extra things but I just think that these things are actually still very important so I'm going to talk about some of the things that I have kind of been slacking on that I want to reup up so one of them for sure is my deep conditioner mask and hot oil treatments like those extra hair things that I should be doing once a week because that's what my hair really deserves but that is something although I really was consistent with that especially when I went on my natural hair Journey years and years ago I was very very consistent but because that fire is not lit under me because I don't have a goal necessarily to like get the most natural hair because my hair is natural and it's grown and it's beautiful I still know the benefits of doing that for my hair and I want that to still be a part of my self-care now there's obviously things that I no longer maybe need to do anymore I don't really know in terms of hair right now I can't really think of any but obviously there's things that you just don't need to always take with you in another season of life but for sure I should and still like want to be doing these things so doing those extra steps of that hair routine that you have obviously we have different ones but even when it comes to um caffeine okay this is something another thing that I it's not actually even neglecting it's more well I guess it is but it's more doing more of this when I should be actually doing less is I go through periods of of time where I will drink coffee like first thing in the morning which that's a habit I'm breaking but also I will get a second cup of coffee in the middle of the day if for some reason I'm feeling like it because I know that it's not going to make that much of a difference to me because coffee doesn't really wire me that much like some people get a lot of anxiety and stuff with coffee I don't really but it does give me a little bit of a pickme up but I also know that it's not necessarily the best thing for me to do but I will go through phases of just doing that and I don't like do like I don't need to be doing that not only is it just like it's a waste of money like you you're making coffee at home but also you're grabbing a second cup like we don't need to be doing that in terms of nutrition and like nourishment for your body you could be having something else that is not caffeine it just it's not needed another thing my upper my upper body days where are my upper body days at the gym where are my core days at the gym why am I not going to the gym Monday to Friday consistently like a full workout now listen I have been going to the gym I do at least two days weightlifting and it's usually lower body days and then I do hot yoga or I do workout classes and I'm always walking so like I feel like again I'm doing the base level things that I need to be doing for my body but why is my upper bodies oh like upper body days and SL core days always taking a back seat I'm always like okay I'll skip it or like I don't need to do it I do need to do it and I should be doing it and I also have the time to do it so why am I not doing these things you know what I mean um I have not taking my daily vitamins so those are some of the things that I'm really thinking about just those small little self-care and wellness habits that I've been neglecting that should not be neglecting now I want to talk about what helps when it comes to not neglecting these self-care habits or wellness and things that like I'll be doing and one of them for sure is habit stacking and also replacing an old habit with something new so I'll give you an example cuz sometimes it's hard to just cut out something that you've been so addicted to let's say if you're always used to having two cups of coffee a day for you to just go cold turkey and just not have that second cup like your body's going to feel it maybe like for me if I don't have caffeine like my body like I will literally feel it but also just the Habit you kind of feel really restricted and so I like to sometimes either replace or wean myself off so if let's say I was trying to wean myself off of coffee just if I had one cup of coffee in the morning what I do instead of just stopping coffee on like Monday morning when I decide I'm going to have a smaller cup of coffee maybe it's in a smaller glass um or maybe I'm just pouring less and I'm going to do less and less and less throughout the week so that I don't get headaches and that I don't get like a withdraw and then maybe I'll replace it with something or I'll just be done that is like the best way in my opin um I've learned how to wean myself off of habits versus just being like Oh I'm not going to drink coffee at all or I'm not going to go out with my friends at all or I'm not going to drink or if you smoke weed or like if you do whatever all these like small little behaviors that maybe in your mind are like not the best wean yourself off like don't I don't know I just don't necessarily think it's that needed to stress yourself out too much about it but what I've been doing is replacing the second cup of coffee when I do want to go and get something with an ice matcha I've been so into my ice machas I said this in last week's recap episode I've just been super super loving it to the point where I'm I'm going to try and replace my morning cup with ice matcha like I'm getting there so anyways just replacing little habits habit stacking as well so for instance like the other day I was thinking I was on I don't know I was on my phone scrolling on something and I'm sitting here like why do I I not have my deep conditioner in my hair right now if I'm going to scroll why don't I have my hot c cap on with my hot oil treatment in my hair as I'm doing this what am I doing why am I if I'm going to sit and scroll or if I'm going to sit and talk to my best friend for an hour on FaceTime amazing you can do that listen over here we like to chill we like to give ourselves like soft life we're about that okay not everything needs to be like this hustle and bustle but let's be a little bit more efficient with our time if I'm watching a YouTube video I'm going to watch that YouTube video now in my washroom as I'm doing my self-care my 10-step goddamn self-care routine or my mask or my LED light or my freaking hair mask like I just said so just really thinking about how you can squeeze in some of these small little steps and also when it comes to Habit stacking there's other things that you can do like let's say every single morning you do something that is routine that you already do so like make your bed so if you want to start adding in a new habit of taking your vitamins every day but you don't usually take your vitamins make it a habit that every single time you are done making your bed The Next Step you're going to take is those vitamins you're not going to do anything other than that or let's say you don't make your bed but you always make coffee in the morning when your coffee is brewing as it is brewing go make your bed or as it is brewing go brush your teeth or whatever I don't know I don't really brush my teeth before coffee but you know what I mean things like that just finding ways that you can kind of add in these habits will be helpful but also another thing is sometimes we forget to do these small self-care habits