Basagan ng Trip - Human Rights
- Host: Leloy Claudio, History Professor at De La Salle University
- Show: Basagan ng Trip
- Vlog discussing political/historical issues
- Aim: Examine preconceived notions from different angles
Previous Episode
- Discussed the concept of being Filipino
Current Episode
- Topic: Human Rights
- Objective: Look at human rights from different perspectives
Historical Context of Human Rights
- Greek Influence:
- Stoics: Reason and dignity for all humans
- Early Christian adoption: Humans have dignity as creations in God's image
- Middle Ages:
- Dormancy during the reign of absolute monarchies
- French Revolution:
- Revived ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity
- Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Role of novels in fostering empathy and recognition of human dignity
Human Rights in the Philippines
- Influence of French Revolution on Filipino thinkers like Jose Rizal
- Post-World War II: Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN
Filipino Contribution to Global Human Rights
- Significant Filipino figures:
- Carlos P. Romulo
- S.P. Lopez: Chair of UN Commission on Human Rights
- Organized systems for addressing human rights violations
- Praised as a great leader, comparable to Eleanor Roosevelt
Current Issues
- Criticism of UN Human Rights Council by Philippine officials
- Argument: Human rights laws are not entirely foreign but shaped by Filipino diplomats
- Debate on human rights being foreign vs. local
- Human rights, although of Western origin, are relevant to Filipinos
- Importance: Defending human dignity and rights is essential regardless of origin
- Ending Note: Emphasizes the importance of human dignity and Filipino ownership of human rights concepts.
Contact: For questions or topics to discuss, contact via Twitter: @leloyclaudio