hello fellow engineers and welcome back to turmoil it's dripping the logo is dripping anyway this is the deeper underground DLC We are continuing the campaign and we didn't end too well last time we've only got 21 Grand to play with a lot less than our Rivals ooh look that could be an interesting upgrade though switching speeds quicker so when we want to sell petrol instead of oil I mean for now I might just keep my money and we'll go to the land auction looks like there's only four spots left so there will actually be some bidding going on this time I think that is the most profitable one yeah I think one of these two is what we want let's go for that one we may get out bid yeah we did oh Bulls everyone wants these two so the numbers here are how much oil was there so these have all been mined we're just trying to get the ones next to like the biggest number yeah I'm going to bid on that one and oh someone about bid me again oh no five grand so I got to pay six grand to get this one I think it's worth it I think it's worth it hopefully that was worthwhile but right let's dig so this is where we start I think we're going to start off with a couple of Dowsers actually three Dowsers is always good and when they do find some oil they should start doing some waving which means I can buy an oil rig here look we got one over here so we'll shove that where he is and then we'll start drilling down looks like the guy next to him has found something as well oh look we are straight into the oil okay so we'll get a horse for 150 quid and then we'll start selling oil over this side cuz that's quite a good price one quid so maybe we'll Branch off over this way oh look there's more over there as well yeah we'll Branch over this way trying to find this oil I assume there's going to be nothing that high up so this is probably going to be straight down we drill down oh yes there's some more oil there it is I tell you what I might get another horse and then I might upgrade that pipe just cuz there's two oil nodes going into that and we got two horses so this shouldn't over over top and price is dropping a little bit though so I might want to think about getting a silo yeah that is in I'm going to stop selling there that's a bad price left is pretty low as well so we're just going to store the oil for the meantime um and while that's happening let's get a few moles down here so these uncover the ground mole bloody mole we're not supposed to talk about the bloody mob they cost 100 quid each but you'll see as the as they work they these little triangles they like dig a little hole so you can get a little sneak peek as to what's behind now by the way the devs very kindly donated 11 steam keys for the full game and both DLCs which I'll be giving away in My Weekly Newsletter on Thursday just sign up at the link below go to the archive open last week's newsletter and vote in the poll within that newsletter basically we give away a steam key every week to one of those who voted in the previous week's poll yeah next week we'll be giving away 11 copies of the full game and both DLC plus you get to read loads of good engineering stuff anyway oh look there's water down there so we can make petrol so if we build that there here we can probably start selling over on the left now I'll put two horses over there but yeah if we drill this down we got to turn this Silo into a Refinery and then connect the water to it right let's sell three over there now cuz that's some decent money for oil but yeah petrol is worth way more I tell you what I'll get to about there and then I'm going to convert this into a silo and then we've just got to connect that up over that way which means when I connect this down here to the water this will have oil as well as water in it which basically means I can start refining and it won't overheat oh it's overheating there's not enough water let me turn that node off and then we can start refining there we go I'm going to switch this one on the right to petrol I'm actually going to switch the left one to petrol as well but yeah we need to get some more oil in order to keep refining so let's go I imagine that there's going to be oil right if I drill that over that way 500 quid that's a long way to drill let's stop refining a second cuz we are out of oil it's all good oh the oil's about to over top you got to leave fre horses oh no we got spillage oh we're got to get fined we're going to get fined for that yeah I think I need I need a few more horses to help deal with all this I have two selling the rest will just move the oil now by the way we're out of water down here so we need to try and find some more water we also need to stop refining until the oil gets in I'm going to shove a few more moles down the bottomly we know that there's oil there I think he's pointing at that one can you see there's a rock above it though drilling through Rock costs a lot of money so I imagine that goes goes the whole way across you can see a little bit there as well so we're probably going to have to dodge that if we can all right there's more water I can see more water so let's take that down to there oh we went through a rock oh that's costing money that is costing money oh look how big this oil is there as well maybe it is worth just drilling through that um I'm going to take that up to there as well but yeah from this point we can go down to there but there's a lot of oil here so I think we're going to upgrade that pipe we've only got until December it's already July I'm also going to upgrade all my wagons as well just so they can carry more um price on the left is bad we are we are refining again we need more oil though I might actually get another rig here and just send this straight down this water I'm going to go up that way just so we've got more Ian we got loads of water at the moment so we do one not to there that's still refining well I'm going to take this one down to there as well start selling over on the left I think get some more horses cuz horses can store oil right then it's just a case of trying to get all this oil out the ground in time I might have to upgrade all this cuz there's so much oil down there we'll upgrade all of these pipes to a level three thickness oh look you can see this is a chunky old pipe now so that is really sucking that oil out that is good I just wish the petrol prices were a bit higher oh look there's oil there as well let's get another horse down spillage oh no I might have to switch to oil on the left just to sell it we can't refine fast enough oh we're