Transcript for:
Talib's Outcry Against Nessel's Prosecution Decision

Rashida Talib as you know is a um congresswoman from uh Michigan and let's put up um uh tb's um first statement this was when uh in response to the um the decision by the Michigan's uh uh uh us attorney uh um to prosecute uh protesters Pro Palestinian protesters uh as opposed to um uh other people and this was uh on September 13th so this was like um about a week ago um nessle filed charges against Pro Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan and uh Rashid TB do you have uh this Matt can you pop this up you mean the the Michigan piece yeah yeah okay so yeah so she was interviewed by the Detroit Metro Times and they asked her a question about what Sam is just describing uh and she said this is a move that's going to set a precedent and it's unfortunate that a Democrat made this move you would expect that from a republican but not a Democrat it's really unfortunate um later she went on to say um about the uh the protest it was very inclusive it was diverse it was very loving when I visited I remember they were uh talking about the Armenian Genocide and what we learned from that it was very powerful I wish uh president Ono this is the president University of Michigan could see his students as people who just want to save lives no matter their their faith or ethnicity um andan she goes on to talk about um uh we've had right to dissent the right to protest this is her the part where she criticizes Nestle the Attorney General of Michigan who is a uh the first chares who is Jewish and she's the AG in Michigan we've done it for climate The Immigrant Rights Movement for black lives and even around issues of injustice among water shut offs uh but it seems that the Attorney General decided if the issue was Palestine she was going to treat it differently and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs and uh that was it that's what she said in this interview back in September 13th and apparently uh Nestle decided to respond to this criticism once uh uh you know I guess the uh the interview was was released with the following uh tweet you have it Matt here it is uh this is again this is a week later um is religion should not be used in a cartoon to imply that she's a terrorist it's islamophobic and wrong so this is there was in the Detroit News there was a cartoon Rashida Talib sitting at a desk the National Review no no no I believe this is the Detroit uh news and the the National Review promoted it oh I'm sorry I'm sorry and um so this is local congresswoman and this is do you have it Matt this is the cartoon if you don't have it it's okay it depicts um I'm sending it now it par it it um depicts TB sitting there with a um thought bubble that says odd my pager just exploded and and uh the National Review I think uh promoted it um but uh it was um I think it was done for the Detroit metro news that is that's I assumed it was the National Review because it's so explicitly racist well they just promoted it because it was so explicitly Rel racist um but uh I think it came from the Detroit metro news which people were rather upset about obviously um and so TB was in a period of getting sympathy from people because of that and Nestle decided Well I got a gripe day right a week after that those comments were made and the day after that racist cartoon came out um it's islamophobic and wrong just as Rashida should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as attorney general it's anti-semitic and wrong now she does not in any way use Nestle's religion doesn't uh imply that she cannot perform she cannot perform her job fairly as a attorney general she's picking out that there is obviously whatever it is some bias that leads her to prosecute Pro Palestinian protesters as opposed to Pro black lives matter protesters or um uh you know uh Pro Clean Water uh protesters or any number of protests that have taken place in Michigan for whatever reason the Attorney General's office decides to prosecute these University of Michigan protesters I imagine in part to basically intimidate people from doing that again uh this fall as they return to school um uh but it's gross and it should be called out and it has nothing to do unless Nestle says it does with her religion like she's the one who's implying it clib never referenced Nestle's Religion she didn't even say it was necessarily Nestle's call she said within the agency potential biases within the agency you're right exactly and so it's not even like she is doing everything she can to to really avoid it being a question of whatever Nestle's individual biases may be and certainly she's not even coming close to ascribing those personal biases or institutional biases to anybody's religion and like like what way could you possibly articulate that it's unfair and wrong and weird that nessle is Prosecuting these protesters who were just as peaceful as any other of the numerous numerous other protesters that have taken place in the University of Michigan and other places in uh Michigan like what other language could you possibly use other than that language to avoid this implication that Nestle projects onto it and then then nessle projects this onto it a week after this interview between that Jewish Insider had picked it