Study IQ IAS - Secularism of India
- Today's topic: Is India a secular nation?
- Opening quote: "We the people of India..." (Preamble of the Constitution of India)
Preamble of India's Constitution
- India is:
- Sovereign
- Socialist
- Secular
- Democratic
- Republic
- The term "Secular" was added in the 42nd Constitutional Amendment (1976).
- Controversial amendments also took place during the Emergency.
Meaning of a Secular State
- In the Western world, post-Renaissance, the idea of separating religion from politics.
- Separation of state and religion (Negative Secularism).
- India has always had religious governance.
- Secularism in modern India:
- Equal treatment (Positive Secularism)
- No official religion in the Constitution.
Secularism of India
- Article 25 of the Indian Constitution:
- Right to religion.
- Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism considered part of Hinduism.
- Article 16:
- Right to equality in public employment.
- Discrimination in the rights of Dalits.
Raised Issues
- Is secularism only a Western concept?
- The 42nd amendment was a mixed package.
- Attempts to correct some errors through the 44th amendment (1977).
India's Religious Diversity
- Coexistence of many religions and cultures in India.
- Examples of India's Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb.
- History of religious tolerance:
- Ashoka's 12th Rock Edict.
- Akbar's Din-i Ilahi.
- "We the People of India" - the strength of the Constitution from the people.
- India's secularism or religious fanaticism is in our hands.
- Question: Are we truly secular?
Study Material
- Study IQ IAS - Preparation now affordable.
Purpose of the notes:
These notes summarize important ideas about India's secularism to help students gain a better understanding of the subject.