or Wellness habits because maybe if it's an item skin care hair vitamins water whatever these things are not predominantly in front of us so take out your vitamins and put them on your counter take your deep conditioner mask and put it in front of you like in the washroom like pull out these things so you can actually see make a list like keep it in front of you because if not you're obviously going to forget about these things because these are not the most important things in your life but if you want to make them important you have to kind of see them more often okay another thing that we need to drop is being lazy like genuinely just being lazy now this kind of leads into the neglecting the self-care habits now I think a lot of those things are just because it's not it's not necessary obviously these are not on the top priority list we have a million things we have to juggle in our lives whether it's school work Health relationships all that kind of stuff so it does get pushed on the back burner but you know and some of you guys did say this when you guys submitted being lazy it creeps up on you and listen I've been looking at some of my my habits and thinking and reflecting being like damn girl you be a little bit too lazy for what you are making too many damn excuses for yourself so what I have here is like there's there's a few things and it obviously depends on your lifestyle but for me like not picking up my stuff after I've done something the way that I leave my place a mess and not disgusting mess but just like everything out of Place for no reason why don't I take one minute out of my time to put things back before I'm going on to the next thing like enough with that again even when it comes to like scrolling on social media things like that which we're going to talk about why am I not doing my hair care while I'm doing that if I'm wanting to do that another big thing for me personally is I've been seeing that I've been a little lazy when it comes to my work so specifically when it comes to editing this is what I've been doing like lately and it depends on the season of my life it depends on the week of my life to be honest when it comes to recording and stuff so I'm not super hard on myself but you know obviously things can slip but lately what I've been doing is I'm not editing every single day I will edit a video in one continuous chunk which on one hand is not the worst thing a lot of people edit like that but for me especially when it comes to my main channel YouTube videos cuz I don't even edit my podcast anymore I have an editor but for my main Channel I Vlog so usually it's like a day or two or three or four depending I can every single day touch my video and edit a little bit every single day so by the end of the week I will have the whole video basically done and I don't have to sit there for eight hours or however long and edit it like why don't I carve out an hour every single day to edit my video I have enough time like I like I'm making excuses and being like Oh like it's just excuses laziness it's not needed I think I think when we talk about social media and for me I've just realized dude I actually have way more time than I think it's actually a lot of times to do with my excuses but also social media addiction is just ridiculous and we actually just have so much more time so that's what I'm going to be doing specifically is getting on top of my work stuff but also when I leave everything to the last minute the quality of my editing or the quality of my work sometimes will lack because I'm overwhelmed and I have so much to do that I obviously do the bare minimum so you can even think about this when it comes to school or even work I know you you have different projects that you work on like I remember when I was a health and wellness coordinator at a tech company you know I showed up every single day there was definitely work that I had to like work on every single day that I could have well I was pretty good at that but like yeah there's just things that you can always kind of get ahead of or get on top of to make it less overwhelming when you do it and yes could you study all in one day or do your essay all in one day yeah you could do that but is that quality of the essay going to be that good because for me you know when I give myself a little bit more time to work on a video or a little bit more time to think about a topic now sometimes especially for the podcast a gem is a gem and when it's potent I go and talk about it I don't need to sit on it and overthink it but with a lot of other things if I give myself a few days to think about it sometimes I have more insights sometimes I'm like oh I should add this in like sometimes it's good to give yourself some time to work on these projects so I just think that we miss a lot of opportunity to have something that's really beautiful and our our best work because we leave [ __ ] to the last minute and I'm not trying to do that anymore now this leads me into the next thing which is not being on a schedule and specifically for me like sleeping whenever I want like waking up whenever I want and I think that this will really help when it comes to being lazy or even excuses because I just think I can have have more time to get more things done in my day if I actually get on a routine now the reason why I haven't really been that strict on myself with these things is because naturally I do wake up pretty early naturally you know I I go to bed around like 10ish type of thing uh I do get my work done like I get things done but I I start I'm starting to realize like dude if I had like a Monday personally if I had a Monday to Friday schedule where I'm waking up at the same time every single morning especially now that the sun is out earlier I just want to capitalize on that time like I have I can get so much more done in my day if I wake up at a certain time versus just sleeping into kind of like whenever again I wake up pretty early but to have that set time to show up every single day at a certain time to have an on and an off time personally for me I really do think that that helps with productivity it helps you know knowing that okay at this time I need to get this assignment done or I need to get this video done or I need to get X Y and Z because if you don't have these things if you don't have structure you're going to you know you're going to leave things until the last minute or I even I even think of this when it comes to cleaning you could be like Oh I'm going to do my Sunday reset and I'm just going to clean today okay what I will do is I'll spend the whole day like diddle Doling and in between cleaning on on my phone or this that when really if I told myself okay Sunday is my reset day I'm going to give myself an hour to clean an hour to do this and an hour to do that I will get that [ __ ] done in an hour but if I don't have that and I just say oh like today is going to be my Sunday reset and it's going to be a cleaning day I'll spend the entire day doing the same thing that I could have done in an hour like I don't want to do that like it's just not necessary and I think even for me like I want to have a good work life balance and I feel because I work for myself because I don't have that shut off time I feel like I've never gotten