Transcript for:
Kubernetes and Application Deployment

hi there once again on the lab i just installed it manually you still under kubernetes i applied the vocatio project in even the gateway also i configured also the components of uh of issue that's outside they are all under here rafaela jaeger kia in prometheus and also zipking i install it manually i deploy this booking for application it's pretty simple to run out all of that so right here what we do we go over control that's everything i have installed these two cool then now we are going to i'm going to call the service to check my bookstore i'm going to secure the ratings on the product page expecting the title simple bookstore app simple bookstore app you see from here just extracting that from the html i installed the gateway under the default cali booking for gateway and i'm gonna get the service of the ingress gateway to get the load balancer external ip address this one the if we do describe this gateway you're gonna see the port with leave for the 80 port so this is the way we access our application so this is kind of a border proxy the gateway what it really is so what we do now export take over here that's our url i'm gonna curl it all right if i put some traffic over that like i'll create run it comment pretty simple comment just gonna find something i prepared for you guys preparing a coleman you can do like these are used i want the http code can't get in this running another machine i wander on i can stop it i like to show something off prometheus so here i got to stop it that's prometheus i'm going to create a matrix yamo this is going to be describe it if you check it it's pretty big take a look with the little bit much more calm stuff i'm creating kind of an instance in a handler and a row well last so just create the manifest the matrix ammo it should be under that ready to catch a.m should i gonna go one step over here's my matrix so let me apply it i'm just gonna check my gateway again and i'm going to pour forward the prometheus you guys to see here i'm delivering some traffic when i will put more i just and pull one much more here leave it support forward accessing prometheus 99 hell yeah here we have from ethers let's put an expression here i'm going to choose one thing i already have see a model thing you have a stir oh that's invalid here we can have it if it's loading something didn't find anything i guess here is missing something on my look yeah i guess is that so didn't reach any stuff destination serve ceo say again my product pay.default svc cluster local easter requests total i shoot here let's see i can i didn't choose anything there's no graph and a little history let me check the product page under here do that's correct i'm trying to to get into here product by default svc cluster ah here we have graph all right sorry for the lane four part the mistake no it's having a little bit of traffic on that cool i like to share that also i could have other stuff like i'm going to try another expression i was learning is the rate of the response called this this let's see okay that's my response let's leave that we can create a graph okay now i'm gonna close the prometheus it serves for that tracing stuff stop with that show graffana is now unable to 4.4 pod isn't right let me check graph oh it's not running rafa super cool now showing another dated graffana stuff but that's the strain that's not working i will remove that deployment created let's get into see the logs strain that doesn't work takes some much more time to understand and i go over all the other stuff like the jaeger it's gonna take some more time baby here once it answers i'm going to put forward a jager at that port so i have here services whatever file operation all tags tracing compare that look up for tray cd let's see can find something with it let me check that running still yes you should find some stuff and all those tracing now the other is monitoring logging and tracing i just find that let's close the jager tracing stuff and here i think my opinion the most interesting one which is kiali caliper is not that cali created i don't i'm not going to have the chiali stuff singularly there is no pod of keali just that's why it is enable the portfolio because pod is not running crash loop back off let's wait if they're going to be running we can we can operate under a key audio their eyes not i should install the previous version of easter but not this latest one so and what happens let's see if we're gonna get the pods obviously it's trying to i have the kiali here services of course always works the deployments of the complicated stuff i ended up the lab over here since those comments are not working i will i would run like i have on my local machine which i have is still 10.1 everything works with no problems thanks for watching and see you next step