Revelation 12: Prophecy and Fulfillment

Aug 5, 2024

Lecture Notes: Revelation 12 and the Nuremberg Connection (Part 2)


  • Speakers: Sheila and Jeremiah
  • Acknowledgement: Thanks for messages of love and encouragement after Part 1.
  • Rob Skiba: Gifted public speaker, actor, author, and researcher.
    • Ministries, podcasts, radio shows, public appearances.
    • Published books, videos, guest appearances.
  • Sheila: Background support, not a public speaker, grieving the loss of Rob.
  • Jeremiah and Family: Support for Sheila.
  • Upcoming Parts: Parts 3 to 6 will follow soon.
  • Rob's Other Projects: Including Seed.

Key Themes

  1. Multiple Fulfillments of Prophecy
  2. Abomination of Desolation
  3. War in Heaven
  4. Reasonable Case by Preterists

Multiple Fulfillments of Prophecy

  • Concept: Prophecies may have more than one fulfillment over time.

Abomination of Desolation

  • Daniel 9:27: Establish covenant, desolation in the temple.
  • 1 Maccabees 1:54: Abomination set up on the altar.
  • Matthew 24:15: Abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:4: Exaltation of self above God in the temple.

War in Heaven

  • Revelation 12:3-17: Description of the war in heaven.
    • Characters: Great red dragon, woman, man-child, Michael, angels.
    • Events: Dragon cast out, persecution of the woman, the woman's protection.
  • Outcome: Dragon cast to earth, continued persecution.

Reasonable Case by Preterists

  • Josephus: Varied prodigies before the Jewish rebellion (Wars of the Jews, Book 6, Chapter 5, Section 3).
    • Phenomena: Sword-like star, bright light, chariots in the sky, temple doors opening.
  • Tacitus: Similar prodigies (Histories, Book 5).
    • Events: Chariots in the sky, temple illumination, divine voice.
  • Sefer Yisipin: Medieval historian relays similar phenomena.
    • Events: Star over temple, illuminated temple, chariots and horsemen in the sky, divine voice.
  • Isaiah 66:15: Preterists cite this prophecy, but it is in a millennial reign context - not yet fulfilled.


  • Upcoming Discussion: Another interesting war in heaven event to be discussed in future parts.

Note: Be sensitive and understanding to Sheila's courage in presenting this material.