enough done I feel like there's always something to do and I'm not actually productive at all and I don't like that so I'm going to be going on a like schedule personally for me when it comes to my sleep and when it comes to my work um like my work week so I'm going to be doing Monday to Friday and this is what I was telling my friend um the joyy that's a content creator as well and she was think she was saying the same thing she's like oh my God I'm so glad that you're saying this because I feel like I've been going through this as well like why am I not getting up at a certain time like I could be doing more and I'm still not sticking to a routine blah blah blah blah so whatever lifestyle that you have you know maybe tweaking that routine a little bit maybe you're spending a little bit more time at night time just diddle dialing and scrolling on your phone and not having that shut off time or waking up at a certain time and again we don't need to be tyrants on ourselves we don't need to be so strict obviously you don't want to strip away every every type of joy you want to give yourself some time but for me I know what schedule I can live up to and what I can work towards and that's what I'm going to be doing and then on the weekends I'm going to kind of give myself a little bit of flexibility and I just think also just for my work schedule I want to spend more time throughout the week recording especially for my YouTube channel because of the type of content that I'm going to be recording this spring and summer versus like working on the weekends and editing on the weekends like I just keep leaving [ __ ] to the weekends and I just feel like everything is crammed in and I'm not getting enough done or I'm overwhelmed and it's just not needed like I've been thinking oh my God I just I just not enjoying the way that my time is spent but I'm looking in the mirror being like Alicia you're doing this to yourself like you are doing the reason why you're feeling like this is because you don't have a routine is because you don't have those healthy boundaries it's because you won't put your [ __ ] phone down and start reading your book at 9900 p.m. instead of 10: p.m. and then you're getting to sleep late and then you're you know what I mean so getting on a routine and a structured whatever the hell it looks like for you is very important for this spring and summer and I think that with spring and summer that's where we kind of lose it right because it's summer it's fun and this that but for me personally again I want to look back this summer and be like I [ __ ] killed it I killed it this summer I had a great summer I felt like everything was deserving when I did go out and have a good time and I took care of myself like that's how I want to feel on a week- toe basis I want to look at the end of the week and be like damn I did so much this week and I'm going to enjoy it this weekend or I'm going to enjoy it this night or I'm going to whatever like I want to feel like that and I think that sometimes again like when you think about your dream life and when you think about having time Freedom whether you have it yet or not really you know like it whether you're living a lifestyle like me or not I think sometimes it's like cool the idea is cool to like be able to do whatever you want whenever you want but it's it's not rewarding when you do nothing all day and I'm not to say that I don't do anything because I actually do a lot but still like it's funny because my friend and I were being like do we just go back to Nino fives at this point because why do I feel kind of better with a nin to5 type of structure than I do with this right now I don't want to go back to 9 to5 and I think that I've worked really hard to get this the lifestyle that I have but I'm just saying as being an influencer working for yourself you still got to have some structure and I just think that it is really rewarding it's just really rewarding to look like at the end of your week and be like oh my God like I woke up every single day at this time I did my workouts I was on my [ __ ] I took care of myself and now I can enjoy the time spent and I can enjoy this summer this is going to be a great summer and I think it's just going to be better knowing that you've kind of showed up for yourself okay let's talk about the Beast which is social media consumption we all struggle with this okay on some level and I think that this is the biggest thing that we really need to nip in the bud in the bud in the butt whatever okay we need to enough enough enough enough we seriously need to get on top of this nasty habit because what we are not going to do this bring in some is waste our goddamn days scrolling checking waiting what are we doing enough oh my freaking God okay listen so I'm going to explain kind of like what like my type of current relationship with social media is and I think I've done a very good job also considering I am a content creator at this I am a long form content girly which I think we are Elites hello which is everyone who's watching this or listening to this audio or who watches YouTube I think we're Elite I I genuinely think we're Elite because I think we have longer attention spans than the average human being who only likes to go on Tik Tok okay and listen some of you guys still might like to go on Tik Tok that's fine but I think that if you the majority of the times can put your energy into at least watching long form I actually think it's just like a healthier way of cons consuming content if you are going to consume it cuz I just think that it keeps you on a topic for longer it doesn't mess up your attention spans so rapidly usually when you're watching a long form thing you tend to be doing something like for me if I'm listening to a podcast I'm usually on a walk or I'm usually like when I I was used to drive all the time I'm cleaning there's not that many times where I'm sitting down and watching and just like staring sometimes I do if I'm like sitting in my bed and I'm about to like go to sleep or something like that but regardless I think so I don't I don't completely demonize okay so let me just say that so that's what I usually do when it comes to consuming I'm actually really good at not consuming short form content which I think that that makes me feel the absolute most [ __ ] and I think that that's what a lot of people are talking about when they say I'm doom scrolling or like I have this really bad addiction to social media cuz I just know the feeling like it feels like [ __ ] to go on Tik Tok and scroll and then afterwards you're like what did I just consume I don't remember anything that I consumed but I feel worse than I did when I went on there and I don't tend to feel that when I'm watching a YouTube video even if it's a vlog and I'm sitting there or a podcast like I don't usually feel like [ __ ] I actually usually feel better and it's just a part of my routine so this is what I think about short form content for the most part and we're not talking about the days where we just let ourselves schol sure you can have your day to do that I I don't even really honestly let myself do that unless I want to like laugh at something and I did that a little bit in the winter time I would do that but whatever understand that it is it's