up and said in their article essentially that uh in a CNN interview with Jake uh tap the next thing that happens is this interview I'm messing up I'm Ming yeah that that timeline on that thing is wrong so so then Whitmer the governor of Michigan goes on CNN and Jake Tapper picks up the mantle of this complete projection by Nestle and ascribes it to tiip your State's Attorney General Dana nessle charged almost a dozen individuals from the University of Michigan uh over the anti-israel protests among the charges attempted ethnic intimidation assaulting or obstructing a police officer um and and on and on these are pro Palestinian protesters who who are being punished and prosecuted Michigan democratic congresswoman Rashida T who is Palestinian she called the charges from nessle who is Jewish uh shameful andali said quote it seems that the Attorney General decided if the issue was Palestine she was going to treat it differently and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs unquote Nestle responded by saying quote Rashida Talib should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as attorney general it's anti-Semitic and wrong pause it now pause it now when Tapper says to lead up to tb's uh um uh comments that Nestle Jewish he has then contextualized it so that you hear her comments as it being about her being Jewish other than the fact and he doesn't read the other parts about uh BLM that she cites and uh Flint Michigan protests and other protests he doesn't read those he doesn't read that part of the quote because he wants to contextualize it in this way and so his next question to Whitmer really should be why is uh attorney general nessle ascribing this to her Judaism when TB has made no mention of this and what is the justification to prosecute these protesters as opposed to other protesters that's the appropriate question that comes next but it's not go back a little bit unquote Nestle responded by saying quote Rashida TB should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as attorney general it's anti-semitic and wrong unquote um do you think that to leb's suggestion that Nestle's office is biased was anti-semitic listen Jake you know what all I can say is that I know that our Jewish Community is in pain as is our Palestinian and Muslim and Arab communities in Michigan I know that seeing the you know incredible toll that this war has taken on both communities has been really really challenging and difficult and my heart breaks for so many but as Governor my job is to make sure that both these communities are protected and respected under the law in Michigan and that's exactly what I'm going to stay focused on but do you think uh attorney general Nestle is not doing her job because congresswoman TB is suggesting that she shouldn't be prosecuting these individuals that Nestle says broke the law uh and that she's only doing it because she's Jewish uh and the protesters are not that's TB does not say she's only doing it because she's Jewish he just made that up he just made it up because he is so focused on trying to make this about TB being anti anetic as opposed to why are we seeing uh Pro Palestinian protesters treated differently he just said that Talib said it was because she was Jewish and she never even came remotely close to that remotely close to that I mean we would have to believe that if the Attorney General of Michigan was Christian that TB would have never said this is unfair what's going on here here I mean it's just absurd it's absurd but this guy is so focused on making this the issue that he drops that in there all right go back just a little bit and play it again I know that our Jewish Community is in pain as is our Palestinian and Muslim and Arab communities in Michigan I know that seeing the you know incredible toll that this war has taken on both communities has been really really challenging and difficult and my heart breaks for so many but as Governor my job is to make sure that both these communities are protected and respected under the law in Michigan and that's exactly what I'm going to stay focused on but do you think uh attorney general Nestle is not doing her job because congresswoman TB is suggesting that she shouldn't be prosecuting these individuals that Nestle says broke the law uh and that she's only doing it because she's Jewish uh and the protesters uh are not that's quite uh quite an accusation do you think it's true that I've just leveled like I said Jake I'm not going to get in the middle of of this argument that they're having I can just say this you know we do want to make sure that students are safe on our campuses and we recognize that every person has the right to make their statement about how they feel about an issue a right to so uh Tapper fails in trying to get a response to essentially a madeup quote and an implication that Tapper himself has basically promulgated there um once that happens shortly thereafter you see the um you see uh whitmer's office has to put out a statement because now Jake Tapper has elevated this and created an anti semetic event that did not exist um and then promotes the statement in part of this entire sort of like construction of this story missing the entire point of the story which is that there is clearly a difference between the