spilling again we're spilling everywhere all right sell some oil sell some oil get more horses that one spilling as well no oh we're going to be fine so bad all right there's more oil here though I got to get it I got to get it all right there you go R into more oil I'm going to upgrade that pipe as well just so it comes up quicker that's overheating okay stop refining we're out of water now the only other water is all the way over there so I think what I'll do I'll just sell oil I mean 120 isn't a bad M price we're in the final month now so we're all just selling oil yeah prices are still Rising so you can see that one filling up there that's all of it done we can't refine any longer cuz there's no there's no water left I mean there is water there but I can't get to it how did we do oh we did really well we missed a few a few shallow wellsly yeah find 2 and a half grand for this Village but look at the profit oh you can see like how you spent everything I spent everything on pipes Man Loves a pipe right anyway how do we DEC compare to everyone else amazingly we're back in the game and we've just unlocked a whole new land so yeah obviously we have no information of like what's going to be a good plot or not so I guess we just pick like a random one so they're going down there you're going up there I guess we'll go like over this way just so we're a bit different oh we've just been given some Dynamite by Dynamite Dale anyway let's head into this shop so this is like all the this is silos we can increase the timer before it spills can add more branches to our pipes and we've also got some Refinery stuff so we'll get more petol out of the oil with that one and then durability increase the time before it overheats I think let's go with Refinery efficiency and then I might upgrade the moles to uncover 12 cells rather than nine I do I like the mes to get more value out of them I think is a good idea I'm going to have a quick a quick little gamble as well just in case we got to try and get 21 so we roll again I think we get three rolls just got to blow on it give it a shake and then we're ready to roll come on 18 okay this is our last goat this our last goat so we do three shakes three for the win come on 21 oh we got 12 right stop playing such a waste of money that anyway on to the next land um we'll get a couple of Dowsers and then I might just go with some early mes now they've been upgraded quite a bit they are probably worth going for now we wait to see where the oil is so oh look found some oil on the left already so let's get our first drill there oh they found oil as well apparently so there we go I'm going to try and save that water maybe maybe for a refiner maybe it's better to have that over this way cuz there's like it looks like there's two waters over there I'm going to do another mole a bit higher there I know there is oil there cuz the dowser I think what I want to do over here let's get an oil rig I guess there we then want to I mean we should probably get some oil first if I put a few nodes in we should be able to get a silo and then turn that into a Refinery so 250 quid to turn that into a Refinery think we then want to start drilling oil here I'm going to reduce the number of horses over that side in a second get another horse as well yeah let's reduce that now right I need to get a load of pipe into the water and then I'll keep this spurting in the water cuz that will make pipes cheaper but I got to take this like under here go around this oil up to there right so then we can start a refining so I'm going to switch the shop on the left to petrol and yeah you can see this filling up with water water so we can start refining then we'll switch the other shop to Petra as well and then we just got to try and keep on top of all this let's upgrade that pipe so we can suck this out a bit quicker and then we can Branch over to this side as well oh no Branch limit I think Branch limit upgrade is something I might need to invest in right then we want to sell petrol on the right not the left and then I'll invest in a few more moles just to see what's a bit deeper right I can see some oil down that way there is looks like there's a lot of rock in the way actually yeah so I can see the rock there what I might do go over go over this way so maybe like here on if I just unblock that I can make this cheaper yeah drill up that way oh we sell Petra on the left sell Petra on the left not the right FL no look at the price look at the price I reckon then go down to that oil as well then just upgraded this pipe so we can get that oil out quicker there's now oil down here um we're out of water so I'll drill down to there keep refining swap the shop drops over to the right cuz that one's now worth more let's just play it safe there and get another refinery in let's connect to that maybe that will help just going through it and there seems to be oil flowing in every direction so that's good at least if I just unblock that I can upgrade that for cheaper yeah I need to keep on blocking the water just to be able to upgrade stuff for cheap left is going up now so we'll start selling over to the left cuz we're filling up yeah price is starting to flying out let's get a few more horses we look right price is increasing fast still not as good as left although now it is so now we swap over Ms haven't really uncovered anything else surprised by that oh man look at the petal price on the right it's insane we need this to refine faster refine faster man what is it November are we actually I think we're going to run out of all the oil now looks like we might break the 30k mark which ain't bad all right here we go so we missed one little bit of oil down there but that's pretty much it we didn't get didn't get much oil out there either still 33 Grand profit no spillages this time and how did we do compared to everyone else we beat everyone decent now I've developed a new drill upgrade that helps you see underground ooh so where is that this is the pipe reveal range oh look at that 10 grand I got 44 Grand I think that's probably a worthwhile investment we'll go for that and then I really I really want this Branch upgrade so we can connect five pipes to one node now I think that's going to change everything that is all of our money gone pretty much and oh we got a balloon we're going off in the balloon so this is like a research area looks like there's a few spots of water what what have we going to do this is like a separate sort of mode this is like a research a research area I think here right if we go