genuinely a waste of time to consume short form content on a daily basis I personally think so if you can switch from short form to long form I would highly suggest that because ask yourself what did you actually learn from all of that maybe there's a few things but thinking about also like the videos you like or the things that you save how many times have you've gone back and actually made that recipe or you've actually like bought that thing that oh this is a good product that I need to get or whatever or just even used any of the tips that that person was telling you and that's why I kind of moved off of short firm content a lot when it came to podcast and even YouTube because I was like dude like the way that I learn is long form anyways I know people learn short form so I'm not going to beg on it too much cuz I get it people have short attachments and I know you you do learn some stuff from it I do still create some short form content I get it it's fun like in small doses but in small doses it shouldn't be a daily thing I don't think if you're going to consume content I don't think it should be a daily thing for short form in my personal opinion okay so there's that but on so there's that for me that's what I kind of do long form versus short form and I think something that's been a struggle for me though is is just the checking like notifications and just going on as just a habit so it's just the habit for me that I actually find waste so much time in my day like I'm not actually even consuming that much content but it's the mere fact of me opening Instagram 100 million times throughout the day or my comments like 100 million times throughout the day that is just ridiculous so there's a few things that I have been doing that's been helpful and obviously just depends on your kind of relationship towards social media but maybe this will help so for one what I've been doing is putting my phone on DND and I know that it's not that easy to do for everyone even for me because like I have my manager that might text me or or emails that I'm I'm checking but at the end of the day we don't really need our notifications on all the time and I'm saying that because the moment you keep your notification on where like anyone can hit you up at any time and as soon as your phone goes off basically if it's around you you're going to see it you're just naturally getting interrupted throughout your day that's not necessary like half the things that I respond to when my phone is not on DND does not need to be responded to right away it really doesn't but I do it naturally because it's there and I'm like oh okay well the notification is there so I might as well respond now or I might as respond to a DM now if I'm on there so DND D but a second thing and I've done done this forever and I've had to because I've had obviously a lot of um notifications is I turn all my notifications off for every single social media app so Tik Tok Instagram YouTube everything there is not a single notification that actually pops up on my phone unless I go into the app and then that's when I see my likes or my DMs so that is another thing that's really really helped me another thing that I'm going to be doing more though because that helps but also I still have the act of continuously like checking is using screen time and you know using screen time I don't know if Androids have this or if it's just iPhones I'm sure Androids have something I have an iPhone but you can go in and you can set a screen time for all of your apps where it basically locks you out after an hour now you're going to do this and then you're going to continue to hit ignore limit but I want you to stay consistent with keeping that limit on to show yourself just how much you are addicted to the apps like it's actually wild when I set my limits to maybe like 1 hour it was very clear just how much I was addicted to certain apps and like wow I can't even so anyways using screen time to limit your social media is really good because now I'm getting to the point where it's like okay in my head I know that I only have let's say 1 hour total of Instagram to be able to consume so I'm going to leave it till the end of the day or I'm going to leave it to a time where it's actually worth it like you will eventually change this habit but it's going to take some time and I just feel like sometimes we forget that and then we're like oh it just doesn't work for me so then I'm just going to keep going on and I think also having a structured day for me personally is helpful because it's like okay well obviously to completely get off of your apps for me personally it's not going to happen but because I know there's a start and there's an end time of what I'm doing for work I'm going to leave my social media consumption until a certain time now something that I'm actually going to be trying because I'm a content creator and I post a lot especially on my stories I post a lot of my stories I still want to keep up with you guys I still love to post like I still love the DMS and everything but I'm going to have set times where I'm posting so I'm going to take regular photos of my day and then I'm going to go into the app and I'm going to just post all of them so that you guys can see everything so that way it allows me to stop the habit of constantly checking because what I do is when I open the app to post naturally I see a notification naturally I see somebody DM me and then it keeps me on there all the time and I'm constantly checking so that's going to be something that I'm going to be doing same with like comment sections and things like that like I'm going to be having set times throughout the day not even throughout the day but like every day I guess where I'm going to be checking these things versus just doing it whenever because again if you don't have healthy boundaries if you don't say okay at 5:00 p.m. I'm going to be done work or 5:00 p.m. that's when I'm going to be checking or whatever ever you're just going to do it whenever cuz you you know no one's really telling you not to do that thing also I found something on the iPhone where it is like a screen distance thing which I felt was helpful when I actually had a really bad head cold because actually I was really off my phone and it was so amazing I feel like my mental health was so freaking good because I was barely on my phone because I couldn't even look at a screen so all I was doing I have this like little mini it's not an iPad but it's like an Android thing where I play White noise when I go to sleep and so it's off my phone so I don't have to use my phone but I was watching a bunch of long form like YouTube videos and completely off of my phone and it was like bright or sorry dim light and it felt it just oh my God I just felt so good just not checking a million times on Instagram and just not watching people's lives and um so with that I found this little thing it's called scream time you can go in your settings and probably find it and it basically measures the distance of the like how far you're holding your phone to your face and it will pop up like a a thing and say like you're holding your phone too close and to move it back and I feel like just the the notification of doing that allows me to kind of distance myself from my