way that Nestle's office has treated these protesters and other protesters uh Jake Tapper uh tweets this out uh about 22 hours ago you got it the statement is um the suggestion that attorney general Nestle would make charging decisions based on her religion as opposed to the rule of law as anti-semitic no one said except for Nestle and Jake topper that it was based upon Nestle's religion he goes on to write attorney general Nestle has always conducted her work with integrity and followed the rule of law we must all use our platform and voices to call out hateful rhetoric and racist tropes yes and how about the racist Trope that if you're Palestinian you uh and are talking about Injustice that that is inherently anti-semitic that's the racist Trope that Jake Tapper and frankly Nestle have also promoted here yeah when Jake Tapper he he mentions the charges up top and he mentions like the ethnic harassment or whatever I'm not sure what the details are and then he says and on and on if he would have detailed a little a little bit more he could have said and trespassing for protesting because the cops said you're done protesting now you need to leave or you're facing a felony and those people are facing felonies for protesting now and and the bias that she's talking about it's actually they're they're displaying their anti-palestinian racism with their assumption because she's essentially saying that Palestinians have been so dehumanized in America that there are biases potential biases that she's alluding to within the Attorney General's office didn't specifically single out the Attorney General in that quote um that caused them to have a discrepancy in this regard it's not what she's implying is not that it's because she's Jewish she's implying that there is broad-based agreement about dehumanization of Palestinians that has made its way into the corners of power and is in endemic to our uh uh to our government at this current moment but the assumption that they're making is the one that I think is uh steeped in big and they're also as you said earlier this is on the heels of her being attacked in a racist manner in the Detroit news and and then the day after the Attorney General putting out a statement and saying she's the victim of bigotry this is such cynical stuff with both Tapper and Dana Bash going uh going along with it well then um the reporter who interviewed it who interviewed TB for uh the Detroit News Steve nebling uh tweets out this he writes I'm the reporter who interviewed Rashida TB she never said nessle did this because she's Jewish never you're spreading lies uh he writes to Jake Tapper and doing a lot of that too there's a bunch of tweets like that saying you're lying I was there he's a local investigative reporter and he's like none of that um dog whistling was there at all as evidenced by the fact that there were no quotation marks uh alluding to any of that in the piece but Tapper and other hosts are saying it as if it was a quote here's another one he said the false claims from state senator Jeremy alen Moss attorney general Dana Nestle CNN J Insider Jewish Insider and the adl's green blat um were based on an interview I did with us reper she I know it was said during the interview and it was not what was characterized and then uh to be clear uh Jewish Insider and Josh kosower who also almost like in unison with Jake Tapper doing this interview had had it almost like it was you know locked and loaded burst it out like uh Whitmer won't uh condemn anti-Semitism that really was performed by Nestle and then uh reiterated by Jake topper but nobody else um they then later had to change their story because oh well let's do the Dana Bash uh she she goes on reports the uh claim that Jake Tapper had made um and basically building upon Nestle's claim all of which was false here's Dana Bash and now to a sad reality and that is anti-Semitism is everywhere and it comes from both ends of the political Spectrum but politicians sometimes sidestep calling it out when it comes from a member of their own party we saw two examples on State of the Union yesterday first with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer when my co-anchor Jake Tapper asked about a democratic congresswoman's accusation that the state's Jewish attorney general was letting her religion influence her job this is amazing do you think that T's suggestion that Nestle's office is biased was anti-semitic listen Jake you know what all I can say is that I know that our Jewish Community is in pain as is our Palestinian and Muslim and Arab communities in Michigan congresswoman TB is suggesting that she shouldn't be prosecuting these individuals that Nestle says broke the law uh and that she's only doing it because she's Jewish uh and the protesters uh are not that's quite uh quite an accusation do you think it's true like I said Jake I'm not going to get in the middle of of this argument that they're having and then there was this exchange with Republican senator Tom Cotton yeah so yeah it's both sides I mean contemplate this now we now have multiple cable stories about this we have multiple tweets from a uh from Dana Bash who has 700,000 followers we have multiple tweets from Jake Tapper who has three million followers we have CNN forcing the governor's office