Transcript for:
Goku vs Cell Fight

[Music] [Applause] [Music] just look at him he's standing right in front of cell like it's just another day at the [Music] beach yeah it would almost appear like he's enjoying the moment with all this new control is a Super Saiyan he's by far the best chance this planet has ding [Music] [Music] h [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look he's out he's [Music] right sorry but did you think you had defeated me huh I won't fall for your cheap pranks I knew all along that it wouldn't be that easy to take you out cell I thought it'd be appropriate to play a little joke since you aren't fighting me seriously hey you're holding back as well little by little I shall reveal to you the perfect power that lies within me bring it on I'll try not to disappoint you [Music] yeah so you think that's fast wait until you see [Music] me [Music] Goku [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Goku the edge of the Ring it looks like cells in [Music] control but how come how come dad isn't taking this seriously what well well just as I thought Kakarot and cell are Simply Having Sport with one [Music] another oh you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] good me H me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h all right I suppose that was a good enough warm up yeah now hey what's going on Goku what are you up to yes now we will [Music] see your move of [Music] [Applause] [Music] course [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got a surprise for [Laughter] you mhm you had this plan right [Music] [Music] cell cell has moved to the four corners of the Ring he has the Challenger surrounded it doesn't look good for our spiky-haired hero are we about to witness the first crushing defeat in this competition no way this trick won't work on me we'll see about [Music] that this is the best magic trick I've ever seen okay cell's using my fighting technique now but he should be much weaker since he's divided into four I don't know about that tenen they all look pretty strong to me that creep to think that one of my cells is helping that monster to beat up on my friend Goku has more strength than all four of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] special beam [Music] Cannon [Music] right this [Music] way pull yourself together [Music] cell H I doubt it can't you see that's exactly what cell wants you to think he's playing another one of his tricks on you that's all if you weren't so busy celebrating you would notice that cell's life force has not diminished look he's right no it can't be K on desks that disc is that [Applause] [Music] mine [Music] H nice try Goku the cell from Frieza that's inside me tells me you are trying to draw that disc back this way no [Music] chance [Applause] [Music] it went right through him this time I'll finish you off for [Music] good there's no way you can beat me with your stolen fighting techniques now give up no not yet it's over when I say it's over huh he's concentrating all of his energy into something what's he up to me no you can't put that much power into the Kamehameha it's too dangerous a he'll kill us [Applause] all hey s up [Music] here [Music] but how that blast was too close for you to have possibly escaped I guess it was luck of course you're very lucky but how did you disappear and reappear again a new technique the Instant Transmission instant huh sounds like a useful little maneuver yeah it is you know that blast would have completely destroyed the Earth if I hadn't flown up and diverted it yeah maybe so but I knew you would do something heroic to save it h oh I see so you were counting on me well don't get the wrong idea I don't care one bit about this planet or its filthy people but without it there'd be no one to [Music] kill [Music] where is he he's increased his speed I can't even see where he [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] Goku [Music] [Applause] [Music] a you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] a Goku don't give up Dad hang [Music] [Music] on [Music] hold on what are you doing I am tired of being confined to that ring anyway oh and you might want to tell your friends to clear the area hey get away from The Ring [Music] no how do you like that Goku it's quite an improvement don't you think now the whole desert is our ring let's say the last one standing wins the game I see so it's a fight to the Finish would you have it any other way no I guess not right that's enough talk Goku now it's time to continue the [Applause] game get out of there Goku [Music] [Music] ah [Music] CR [Music] a [Music] come me everyone get down take cover get moving Goku is releasing the kameha Maya Goku wouldn't dare Adit the kameha Mayo wave attack from there he'll destroy the Earth if he dies no Goku no don't do it please Dad [Music] don't no he [Music] wouldn't [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] something's not right it's not over yet I can still sense a lot of energy left in cell's body get away from him Goku Zell is going to regenerate himself [Music] regeneration huh I may not have beaten you with that blast cell but I can sense that your power level has gone down sharply because of it perhaps but you're the one who seems to have trouble catching his breath I Know What You Did you pushed most of your energy into that last attack Goku but I'm still standing and all your powers drained which means your fight is over that's not true I'll show [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] a [Applause] [Music] Goku was counting on that last attack to finish cell off I don't don't know how much longer he'll be able to keep this [Music] up I know you're losing strength dad but you have to keep [Music] going is this battle too much for you Goku [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no [Music] yeah go get [Music] him [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] maybe now you can see how completely hopeless you really are Goku this is my game and I make the [Music] [Music] rules you're right about one thing cell the world does want to see a real champion it's over cell you [Music] win I give up I know how strong you are there's no point in continuing this fight I can't beat you