phone and like subconsciously remind myself that like get away from your phone in a way it's weird but it's actually cool so I don't know you can try that but overall obviously just thinking about the type of relationship that you have I also just think the mere fact of reminding yourself that what do you get from watching people's lives and stories all the time and I even think about that myself too like sometimes when I'm clicking people's stories it's just because it's mindless but I'm like dude I don't need to be looking at this person's life it doesn't matter I'm so sorry like I love you you're amazing but I don't need to be knowing what you're doing in your day how is that how is that relevant to me I should be the most important thing in the most like non-narcissistic thing way whatever I don't even care if it comes across as that but I should be the most important thing I should be caring more about my life than somebody else's why am I stopping through the day to go check up on somebody else's life that's like posting random [ __ ] it's really irrelevant now if you are consuming people's content because I get it you you like to you know consume a few people's content just consume a few people's content like make it the Forefront like favorite their thing or mute everyone else and only consume the people who really are reminding you of what you should be doing so that's what I do actually on YouTube so the YouTube videos that I watch Are YouTube videos that are like healthy girl routines and like cleaning routines and like all that kind of stuff like kind of content not really content that I post if it has anything to do with self-development or mindset stuff um but whatever it is I always make sure to only consume content that reminds me of what I should be doing in my daily life I I'm not watching people for the most part I really am not watching people who are doing things that have nothing to do with my life just random people doing their daily like I I don't I use if I'm going to consume content as motivation and that's that and that allows me to actually get up and there is definitely room for motivational content like I totally totally know the difference of my actions when I'm watching people who okay let's say commentary social commentary videos I love those those are good videos that I like to watch when I'm like eating or if it's like I'm done my work for the day and I'll just like chill but after watching a social commentary video I'm not like motivated to go clean or declutter clutter my place or take care of myself or go to sleep at a good time but if I'm watching a healthy 600 a.m. routine I'm like damn I'm [ __ ] motivated now like I got to get my ass to bed that's what I'm watching if I'm consuming content so just be aware of if you're consuming content what are you consuming make it motivational make it like relevant to you and everything else is so irrelevant I promise you okay the last toxic habit that we are dropping before I read your guys' ones which I relate to some of them as well but the last thing is not respecting our money okay I feel like this is another thing where we we got to check ourselves we got to check ourselves it be the way you [ __ ] act sory for swearing I'm not I'm not sorry for swearing but like I have to say that cuz I feel like sometimes they're like I get some comments being like dude I get some comments sometimes people just being like can you not as if it's not my own podcast you know what I mean I don't know and again I'm trying to respect everyone who listens to this podcast because there's so many people but it's just like sometimes people need to understand that the content creator is also their own person and if they swear they swear so anyways sorry not sorry we need to respect our money okay this is something that I've gotten very good at for sure I am so proud of myself and I say this and this is you know what I'm going to have a little rant about being proud of yourself but I'm very very proud of myself for you know like all of the the crappy toxic habits that I used to do when it comes to spending I'm definitely better with my money I definitely think about things before I buy them you know but we slip up sometimes okay we go into those little like lazy girl like for me this is one thing I'll call myself out like Uber Eats Uber Eats stop like just stop like there's not a reason there's no reason why if you want to eat out go and get your ass up walk downstairs go outside Haw Girl Walk go get your food if you really want something from Uber Eats there is no reason other than if you are sick or you know maybe it's just like something fun to be using Uber Eats honestly sorry guys my camera heated up so I kind of forget where I left off but Uber Eats we don't need to be doing it I just think that I for sure have been wasting just not even wasting but just not respect I don't know I just feel like it's not a good use of my money and I like to think about things this way what is my return on on investment okay you don't always have to be a stickler when it comes to spending money obviously and it depends it depends on like how much you can have to spend and this that budgeting is great and like knowing how much money you can spend on certain things is great but like I don't know like even though I can spend money on Uber Eats I feel like it's not the best return on my investment I could go walk and grab food I don't need to do these things like also if I want something that is not necessarily you know of my normal food routine I can go to the grocery store and make food and even make some content out of it but also just make it a whole vibe like make it a whole thing so just thinking about the ways that you spend your money and asking yourself how can I respect my money more I think that we slip up sometimes with that and I I think even when it comes to I don't do this anymore but I do think about when I was in college I just think that I didn't respect my money when it came to going out and drinking every weekend or going shopping to buy outfits to go drinking every weekend like I spent so much money on that kind of stuff where was it really the best return on my investment no and does it always have to be no but I could have respected my money more by saving it you know or again just not spending it on things so that's going to be definitely than I do more like cutting out the Uber Eats also what else do I have just obviously even asking myself in the moment do I really need this thing will I live live without it and I do this when I feel like I really want to impulse by something and I'm like so like I like hyper fixate on this thing that I need and like oh my God yes it's going to change my life and I need this right now D and I sit here for a second and I'm just like okay but like in a week will I be okay if I don't get it or if I do get it how much will it really change my life like do I really need it and do I really even need it right this second this is another thing like you know have a monthly budget create a little savings account where you can buy the things that you want but give yourself like a month time before you decide to go off on a whim and buy [ __ ] which is another thing just like buying things off on a whim like it's just I think that