to criticize TB for something that never happened accusing her basically implying that she was anti-semitic uh in her statements towards Nestle when there is absolutely not not a shred of evidence of that this has all been made up whole cloth by Nestle and then Amplified and extended by Tapper and Bash and after all of this production we can barely go through it here we're just going through through Snippets right after all this production let's see how Jake Tapper fixes the record this is almost as disgusting as what they originally did I misspoke yesterday when asking a followup of Governor Whitmer who I asked about this I was trying to characterize your views of tb's comments what do you make of those today noting that uh congresswoman to leave never explicitly said that your bias was because of your religion and so it's unfair for you to make that allegation oh that's it that's it that's the correction yeah and then he went on to have her on to continue to talk about that very premise so the the throwaway line was like oh I miss I misspoke I misspoke when she said that it was because when I said that she said that there were biases in your office because the Attorney General is Jewish now let's just move on and continue the segment with the exact same premise of Rashid T being anti-semitic this is the kind of thing that should get people fired um but it won't because of the exact biases that we just laid out before you yeah they're proving the point and it's not that Dan bash and Jake Tapper are Jewish which I don't think anyone would be able to decipher or pick out or whatever it doesn't really matter right it's about what our government and what our institutions are in favor of in the same way that CNN was in favor of uh the all the wars that we've started and their biases were on display in Iraq and in Afghanistan in response to 9/11 it's the same thing as it relates to policy it doesn't have to do with Judaism it has to do with Zionism and militarism as it relates to the Middle East and how our major media institutions help manufacture consent on this front on behalf of our government which is in in in in in a cob entangled in this disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East we obious a little bit more from Nestle 30 seconds if you want to see how the ten let's do this but I mean honestly you could teach uh you probably teach like uh two or three weeks of a media bias course just on this entire uh Saga it's really is fascinating the way that they and remember I mean this has been ongoing for years for years is the 2018 that um uh ilhan Omar was elected to uh the house this is the way that she was greeted with Nancy Pelosi doing the exact same thing to her the exact same thing uh this is prior to October 7 prior to when we were being warned that anti-Semitism is everywhere go ahead well a couple things first of all in 2022 when my uh opponent accused me of being a groomer and a pedophile everyone understood that those were homophobic remarks because I I happen to be gay right I didn't have to explain it to people um Rashida Talib is an individual who is well known for making um inflammator inflammatory and incendiary remarks that are anti-semitic in nature so this isn't the first time um that we would have heard these words out of her mouth I think it's very clear to everybody exactly what she was saying but I think it's very clear what you're doing what you're doing is directing hatred as you cloak yourself in some sort of morality directing hatred and and vile bigotry towards the one Palestinian American representative that we have in Congress and also especially grotesque given the number of C and Arab Americans in the state of Michigan and the fact that she has been a voice for the community that Community which is has zero voice on the national stages we hear about anti-Semitism on college campuses with vague Illusions to students feeling uncomfortable no real full over-the-top examples of it but we just hear about it constantly constantly constantly as elected officials on both sides including this attorney general promulgate anti-muslim Arab anti-muslim anti-arab on a daily basis and then pretend they're the victims it's pathetic y exactly I mean that's that's the problem here Steve eely that journalist um this is the important point a lot of people have been asking me how many other protesters have Nestle charge in her nearly two this is what I wanted to wait a second because this is the this is what Jake chapper should be asking right after this and I will bet everything I own that he doesn't what of the substance the substance of the charges is it the case that you didn't prosecute all of these other protesters is that the case like what makes these protesters so unique if it's not bias let lay out the case that's the question that should have been asked and do we have any more of that thing because I am absolutely sure that's barely touched upon I mean that's the whole point is that the story is not Nestle assumes or wants to say that these attacks are anti-semitic the story is why is she treating them differently why is ACLU Michigan upset with their four all this it's really it's just incredibly offensive and it should be said that continuing to uh insist that the structural biases that our government