you doing man cool what's up what you got which ones are they Carolina and Florida how much you want I don't even know these I run like three these keep them I'll be honest I could take them those I about a period I wouldn't do more than 250 you get 160 got them two weeks is that 4 I'll do 420 cash or 480 credit I got you can't do 470 cash High I 260 and 160 420 it's the same thing I'll do 440 it's like 260 and uh 180 you just R 180 on these no man need I don't want to sell these These are look how clean these are I know trust me that's why I want them I know but like0 450 kind of bro you're killing me BR 470 no I can't you're killing me it's a 7 and half too that's a brick size nobody wants that size right 270 180 no bro I'm giving you 270 and 180 450 270 1880 bro you're winning ah you're going crazy right now I paid 260 for both you killing me bro this bad business that's you're doing right here I'm over here giving you a good offer and you over here trying to knock me over the head 450 nobody's going to give you that you know that over here just knocking me over there 46 you just said 460 470 I said bro what's wrong with you bro no said 470 n now I feel like you're trying to play me bro 470 no bro it's bad business bro I got 420 for you now my offer went down I can't 460 keep it appreciate it I got 420 now my offer went down I thought you was cool at first now you like so no 450 N 450 all right I'm playing with you I'm playing with you are you going to keep on N just do 460 no I'm not doing 460 I do the 450 450 you know nobody's going to give you 450 it's 270 and 180 that's what you asked for that's like five less than what you asked for bro you going to trip over $55 this guy's a g bro I know he's a g [ __ ] but he he ain't winning with me he's a g though he going to win in life I see cool n you're not going to win with me though I always win 450 sorry no just $5 wor 70 Sol for this and then 180 on those that's more than payout I don't even want to look up what payout is payout probably L let check Market if you tell me what Market is all right bro this kid right here bro what's your name Stevie look 460 9 my God bro payouts 214 what are you talking about what are you talking about payouts look 16 I know but I could move the 9 and a half I just can't move these think about it I'll do 450 bro I can't I'm not doing more than no I'm not giving more than no sorry think about it I'll take care of her and I'm not giving you more than 450 no nobody's going not even the kids on the corner going to give you more than 450 you w win in life think about it I'm going take care don't say just run 450 you should be happy with the 450 don't over here like like like I'm knocking you over the head bro that's a good offer bro appreciate you how yall doing bro cool how you chill man all together no separate separate talk to me so I got these right here cool yes sir these are all out I'm going to tag them after I got these all brand new all brand new do you have a number in mind uh these I was thinking about 200 220 I appreciate you good looking I wanted like 550 for how much on this like 300 300 cool how much was the eBay you said the bottom this one 225 I'm going to be honest bro I'd probably pass on all of them if I were to take the Kobes Max would be 450 these we pay 160 on these I'd be like two credit 220 cash I'll do 250 credit 180 credit and 500 credit to all of it it's I'm at 830 cash I'll do 900 credit 900 credit yeah these two we just have sizes of and then these kind of dro bro they were going for higher but now they don't I'll look around CR you want me to good I'll keep you here if you want got more yeah these are bet how you doing BR go hold brand new yeah how much you want I don't know great score paying super low on bro uh for both I'm at 220 and 160 380 credit or 420 credit how much have for these 120 160 160 cash or 180 credit uh 220 cash 240 credit so total credit how much is it 380 cash 420 credit we look or two I'm sorry yeah 380 cash 420 credit I'll keep here so 420 900 few moments later how y doing bro welcome back do you have these in no it's just if we have them it's just out there we how much you said he was where mine for your pair these two 420 store credit CR these should be 450 steal yeah you can't do any better even I can't we never get these BR I didn't even know we had this and these our desktop yeah all right I'll take just pay 30 yeah cool I'll bring you and I'll meet you at the register but whenever you get a chance bro he owes us $30 yeah he has 420 credit thank you bro going to go bro I'll just hold down these I couldn't find anything you want keep them is there any lower you would or any better you would do or anything you would do I said 160 I said 220 and I said 450 how much cash out so all of it was 830 yeah see I was trying look for something for did you do 870 I'll do 875 cash all right uh that'll be a check though just to let you know you can go cash it come on bro I seen your videos I know we s we we we got cash I can't it's going to be busy as hell all day that's why I'm going run out do like trust me trust me it's going to be a check I promise it's going to be a check brother it's going I'm not I'm being dead ass serious I'm not I'm being serious I know you think I'm joking it's cuz we buy a lot of shoes now so if it's over 600 we got to write a check you're just how you going to tell me take all right bro I appreciate you sorry about that L can you do a video though for my brother sure [ __ ] all shout out to lims shout out to lims lims Li Lim yeah his name is Danny shout out limbs