we can do a better job at respecting our money so something I'm definitely also going to be doing is just making sure that every single month I'm sitting down and I'm doing all of my finances my bookkeeping everything and I think that there was something one toxic habit about money so maybe I'll talk about that but yeah just really being more responsible and just respecting just think about the word respect respect your time respect your money respect your boundaries respect your body respect your mind respect everything I want this summer to be about respecting ourselves it's not about we have to push ourselves to do 100 million other things because we have to we have to discipline ourselves so hard because we are just like [ __ ] people and this that it's not that okay let's respect ourselves because we deserve it so let me read out some of your guys's habits that you guys I I basically just asked what are some toic habits that you guys want to drop before summer I'm going to read them out I'm not going to give advice for every single one cuz we'd actually be here for another hour but I just want to read them out just so you guys feel a little bit seen and maybe I will give a commentary on a few of them but just so you guys know and honestly I relate to a lot of them so a lot of you guys said laziness negative selft talk being Reckless with money calorie counting and OV exercising binge eating which if you really struggle with binge eating I would highly suggest you get my book The Ultimate glowup Guide which will be linked down below because I I talk about how I got out of binge eating cycles and self Saab sabotaging Cycles so that's definitely a book for that someone said hating on my body and I'm overweight but don't allow myself to dress cute like girl this is not the summer to not dress cute I do not give a f okay what your body is looking like this summer you are going to dress cute okay please dress cute this summer please let yourself live we are not just living until we get that body and I get it I understand that saying that from somebody who right now in her life is very happy with her body but I have gone through many many cycles and I talk about this in my book of this waiting for my perfect body energy you got to accept it first you can still work on your body you can still do all the things that you need to do but allow yourself to live you can dress so cute okay someone said spending money and going out just to please my friends yeah that's another example of you not respecting yourself your time but also your money right like spending money and going out just to please other people at the end of the day you got to come back to that bank account baby and they do not so do not be wasting your time and your money on people or doing things that you literally don't even want to do someone said morning time laziness I think something that's actually helping me and I'll actually be showing it in my weekly Vlog which you guys will see next or you guys will see on Sunday when you if you are watching this on Monday you'll see it on Sunday um that what I've been doing is in the mornings like the the kind of like rule that I'm I have for myself especially like for the Monday to Friday is when you wake up get out get out of bed like get up out of bed like do not touch your phone do not scroll do not anything until you are out of your bed I don't even care if you want to go scroll while you're making your coffee or something I don't care but the first thing that you're going to do is just get out like start moving for me personally what I find is the best for me is getting out of bed and instantly going on a walk in the morning so that's what I'm going to be doing but we're done with the morning laziness someone said too much screen time we addressed that I'll just start tomorrow thoughts we don't need to we know that that doesn't work we know that consistency is more most important than you being perfect not every single day is going to be the same obviously but how many times in a week are you showing up is the most important thing so you know if you've fallen down get back up have the mindset of you are somebody who gets up the moment you can you're not waiting three extra days until you can get back up when you can get back up the next day we don't need to do it it's not it's not needed and I think what helps with that is not looking at what you did previously as you ruined something or you messed up in the first place you didn't you're fine get back up someone said using alcohol to mask social anxiety instead of addressing it in a healthy way yeah like I think I mean we could go into a whole episode of that and like confidence and stuff but I think when it comes to if you find yourself using substances to be able to actually go into something and do something whether it be around a certain person or be in a relationship or you know go out to social events I would make the rule of you're not going to engage in those social events or engage with these people until you're able to do these things without using the substance so that might look like setting some boundaries and not being around these people places or or things until you understand why you need these things in the first place and to obviously slowly work your way up to actually doing these things but just removing yourself from these people places and things sometimes can be helpful like okay well you know what I can't socialize unless I drink so right now in my life I'm not going to go into these social situations because this isn't serving me anyways and the only way that I need that I can do this is if I'm drinking it it doesn't make any sense now taking inventory of like okay well is it the people that you're around why do you feel like you have to drink is it like there's a whole thing so we can go into that but yeah definitely work on that maybe that could be your goal someone said eating my feelings again I address that in my book Someone said smoking okay actually I want to talk about this so when it comes to consumption drinking smoking even um consuming maybe Foods outside of your your quote unquote diet or reality TV shows things things that are kind of not necessarily like the most healthy if we continue to do them I personally am like a very balanced person so you know I'm not saying that you can I don't think we need to always cut everything out that's not what we want but I don't know when I talked about this maybe I talked about this in one of my YouTube videos but I talk about this thing called Planned consumption so if you want to consume something plan it out so instead of just oh I'm going to smoke whenever because I can just let my smoke uh sorry let myself smoke every single day or um you know go out with my friends for happy hour every single day or whatever plan it Friday night's going to be my night where I have a wine down I have a glass of wine I have some reality TV show whatever the case or on the weekends Saturday nights are going to be my nights where I go with my girlfriend this that and the third make it planned versus just whenever the hell you want I think has really helped me and then you also kind of look forward to it okay someone said looking at muted stories ain't that some self- sabotage right there that