over to there I mean we're going to have to drill down to this whatever we do looks like we got to get down to 200 M oh look there's water over there should I go over to the water do I always go to the water yeah let's do it I can see there's a rock down there as well don't want to go through that oh so I'm selling water a yes look we found some we found some water down there so we'll head down that way with a discount cuz the water oh we're drilling through some rock not ideal we at 81 we got to get to 200 M that is so deep there's 100 yeah I guess the aim is just to get down and try and get as much water as you can so let's go for that bit there oh no there's hard rock so we've got to use Dynamite on those so I've just sent my my Dynamite mold down ready run away mole run away Bo all right so now hopefully we can continue our dig yes and we're down to some new water so let's just close the valve oh there's 200 M right I can see some rock there some water there so let's go let's turn the water on so it's cheap we'll go wide like over to there and then we'll go straight down to that water nice and then we can just go down to 200 M decent we gain 30 grand conclude that research we got 30 grand oh we shared it cuz someone else was doing it as well apparently Oh look The May they're selling their stocks place a bid for 4% so I get 4% of everyone's income I mean 5,000 And1 oh they bid loads oh I'm such a cheap skate I was the lowest anyway I'm getting the mole range upgrade now so maybe I should have done pipe reveal range oh well so last time we're on a 31 there's a 42 there 28 there so let's go this side I reckon then we'll see how we get on so I think just two Dowsers three mes to start that seems to be a pretty good tactic I think I mean I might not even bother doing Dowsers anymore cuz I've upgraded the mes quite significantly all right this guy's found some oil there's a bit of orange there I'm going to I'm going to guess that they're the same thing so let's take that down to there is and oh look at the drill uncovering the land oh so oh is this the oil oh my goodness it's the motherl look how big it is that's what she said okay so we're going to need at least one horse right price is pretty good right that is so much oil that will keep us busy for a long time there's also something down there which could be oil could also be water so we'll see oh remember I can Branch now as well let's just go across to like there I don't want to go too far but if I do that and it ends up being water I can just block it there no it is oil yeah that's fine we'll get a few more horses keep selling on the right that's a good price there's no water the MS have found at the moment all right let's get another Refinery up here go down just a little bit hopefully we can find some oil there where that guy's waving yeah look there it is and we've got a branch here so we can go over that way uh we then want to swap the horses to the left shop maybe buy another horse as well the right one looks so efficiently laid out that can't just be me right right price is very much dropped left is still okay I might want to think about getting a silo in I mean I can see water down there as well actually so if we were to get a silo let's say that I want to stop selling left and right so we'll start storing this I think what I might do as well if I come over this way and oh man there's more oil there as well Blom out I can then take this down to the water yeah sell a few more over on the left then I can upgrade this to a Refinery I want to make sure it's not full though okay so we then upgrade that we then bring that up that way then there's water going in I do need to I do need to stop that though actually I might do that and then connect these around just while they're cheap yeah we'll start refining I'm going to swap the shops to the left and then I'll swap the left one to petrol right then I can put that on there so that the water's just going straight to the refinery swapping the right shop to Petra as well and I'm just going to dig finding all the water down here and then I might keep this left one getting some more oil so maybe I'll take this like down that way then oh sell Petra on the the on the right that petal price is insane all right so whilst this is cheap cuz it's connected up let's drill over that way I can then stop that water then hire a mole or two just to go a bit deeper let's just get the water back on and then upgrade all of these pipes right okay now swap cuz the left side is way more money right nice oh look there's more oil down there as well okay so we take that one off we bring that straight down like that and then we lock that again yeah it's all about getting your water onto make everything cheap I think that's what I failed to do earlier there's so much oil coming up there I might actually need to like either get another Silo in or just start selling oil oh no we've spilled we've spilled it's cuz our solo is refining too slowly oh my goodness and we just invest all in horses we sell oil over on the right fetra on the left I might have to upgrade these pipes over here as well I mean or I just do like another another drill down that way 500 quid 120 quid saving if I get the water on there and at least this oil here has like another way out all right so now I'm just selling oil cuz it's pretty good price I could just stop everyone doing that and then just fill up the silo quickly so start refining all right then we sell oil again and we sell petrol again and then right we're just selling petrol cuz look how cheap the oil is on the right we can't refine it fast enough again I mean I might have to sell some oil just so that there's that we don't spill again right let's sell oil as as well now prices oh we're overheating pause yeah out of water all right so no more selling that I mean actually let's just Swit switch that to to oil sell sell sell sell sell everyone sell right oh my goodness we made 50 Grand and we missed like three oil nodes there was so much oil there look how much money we made all right so now we can buy some stock so last time they went for 17 grand so what if I put in maybe 19 just to make sure I get them so everyone else put in oh they're coming up higher they're coming up higher no we're good we're good so we have some stocks now if we have a quick look at the land auction yeah look I was on a 56 oh my goodness so everyone's going to be trying to bid around me but right for now we'll leave it there I hope you guys enjoyed I'll say peace love and slippy old oil bye guys