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Introduction to Control Theory Concepts
Aug 22, 2024
Control Theory Overview
Importance of control theory in autonomous systems
Examples: self-driving cars, building temperature control, distillation processes
Presenter: Brian, Matlab Tech talk
Basic Concepts
Dynamical System
: The system we want to control (e.g., a car)
Control Inputs (U)
: Intentional effects (e.g., steering, braking)
Disturbances (D)
: Unintentional effects (e.g., wind, road bumps)
System State (X)
: Changes over time based on inputs and dynamics
Control Strategies
Open Loop Control (Feed Forward Control)
: Generates control inputs based on desired reference without measuring the system state.
: Driving straight at a constant speed by keeping steering fixed and pressing the accelerator.
Requires a good understanding of system dynamics
Vulnerable to disturbances and uncertainties
Closed Loop Control (Feedback Control)
: Uses both reference and current state to determine control inputs.
: Adjusts control inputs based on deviations from the reference.
: Self-correcting mechanism, improves stability
: Can change system dynamics, potentially making systems unstable.
Types of Feedback Controllers
Linear Controllers
: Assume linear behavior (e.g., PID controllers)
Non-linear Controllers
: Handle non-linear behaviors (e.g., sliding mode control)
Robust Controllers
: Ensure performance under uncertainty
Adaptive Controllers
: Adjust to changes over time
Optimal Controllers
: Minimize cost functions to balance performance and effort
Predictive Controllers
: Use models to simulate future states
Intelligent Controllers
: Learn from data (e.g., reinforcement learning)
Planning in Control Systems
Importance of planning for the control system to follow a reference.
Example: Self-driving cars must plan paths, avoid obstacles, and comply with traffic rules.
Planning ensures that the system can physically follow the desired commands.
State Estimation
Noise in sensor measurements
Observability: being able to measure necessary states
Kalman filter, particle filter, and running averages
Analysis and Validation
Ensuring the control system meets design requirements through:
Stability checks
Performance margins
Simulation (e.g., using Matlab, Simulink)
Key aspects of control theory:
Different control methods (feed forward and feedback)
State estimation
System analysis
Importance of mathematical modeling
Additional Resources
Brian provides links to further reading and resources on various control theory topics.
Mention of organized resources on
Encouragement to subscribe for future tech talks and explore control system lectures.
Full transcript