is so funny and I'm only saying that as funny because like obviously I feel like we've all did done this at one point maybe I don't know I remember when I used to do this I don't do this anymore I honestly don't even mute stories because it's like just unfollow like honestly like un like that's what I think but I I get it because there's some people who well I guess it depends on what you're doing I think this in the context of guys though that's what I'm thinking so maybe it's not but I I remember when I used to like mute someone's stories but I it was usually like a guy and but I would still go back and like look at them please just enough I don't even know what else to say other than we can't be wasting our time watching other people it comes back to like it's either you or them it's either you or them you are really going to tell me that you're going to sit throughout your day you're going to go out of your way to go type in somebody's name that you muted to go look at their stuff who gives an F who gives an f about what they're doing I promise you they're not doing anything that you need to know about not a single thing and quite frankly if you've muted their stories for a reason you're probably trying to avoid them or trying to avoid triggering yourself so stop doing it okay you will not be uh triggered or they will they'll be irrelevant if you make them okay so yeah that's all I'm going to say about that someone said going to bed late being stressed about finances side note about being stressed about finances do you really think that stressing about finances is going to make your financial situ better the answer is no trust me I've been there so just a reminder anytime that you're stressing it's not going to make it better it is not going to make it better it is not going to make it better I would suggest you go and watch some of my uh Financial videos on YouTube for the podcast sorry I kind of like my brain was not connecting there uh just type it in and I've talked about this before because I've been there like I'm saying this like very quick advice but I get that like I understand that like finances are definitely a stressor but you'll never it's not going to help someone said Doom scrolling right when waking up and right before going to bed replace it with something else if you want to Doom scroll Doom scroll but what you're not going to do is do that first thing in the morning and what you're not going to do is do that like the last thing before you go to sleep so get a book take your phone like use uh the time that you're on on your phone outside of your bed like coming back to the getting up out of your bed before you even touch your phone things like that like replace the Habit we're not doing not someone said avoiding checking your bank account one thing you're not going to do is avoid checking your bank account anymore what you are not going to do is that you know why because you're creating more stress for yourself by avoiding the situation I know this please you can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it you need to have this mindset in your mind you can handle whatever you see you can handle your finances you are somebody who can handle their finances you are somebody who is responsible you are somebody who sits down and makes the budget and can figure it out I promise you that you avoiding your bank account anxiety is 10 times worse be just because you're avoiding it this is not to mean that when you look at it you won't be scared or you won't be a little bit anxious but that anxiety will lessen over time when you start to be consistent with checking your bank account and seeing where you spend your money this is not the Summer where we're going to go broke we're not doing it we're not doing it we're not doing it someone said comparing myself to people on social media yeah you're not doing that either that's not happening talking to men whenever I feel insecure about myself what's the what's on the return on the investment it's shortterm short-term gain babe we know this you're going to feel good for three seconds and then what happens when that guy ends up probably not giving you the attention that you want or you realize this is not the guy that you want attention from or that it's just fleeting so you really sometimes have to think about the consequences of your actions before you do it more than actually just do it on a whim because that's what helps me in the times that well actually that's what helped me for sure when I used to do that kind of stuff is I would remind myself before I did it how am I going to feel when I don't get that text back or when this is no longer making me feel good cuz it's not it's going to feel good for like a second but then it's not same thing when it comes to like binge eating and I know binge eating is way deeper than just even thinking like this and I talk about it in my books so like understand that what I'm saying saying is not as easy said and done but you know just thinking about oh like I really want to indulge in this food okay well you're going to feel good for an hour and then how are you going to feel for the rest of the entire day think about the rest of the entire day think about your stomach think about your mindset think about the way you're going to view yourself think about the habits that are going to follow because you're going to go into this spiral think about every single thing that you're going to feel after you do that it's not going to be worth it so I know it's not as easy as thinking about those things in the moment cuz you you tend to do things um out of a trigger out of a place of just not even thinking but there's definitely sometimes where you can kind of think about those things and I think even when it comes to like texting like think about it like before you text that person how are you going to feel afterwards how are you going to feel tonight when you go to sleep how are you going to feel tomorrow when you wake up someone said never knowing what I want and feeling incapable of being successful well if you continue to tell yourself that you're going to be incapable of being successful you won't be successful so like if you're struggling with being successful in your life what are you telling yourself about if you can you have to tell yourself that you can I don't care if you believe it or not you're going to be successful what are you going to do obviously you're going to be successful you're going to show up you're going to get it done you're going to find the job you're going to get the money you're going to get the whatever you're going to get we know this like let's remember Our Truth we know this it's going to happen so what is the point on having these thoughts this is what you know what this is what I was thinking the other day when you you need to become the Observer of these thoughts okay what you guys do so much and I've been a victim of doing this as well and I have to remind myself of this so when I say you guys it's me as well but I'm speaking to you guys what you guys do is you have these thoughts right these negative thoughts and you forget that they're honestly just little dark clouds sometimes in the sky and that you can let them pass but what you do is you completely attach your entire identity