my boy Danny bro I appreciate you though even though I couldn't buy your boy shoes it's love I appreciate the support good looking bro sir how it going BR appreciate you yeah of course of course oh can I get that bag please yeah trying to sell what you got yeah I got some dunks man brand new yes where' you get them for man I got them at the uh sh store man six which one six I never heard of that six shoe store man six shoe store sh chic chic okay she whatever you need man do whatever you need they legit man it's my magic tool right here is it work let see man it's not going to work for you it only worked for me it's my tool I'm keep it 100 so you're not supposed to put your hands on it don't don't put your hands on my [ __ ] I can't check for myself too you can't see what you looking at nah I'm the person I'm the legit Checker I'm the shoe I'm the shoe head though I'm a sneaker head I'm going with the duns you selling them you bringing them to me okay what you want to do I'm the one that's going to tell you them [ __ ] fake you want to do bro they fake I don't want them bro you fake bro what you mean they they real bro I feel like you get a disrespectful bro I'm trying disrespecting my shoe man I'm a sneaker head too bro probably got more shoes than you at your house bro you probably do [ __ ] you I ain't saying that you check them out bro you don't even need to check just look like dog [ __ ] just look like hot ass what you going to do what you going to do then you I Che all Y what y want to do bro it's only over a it's just a pair of shoes bro you disrespect you talking about bro sh you're being patient how much you thinking can you do like 300 thanks bro thank you guys have it going yeah SP with the ownership champagne packing should text message you for Floyd you should yeah you know my dad Mario oh yeah do boards oh yeah how you doing I do 250 cash three credit not 275 man my all powerful people I don't know you though credit cuz I might want to check something in out too H I'll do three credit let me know I'll let you know when he texts me I get a text just yet so what's up Areo you trying to sell text message tell him Floyd people I'm not going to text him he can text me I'm not going to text him though unfortunately how you doing BR are they used yeah of course how much you want bro I get at least like 180 180 I'll do 180 credit bro for a used pair cash I wouldn't do more than 140 you can't do like 160 cash at least 150 60 all right that's go what's your name Ramy Ramy yeah I'm here with appreciate it bro on bro thank you yeah how many stores you guys have here in La too and then we have one in Virginia so three total three total yeah close that be double that all right guys so this guy right here thought he was going to be able to come in and pretty much just sell these fake C 4S that he had and when I tell you guys these were some of the worst fakes I've ever seen bro they were horrible but I'm going just let you guys watch the clip yeah whoom holy [ __ ] the ho gr he the [ __ ] cause M oh my God mhm where'd you get these dude the plug CH to what oh where well you got good yeah I'd probably just pass for now bro just not somewhere looking for at the moment they look dope though I appreciate you bringing them cool crazy shoe all right this everything yeah they all new all used you new and used new and used okay used like once okay so the only one I know this is a very good sneaker we just don't take designers unfortunately so I would probably pass on them I know these go for a lot though cool cool so that hell is used brand [Applause] new all right it's got to be a athlete shoes it's got to be it's got to be size 15 he took very good care yeah for sure we've been here since 16 okay it used to just be that side that room and then we got this place next door and then made a hole in the wall so yeah we've been here for like 7even years uhhuh yeah these brand new sure that was so this is a very good shoe like I said we don't take it without the original box but I could take this one just cuz it's a good shoe so I can include it if you want I see us one and use yeah all right cool let me see what I can do you were looking for cash right or store all right so I'll be honest I could take them all like I said there's a few of them we typically wouldn't take um just like the dunks and Etc but for everything if I were to do it I'd do 1,00 cash or300 credit so I can tell you which ones were like lower than others if you want to take a few out but that's what I'd be at for the the total okay decent yeah for sure hey how you doing cool we're not taking anything without the Box unfortunately try Second Street right acoss the street you what up bro how are you bro good problem what's the problem I had the same shoe he had and I have a new one yeah said 7t 750 for that new one and what about the other new one that I have wait wa wait wait what why you coming for me like this two shoes these These are better shoes you you have to understand what this is though this is a tra I have the same shoe you don't have this one okay well maybe I don't have that I'm going to be nice with you but you don't have this one one you have this one you have let's let's look at the one you have mhm going look how Ed this one is compared compared to the okay well it is used uh it's it's it's pretty used that's why so that's why I wouldn't do you dirty trust me I appreciate you I'd pass on all of it other than that okay appreciate it come on it's no worries I can help you to the car if you want come on let's go appreciate you anyways [Music] a