Transcript for:
JoJo's Q&A Session

hello I can't theet not yet he goes in for the engager three JoJo pun again and again and again and again he brings Cloud n back from the edge what if we all just pissed in the same stall isn't that kind of like team bonding if you think about it or no hello what's your Gamertag JoJo pan any me meaning behind that uh my sister made it a long time ago for my Snapchat so I just kept it your Snapchat when I was like in G middle school or something okay so if you guys want the Snapchat there you go no no I change it now okay what's your real name Joseph how old are you um I'm 19 how tall are you maybe like 66 67 uh-huh where are you from Toronto favorite place in Canada favorite place like City Place yeah Toronto mhm brothers and sisters yeah I have one sister is she a gamer not really she doesn't really good how long have you been a gamer I've been Pro for like three years now a gamer I don't know honestly maybe since I was three I was like playing on the DS when I was like three years old playing Mario so I guess like 16 years okay you hit the next question with that good first game you played competitively fortnite favorite Esports to watch probably League favorite top player going up ninja ninja no I'm kidding uh favorite top player yeah like what what do you mean by top like just like a pro like a in any game any game that's hard I don't know uh I'll just say ninja [ __ ] it Ninja favorite streamer to watch that's hard I'm not sure favorite streamer to watch maybe Kai okay favorite C9 player any game any game you cannot say yourself welome thank you mhm how long have you been playing League I've been playing League since season 4 actually I've been playing for a while damn favorite Champion favorite Champion probably silus red or blue side red side if I'm 5p cuz I'm really useful in 5 use them well favorite skin the salad skin I don't know which one it's called but if f one yeah that one the blue one mhm the first rank you got in League I think I was silver in my first promos I think I went like I don't remember four and six and I got silver I think first main first main I think was yasua or is that makes sense mhm best player in scrims um probably me best player in scrims um probably anyone besides me or BL what do you hate seeing people do in rank just being bad and then typ being like if you're bad and then new type it's just like do one you know either be bad or be good or in type so what streamers are you subed to I don't think I'm subed to any streamers do you have Prime I think so but I don't think I use it I don't know it's a waste of money favorite movie favorite movie is probably Inception favorite show I haven't watched the show in a while maybe breaking bed favorite anime I never really gone to anime maybe like Avatar but I only watched it on TV whenever it came up so dogs or cats dogs favorite type of food favorite food any good food honestly I like every food if it's good American Italian Korean Chinese goes on forever if I had to choose one maybe like Korean K barbecue favorite Red Bull flavor the normal one just the normal sugar what is it the blue one mhm have you ever tra traveled overseas where have you been I've been to a lot of countries honestly I've been to America Mexico Israel Palestine turkey Lebanon Cuba that's that's all I can think of right now mhm dream destination like vacation or what dream destination what does that mean like vacation yeah dream vacation I don't know I want to go someplace like exotic since I'm in Canada and it's cold like a island I don't know maybe Fiji or something somewh hot and nice on a scale from 1 to 10 how many fingers can you bend like Bend like this I don't know what it means I guess all my fingers I can bend on my fingers amazing I'm not crippled best champ in the game oh like design wise I think I don't know maybe like Zed worst champ in the game design wise maybe like Yumi y yeah probably Yi mhm best ability in the game I hard I'm not sure maybe like TFW I don't know your out that's it we're done you're done yeah nice [Applause]