to this this cloud and you let this Cloud bring you on a freaking world tour and allow you to spiral and you all you allow This Cloud meaning your negative selft talk your doubts [ __ ] that's not true about you you let that determine your worth you let that make you like decide who you are in your life and you don't have to do a single thing you need to detach from that cloud when you have a doubt when you have something that's not serving you we know by now it is not our truth enough enough with the stressing enough with the second guessing the comparing it's all [ __ ] we know that so when we see or feel or hear or observe these negative thoughts cuz they come you know especially if you're trying to reprogram your mind it comes they get less and less but they're still sometimes there what you need to do is understand it's just a cloud detach yourself from it stop making that a part of your identity it's not your identity and let it pass let it pass and it's going to take some time because what you're going to do is you're going to realize that you've spiraled into that cloud you're not even going to realize that you're in that cloud until you're goddamn in it and you have to freaking pull yourself back out but understand you have the control to let the cloud pass become the Observer just observe it oh my god wow that's in that's a rude thought that's an irrelevant thought that's just thought that doesn't serve me I choose to respect my time I choose to respect myself and my truth and what I'm not going to do is go in that spiral I'm I'm good I'm good on that okay so when you have those doubts that shitty like a negative self-concept that keeps coming back up Let it pass stop attaching yourself to everything stop attaching yourself to people who are not serving you stop ruminating in what someone said over here that's not favorable to you and I even think about this when it comes to like negative comments on social media I have a choice every single time I get something that is not favorable I can sit there and I can dwell in it and I can fall into it and I can spiral about it and I can just second guess or I can observe it for what it is which is nothing to do to with me nothing to do with me and continue on with my life it's my choice anyways that was a little bit of a rant someone else said eating too much processed foods because I'm too lazy to cook something listen you need to create one hour out of your day to cook something for yourself and I'm saying this to myself honestly because cuz this is ridiculous it's really ridiculous you can find time in your day to make food and I know this because like the way that I make everything so much more difficult than need be when realistically what it takes for me to make let's say a processed meal is honestly like not as much shorter of time than it would to just make like a healthier meal like sometimes when I'm like even and I even think about this when it comes to oh my God okay I think about this when it comes to Uber Eats or even if I'm going out to like go eat something which I do a pretty good job at eating at home so I don't really have too much of this issue but when it comes to Uber Eats like okay you this because this is sometimes what we do oh well I don't want to cook like I don't want to clean I don't want to cook I don't want to whatever and I'm just going to order food okay because like it just takes too much time or something but actually it would take you less time to cook a damn meal at home than it would to find what it is that you actually want from Uber Eats for you to put in the order for you to wait for the order for you to have to go downstairs or get out of your bed to go do it and then eat it like you could have made a whole meal in that time so enough with that and thinking about some of your toxic habits probably that you have throughout the week you have enough time to make food and that's that and if you have to wake up 10 extra minutes early so you can make breakfast instead of going to Tim Horton every single morning to get a bagle that's not even good for you you need to do it like what are we doing someone says always thinking someone else knows the answer I definitely need to make an episode about this because this has definitely been my struggle in my life for sure but I'm just this is what I'm going to say use this as the cloud situation cuz you are very obviously aware that you tend to think that everyone else knows the answer when you clearly know that not everyone knows like nobody knows the nobody knows what the [ __ ] going on by the way like even me I'm speaking out of experience and this that but the end of the day it's like it's your life you have to decide what goes understand that understand that until the day you pass over okay you will know you can get guidance you can get inspiration you can get motivation but at the end of the day stop putting people on pedestals stop putting people on this like Godlike I don't know a stage like oh my God they they do it the right way or like they know they no they don't decide please decide and then someone also said skipping self-care so listen we have a lot of toxic habits that we need to break one thing I just want to remind yourselves yourselves remind you guys of and remind myself of is at the end of the day what we are not going to drop is self-love okay loving ourselves through the process of dropping habits loving ourselves through the process of evolution and growth and changing and you know being grateful for oursel like all of it every single thing we need to love ourselves through this this is not a time for us to be tyrants to hate ourselves to ruminate on the things that we're not doing to continue to ruminate on things if we don't show up 100% this is just a kick in the ass that we need but at the end of the day we need to love ourselves through the process and we need to be proud of ourselves okay be proud of yourself for whatever you have done I don't give an f if you haven't even done much okay that is something that I have been even forgetting as much as yes I have been disrespecting my time and my energy and my money and this that in many ways I've also been not acknowledging how amazing I am I have not I've been disrespecting the fact that I have worked so hard to get where I'm at in my life and I just when I mean disrespect I just mean haven't been acknowledging that okay so I want you to also acknowledge the things that you do do the things that you do continuously show up for for yourself and that you will continue to do it because you always will because it's you duh okay so anyways that's going to be it for today's episode I hope you guys enjoyed if you're watching on YouTube don't forget to subscribe leave a like and a comment down below let me know what you want to hear next let me know what you liked about this episode if you're listening on Spotify don't forget to follow the podcast because some of you guys are not following and that way you will always like have my podcast just showing up and if you want to leave me a five star review I would love it I would love you so that way this podcast can get out to more people because one thing that we are doing is we are going up this summer okay Mind Body soul I love you guys and I'll see you the next one bye