Mastering the Art of Powerful Speaking

Sep 29, 2024

Notes on Tanya Cushman’s Presentation on Powerful Speaking


  • Emphasis on the human voice as the most powerful instrument.
  • The voice can evoke strong emotions and actions, such as starting wars or expressing love.
  • Many people feel unheard when they speak.

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip
    • Speaking ill of those not present.
    • Creates distrust and division.
  2. Judging
    • Makes it hard for others to listen when they feel judged.
  3. Negativity
    • Constant negativity is difficult to listen to.
    • Example: Personal anecdote about a negative interaction with the speaker's mother.
  4. Complaining
    • Seen as a common cultural habit (especially in the UK).
    • Spreads misery instead of positivity.
  5. Excuses
    • Avoiding responsibility makes listening difficult.
  6. Embroidery
    • Exaggeration diminishes language effectiveness.
    • Example: Overuse of the word "awesome".
  7. Dogmatism
    • Confusing opinions with facts reduces effective communication.

Four Cornerstones of Powerful Speaking: HAIL

  • H: Honesty
    • Be clear and truthful in your speech.
  • A: Authenticity
    • Be true to yourself, stand in your own truth.
  • I: Integrity
    • Honor your word and be trustworthy.
  • L: Love
    • Wish well for others and temper honesty with kindness.

Tools for Effective Communication

  • Voice Register
    • Use different voice registers (higher, lower) to convey power.
  • Timbre
    • The quality of your voice can be improved through training.
  • Prosody
    • Varying tone and rhythm adds meaning to speech.
    • Avoid monotone delivery.
  • Pace
    • Adjust speed to emphasize points.
  • Silence
    • Use silence effectively; it can be powerful.
  • Pitch
    • Vary pitch to convey emotion.
  • Volume
    • Adjust volume to capture attention or convey emphasis.

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

  • Suggested exercises to prepare the voice before speaking:
    1. Arm stretches with deep breathing.
    2. Lip trills (bop, bop, bop).
    3. Tongue exercises (la, la, la).
    4. Rolling R's.
    5. Siren exercise (we... or).


  • The current communication environment is filled with noise and distractions.
  • Advocating for a world where people speak powerfully and listen consciously.
  • Importance of creating environments conducive to effective communication.