has against anti-war protesters and anti-genocide protesters in this instance um are the same uh and criticizing that that that that's the same as anti-Semitism and calling that out puts our Jewish brothers and sisters our friends and in and uh our Jewish members of our communities in Peril um because it wrongly ties Jewish people in this country to the foreign policy decisions of zionists who are not interested in making Jewish people safe with their policy they're interested in the American Empire there's a distortion here it's not ethnic religious it is ideological and it is proving itself right in front of our eyes with the way this smear is played out and it'd be nice to have you know I mean I'm great for um Med Hassan been great pushing back on this we need a lot of people um to be so yesterday we did a um I think a long segment on the smearing of Rashida Talib by CNN Jake Tapper Donna bash by uh the Jewish forward magazine by uh the Attorney General in Michigan uh Dana nessle claiming that Rashida Talib said that um her uh they were treating Palestinian protesters differently in the uh Michigan Attorney General's office because she was Jewish she never said such a thing she said they're treating them differently why is there this bias and if you read more into that interview it's quite clear that she's saying there were outside groups who were influencing uh the Michigan AG's office in no way implying that it was personal to Dana Nestle but the fact remains the way they've treated these protesters is fundamentally different Cornell apparently is basically having one of their foreign students deported because they participated in a pro Palestinian rally yeah madut so here is um Dana Bash supposedly they're not issuing a a correction they're issuing a supposed clarification which is really no clarification whatsoever the real story here is why are pro Palestinian protesters being treat treated fundamentally and materially different then BLM protesters then um a Flint Michigan protesters then a series of other protests that have taken place over the past couple years why is it different that is not a question that's being asked instead Donna bash uh basically tries to I don't know justify her repeating the lies from Jake Tapper that clarification on a story we brought you yesterday concerning congresswoman ridita tb's comments attacking a decision by Michigan attorney general Dana Nestle to bring charges against Pro Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan to leave accused Nestle of quote biases here's to Lees full quote to the Detroit Metro Times it seems that the Attorney General decided if the issue was Palestine she was going to treat it differently and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs to leave deposit now like how does she say that Nestles bias when the quote explicitly say biases within the office B continue the Attorney General decided if the issue was Palestine she was going to treat it differently that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs now TB did not reference Nestle Jewish identity her office has not responded to our request for clarity her allies insist that's not what she meant but Nestle still says she believes it is anti-Semitic and repeated on CNN yesterday that quote clearly she's referencing My Religion okay in the same article incidentally the author of this article the interviewer has said like it the interpretation that she says it was about uh Nestle's jewishness is completely wrong she didn't say anything like that from that same Detroit Metro Times piece Talib accused nessle of caving to demands to prosecute from University authorities including Ono and members of the board of regions pointing out that Wasa County Prosecutors could have filed charges but didn't in May Wasa County prosecutor Eli savit brought charges against four people for allegedly resisting obstructing and assaulting police during a protest a u ofm ruthin administration building on nove November 17th but no other charges been filed on the county level since then I think people at the University of Michigan put pressure on her to do this and she fell for it TB says I think president Ono and the board of regent members were very much heavy-handed in this and it had to come from somewhere so it's quite clear what TB is saying was the source of her bias she literally spelled it out in the uh um the interview and I have to imagine that people at CNN have access to the internet which would allow them to see this original reporting and read it instead of like we don't know what she was talking about she won't respond more further so maybe we'll just keep going with this story that we first miss you know completely botched and we'll just run it into the ground I mean you want to talk about an agenda it's quite clear that CNN has their own agenda on this and I doubt very much that Donna bash or Jake Tapper could freelance this unless they were getting a green light from their CNN people but it's gross it's really gross I mean they've changed a subject from Nestle to is to secretly a bigot yep hey folks don't forget to hit the Subscribe button and check out our daily show we do it every day at 12:00 p.m. Eastern for about 2 and a half hours we even take phone calls you should check that out